Shotaro Usuzaki Yuki Arikawa Hisaaki Yamaba Kentaro Aburada Shin-Ichiro Kubota Mirang Park Naonobu Okazaki
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.26, pp.257-266, 2018 (Released:2018-03-15)

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack detection systems are classified into a signature based approach and an anomaly based approach. However, such methods tend to suffer from low responsiveness. On the other hand, real-time burst detection which is used in data mining offers two advantages over traditional statistical methods. First, it can be used for real-time detection when an event is occurring, and second, it can work with less processing as information about events are compressed, even if a large number of events occur. Here, the authors add the function for attack detection in real-time burst detection technique, and propose a highly responsive DDoS attack detection technique. This paper performs experiments to evaluate its effectiveness, and discusses its detection accuracy and processing performance.
Kazutoshi Yashiro Hiroyoshi Iwata Yukari Akashi Ken-o Tomita Maki Kuzuya Yoshihiko Tsumura Kenji Kato
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.55, no.2, pp.197-206, 2005 (Released:2005-06-15)
14 29

Ninety-nine accessions of melon (Cucumis melo L.) mainly from East and South Asia were analyzed based on the polymorphism of 210 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) bands to reveal the genetic structure and phylogenetic relationship in Asian melon. A cluster analysis based on their genetic similarity revealed three major clusters, i.e., a vars. makuwa and conomon group, a small-seed type group and a group of Japanese F1 cultivars and large-seed type accessions. Most of the East Asian melon accessions classified into the first group were of the small-seed type with a seed length shorter than 9.0 mm. The varieties of C. melo were roughly divided into two groups by a principal co-ordinate analysis based on AFLP data, that is, the group of vars. makuwa and conomon and small-seed type melon and the group of var. reticulatus and large-seed type melon. Indian melon accessions were rich in genetic variation. Melon accessions closely related to vars. makuwa and conomon were found in east India, and they were considered as possible candidates of the prototype of vars. makuwa and conomon.
Keiko Hatazawa Hidekazu Tanaka Akiko Nonaka Hiroki Takada Fumitaka Soga Yutaka Hatani Hiroki Matsuzoe Hiroyuki Shimoura Junichi Ooka Hiroyuki Sano Yasuhide Mochizuki Kensuke Matsumoto Ken-ichi Hirata
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.82, no.10, pp.2566-2574, 2018-09-25 (Released:2018-09-25)
1 28

Background: Our aim was to investigate the baseline clinical and echocardiographic parameters for predicting left ventricular (LV) dysfunction after anthracycline chemotherapy and heart failure (HF) hospitalization in a single cancer disease. Methods and Results: We studied 73 patients with malignant lymphoma and preserved LV ejection fraction (LVEF). Echocardiography was performed before and after anthracycline chemotherapy. Global longitudinal strain (GLS) was determined from 3 standard apical views. LV dysfunction after anthracycline chemotherapy was defined according to the current definition of cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction. Long-term (50-month) unfavorable outcome was prespecified as hospitalization for HF. A total of 10 patients had LV dysfunction after anthracycline chemotherapy. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that baseline GLS was the only independent predictor of this dysfunction. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis identified the optimal GLS cutoff for predicting LV dysfunction after anthracycline chemotherapy as ≤19% (P=0.008). Furthermore, the Kaplan-Meier curve indicated that fewer patients with GLS >19% were hospitalized for HF than among those with GLS ≤19% (log-rank P=0.02). For sequential logistic models, a model based on baseline clinical variables (χ2=2.9) was improved by the addition of baseline LVEF (χ2=9.0; P=0.01), and further improved by the addition of baseline GLS (χ2=13.1, P=0.04). Conclusions: Watchful observation or early therapeutic intervention with established cardioprotective medications may be necessary for patients with malignant lymphoma and preserved LVEF but with abnormal GLS.
Yoshiya HATA Kumiko NAKAJIMA Jun-ichi UCHIDA Hidemasa HIDAKA Takahisa NAKANO
Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (ISSN:09120009)
vol.30, pp.43-53, 2001 (Released:2010-02-25)
17 46

This was conducted to examine the effects of brown seaweed (wakame) on blood pressure and serum biochemical parameters in hypertensive subjects. Of the 37 elderly out-patients with hypertension who started the study, 36 of them completed it. This study was a randomly assigned, case-controlled one. Nineteen patients received a daily dose of 5g of dried wakame powder packed in 12 capsules. Eighteen gender-matched subjects with age difference±2 years, and starting time of participation within±2 weeks, were selected as the control group. Patients visited the clinic every 4 weeks. The observation period was 8 weeks. In the wakame group, the average amount of wakame ingested was 3.3g. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) in this group dropped 13mmHg below the baseline (p<0.01) after 4 weeks, and 8mmHg (p<0.05) after 8 weeks. The diastolic blood pressure (DBP) decreased by 9mmHg (p<0.01) after 4 weeks and by 8mmHg (p<0.05) after 8 weeks. In the control group, no significant changes were seen in either SBP or DBP. However, the differences in reduction in SBP and DBP were significant between the wakame and control groups. Regarding clinical chemistry data, hypercholesterolemia in the wakame group decreased by 8% after 4 weeks. No other abnormal changes were observed in either group. We conclude that wakame has beneficial effects as a supplemental regimen in the treatment of hypertension.
村木 孝行 山本 宣幸 Zhao Kristin Sperling John Steinmann Scott Cofield Robert An Kai-Nan
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.37 Suppl. No.2 (第45回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.C2Se2052, 2010 (Released:2010-05-25)

【目的】肩関節後方関節包の拘縮は可動域制限を引き起こすだけでなく肩関節のインピンジメントを誘発する因子になるとされている。肩関節内旋や水平内転などの生理的な肩関節運動は後方関節包を伸張しうるが、インピンジメントを避けて伸張を行うには関節の副運動を用いた関節モビライゼーションが有効である。しかし、後方関節包を伸張するために関節モビライゼーションを用いる時にどれくらいの外力を加え、何回反復する必要があるのかについては明らかにされていない。本研究の目的は新鮮凍結遺体から得られた肩関節後方関節包に対し、Maitlandの振幅手技を想定した滑り運動を反復して行った時の関節包の伸張量と機械特性の変化を調べ、重大な組織損傷を引き起こさずに関節包の長期的な伸張効果が得られる最小負荷とその反復回数について検討することである。【方法】標本には新鮮凍結遺体から採取された21肩を用いた。標本準備においては、まず肩関節標本の軟部組織を表層から順に切除し、後方関節包と上腕骨、肩甲骨だけを残した。さらに、この後方関節包の中央部分だけを残して上腕骨と肩甲骨を連結する幅30mmの後方関節包標本を作製した。次に、肩甲上腕関節の後方滑りをシュミレーションできるように試験標本をMTS Systems社製材料試験機に設置し反復負荷試験を行った。反復負荷試験は3種類の負荷(5N、20N、40N)での後方すべり手技を想定して行った。これらの3種類の後方滑り負荷はHsuら(2002)の報告を参考にし、後方すべり手技時に1)最初に抵抗を感じる点(5N)、2)抵抗が徐々に大きくなる点(20N)、3)抵抗が大きくなり滑りが止まる点(40N)として定義し、各負荷の大きさは前実験にて同様の後方関節包標本から得られた負荷‐伸張曲線から算出した。後方関節包標本は各負荷での反復試験に対して7標本ずつ振り分けた。反復負荷の回数は1Hzの振幅手技を10分間行うことを想定し600回とした。また、反復試験の長期効果を観察するために試験1時間後に同様の設定で1回の負荷試験を行った。反復試験は後方関節包に0.2Nの後方滑り負荷をかけた時の肢位から開始した。反復試験時には5Nの後方滑り負荷を加えたときの後方関節包の伸張量(5N伸張量)を反復1回目、100回目、200回目、300回目、400回目、500回目、600回目、そして試験終了1時間後に記録した。また、反復1回目、600回目、そして試験終了1時間後に得られた負荷‐伸張曲線の傾きから後方関節包の剛性を算出した。統計処理にはone-way repeated measures ANOVAを用い、Post hoc検定にはDunnettの多重比較検定とBonferroniの多重比較検定を用いた。有意水準は5%未満とした。【説明と同意】本研究はメイヨークリニック倫理委員会のサブグループである生物標本研究委員会で承認された。【結果】3種類のすべての負荷において、100回目から600回目の5N伸張量は反復1回目よりも有意に大きかった(p<0.05)。5Nでの反復試験では試験1時間後の5N伸張量は反復1回目に対して有意差はなかったが、20Nと40Nの反復試験では試験後1時間経過しても反復1回目と比較して有意に大きな5N伸張量を示した(p<0.05)。また、試験1時間後の5N伸張量に関して3種類の負荷を比較したところ、40Nの反復負荷では5Nの反復負荷よりも有意に大きな5N伸張量を示したが(p<0.05)、20Nと5Nでは有意差は見られなかった。後方関節包の剛性に関しては、3種類すべての負荷において600回目の剛性が1回目より有意に増加し(p<0.005)、試験終了1時間後には有意に減少した(p<0.05)。5Nの反復負荷では1回目と試験1時間後の間に有意差はなかったが、20Nと40Nでは試験後1時間経過しても剛性は1回目より有意に増加していた(p<0.005)。【考察】本研究の結果より、伸張時に抵抗を感じ始める程度の負荷(5N)では反復負荷終了時(600回目)には後方関節包が伸張されていても1時間後にはその伸張効果が消失してしまうと考えられる。それに対し、抵抗が増加する(20N)、あるいは滑りが止まる(40N)地点まで負荷が加えられた場合は1時間経過しても伸張効果が保たれ、負荷が大きいほどその効果が大きくなることが示唆された。また機械特性の点では、後方関節包の剛性が減少した場合は組織の大きな不可逆損傷が考えられる(Provenzanoら、2002)。本研究ではどの負荷でも反復負荷終了時には剛性が一時的に増加し、1時間後には減少するという経過をたどるが、開始時と比較して剛性が減少することはなかった。この点を踏まえると、滑りが止まる点まで負荷が反復して加えられても重大な組織損傷は起こさず、伸張効果が長期間維持されると考えられる。【理学療法学研究としての意義】今回得られた研究結果は関節モビライゼーションを用いて肩関節後方関節包の伸張を行う際に有用な基礎情報となりうる。
Elaheh Vahid-Dastjerdi Ali Borzabadi-Farahani Mina Mahdian Nazila Amini
Nihon University School of Dentistry
Journal of Oral Science (ISSN:13434934)
vol.52, no.3, pp.455-461, 2010 (Released:2010-09-24)
21 48

To investigate the prevalence, characteristics (ie, malocclusion, location, type), and sex distribution of hypodontia in an Iranian orthodontic population. A retrospective study was conducted using periapical and panoramic radiographs and study models of 1,751 subjects attending university orthodontic clinics (870 females, 881 males, age 9-27 years). The Chi-square test was used to analyze differences in the distribution of hypodontia, after stratification by sex and malocclusion type. A total of 197 congenitally missing teeth were observed in 160 patients (9.1%; 74 boys and 86 girls); there were no statistically significant differences between sexes (Chi-square = 0.832, P = 0.36). Hypodontia was more common in patients with Class III malocclusion (45.2%), and was more prevalent in the maxilla (71%) than in the mandible (29%). Maxillary lateral incisors (35.6%) and maxillary second premolars (13.0%) were the most commonly missing teeth, followed by mandibular lateral incisors (9.6%) and mandibular second premolars (8.2%). The prevalence of missing teeth was higher in the anterior segment (incisors and canines) than in the posterior segment (premolars and molars). The prevalence of oligodontia was 0.34%. The prevalence and characteristics of the most frequently missing teeth accorded with the findings of most studies conducted in other countries. (J Oral Sci 52, 455-461, 2010)
Gun-Hee KIM
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology Research (ISSN:13446606)
vol.9, no.4, pp.316-319, 2003 (Released:2007-03-03)
3 9

Vitamin U levels were determined on 26 kinds of food plants well known to be healthy vegetables in Asian or Western countries. Spinach showed the highest level of 45.2 mg/100 g DW followed by Pak-choi (34.3 mg/100 g DW)>kale (23.4 mg/100 g DW)>Sumssukbujaengi (19.8 mg/100 g DW)>leaf mustard (19.6 mg/100 g DW)>bud of aralia (19.3 mg/100 g DW)>broccoli (18.9 mg/kg DW)>asparagus (18.7 mg/100 g DW). Among Korean wild medicinal plants, Sumssukbujaengi showed the highest value followed by Sanmanul (a kind of wild garlic) with the level of 14.4 mg/100 g DW. For Chinese and Western cabbages, the level of vitamin U differed according to the parts of the plant such as core, middle and outside leaves. In both cabbages, level in the middle parts of leaves including midribs was the highest. As stated, the level of vitamin U was dependent on the part of the plant sample. Leaf parts of turnip and white radish showed higher value of 8.5 and 12.5 mg/100 g DW, respectively, than those of roots such as white radish in which levels were in the order of middle (11.3 mg/100 g DW), top (8.5 mg/100 g DW) and bottom (8.5 mg/100 g DW) portions in the white radish. In the analysis of amino acids, we did not find either a distinctive relationship between methionine and vitamin U synthesis or a significant connection between various free amino acids and vitamin U level in food plants.
Mikio Shiba Yasuo Sugano Yoshihiko Ikeda Hatsue Ishibashi-Ueda Takahiro Ohara Takuya Hasegawa Hideaki Kanzaki Toshihisa Anzai
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.55, no.7, pp.751-754, 2016 (Released:2016-04-01)
2 5

A 74-year-old man, who had a history of a mitral valve replacement for rheumatic heart disease (RHD) 30 years previously, was admitted with progressive heart failure. Massive calcification was observed around the left atrium on multidetector CT, in addition to a late gadolinium enhancement (LGE)-positive layer adjacently outside of the calcification on MRI. He underwent a second mitral valve replacement for the prosthetic valve failure. Pathohistological analyses of a tissue section of the left atrial wall from a surgical specimen revealed lymphocyte and macrophage infiltration that coincided with the LGE-positive layer on MRI, suggesting the existence of sustained active inflammation even after the long period of RHD.
A. N. Bhatnagar T. F. El-Azawi
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.43, no.1, pp.53-59, 1978-01-25 (Released:2009-03-19)
1 4

Karyotypes are described in Hemiechinus auritus and Paraechinus aethiopicus which have 48 chromosomes in 2n. The male complement of H. auritus consists of 43 macro- and 5 micro-chromosomes while that of the female comprises 44 macro- and 4-micro-chromosomes. The X chromosome is the smallest metacentric macro-chromosome, while the Y is a small subtelocentric micro-chromosome. These associate end-to-end at meiosis I.The male karyotype of P. aethiopicus consists of 44 macro- and 4 micro-chromosomes. The autosomes are metacentrics or submetacentrics in morphology. The sex-complex is characterized by the medium-sized X chromosome and the mediumsized submetacentric Y.
中山 達貴 中村 俊之 宇野 伸宏 Schmöcker Jan-Dirk
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.73, no.5, pp.I_1093-I_1104, 2017

Hayato Morimoto Takako Narumi-Kawasaki Takejiro Takamura Seiichi Fukai
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.UTD-007, (Released:2018-10-20)

Bud-mutation carnation cultivars of the “MINAMI series” have a diversity of flower color in which the directions of bud sports are recorded. ‘Poly Minami’, which is the origin of the “MINAMI series”, produced the eight cultivars with various petal colors through continuous bud mutations. Flavonoid pigments analysis showed that the flower color variation is produced by the difference in the quantitative ratios of pelargonidin-typed anthocyanin and chalcononaringenin 2′-O-glucoside (Ch2′G). Acyanic cultivars; ‘Poly Minami’, ‘Lemon Minami’ and ‘Vanilla Minami’ had Ch2′G showing a yellow coloration as a major flavonoid with different concentrations in the petals. Cyanic cultivars with pinkish petals; ‘Orange Minami’, ‘Minami’, ‘Passion Minami’ and ‘Feminine Minami’ had different ratios of 3,5-di-O-(β-glucopyranosyl) pelargonidin 6′′-O-4,6′′′-O-1-cyclic malate (Pg3,5cMdG), showing a pink coloration, and Ch2′G as major flavonoids in the petals. The variegated cultivar ‘Sakura Minami’, with deep pink sectors and flecks on pale pink petals, accumulated a small amount of Pg3,5cMdG. The red-flowered cultivar ‘Tommy Minami’ accumulated pelargonidin 3-O-malylglucoside (Pg3MG) showing a red coloration as a major anthocyanin in the petals. The gene expression analysis through flower-bud development showed that the ratios of Pg3,5cMdG and Ch2′G are produced by the difference in the expression levels of flavonoid biosynthesis-related genes; the dihydroflavonol 4-reducatse gene (DFR), the chalcononaringenin 2′-O-glucosyltransferase gene (CHGT2) and the chalcone isomerase gene (CHI2) and the acyl-glucose-dependent anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase gene (AA5GT) and an anthocyanin transportation-related gene; the glutathione S-transferase-like gene (GSTF2). This study revealed that the flower color variations in the “MINAMI series” are caused by genetic and metabolic changes associated with flavonoid biosynthesis and identified five candidate genes for flower color changes in the “MINAMI series”.
FermilabE653Collaboration USHIDA N. MOKHTARANI A. PAOLONE V.S. VOLK J.T. WILCOX J.O. YAGER P.M. EDELSTEIN R.M. FREYBERGER A.P. GIBAUT D.B. LIPTON R.J. NICHOLS W.R. POTTER D.M. RUSS J.S. ZHANG C. ZHANG Y. JANG H.I. KIM J.Y. KIM T.I. LIM I.T. PAC M.Y. BALLER B.R. STEFANSKI R.J. NAKAZAWA K. CHUNG K.S. CHUNG S.H. KIM D.C. PARK I.G. PARK M.S. SONG J.S. YOON C.S. CHIKAWA M. ABE T. FUJII T. FUJIOKA G. FUJIWARA K. FUKUSHIMA H. HARA T. TAKAHASHI Y. TARUMA K. TSUZUKI Y. YOKOYAMA C. CHANG S.D. CHEON B.G. CHO J.H. KANG J.S. KIM C.O. KIM K.Y. KIM T.Y. LEE J.C. LEE S.B. LIM G.Y. NAM S.W. SHIN T.S. SIM K.S. WOO J.K. ISOKANE Y. TSUNEOKA Y. AOKI S. GAUTHIER A. HOSHINO K. KITAMURA H. KOBAYASHI M. MIYANISHI M. NAKAMURA K. NAKAMURA M. NAKAMURA Y. NAKANISHI S. NIU K. NIWA K. NOMURA M. TAJIMA H. YOSHDA S. ARYAL M. DUNLEA J.M. FREDERIKSEN S.G. KURAMATA S. LUNDBERG B.G. OLEYNIK G.A. REAY N.W. REIBEL K. SIDWELL R.A. STANTON N.R. MORIYAMA K. SHIBATA H. KALBFLEISCH G.R. SKUBIC P. SNOW J.M. WILLIS S.E. KUSUMOTO O. NAKAMURA K. OKUSAWA T. TERANAKA M. TOMINAGA T. YOSHIDA T. YUUKI H. OKABE H. YOKOTA J. ADACHI M. KAZUNO M. NIU E. SHIBUYA H. WATANABE S. OHTSUKA I. SATO Y. TEZUKA I. BAHK S.Y. KIM S.K. Aichi University of Education Aichi University of Education University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Gifu University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Kinki University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University Okayama University Okayama University University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Wonkwang University Wonkwang University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.89, no.3, pp.679-696, 1993-03-25

We report on the characteristics of 9 bb^^- pair events produced by a 600 GeV/c π^- beam and detected in the hybrid emulsion spectrometer of Fermilab experiment E653. The measured lifetimes for samples of 12 neutral and 6 charged beauty hadrons are τ_<b^0>=0.81^<+0.34+0.08'>_<-0.22-0.02> ps, and τ_<b^±>=3.84^<+2.73+0.80>_<-1.36-0.16> ps.
Nozomi SHIWA Chikage NAKAJIMA Kazunori KIMITSUKI Daria Llenaresas MANALO Akira NOGUCHI Satoshi INOUE Chun-Ho PARK
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.18-0519, (Released:2018-10-17)

Recently, we reported that follicle-sinus complexes (FSCs) in the muzzle skin are useful for postmortem diagnosis of rabid dogs. Here, we compared the sensitivity and specificity of detecting the viral antigen in the brain and FSCs of 226 suspected rabid dogs, and assessed whether the FSC harbored the virus genome and particles. The viral antigen was detected in 211 of 226 samples with 100% sensitivity and specificity. Viral RNA and particles were observed in the cytoplasm of Merkel cells (MCs). These results suggest that MCs are targets of virus infection and FSCs are useful material for diagnosing rabies.
Tomoki Kokubun Masayoshi Oikawa Yasuhiro Ichijo Yoshiyuki Matsumoto Tetsuro Yokokawa Kazuhiko Nakazato Yoshiyuki Sato Shinya Takase Hiroharu Shinjo Hitoshi Yokoyama Hitoshi Suzuki Shu-ichi Saitoh Yasuchika Takeishi
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.57, no.11, pp.1597-1600, 2018-06-01 (Released:2018-06-01)

A 40-year-old man was transferred to our hospital following an isolated horse kick injury to the anterior chest wall. The case showed bi-fascicular block, severe tricuspid valve regurgitation due to ruptured chordae tendineae of the anterior leaflet, moderate mitral valve regurgitation due to prolapse of mitral anterior leaflet, and hypokinetic motion of the inferior septal wall. Both tricuspid and mitral insufficiency were completely repaired by a surgical operation. Fortunately, these injuries were not fatal in this case, but the comprehensive assessment of cardiac damage and careful observation are important for managing patients with cardiac injury.
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (ISSN:18811124)
vol.10, pp.13-28, 2013 (Released:2013-12-21)

Motorcycle taxis have been emerging in developing countries, especially developing Asian countries, as an informal public transport service. It could provide a fast, flexible, and cheap transport service to the general public. At the same time, it may also be main sources of income for the urban poor. Unfortunately, wider socioeconomic and environmental impacts of the service have never been understood fully. Regulations on the service have been lacking as well. This study aims to understand the main characteristics of the service, explore its broader impacts, and identify its possible roles in the future urban transport system. Questionnaire surveys were conducted in Hochiminh City, Vietnam in 2012 that covered 400 users, 100 operators or drivers, and 20 stakeholders. Based on the results, the study suggests necessary changes in the service business model and regulatory measures to improve the image and the quality of the service.
Ki-Bae Hong Sung Hee Han Yooheon Park Hyung Joo Suh Hyeon-Son Choi
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.41, no.8, pp.1269-1276, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of romaine lettuce leaves extract (RE), skullcap root extract (SE) and their mixture on sleep behaviors in vertebrate models. HPLC analysis showed that RE contains lactucopicrin (0.02±0.01 mg/g extract), chlorogenic acid (4.05±0.03 mg/g extract), caffeic acid (2.38±0.03 mg/g extract), and chicoric acid (7.02±0.32 mg/g extract) as main phenolic compounds, while SE includes baicalin (99.4±0.5 mg/g extract), baicalein (8.28±0.21 mg/g extract), and wogonin (3.09±0.32 mg/g extract). The mixture of RE (100 mg/g extract) and SE (40 mg/g extract) increased total sleep time by 50.9% compared with the control in pentobarbital-induced sleep model. In electroencephalography (EEG) analysis, RE/SE mixture significantly increased Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM), in which delta wave was enhanced by around 40% compared with normal control, leading to the increase of sleep time. In caffeine-induced wake model, RE/SE mixture greatly decreased (53%) caffeine-induced wake time, showing a similar level to normal control. In addition, caffeine-induced decreased of NREM and delta wave effectively increased with RE/SE mixture; NREM and delta wave increased by 85% and 108%, respectively. Furthermore, RE/SE mixture was shown to bind to a gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA)-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor stronger than RE or SE single extract. Taken together, RE/SE mixture effectively improved sleep behavior with the increase of NREM via GABAA-BZD receptor binding. RE/SE mixture can be used as an herbal agent for sleep disorders.
今村 文彦 杉浦 康平 齊木 崇人 松本 美保子 山之内 誠 黄 國賓 さくま はな 尹 聖喆 曽和 英子 Fumihiko IMAMURA Kohei SUGIURA Takahito SAIKI Mihoko MATSUMOTO Makoto YAMANOUCHI Kuo-pin HUANG Hana SAKUMA Seongcheol YUN Eiko SOWA

本報告は、アジアンデザイン研究所の活動としてアジアの山車文化についてデザイン的視点から調査、研究を進めるものである。研究所では開設以来、アジア各地域でみられる祭礼の多様な山車の造形的特徴、象徴性、世界観、その仕組みと社会や環境との関係性などについて、継続的に取り組んできた。2013年度は第2 回国際シンポジウムを開催した。アジア各地に分布する舟形の山車とそこにみられる蛇や鳥のモチーフやデザインの象徴性、神話性をめぐって、ミャンマー、タイ、日本からの報告を中心に活発で意欲的な議論を重ね、アジアの山車の構成原理についての興味深い知見を得ることができた。さらに山車イメージと密接に関連する山や木の造形を巧みに表現しているインドネシアの影絵ワヤン・クリに用いられるグヌンガンについて、現地で調査を実施し、その造形的特徴、使用法や構成原理等が明らかになった。また日本で活躍するバリ島の人形遣い(ダラン)を招き、バリ島のワヤン・クリについての研究会および上演会を開催した。これらの一連の活動により、アジアの山車と山、木などとの関連性について把握し、アジアのデザイン語法を解明する手がかりを得ることができた。