木戸 盛年 嶋崎 恒雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.6, pp.547-552, 2007-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) was originally developed to screen for pathological gamblers in clinical settings, and its use has been expanded to other settings such as prevalence studies of pathological gambling in general populations. There are few studies of pathological gambling in Japan, except for the two studies on the development of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS. The present study examines the reliability and validity of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS using two different groups: a university student group (N=96) and a gambler group (N=66). Analyses of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS showed that there was sufficient internal consistency (α=.898) and reliability. The modified Japanese version of the SOGS demonstrated satisfactory validity in differentiating the university student group from the gambler group.
宮崎 弦太 佐伯 大輔 矢田 尚也 池上 知子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.16074, (Released:2018-03-10)

Previous findings regarding the effects of living in urban environments on residents' subjective well-being have been inconsistent. The present study developed a scale to measure the multifaceted nature of urban living environments and investigated the aspects of urban environments that enhance or reduce residents' life satisfaction. We conducted two online surveys in which adults living in urban or rural areas in Japan (1,000 participants for each survey) completed the Multifaceted Urban Living Environment Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Results indicated that urban living environments are characterized by quality of facilities, life convenience, life unpleasantness, and easy accessibility to public transportation. Of importance, each of these aspects affected residents' life satisfaction differently. Specifically, the quality of facilities was positively associated with life satisfaction, whereas life convenience was negatively associated. However, life unpleasantness and easy accessibility to public transportation had no effect on life satisfaction. These results suggest that it is important to measure the multifaceted nature of urban living environments to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of urbanization on residents' subjective well-being.
山本 真菜 岡 隆
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.16020, (Released:2018-02-20)

Suppressing stereotypic thoughts leads to paradoxical effects (i.e. suppressing a stereotype facilitates the use of the stereotype itself). Recent research on paradoxical effects in stereotype suppression has demonstrated that replacement thoughts decrease its paradoxical effects. This study examined the effectiveness of female counterstereotypes, major non-dominant female stereotypes, and minor non-dominant female stereotypes as replacement thoughts in suppressing dominant female stereotypes. In a lexical decision task, the participants were primed with either female counter-stereotypes, major non-dominant female stereotypes, minor non-dominant female stereotypes, or non-human objects, and thus they were likely to use those that were activated as replacement thoughts. Next, they were given a sentence-stem completion task that served as a manipulation of female stereotype suppression. Finally, they were given another lexical decision task and the response latencies of the stereotypic vs. non-stereotypic words were recorded. The results indicated that regardless of major or minor nondominant female stereotypes as replacement thoughts decreased the paradoxical effects of suppressing dominant female stereotypes. We discussed the way of activation of replacement thoughts and the role of non-dominant stereotypes as replacement thoughts in suppressing dominant stereotypes.
小林 智之 及川 昌典
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16337, (Released:2018-01-15)

It has been widely documented that egalitarianism motivates people to avoid stereotype use, which in turn facilitates intergroup interactions. However, in addition to perceptions of how the outgroup is perceived by the ingroup (stereotypes), perceptions of how the ingroup is perceived by the outgroup (meta-stereotypes) may also play an important role in intergroup interactions. We hypothesized that when negative meta-stereotypes are perceived, egalitarianism may increase vigilance toward stereotype use by the outgroup, thus exacerbating feelings of anxiety in intergroup interactions. Japanese participants were asked to report how they felt during an intergroup interaction with a Korean confederate, after being exposed to an article documenting positive or negative views Koreans might have of Japanese. The results were consistent with the notion that when negative meta-stereotypes are perceived, participants with high (versus low) egalitarianism experienced more anxiety in the intergroup interaction.
小川 昭利 横山 諒一 亀田 達也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16217, (Released:2017-07-10)

Theory-of-mind (ToM) has been extensively studied using neuroimaging, with the goal of finding a neural basis for ToM and its associate emotional and cognitive processes. In neuroimaging, a functional localizer is used when a region of interest needs to be identified in a way that is statistically independent of the main experiment. The original ToM localizer (ToM-L) for functional magnetic resonance imaging (Dodell-Feder et al., 2011) measures brain activity when a set of English sentences and related questions are read and answered by participants. We developed a linguistically localized version of the ToM-L for use with Japanese speakers, and evaluated it by scanning 70 participants. The results showed that this localizer could be used to define individual ToM-related areas, requiring about one-third of the scanning time of the original ToM-L while maintaining its statistical ability to identify individual ToM-related brain regions.
高橋 雄介 山形 伸二 星野 崇宏
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.1, pp.63-76, 2011 (Released:2011-08-29)
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Research has shown that personality traits have strong predictive validity for economic variables (e.g., income, work attainment) and epidemiological variables (e.g., longevity, physical health), as well as for psychological variables such as problem behaviors, and mental disorders. Importantly, personality traits are predictive even after controlling for socioeconomic status and cognitive abilities. The authors believe that current personality research in Japan almost completely overlooks this perspective. In this article, the authors review these new trends in personality psychological research. They propose a model for research involving A (accurate assessments), B (big samples), C (controlling for covariates and confounders), D (developmental trajectories), and E (economic and epidemiological variables). They outline three future directions to embody personality psychology for prediction, prevention, public wealth, and population health.
嘉瀬 貴祥 飯村 周平 坂内 くらら 大石 和男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15229, (Released:2016-09-10)

The present study aims to develop and examine the reliability, internal validity, and criterion validity of the Life Skills Scale for Adolescents and Adults (LSSAA) that would enable measurement of the level of life skills in Japanese adolescents and adults. In study 1, 238 university students completed a 41-item questionnaire for the LSSAA based on a previous study (Kase et al., 2016). Exploratory factor analysis was divided into four sub-scales: decision-making (8 items), interpersonal relationships (5 items), effective communication (5 items), and coping with emotion (3 items). In study 2, the reliability, content validity, and criterion validity of the LSSAA were examined by administering the questionnaire to 500 Japanese adolescents and adults. Confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis showed that the LSSAA had high reliability and validity. Additionally, it was confirmed that the LSSAA was effective for measuring the life skills needed for a satisfactory social life for a wide range (based on sex and/or age) of Japanese adolescents and adults.
尾崎 由佳 後藤 崇志 小林 麻衣 沓澤 岳
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.14222, (Released:2016-03-10)

Self-control refers to the ability to execute goal-oriented behavior despite the presence of temptation(s) to do otherwise. Since self-control has a wide-range impact on our daily lives, it is of critical importance to assess individual differences of self-control with a highly reliable and valid, yet simple, measure. Toward this end, three studies were conducted to test reliability and validity of the Japanese-translated version of Brief Self-Control Scale (Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004). The scale showed good internal consistency (Study 1) and retest reliability (Study 2). The total score of the scale was correlated with the self-reported indices of self-control (e.g., daily experience of ego-depletion, study hours) and performance in the Stop Signal Task (Study 3), indicating its high converging validity.
髙坂 康雅
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.596-604, 2014-02-25 (Released:2014-04-15)

This study reports the development of The Scale of Social Interest for Elementary School Children and examines its reliability and validity. Elementary school students of fourth, fifth, and sixth grades responded to provisional items of the scale, as well as scales assessing mental health, adaptation to school, and sympathy. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted using the provisional items. The following three factors, which had also been identified by Kosaka (2011), were extracted: feelings of contribution, feelings of belonging to society and trust in society, and self-acceptance. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated sufficient fitness. The reliability of the scale was confirmed based on internal consistency and stability. The predicted relationships among the scale and mental health, school adaptation, and sympathy were demonstrated. Based on these results, the reliability and validity of the Scale of Social Interest for Elementary School Children were confirmed.
亀田 達也
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, no.1, pp.27-34, 1986

To examine effect of prior stereotypical expectancy on social judgment from a Bayesian perspective, undergraduate subjects (<i>N</i>=204) were asked to infer a target person's attitude toward an atomic power problem. Half of them were told in advance that he was a member of Liberal Democratic Party (pro-expectancy condition), and the other half were told that he was a member of Japanese Socialist Party (con-expectancy condition). Then subjects were given a series of his previous relevant utterances, which had either high or low diagnostic values for the inference of his attitude. (a) "Labeling effect" occurred. That is, despite being given identical utterances, subjects given L. D. P. label estimated the target's attitude to be more favorable toward the atomic power than subjects given J. S. P. label. (b) This effect emerged mainly when subjects were given low diagnostic utterances. (c) Subjects given high diagnostic utterances inadequately underused the base-rate information (prior expectancy) compared with the Bayesian normative value. (d) Utterances congruent with prior expectancy were better recalled than utterances incongruent with prior expectancy.
命婦 恭子 岩田 昇 向笠 章子 津田 彰
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.4, pp.314-320, 2012 (Released:2013-01-01)

Although it is generally believed that frequent lateness might lead to absenteeism, the evidence for this has not been ascertained. We investigated the relationship between earlier lateness and subsequent absenteeism in a three-year longitudinal study in a public junior high school in Japan. The participants were 263 students (124 males, 139 females) whose school records were available for three consecutive academic years. Kaplan-Meier survival curves revealed that students who had been late for 30 or more days during their 1st year of junior high school were significantly more likely to show absenteeism during 2nd and 3rd year than students who had been late less than 30 days. Cox's proportional hazards regression model confirmed that frequent lateness was the only significant predictor, after controlling socio-demographics and psychosocial variables including stressors at school and stress responses. The substantial linkage of frequent lateness to absenteeism found in this study suggests the necessity of paying more attention to lateness for the prevention of absenteeism.
小野 由莉花 及川 昌典 及川 晴
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.19042, (Released:2021-03-31)

In modern society, gender equality is respected. However, the entanglement of gender relations remains a problem. In this study, we investigated the possibility that activation of thoughts about romantic love increases the salience of stereotypical gender role expectations, outside of consciousness, which causes a gender difference in the interpretation of ambiguous messages. In Study 1, in which participants carefully analyzed the scenario via conscious processing, and in Study 2, in which participants spontaneously responded to real-life situations via nonconscious processing, male participants in the romantic love priming conditions, compared to male participants in the control conditions, were more likely to respond to ambiguous messages with more positive emotions, and evaluated the message sender as being more attractive. However, such bias was not observed among female participants. Instead, they showed higher distrust toward ambiguous messages. These results show that even if the awareness of gender equality is raised, the activation of thoughts about romantic love makes stereotypical gender role expectations more salient, which leads to a difference in interpretation of ambiguous messages between males and females.
曺 美庚 釘原 直樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16322, (Released:2017-05-10)

心理学研究第88巻第3号掲載の曺 美庚・釘原 直樹著,「文化,性,パーソナリティがタッチ性向に及ぼす影響」論文は,著者により取下げられました。
内田 照久 中畝 菜穂子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.5, pp.397-406, 2004-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study investigated the systematic relationship between nonverbal features of speech and personality trait ratings of the speaker. In Study 1, fundamental frequency (F0) in original speech was converted into five levels from 64% to 156.25%. Then 132 undergraduates rated each of the converted speeches in terms of personality traits. In Study 2 134 undergraduates similarly rated the speech stimuli, which had five speech rate levels as well as two F0 levels. Results showed that listener ratings along Big Five dimensions were mostly independent. Each dimension had a slightly different change profile over the five levels of F0 and speech rate. A quadratic regression equation provided a good approximation for each rating as a function of F0 or speech rate. The quadratic regression equations put together would provide us with a rough estimate of personality trait impression as a function of prosodic features. The functional relationship among F0, speech rate, and trait ratings was shown as a curved surface in the three-dimensional space.
木村 敦 齊藤 知範 山根 由子 島田 貴仁
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.2, pp.120-128, 2023 (Released:2023-06-25)

Previous studies suggest that some elderly people do not use an answering machine at home to prevent falling victim to fraudulent scams despite this being known as one of the most effective behaviors to avoid fraud. The present study explored the influence of optimistic bias on answering machine use and behavioral intention for preventing fraud among elderly Japanese people. A survey was used among elderly Japanese respondents (N = 1,598, Mage = 73.2, SD = 5.30) to examine optimistic bias and behavioral intentions related to preventing scams targeting the elderly. Results of statistical analyses demonstrated that there was no relationship between optimistic bias and answering machine use. On the other hand, optimistic bias positively affected the behavioral intention of penetrating a scam by pretending to be deceived if respondents encountered scammers. We discuss the effects of optimistic bias and other factors, such as gender, on crime prevention behaviors regarding fraud.
池上 真平 重野 純
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.2, pp.119-129, 2013-06-25 (Released:2013-09-01)

Swing is a musical performance technique, whose magnitude is indicated by the swing ratio. This study examines the effects of swing on music-listening appreciation. In Experiment 1, 21 participants were presented with synthesized performances with three swing ratios, and were asked to rate their impressions using the semantic differential method. The results show that there exists a certain relationship between swing and the affective evaluation of music and tempo. Experiment 2 explored the relationship between swing and melody, another dimension of music, in perceived dynamism and preference for swing. Two musical instruments were used: piano and drums. Twenty-two participants were presented with synthesized performances and were asked to rate the degree of dynamism and their preference using Scheffé’s paired comparison method. The evaluations for five swing conditions were similar for those performed by the piano and by the drums. The discussion looks at the swing ratio and its psychological attributes as well as the relationships of perceived impressions of swing to tempo and musical instruments.
鈴木 伸一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.74, no.6, pp.504-511, 2004-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of this study was to validate the three dimensional model of classifying coping behavior. The three are: Encounter-Avoidance, Problem-Emotion, Behavior-Cognition Dimension. A set of questionnaires on coping behavior and psychological stress responses were administered, and 1 604 undergraduates and 1 296 adults completed them. Analyses of covariance structure were performed, and results indicated that the three dimensional model, with eight coping style, showed the highest goodness-of-fit statistics. Multiple regression analyses also indicated that Problem-Emotion and Behavior-Cognition dimensions were useful for predicting the coping effects on psychological stress responses. Therefore, the two dimensional model of Problem-Emotion and Behavior-Cognition, with four coping style, would be helpful for further investigation of coping behavior that would buffer psychological stress responses.
福田 恭介 水口 美咲 松尾 太加志 志堂寺 和則 早見 武人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.2, pp.122-128, 2021 (Released:2021-06-25)

The “Tip of the Tongue” (TOT) is a well-known phenomenon in which one cannot recall the name of a familiar person or object but can recall related words. In the TOT state, cognitive processing activities based on relating information are frequently performed. Blinking is suppressed when waiting for information and when inputting or processing information, and instead occurs at the end of the processing phase. However, the relationship between blinking and the TOT state is not yet clear. In this study, we investigated how the timing of blink suppression and occurrence changes during the TOT state. We presented successive facial photographs of famous people interspersed with those of unknown persons. The participant’s task was to name the person during recall-stimulus after each of the photographs. The participant’s responses were classified as “Recognized,” “TOT,” and “Not recognized.” Our results indicated that blink suppression occurred most frequently while waiting for the recall-stimulus period in “Not recognized” responses, whereas suppression occurred least frequently in TOT responses. We conclude that blink suppression and occurrence is related to memory-system-access processing.
井邑 智哉 髙村 真広 岡崎 善弘 徳永 智子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.4, pp.374-383, 2016 (Released:2016-10-25)
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We developed a scale to measure time management and assessed its reliability and validity. We then used this scale to examine the impact of time management on psychological stress response. In Study 1-1, we developed the scale and assessed its internal consistency and criterion-related validity. Findings from a factor analysis revealed three elements of time management, “time estimation,” “time utilization,” and “taking each moment as it comes.” In Study 1-2, we assessed the scale’s test-retest reliability. In Study 1-3, we assessed the validity of the constructed scale. The results indicate that the time management scale has good reliability and validity. In Study 2, we performed a covariance structural analysis to verify our model that hypothesized that time management influences perceived control of time and psychological stress response, and perceived control of time influences psychological stress response. The results showed that time estimation increases the perceived control of time, which in turn decreases stress response. However, we also found that taking each moment as it comes reduces perceived control of time, which in turn increases stress response.
伊藤 裕子 相良 順子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.3, pp.211-216, 2012 (Released:2012-11-23)
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A marital love scale was created to study the marital quality of middle-aged and elderly couples, and the scale's reliability and validity were examined. In this study, 888 middle-aged and elderly married participants completed the marital love scale questionnaire as well as answering questions regarding marriage satisfaction and husband-wife communication. In all age groups, men scored higher than women on the marital love scale. The marital love score gradually increased from the middle-aged to the senior period, and like the marriage satisfaction score, the marital love score showed a U-shaped curve in the whole married life. The results also showed that the scale was highly correlated with marriage satisfaction and spousal self-disclosure. Thus, the validity and internal consistency of the marital love scale were confirmed.