鈴木 博之 四郎翁姆 才譲三周
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.159, pp.69-101, 2021 (Released:2021-03-30)

鈴木 博信
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.31, no.2, pp.1-16, 1998-03-31

Western leaders and mass media, including their Japanese counterparts, quick to claim "victory" in the cold war, never took a close look at the "losers". It was assumed that Russians would take to Western forms of economic and polifical development as eagerly as they had bought Western jeans and rock music tapes on the black market. The West's, that is, our biggest mistake was to have expected more than Russia was able to become. We did not fully understand how sick Soviet society was. There was, on top of everything else, no trusted new "elite" to replace the old. A truly non-partisan civil service has always eluded Russian governments. And the so-called democrats or reformers in power are themselves nomenklatura people, their children and their acquaintances. In a word, the system never collapsed after August, 1991, despite the appearance. S. Handelman, Canadian joumalist and author of ≪Comrade Criminal≫, elucidates, in his work, that the bureaucrats and managers of the former regime acquired new capital and political strength by exploiting the legal vacuum left by departing Communist authorities. Thus, a post-Soviet mafiya emerged, in corporating (1)the most entrepreneurial element of the former nomenklatura and (2)the gangster capitalism of the new. The Comrade criminal-the personification of this new force that combines the just mentioned two elements-is now setting the rules of game in Russia. Inspired by Mr. Handelman's sardonic insight, I try to trace here, both on local and national level, though in a very sketchy way, how the nomenklatura suruives. And by drawing this sketch, I want to clarify the essence of the organisation, that had been called the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
鈴木 博之 Hiroyuki Suzuki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.35, no.4, pp.617-653, 2011-03-31

dGudzong Tibetan is spoken in Danba County, Ganzi Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture in West Sichuan, China. It belongs to “twenty-four-villages’patois,” an independent dialect group of Khams Tibetan spoken inthe rGyalrong area. Apart from my several linguistic reports, there are nodetailed descriptions of this variety of Khams Tibetan. In this paper, the phoneticanalysis of the dGudzong dialect is treated with special attention paidto the synchronic phonological framework of the dGudzong dialect as well asto several remarkable diachronic features through a comparison with WrittenTibetan forms. The phonetic analysis is divided into three parts: consonants,vowels and suprasegmentals; the diachronic analysis also mentions typologicalcharacteristics among the Khams Tibetan dialects. At the end of the article,a list of the basic vocabulary (ca. 1000 words) is added.
鈴木 博之
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.226, pp.85-94,105, 1974

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was an unique designer in the history of modern design. Many art historians, for example, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in his "Pioneers of Modern Design" and Robert Schmutzler in his "Art Nouveau-Jugendstil", highly appreciated him as a revolutional designer. Dresser's design seems very functional and "modern". But it was not only the result of functional study but also the result of looking into fundamental form. It is true that he studied function of the shape of the pot, but it was only one of his interests. At the same time, he was deeply interested in the study of natural form and of an artistic arrangement of decorative forms. In 1873, he published "the Principles of Decorative Design", which had close relation to Owen Jones' "The Grammer of Ornament" and even to A.W.N. Pugin's "The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture" in 1841. These authors were inquiring into fundamental form and arrangement of decoration. Pugin's principles were based on the Catholic religion, Owen Jones' principles were based on the natural forms. And Dresser found the Energy and the Force as his basic principles for design. Dresser's principles, however, were not completely abstruct ones. He, then, caught a chance to visit Japan. His travelling through Japan from 1877 to 1878 shows characteristics of the principles of his design. He visited Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Nikko, Tokyo and many other places. He was interested in many of Japanese designs, especially, in such decorative designs as mausolea at Nikko and Shiba. It seems that the decorative arrangement in Japanese Art greatly inspired him, and that he had confidence that his principles were true. After returning to Britain, he created many revolutional designs. In these designs, however, we could not find any Japanese motives. But he must have been greatly inspired by Japanese Art. He was inspired not by forms but by the method of convention and arrangement of them. Contents of the thesis are as follows. I. Introduction II. Chronology III. Dresser and Cole's Circle and the South Kensington IV. Travelling to Japan in 1877 V. Controversies on "Japanese Village" and against J. Conder VI. Dresser's Principles
鈴木 博
一般社団法人 日本甲殻類学会
vol.3, pp.52-60, 1967

This paper deals with the sacculinization occurred in a male of the pea crab, Pinnetheres sinensis Shen. The specimen was found living commensally within the mantle cavity of the common bivalved shell, Mytilus edulis Linne, obtained on the coast of Tokyo Bay in October, 1964. The body of the adult normal male of Pinnotheres sinensis is rather flat and solid, much smaller than the normal female which has the grobular and soft-shelled body. Even in the largest male, the length of carapace is less than one half that of the fully grown female. In the male, the chela is somewhat thickset compared with that of the female and its propodus furnished with 10-13 setae near the distal end of the anterior border. In second and third pairs of the male ambulatory legs, the carapus is crossed by an oblique row of long feathered hairs, and the propodus fringed with same hairs along the anterior borders. The dactylus of all pairs is claw-shaped and shorter than the propodus. In the female, the dactylus of the last ambulatory leg is rod-shaped and longer than the propodus, furnished with longish hairs along the inner border, with short hairs around the whole surface in distal half. The width of the male abdomen is much narrower than that of the female-about one fifth the length of the carapace, and its sixth abdominal segment has a hook-shaped process on the lateral margin. Of the two pairs of male pleopods, the posterior one has a short flatty exopodite. Of the four pairs of female pleopods, the posterior two are uniramous and has no exopodite (Fig. 1). The external morphological modifications are seen in the male, by sacculinization, as shown in the following: a) The size of the body becomes comparatively larger than in the normal male, and its exoskeleton becomes softend as in the female body (P1. VI). B) The chela becomes somewhat slender and the setae on the propodus are replaced by soft longish hairs, covering the distal surface of both fingers (Fig. 2, 3). C) The long feathered hairs seen on the second and third ambulatory legs are worn out and the dactylus of the fourth ambulatory leg is longer than the propodus, furnished with long hairs as seen in the female (Fig. 2, 1). D) The width of abdomen is broadened; the lateral margin of the sixth segment becomes entire and with marginal hairs (Fig. 3). E) No change of form seems to occur in the first pleopod except for its tip. The carified bridge at the foot of the first pleopod is rudimented. The exopodite of the second pleopod is well developed and covered with long soft hairs. No pleopod is seen in the third abdominal segment, while in the fourth abdominal segment, a uniramous appendage is seen on the right side (Fig. 3 and 4). The internal morphological modifications are seen in testis and midgut gland. These organs are entirely rudimented, being only represented by withered cells. The roots of the parasite glowing thickly around the vas deferens, the midgut gland, the anterior portion of intestine, and the thoracic ganglion. In vas deferens, however, sperms and spermatophores are still seen filling the duct. The penetration of roots of the parasite into the thoracic ganglion has already been investigated by the previous authors (MATSUMOTO K. (1952) and HOSHINO K. (1962)), so the author's present investigation is confined to that of the vas deferens.
鈴木 博之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.226, pp.85-94,105, 1974-12-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was an unique designer in the history of modern design. Many art historians, for example, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in his "Pioneers of Modern Design" and Robert Schmutzler in his "Art Nouveau-Jugendstil", highly appreciated him as a revolutional designer. Dresser's design seems very functional and "modern". But it was not only the result of functional study but also the result of looking into fundamental form. It is true that he studied function of the shape of the pot, but it was only one of his interests. At the same time, he was deeply interested in the study of natural form and of an artistic arrangement of decorative forms. In 1873, he published "the Principles of Decorative Design", which had close relation to Owen Jones' "The Grammer of Ornament" and even to A.W.N. Pugin's "The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture" in 1841. These authors were inquiring into fundamental form and arrangement of decoration. Pugin's principles were based on the Catholic religion, Owen Jones' principles were based on the natural forms. And Dresser found the Energy and the Force as his basic principles for design. Dresser's principles, however, were not completely abstruct ones. He, then, caught a chance to visit Japan. His travelling through Japan from 1877 to 1878 shows characteristics of the principles of his design. He visited Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Nikko, Tokyo and many other places. He was interested in many of Japanese designs, especially, in such decorative designs as mausolea at Nikko and Shiba. It seems that the decorative arrangement in Japanese Art greatly inspired him, and that he had confidence that his principles were true. After returning to Britain, he created many revolutional designs. In these designs, however, we could not find any Japanese motives. But he must have been greatly inspired by Japanese Art. He was inspired not by forms but by the method of convention and arrangement of them. Contents of the thesis are as follows. I. Introduction II. Chronology III. Dresser and Cole's Circle and the South Kensington IV. Travelling to Japan in 1877 V. Controversies on "Japanese Village" and against J. Conder VI. Dresser's Principles
高橋 純平 鈴木 博人 古舘 裕希
東北文化学園大学医療福祉学部リハビリテーション学科紀要 = Rehabilitation science : memoirs of the Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University Faculty of Medical Science & Welfare, Department of Rehabilitation (ISSN:13497197)
vol.9, no.1, pp.29-33, 2013-12-20

本研究の目的は,寒冷療法とスタティックストレッチングならびにその併用による介入がハムストリングスの伸張性に及ぼす即時的な影響を明らかにすることである。対象は健常大学生36 名とした。対象者を,コントロール群,寒冷療法群,スタティックストレッチング群,寒冷療法・ストレッチング併用群の4 群に分け,介入後の関節可動域を比較した。その結果,寒冷療法群,スタティックストレッチング群とコントロール群では有意差は認められなかったが,寒冷療法・ストレッチング併用群との比較では有意に関節可動域が大きくなった。これは,寒冷療法により疼痛閾値が上がり,なおかつストレッチングによる筋粘弾性低下防止の効果のために,関節可動域の拡大がみられたのではないかと推察された。
鈴木 博人
天気 (ISSN:05460921)
vol.59, no.5, pp.333-350, 2012-05-31

石橋 洋輝 鈴木 博 府川 和彦 須山 聡
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.130, pp.137-142, 2009-07-09

胡 克龍 府川 和彦 鈴木 博 張 裕淵
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.114, no.490, pp.183-188, 2015-02-25

無線通信用のRFアナログ回路とベースバンド・ディジタル回路とを一体化したSi-CMOS ICの実現を目指し,アナログ回路の低電圧化,SNR低下,低利得化,素子不均一性等に対処できる新しいアナログ・ディジタル変換方式を検討する.具体的にはTDC(Time Digital Conversion)に基づき,バンドパス信号から基準信号である正弦波を減算し,基準信号とバンドパス信号が交差する時刻の系列,即ちリアルゼロ(ゼロクロス)系列を用いて,ベースバンド信号のサンプリング値を拘束条件付き最小2乗法を用いて推定する.また,バンドパス信号の系列長が長いとき,推定すべきサンプリング値の数が非常に多くなり,演算量が膨大になる,この演算量削減のため,信号を一定区間に分割して推定する.計算機シミュレーションにより,基準信号の周波数及びリアルゼロ系列の時間精度をパラメータにして,提案手法の信号再生の精度を定量的に評価する.
鈴木 博雄
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.3, pp.23-51, 1963-11-15

In the above thesis the author has investigated the methods by which samurai were educated in the feudal period, with especial reference to educational reform in the Kansei era (1787~1798), a time when the education carried out by 'Hanko', clan conducted schools, was playing an important role in making samurai into feudalistic bureaucrats. In the feudal period, the samurai, whose job was mainly that of a soldier, came to become gradually more involved in the duties of official administration due mainly to the fact the country was in a state of peace and his servies as a fighter were unnecessary. In the beginning of the feudal period the structure of the government was very simple but as it and it's accompanying feudal bureaucracy became more complicated so there acrose the need for samurai able to read and write rather than fight. In order to meet this need the 'Hanko' were developed. In the first chapter the author inquired into the political ideas of Matsudaira Sada-nobu, the man in charge of political reform. The purpose of his reform lay in the training of feudal bureaucrats. His image of them was essentially feudal in that he required them to be persons of great integrity especially obedient to their feudal lord. on the other hand, like modern bureaucrats, they had to be skilled in administration. In the second chapter the author comments on the rules and plans of studies which were part of the reform, such as 'Gakumon Ginmi', (Intellectual examinations in the upper classes) and 'Sodoku Ginmi', (Intellectual examinations in the lower classes), and the construction of government schools. In the last chapter the author discusses how the contradiction of feudal and modern ideas caused the failure of overall education as far as feudal bureaucrats were concerned and the educational reforms which were actually put into practice.