Nozawa Takashi Inoue Hiroshi Iwasa Atsushi Okumura Ken Lee Jong-dae Shimizu Akihiko Hayano Motonobu Yano Katsusuke
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society (ISSN:13469843)
vol.68, no.1, pp.29-34, 2003-12-20
11 41

Background Elevation of hemostatic markers may account for the increased risk of ischemic stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of anticoagulation intensity on hemostatic markers in patients with NVAF. Methods and Results In 509 patients with NVAF, comprising 263 patients treated with warfarin and 246 patients without warfarin, the hemostatic markers of prothrombin fragment F1.2 (F1.2), fibrin D-dimer, platelet factor 4 (PF4), and β-thromboglobulin were determined and compared with those in 111 patients with sinus rhythm. F1.2 was inversely related with anticoagulation intensity and D-dimer increased with age. All hemostatic markers, except F1.2, were greater in patients with NVAF than in patients with sinus rhythm. F1.2 and D-dimer were significantly lower in patients with international normalized ratio (INR) ≥ 1.5 than in NVAF patients without warfarin and were not different between NVAF patients with INR of 1.5-1.9 and with INR ≥ 2.0. Conclusions Low intensity of anticoagulation (INR 1.5-1.9) suppresses the elevated concentration of F1.2 and D-dimer in patients with NVAF, and might be favorable in Japanese patients with NVAF in view of the balance between prevention of thromboembolism and the adverse effect by warfarin (ie, bleeding).
PARK Jae-Seon HORINOUCHI Sueharu BEPPU Teruhiko
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry (ISSN:00021369)
vol.55, no.7, pp.1745-1750, 1991-07-23

An endo-type semi-alkaline cellulase (CMCase I) produced by an alkalophilic Streptomyces strain has an extraordinarily long leader peptide of about 70 amino acids (aa), which can be grouped into four distinct regions, an NH2-terminal region (13aa), an Arg-cluster region (13aa), a hydrophobic region (23aa), and an Ala/Pro-repeat region (12aa). For identification of the function of each part of the leader peptide for secretion of the enzyme, mutations in the leader peptide were generated by site-directed mutagenesis using the cloned gene, and the mutant genes were expressed in a cellulase-negative mutant strain, Streptomyces lividans HN1. Although all the alterations in the leader peptide, except for one case, decreased secretion to various extents, in S. lividans, the following conclusions were obtained. Comparison of the intra- and extra-cellular enzyme activities of the mutants suggested that the Arg-cluster region was essential in secretion of the cellulase. Deletion of 8 amino acids rich in threonine and proline in the NH_2-terminal region enhanced the secretion to a small extent. Deletion of the Ala/Pro repeat region had almost no effect on secretion.
山本 明 安部 航 泉 康介 板崎 輝 大宮 英紀 折戸 玲子 熊沢 輝之 坂井 賢一 志風 義明 篠田 遼子 鈴木 純一 高杉 佳幸 竹内 一真 谷崎 圭裕 田中 賢一 谷口 敬 西村 純 野崎 光昭 灰野 禎一 長谷川 雅也 福家 英之 堀越 篤 槙田 康博 松川 陽介 松田 晋弥 松本 賢治 山上 隆正 大和 一洋 吉田 哲也 吉村 浩司 Mitchell John W. Hams Thomas Kim Ki-Chun Lee Moohyung Moiseev Alexander A. Myers Zachary D. Ormes Jonathan F. Sasaki Makoto Seo Eun-Suk Streitmatter Robert E. Thakur Neeharika
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 (ISSN:13491113)
vol.7, pp.81-96, 2008-02

本研究は,南極周回超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測(BESS-Polar 実験)を通して,『宇宙起源反粒子,反物質の精密探査』を目的としている.地球磁極領域に降り注ぐ低エネルギー宇宙線に注目し,反陽子スペクトルを精密に測定して,衝突(二次)起源反陽子流束の理解を深めるとともに,『原始ブラックホール(PBH)の蒸発』,『超対称性粒子・ニュートラリーノの対消滅』等,初期宇宙における素粒子現象の痕跡となる『宇宙(一次)起源反粒子』を精密探査する.反ヘリウムの直接探査を通して,宇宙における物質・反物質の存在の非対称性を検証する.同時に陽子,ヘリウム流束を精密に観測し,これまでのカナダでの観測(BESS実験,1993-2002)の結果と合わせて,太陽活動変調とその電荷依存性について系統的に観測し,宇宙線の伝播,相互作用に関する基礎データを提供する.本研究では,これまでのBESS 実験で培われた超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測の経験をもとに,低エネルギー領域での観測感度を高め,南極周回長時間飛翔を可能とする超伝導スペクトロメータを新たに開発した.2004年12月13日,南極(米国,マクマード基地)での観測気球打ち上げ,高度37km での9日間に及ぶ南極周回飛翔に成功し,9億イベントの宇宙線観測データを収集した.運動エネルギー0.1〜1.3GeV の範囲に於いて,これまでの約4倍の統計量でエネルギースペクトルを決定した.結果は,衝突(二次)起源モデルとよく整合し,一次起源反陽子の兆候は観測されていない.太陽活動が極小期にむけた過渡期にあたる2004年の観測として予想に沿った結果を得た.反ヘリウム探索は,これまでのヘリウム観測の総統計量を2倍以上に高め,反ヘリウム/ヘリウム比の上限値を2.7×10^<-7>にまで押し下げた.本報告では,BESS-Polar(2004年)の成果を纏め,次期太陽活動極小期(2007年)における第二回南極周回気球実験計画を述べる.
MIAU Jiun-Jih TU J. K. LIAO T. W.
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology (ISSN:18805558)
vol.4, no.2, pp.415-429, 2009

Unsteady, three-dimensional characteristics of vortex shedding were studied with self-made MEMS sensors situated spanwisely on a circular cylinder subjected to uniform incoming flow. Firstly, verification on the reliability of the MEMS sensor signals was made by comparing with the hot-wire signals obtained in the flow simultaneously. Subsequently, the MEMS sensor signals were analyzed with Wavelet and Hilbert transformations and 2D-FFT. By Wavelet and Hilbert transformations, the results obtained indicate that the strongly three-dimensional vortex shedding events are featured with pronounced spanwise variations in the instantaneous phases of vortex shedding, which are further identified as the occurrences of vortex dislocation. Furthermore, the results of 2D-FFT analysis reveal that the spanwise wave numbers of vortex shedding largely falls in a range between -2 to 2, for the MEMS sensors spanned over a spanwise region of 3 D in length.
Kimura Tatsuaki Kim Bong-Kyun
日本古生物学會報告・紀事 新編 (ISSN:00310204)
no.152, pp.603-624, 1988-12-30

From the Late Triassic 'Daedong System' of non-marine origin distributed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, we recognized a flora consisting of 79 species belonging to 38 genera. Of these, eleven species belonging to nine genera are new to science and many plant taxa are newly found. This paper deals with the description of the following taxa recognized by us in the Daedong flora : Annulariopsis bunkeiensis (Kobatake), n. comb., Dictyophyllum exile (Brauns) Nathorst, Hausmannia ussuriensis Kryshtofovich, Cladophlebis mungyeongensis, sp. nov., Chiropteis coreanica, sp. nov., Anomozamites mungyeongensis, sp. nov. Otozamites micrauritus, sp. nov. and Pterophyllum micraequale, sp. nov. In addition taxonomic description is further refined in this paper on Coreanophyllum variisegmentum Kimura et Kim, a bennettitalean with bipinnate habit of leaf.
武田-六角 洋子
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-11, 2000-06-30

本研究では, 児童期抑うつの特徴をより明確にするため, 成人の抑うつに比し特異的とされる"攻撃性"に注目し, 児童 (小学3〜6年生) とその保護者をペアにして調査した。具体的には, 子どもには自己報告形式の抑うつ尺度と, 攻撃性の特徴を見るP-Fスタディを, 保護者には (予どもの) 気質尺度を実施した。次に, 抑うつ尺度をもとに子どもを2群 (高抑うつ傾向群と低抑うつ傾向群) に分け, 各々に保護者報告により得られた気質 (内向気質か外向気質か) を付与した後, P-Fスタディで得られた各評点因子につき分散分析を行った。気質と攻撃性については, 有意な結果は得られなかったが, 抑うつと攻撃性については興味ある結果が得られた。すなわち, 抑うつ傾向の高い児童の方が他者に対する攻撃性が高く, 自己に対する攻撃性が低かったのである。この時期の子どもにとって, 抑うつの低さは内省力を促し, 攻撃性も他者より自己に向かう傾向に結びつくが, 抑うつ傾向の高い子どもでは, 攻撃性が未熟な形で他者に向かい, 自分自身に目が向きにくくなるという特徴が見られた。成人の抑うつが過度の内省や罪悪感を特徴とするのに対し, 児童期の抑うつは, 目常場面での他者への高い攻撃性を特徴としていることが明らかになった。
横浜国立大学理科紀要. 第一類, 数学・物理学・化学 (ISSN:00858366)
vol.16, pp.19-32, 1970-03

The question concerning the equivalence of stationary Gaussian processes defined on the finite interval [0, T] was fully solved in the case where their spectral densities are rational in λ, (cf. [1], [5] and [7]). The object of this paper is to consider a criterion for the equivalence of two one-dimensional stationary Gaussian processes on [0, T] with, not necessarily rational, spectral densities (Theorem 2) : The main result is that P_ξ^T_<10> and P_ξ^T_<20> are equivalent if f_1(λ) and f_2(λ) are positive for almost all λ and if [numerical formula].
Yi-Wen Zhu 山口 高弘 志賀 智一 御子柴 茂生 上田 壽男 苅谷 教治 篠田 傳
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EID, 電子ディスプレイ
vol.97, no.519, pp.137-142, 1998-01-29

蛍光体の残光と動画偽輪郭の関係を定量的に求めた。蛍光体残光の減衰時定数が長いほうが偽輪郭は目立たなくなるが、一方乱れの幅は広くなる。また、残光により画像が尾を引く。発光デューティを低くすることにより、ある程度偽輪郭を防ぐことができる。乱れの量は蛍光体の時定数に依存するため、時定数の異なるR, G, B三色を混合すると、色ずれが発生する。
Ogawa Tadashi Tsuji Hideaki Bando Noriko Kitamura Keisuke Zhu Yue-Lin Hirano Hisashi Nishikawa Kiyoshi
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (ISSN:09168451)
vol.57, no.6, pp.1030-1033, 1993-06-23
28 151

The soybean allergenic protein, Gly m Bd 30K [Ogawa et al., J. Nutr. Sci. Vitamihol., 37, 555-565(1991)] which is most strongly and frequently recognized by the IgE antibodies in sera of soybean-sensitive patients with atopic dermatitis, has been characterized. The allergen was isolated from the crude 7S-globulin fraction as an oligomeric form with a molecular weight of more than 3000,000 by gel-filtration chromatography. On two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the native oligomeric allergen had an isoelectric point of about pH 4.5 and was dissociated into a monomeric form with a molecular weight of about 32,000 by the treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol. The monomeric allergen had an N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition identical with those of the soybean seed 34-kDa oil-body-associated protein or the soybean vacuolar protein P34 with close homology to papain-like thiol proteinases [Kalinski et al., J. Biol. Chem., 267, 12068 (1992)]. The identity was further confirmed by the immunological cross-reactivity to the antibodies produced against each of the purified allargen and the 34-kDa oil-body-associated protein. By this observation, Gly m Bd 30K was shown to have about 30% sequence homology with Der pI, a house dust mite allergen that is a thiol proteinase from Dermatophagoides pteronyssius.
Tokuda Shin-ichi Hayatsu Masahito
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.50, no.3, pp.365-374, 2004-06

Nitrous oxide (N_2O) is one of the main greenhouse gases, and accurate estimation of the N_2O flux from fertilized arable land is required. It is known that acidic tea field soil displays a higher N_2O production activity than neutral arable soil and that tea fields could be a major source of N_2O. Therefore, N_2O fluxes from four plots (Std, 2N, 2Ca and -Ca plots) in a tea field that had been subjected to different conditions of fertilizer management were measured using the closed chamber method over a period of two years, and the relationships between the N_2O flux and soil environmental factors were analyzed. The amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and liming material (dolomite) applied to the Std plot were 600 kg N ha^<-1> y^<-1> and 1,500 kg ha^<-1> y^<-1>, respectively. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to the 2N plot was two-times larger than that applied to the Std plot and corresponded to the conventional level in Japanese tea fields. The soil was acidified due to heavy nitrogen fertilization in the 2N plot. The 2Ca plot was amended with two-times the amount of liming material of the Std plot and in the -Ca plot no liming material was applied. There were significant differences among the N_2O fluxes from the plots, and the highest value of N_2O flux was 8.785 mg N m^<-2> h^<-1> in the 2N plot. Annual emission rate and emission factor of N_2O in the 2N plot were 25.22kg N_2O-N ha^<-1> and 2.10%, respectively. Both long-term heavy nitrogen fertilization and subsequent soil acidification possibly enhanced the N_2O flux from the tea field. The N_2O flux from the tea field showed temporal variations, namely the N_2O flux was relatively low from December to March possibly due to the low soil temperature and it increased gradually after March as the soil temperature increased over 10℃. The N_2O flux reached the first major peak in July, decreased transiently in August presumably due to the drying of soil, increased again and reached the second peak in September or October, and then decreased after November. Multiple linear regression analysis of the relationships between the N_2O flux and soil environmental factors indicated that the N_2O production activity was significantly related to the N_2O flux from the tea field. The N_2O production activity showed temporal variations corresponding to the temporal variations of the N_2O flux.
Suzuki Yoshizo Ochi Shun-ichi Kawashima Yukinori HIRAIDE RYOSUKE
公益社団法人 化学工学会
Journal of chemical engineering of Japan (ISSN:00219592)
vol.36, no.4, pp.458-463, 2003-04-01
1 10

This paper describes the results of field measurements of nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) emissions from fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerators. N<SUB>2</SUB>O was monitored continuously at six incinerators for 7–14 days. To study possible seasonal differences in N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions, measurements were done at two incinerators in both summer and winter. N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions varied with time, with large fluctuations in all incinerators. This result suggests that N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission factors determined by a grab sampling or short-term monitoring are not reliable. The average emission factors obtained were 1, 520–6, 400 g-N<SUB>2</SUB>O/t-dry sludge, which is much higher than the values of 800–1, 500 g-N<SUB>2</SUB>O/t-dry sludge published in "Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" by the IPCC.<BR>N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions were mostly determined by the highest freeboard temperature of the incinerator. N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions were drastically lower at higher values of highest freeboard temperature. The relation of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions to the highest freeboard temperatures was nearly the same in all incinerators. This suggests that one can estimate the N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission factor of an incinerator by analyzing the freeboard temperatures for several weeks.<BR>Seasonal differences in N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from a small-capacity incinerator seemed to be due to the change in freeboard temperature. A large-capacity incinerator had the same N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions in the summer and winter, because the change in freeboard temperature was small. Incinerators having larger incineration capacities tended to have higher N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission factors. This means that large capacity incinerators are operated with relatively low freeboard temperature.
Chen Po-Wen Chen Wen-Cheu Mao Frank Chinhung
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.66, no.4, pp.345-350, 2004-04-25
1 14

搾乳山羊の正常乳と乳房炎乳のラクトフェリン濃度(LFC)を測定した.山羊を飼育している70個の農家から集積したミルクと10頭の乳房炎罹患山羊のミルクLFCをELISA法で測定するとともに,メチレンブルー還元試験(MBRT)で反応時間を調べた.集積したミルクはMBRTの反応時間から高,中,低の3段階の品質に分類した.高品質に分類したミルクのLFC(167μg/ml)は正常(218μg/ml)または低品質(304μg/ml)のミルクの濃度よりも有意に低く,これに対して乳房炎ミルクのLFCは587μg/mlであった.LFCとMBRTの相関係数は-0.7であった.片側の乳房にStaphylococcus aureusを注入した3頭の山羊のミルク中LFC平均値(1,500μg/ml)はコントロール(30μg/ml)よりも有意に高値であった.これらの所見は山羊のミルク中LFCは乳房内感染の指標として有用であることを示唆している.
Liu Ke-Xin Kato Yukio Kaku Tai-ichi SUGIYAMA Yuichi
Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.21, no.1, pp.44-49, 1998-01-15
3 51

The effect of human placental extract (HPE) on liver regenaration in rats was investigated. After intravenous administration of HPE to α-naphthylisothiocyanate (ANIT)-intoxicated rats, the labeling index in hepatocytes was significantly increased to a level 16.5 times higher than that of the control. A 1/500 dilution of HPE directly stimulated DNA synthesis of the hepatocytes in primary culture. HPE heated at 121℃ did not stimulate the labeling index in vivo or hepatocyte DNA synthesis in primary culture, suggesting that HPE contains heatunstable but potent mitogens for hepatocytes. HPE contains hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), but the mitogenic effect of HPE cannot be explained by the effect exerted by HGF alone, since both the labeling index in vivo and hepatocellular DNA synthesis in vitro stimulated by HPE were much higher than those stimulated by HGF alone when the applied doses of HGF were set to be almost the same level between each case. When HPE was fractionated on a heparin-sepharose column, the mitogenic effect of HPE was found to be located mainly in the heparin-bound fraction. Hepatocyte DNA synthesis induced by this fraction was enhanced cooperatively by the heparin-unbound fraction, suggesting that there are some modulators in the heparin-unbound fraction which enhance the proliferative activity of the heparin-bound fraction by a synergetic mechanism. Both HPE and heated HPE completely recovered the biochemical marker activity for liver function (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, GPT;alkaline phosphatase, ALP; lactate dehydrogenase, LAP; γ-glutamyltransferase, γ-GTP activities and the bilirubin concentration) almost to the control level in the serum of ANIT-intoxicated rats, indicating that HPE also contains a heat-stable fraction which repairs liver function.
CHANG Yeim-Kuan
IEICE transactions on communications (ISSN:09168516)
vol.88, no.1, pp.239-246, 2005-01-01

Building next generation routers with the capability of forwarding multiple millions of packets per second is required for the increasing demand for high bandwidth on the Internet. Reducing the required memory size of the forwarding table is a possible solution since small forwarding table can be integrated into the application specific integrated circuit (ASIC). In this paper a hash technique is developed to reduce the size of the IP forwarding table. The proposed data structure is a compressed 8-8-8-8 multibit trie that is based on hash tables of 4-bit addresses. Two optimization techniques are also proposed to further improve the performance of the proposed schemes. Our experimental results show that the proposed hashing-based schemes are better than the Small Forwarding Table scheme [6] both in memory size and lookup latency.
Soo-Heon Park Chul-Soo Cho Oh-Young Lee Jae-Bum Jun San-Ren Lin Li-Ya Zhou Yao-Zong Yuan Zhao-Shen Li Xiao-Hua Hou Hong-Chuan Zhao Udom Kachintorn Chomsri Kositchaiwat Comson Lertkupinit
Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (ISSN:09120009)
vol.40, no.2, pp.148-155, 2007 (Released:2007-03-14)
57 65

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have gastrointestinal side effects such as dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, hemorrhage, and perforation. Misoprostol and PPIs have been used to prevent NSAID-induced gastroduodenal injury. Rebamipide increases gastric mucus and stimulates the production of endogenous prostaglandins. The prophylactic effect of rebamipide on NSAID-induced gastrointestinal complications is unknown. The aim of this study was to compare NSAID-induced gastrointestinal complications in rebamipide- and misoprostol-treated groups. Patients were randomized to two groups and took a conventional NSAID plus rebamipide or misoprostol for 12 weeks. Gastric mucosal damage was evaluated by endoscopy at screening and the end of the study. The prevalences of active gastric ulcer were 7/176 (3.9%) in the rebamipide group and 3/156 (1.9%) in the misoprostol group. The prevalences of peptic ulcer were 8/176 (4.5%) in the rebamipide group and 7/156 (4.4%) in the misoprostol group. The cumulative incidences of peptic ulcer in the high-risk subgroup were 6/151 (4.0%) for rebamipide and 6/154 (3.9%) for misoprostol. In conclusion, rebamipide prevented NSAID-induced peptic ulcer as effectively as misoprostol in patients on long-term NSAID therapy. Rebamipide may be a useful therapeutic option for the prevention of NSAID-induced gastrointestinal ulcer because of its therapeutic effect and safety.
杉木 章義 河野 健二 岩崎 英哉 Akiyoshi Sugiki Kenji Kono Hideya Iwasaki 電気通信大学大学院電気通信学研究科情報工学専攻 慶應義塾大学理工学部情報工学科 電気通信大学電気通信学部情報工学科 Department of Computer Science Graduate School of Electro-Communications The University of Electro-Communications Department of Information and Computer Science Keio University Department of Computer Science The University of Electro-Communications
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
コンピュータソフトウェア = Computer software (ISSN:02896540)
vol.24, no.2, pp.68-78, 2007-04-24

インターネットサーバの手動による性能パラメータ調整は,多くの経験や時間を必要とし,管理コストの増大を招くことが知られている.ウェブサーバの主要な性能パラメータであるkeep-alive時間は,適切に設定しない場合,サーバのスループットや応答性を低下させることがある.本論文では,ウェブサーバのkeep-alive時間の自動設定機構を提案する.本機構は管理者の介入を必要とせず,手動設定で求めた値に近いkeep-alive時間に自動設定する.本機構はリクエスト待機間隔を監視しながら,データを送受信していない接続を切断し,データを頻繁に送受信している多くのクライアントからの接続を保つようにkeep-alive時間を設定する.本機構をApacheウェブサーバを対象としたライブラリとして実装し,実験を行った.その結果,異なる2つの負荷に対して,それぞれkeep-alive時間を自動的に設定し,サーバの性能を適切に維持することを確認した.Manual parameter-tuning of Internet servers causes high administrative costs because it requires administrator's expertise and huge amounts of time. The keep-alive parameter, which is one of major parameters in web servers, may cause severe degradation if it is not set properly. In this paper, we present an automatic tuning technique of the keep-alive parameter. Our mechanism adjusts the parameter without administrator's intervention so as to maintain active connections between clients and a server while closing inactive connections by observing request-waiting intervals. We implemented a prototype for Apache web server. Experimental results show that our prototype automatically adjusted the parameter and successfully yielded the nearly optimal server performance on two different workloads.
河原 達也 Lee Chin-Hui Juang Biing-Hwang
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLC, 言語理解とコミュニケーション
vol.96, no.420, pp.61-68, 1996-12-13

対話環境における柔軟な音声理解を実現するために、キーフレーズの検出と検証の組合せに基づくアプローチを提案する。キーフレーズには意味タグが付与されており、その検出が直接的に頑健な理解を実現する。検出の湧出し誤りを抑制するために、サブワードベースの発話検証手法を導入する。これは、認識結果に信頼度を付与するものである。信頼度を定義するいくつかの関数について比較・検討を行った。複数の音声対話タスクのフィールドデータに適用した結果、本手法が、 (1)定型的な発話に対して精度を維持した上で、 (2)非定型な発話に対する理解率を向上し、 (3)タスク外発話の棄却率も改善することが示された。
Pak Son-Il Han Hong-Ryul 清水 晃
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.61, no.9, pp.1013-1018, 1999-09-25
4 36

病院犬から分離したメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA)12株の試験管内薬剤感受性, 毒力, パルスフィールドゲル電気泳動法(PFGE)による遺伝子型別を行った. 薬剤感受性試1験では, 大多数の菌株が供試したβ-ラクタム系に耐性で, 全株がグリコペプチド系に感受性であった. アミノ配糖体系は抗菌活性がなかった. LD<50>は菌液を腹腔内接種し, Spearman-Kardcr法で求めた. MRSAとMSSA(メチシリン感受性黄色ブドウ球菌)のマウス致死活性は, 正常マウスとサイクロフォスファミド処置マウスで意義ある違いが認められず, 両株は同等の毒力を有していた. MRSAとMSSAの間でエンテロトキシン産生率に違いがみられ, MRSAの83.3% (10/12),MSSAの14.3%(1/7)がエンテロトキシンを産生じ, MRSAの優勢エンテロトキシン型はB型であった. MRSAの全株が莢膜型5型に属し, 一方MSSAは多様な莢膜型(4株:5型, 1株:8型, 2株:型別不能)を示した. PFGE解析では, 12株のMRSAは48.5-630.5kbの間で9-11のフラグメントを産生し, 6つの異なったパターンを示した。 これらの結果から, エンテロトキシンの産生性と莢膜型はマウスに対する病原性に役割を演じていないこと, またPFGEはMRSAの特徴づけに有用な方法であることが示された. 本論文は韓国の獣医学領域における最初のMRSA分離報告例である.