金田一京助 [ほか] 編
金銅 英二
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎咬合学会
日本顎咬合学会誌 咬み合わせの科学 (ISSN:13468111)
vol.35, no.1-2, pp.88-93, 2015-04-25 (Released:2016-06-17)

金沢 憲一 中川 歩 三浦 崇
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.63, no.1, pp.70-75, 1997-01-05 (Released:2009-06-30)
5 4

Mechanical properties of sweet potato are examined experimentally by compressive tests. And the computer simulation is conducted using FEM, on the separating process that sweet potato is cut by a knife-edged cutter with flat blade. The results obtained are as follows : (1) The calculation result almost corresponds to the process which sweet potato is separated by the preceding crack caused by a cutter except initiation. (2) The variety of cutting force is also the same as the experiment on each blade angle of a cutter. (3) In calculation, the effect of blade angle on two factors, the peak of cutting force and the cutting energy, is similar to the experiment. But both calculated values are higher than the experiment due to the high frictional coefficient between the separated surface and a cutter, which is obtained by a simple frictional test.
城戸 佐登子 林谷 秀樹 岩崎 浩司 OKATANI Alexandre Tomomitsu 金子 賢一 小川 益男
The Japan Society of Veterinary Epidemiology
獣医疫学雑誌 (ISSN:13432583)
vol.5, no.2, pp.77-87, 2001

1995年2月~1995年6月の5ヶ月間に, 関東地方1都6県の51動物病院で, ならびに1997年10月~1998年3月の6ケ月間に, 関西, 中国地方を中心にする1都2府10県の25動物病院で, カルテから選んだ15歳以上の犬および猫 (以下, 長寿犬または長寿猫とする) と, 1994年4月~1995年3月の1年間ならびに1997年12月~1998年10月の11ケ月間に, それぞれ上記の51と25動物病院に来院し, 5~9歳で死亡した犬および猫 (以下, 対照犬または対照猫) について, 性, 年齢などの宿主要因や食事や散歩などの飼育状況などについてアンケート調査を行い, 各項目についてオッズ比を算出し, 長寿に関連する要因の抽出を試み, 以下の成績を得た。<BR>1) 長寿群と対照群との間で, 犬では, 品種, 避妊の有無, 飼育の目的, 飼育場所, 散歩の頻度, 同居動物, 食事内容, 牛乳の給与および間食の項目で, 猫では, 性別, 避妊の有無, 飼育の目的, 飼育場所, 同居動物, 食事内容, 牛乳の給与および間食の項目で, 両群問に有意差が認められた。<BR>2) 各項目ごとに長寿に関与するオッズ比を算出すると, 犬では「雑種」, 「毎年予防接種をした」, 「毎日散歩をした」, 「同居動物がいた」, 「食事として手作り調理を与えた」および「牛乳を与えた」のオッズ比がそれぞれ3.36, 2.40, 3.21, 2.44, 2.46および3.75で有意に高く, 「室外で飼っていた」が0.25で有意に低かった。猫では「雌」, 「同居動物がいた」, 「食事として手作り調理を与えた」および「牛乳を与えた」のオッズ比がそれぞれ5.16, 2.32, 2.34および2.00で有意に高く, 「室内外で自由に飼っていた」が0.41で有意に低かった。<BR>3) 以上の結果より, 長寿に関与する項目として抽出されたものは, 犬猫ともに飼育者が飼育動物に対して行っている適切な健康管理や飼育管理の項目がほとんどであり, 長寿な動物は飼育者から飼育や健康管理に手をかけられたものであることが明らかとなった。得られた成績は, 今後のコンパニオンアニマルの飼育や健康管理を考える上で貴重な基礎知見になるものと考えられる。
金藤栄孝 二木 厚吉
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.45, no.9, pp.2124-2137, 2004-09-15

Dijkstraのgoto文有害説とそれに引き続く構造的プログラミングの提唱以降,goto文の使用に関する問題は永く議論された.goto文の使用法に関し理論的裏付けを持つ研究としては,逐次的プログラムでの任意の制御フローは順次接続・条件分岐・反復の3基本構造のみで表現可能であるという結果に基づくMillsらのgoto文排斥論以外は皆無である.Dijkstra本来の正しさを示しやすいプログラムを書くための構造化という立場?つまりプログラム検証論の立場?からのgoto文使用の是非は考察されていない.本論文では検証手段としてのHoare論理に基づき有限状態機械モデルに基づくプログラミングでのgoto文の使用を検討する.その結果,状態をラベルで表し状態遷移をgoto文での飛び越しで行うプログラミングスタイルが,状態を表す変数を追加しgoto文を除いたプログラミングスタイルと比べ,Hoare論理による検証での表明が簡単で自然な形となり機械的検証の時間的コストも少ない.ゆえにプログラムの正しさの示しやすさという観点からは有限状態機械モデルに基づくプログラミングでの状態変数導入によるgoto文除去は有害でありgoto文を用いたスタイルの方が望ましいことを示す.There have been a vast amount of debates on the issue on the use of goto statements initiated by the famous Dijkstra's Letter to the Editor of CACM and his proposal of "Structured Programming". Except for the goto-less programming style by Mills based on the fact that any control flows of sequential programs can be expressed by the sequential composition, the conditional (if-then-else) and the indefinite loop (while), there have not been, however, any scientific accounts on this issue from the Dijkstra's own viewpoint of verifiability of programs. In this work, we reconsider this issue from the viewpoint of Hoare Logic, the most standard framework for correctness-proving, and we see that the use of goto's for expressing state transitions in programs designed with the finite state machine modelling can be justified from the Hoare Logic viewpoint by showing the fact that constructing the proof-outline of a program using goto's for this purpose is easier than constructing the proof-outline of a Mills-style program without goto by introducing a new variable.
小林 茂 辻 英次 西本 勝夫 金尾 顕郎 大谷 真由美 大久保 衞 藤本 繁夫 栗原 直嗣
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
理学療法のための運動生理 (ISSN:09127100)
vol.9, no.1, pp.3-8, 1994 (Released:2007-03-29)

金 志虎

制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3891号 ; 学位の種類:博士(文学) ; 授与年月日:2013/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新6349
福島 金治
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.210, pp.203-221, 2018-03

経尊著『名語記』は鎌倉中期の辞書で、金沢文庫を設けた北条実時が所持していた。その立場は、京都伏見稲荷の社僧、万里小路資通の弟、花山院宣経の子とする説等がある。藤原定家流の人々との交流を通して在京する北条氏一族と昵懇な関係を築いていたとされる。本稿では、経尊本人の経験した内容を手がかりにその立場と活動の実態を検討した。経尊周辺には後鳥羽院と親近な関係者がいた。それは後鳥羽院の御所・水無瀬殿が広瀬殿に変えられたとある記載にうかがえ、広瀬殿のみえる慈光寺本『承久記』と基盤が共通する。また、備中国村社郷に下向し、郷の住人と目録の読み合わせを行っているが、村社郷の領主紀氏は将軍実朝から安堵され、媒介したのは源仲章であった。仲章は後鳥羽院の近習で、一族の慈光寺家には慈光寺本『承久記』が伝えられ、慈光寺家文書には村社郷の文書が伝来している。経尊は慈光寺家と近い関係にあったと推測される。『名語記』の特徴の一つは下級官人や職人のことやそれに関わる俗語が多くみえることで、経尊は職人支配と深く関わっていたと考えられてきた。そこで慈光寺家の関連内容をみると、仲章の一流は院や朝廷の物資の調達や職人の管理と関わっていた。こうした問題は経尊の地方との関係にもうかがえる。記述の多い西国との関係のなかで年貢や交通・流通に関わる記述をみると、美作では百姓に鍬を賦課して納入できない場合は鹿皮で代替するのが国例とある。また、伊予石は京都市中で竈の石材とされていることがみえる。伊予石の主産地は砥石山(愛媛県砥部町外山)とみられ、そこは伏見稲荷社領山崎荘に含まれる可能性が高い。このことは本人の京都伏見稲荷社に関わる記述と符合する。こうした点から、経尊は伏見稲荷の社僧を基本にしており、慈光寺家出身、または慈光寺家に仕える家に出自があり、荘園の経営実務にたけた人物であったと考えられる。Myōgoki is a dictionary compiled by Kyōson in the mid-Kamakura period and possessed by Hōjō Sanetoki, the founder of the Kanesawa Bunko (Kanesawa Library). As to the origin of the compiler, several theories have been proposed, such as a priest of Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, a younger brother of Madenokōji Sukemichi, and a son of Kazanin Nobutsune. Kyōson is also believed to have established close relationships with the Hōjō family in Kyoto through interaction with calligraphers of the Teika school. This article examines the experiences of Kyōson to elucidate his social status and activities.Kyōson is assumed to have been acquainted with those closely associated with ex-Emperor Gotoba. One of the reasons for this assumption is because Myōgoki states that the residence of the ex-emperor had been renamed from Minase-dono to Hirose-dono. This imperial villa is also called as Hirose-dono in the Jikōji version of Jōkyūki (Record of the Jōkyū Disturbance). This common description implies that the two documents had a common basis. Moreover, Kyōson visited Murakosogō in Bicchū in order to collate his inventory with that of local residents. He was introduced to the Ki family, who had been enfeoffed with the estate by Shōgun Sanetomo, by Minamoto no Nakaakira, who was a retainer of ex-Emperor Gotoba and whose family (Jikōji) kept the Jikōji version of Jōkyūki as well as the Jikōji documents including the records of Murakosogō. It is therefore presumed that Kyōson had close relationships with the Jikōji family.One of the characteristics of Myōgoki is that it is largely devoted to describing lower government clerks and artisans and their jargon. It has been believed that Kyōson was deeply involved in the control of artisans. Meanwhile, an analysis of description of the Jikōji family reveals that the Nakaakira branch was engaged in the control of artisans and the procurement of goods for the ex-emperor and the Imperial Court. The association of Kyōson with these kinds of people is also observed in his relationships with provincial authorities. His description as to land tax, transport, and logistics in western provinces, on which he spent considerable ink, includes the statement that typically, in Mimasaka, farmers were taxed on their hoes and paid the balance due with buckskin when they could not pay the tax in full. Myōgoki also states that in Kyoto, kilns were made of Iyo stone, which was mainly mined in Mount Toishi (in Toyama, Tobe Town, Ehime Prefecture), which is likely to be included in the Yamazaki estate of Fushimi Inari Shrine. This is consistent with his description about the shrine. Therefore, it is assumed that he was principally serving as a priest at Fushimi Inari Shrine, originally came from the Jikōji family or its subordinate family, and had expertise in the management of estates.
宇野 宏 平松 金雄
Japan Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.35, no.4, pp.219-227, 1999-08-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
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前方障害物に対するドライバの操舵回避の限界を明らかにするため, ドライビングシミュレータ上に障害物が突然出現する状況を設定し, 回避操作の内容と回避の成否を調査した. その結果, 余裕時間3.0秒以上であれば25名のドライバ全員が回避に成功できるのに対し, 余裕時間1.2秒以下では回避に成功できる者はないことがわかった. 障害物出現を予測している場合には, 余裕時間が短くなるにつれて操舵反応時間の短縮と操舵角速度の増大が観察され, ドライバの反応時間の最小値は約0.3秒, 操舵角速度の最大値は約500°/sと推定された. ただし, 障害物を予測していない場合にはこれらの特性が低下し, 結果として回避成功率が低下することが示された.
金児 正史 成川 公昭 宮口 智成 平野 康之 Masafumi KANEKO Kimiaki NARUKAWA Tomoshige MIYAGUCHI Yasuyuki HIRANO
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.34, pp.97-108, 2019-03-11

We have taken a class on an isoperimetric problem for lower secondary school students who have high motivation to mathematics. In this paper, we have considered the lesson plan on an isoperimetric problem for the students and decided the goal of this class is to prove the theorem as below. 'A polygon which has the biggest area with same constant perimeter is a regular polygon.' After the class on an isoperimetric problem, we have realized the goal of isoperimetric problem for lower secondary school students will be suitable and have recognized strongly the mathematical experiments will be an important impact for this class.
佐金 武
哲学論叢 (ISSN:0914143X)
no.33, pp.67-78, 2006

"David Chalmers claims that the nature of consciousness as a subjective quality constitutes an independent subject area and that its existence cannot be reduced to anything else. In particular, reductive explanations to physical theories as well as functionalism about mental states are hopeless for this purpose (perhaps they assume the existence of the conscious mind, in that failing to explain what we seek to understand about its very nature). His argument for mind-body dualism, which is supposed to sustain the claim above, proceeds as follows: 1) what is conceivable is possible; 2) There is at least one conceivable world where one's physical duplicate has no consciousness, which is called a zombie-world; therefore, 3) the zombie-world is possible; 4) if it is possible, then physicalism or materialism is false; therefore, 5) physicalism is false. The central concern of this essay is to critically examine Premises 1) and 2). Concerning Premise 1), which I shall call the "Conceivability-Possibility Thesis," some precedent arguments based on similar theses can be found throughout the history of western philosophy (e.g. the Cartesian argument for mind-body dualism and Hume's denial of the reality of causality), and many contemporary philosophers discuss their validity and force (e.g. van Cleve, 1983 & Yablo, 1993). It should be noted, however, that Chalmers uniquely defends the thesis, as seen in his developed theory known as "epistemic two-dimensionalism," and I shall begin with its survey (Section 2 and 3). Through this examination, it will be realized that 1) and 2) are not independent premises, and that 1) can never be established as a general rule applicable to all cases until conceivability of the zombie-world is shown to be a priori. I shall argue that no such a priori reasoning for non-existence of consciousness is incomplete (Section 4). (Note also that if this is correct, the zombie case, pace Chalmers, will fall under the "twilight zone" in his terminology and even be in danger of becoming a counter-example to his Conceivability-Possibility Thesis. It therefore should be admitted either that conceivability of the unconscious mind is incomplete, or that the thesis that is expected to encompass something that is merely, or only allegedly conceivable, cannot be maintained. In effect, the zombie argument will turn out to be undone. Following this, responses to six possible objections will be set forth (Section 5)."
佐藤 真紀子 金子 佳代子 宇高 順子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.10, pp.555-567, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

Changes to the description of food and nutrition in home economics textbooks for elementary and junior high schools published in the period from 1947 to 2012 were analyzed. The description of nutrients and their functions changed with advances in the study of food and nutrition. The present textbooks for elementary and junior high schools consistently and systematically describe nutrients and their functions. The description of food groups and daily food guides changed according to the food intake, health and dietary problems of Japanese people. Further development of teaching material and methods is needed. The description of menu planning gradually changed to focus on a nutritionally balanced diet and to emphasize the combination of shushoku (cereals), shusai (protein-rich foods), fukusai (vegetables), milk and milk products, and fruits. Nutritional balance as well as multiple elements are desirable for learning future menu planning.
丸山 桂司 竹内 保男 大藏 直樹 根岸 文子 秋山 暢 金子 一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.6, pp.819-825, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-01)

The quality of chest compression affects survival after sudden cardiac arrest, particularly when it occurs out of hospital. Pharmacy students should acquire basic life support skills as part of the model core curriculum of pharmacy education. Here, we trained first-year students at the Faculty of Pharmacy to deliver cardiopulmonary resuscitation and used a manikin with a real-time feedback device that quantified chest compression skills. Students were classified into shallow compressions (SC; <50 mm) and deep compressions (DC; ≥50 mm) groups based on the depth of chest compressions measured prior to training. After training, the mean compression depth (mm) was significantly shallower for the SC, than the DC group and many students in the SC group did not reach a depth of 50 mm. Similarly, students were classified into slow compression rate (SR; ≤120/min) and rapid compression rate (RR; >120/min) groups based on the results of training in the rate of chest compressions. Significant differences in mean compression rates were not found between the groups. However, correct compression rate (%), the percentage of maintaining 100-120 compression/min was significantly higher in the SR, than in the RR group. Chest compression rates correlated with compression depth, and chest compression tended to be too shallow in group that was too fast. The quality of chest compression might be improved by delivering chest compressions at a constant rate within the recommended range.