山崎 信寿
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.85-95, 1990
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Bipedal dinosaurs are huge and curious animals that have short forelimbs, powerful hindlimbs, and a long and heavy tail. The restoration of their posture and locomotion is difficult because of the lack of resemblant living animals. In this study, we paid attention to the harmony between animal motion and body shape, and conversely estimated the posture and locomotion of the bipedal dinosaurs from the characteristics of the body proportions using a computer simulation method. The mathematical model was constructed by the three-dimensional rigid link system with the following fourteen segments: head, neck, thorax, pelvis, upper arms, forearms, thighs, shanks, bottom tail, and top tail. An axis of the central body segments rotates about the vertical axis with a constant pitch angle defined by the initial posture. Each limb moves in the sagittal plane of the thorax or pelvis segment. Body weight is supported by the lumbar joint. Both torque spring and damper element are attached in each joint to prevent large relative rotation. Nonlinear elasticity is given in the knee and elbow joints to avoid hyper-extension of the joint. Using these assumptions, we can deduce seventeen simultaneous second-order differential equations. The numerical calculation of the oscillation mode was performed by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. By means of this method, we analyzed Allosaurus, which was a typical bipedal dinosaur in the Jurassic period. The length of each segment was estimated from measured data of fossil skeletons. Other physical parameters, such as weight, moment of inertia and center of mass of each segment, were calculated geometrically from the restored shape. The torque spring and damper elements of each joint were referred from living animals. The numerical calculations were performed by assuming several body proportions and postures. The following results were obtained: Stability and walking speed with erect posture are inferior to the horizontal posture. The long and heavy tail is useful to obtain harmonic motion and greater speed. But the weight of the short forelimbs has almost no effects on the locomotion. The narrow distance between the hip joints increases the walking speed and decreases the swing of the body. The walking speed calculated by the stride of fossil pit and the oscillation frequency of the hindlimbs is 5.6km/h, which is within the speed range of mammals. Consequently, we can reconstruct the walking of Allosaurus, which held its trunk and tail horizontal and moved stably at almost mammalian speed.
田中 惣治 山本 澄子
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.23, pp.107-117, 2016 (Released:2017-08-01)
9 2

麻痺側立脚期の膝関節の動きにより片麻痺者の歩行パターンを分類し, 歩行パターンの違いにより歩行時の下肢筋活動と運動力学的特徴が異なるか, 三次元動作分析装置と表面筋電計を用いて分析した. 回復期片麻痺者35名を対象とし, 歩行時の膝関節と下腿傾斜角度から, 健常者の膝の動きと近い健常膝群 (15名), 荷重応答期と単脚支持期にそれぞれ膝関節が伸展する初期膝伸展群 (5名) と中期膝伸展群 (15名) に分類した. 結果, 健常膝群は荷重応答期で腓腹筋の筋活動を抑えながら前脛骨筋が働くため十分な背屈モーメントを発揮し, 踵ロッカーが機能した. 中期膝伸展群は荷重応答期で腓腹筋の筋活動が大きいため背屈モーメントが十分に発揮されず, 踵ロッカー機能が低下しており, 初期膝伸展群は荷重応答期で前脛骨筋の筋活動が小さく背屈モーメントが発揮されないことから, 踵ロッカーが機能しないことが明らかになった.
高林 知也 江玉 睦明 横山 絵里花 徳永 由太 久保 雅義
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.23, pp.67-73, 2016 (Released:2017-08-01)

ウィンドラス機構 (WM) とは歩行時の蹴り出し時の推進力を生み出す足部機能のひとつであり, 効率的な歩行を実現するために重要な役割を担っている. しかし, 走行におけるWMはいまだ明らかとなっていない. 本研究は, 走行と歩行の動作様式の違いがWMにおよぼす影響を検証した. 対象は健常成人男性9名とし, 課題動作はトレッドミル上での走行と歩行とした. 解析項目として, WMの指標である内側縦アーチ角度と母趾背屈角度を立脚期で算出した. 走行と歩行で内側縦アーチ角度最小値は変化がみられなかったが (157.4±6.0°, 156.9±4.9°), 走行は歩行と比較して母趾背屈角度ピーク値が有意に低値を示した (32.9±7.3°, 39.9±9.0°; p<0.05). 本研究結果より, 走行時のWMの役割は限局的である可能性が示唆された.
高橋 良輔 金子 文成 柴田 恵理子 松田 直樹
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.24, pp.59-67, 2018 (Released:2019-09-01)

本研究の目的は, 肩関節外旋運動反復トレーニングが肩関節外転運動中の棘下筋を支配する皮質脊髄路興奮性を増大させるのか明らかにすることである. 外旋反復運動をトレーニング課題として, その前後に外転運動中の皮質脊髄路興奮性を経頭蓋磁気刺激による運動誘発電位で評価した. 外旋反復運動は15分毎に100回を3セット実施した. 運動誘発電位は外旋運動反復トレーニング前に2回, 各トレーニング直後, そして3回目のトレーニング直後から30分後と60分後に測定した. 棘下筋の運動誘発電位振幅は3回目のトレーニング直後から60分後まで有意に増大した. 本研究結果から, 肩関節外旋運動反復トレーニングによって, トレーニングと異なる運動である肩関節外転運動中に棘下筋を支配する皮質脊髄路興奮性が持続的に増大することが示された.
板谷 厚 小野 誠司 木塚 朝博
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.25, pp.33-44, 2020 (Released:2021-07-16)

本研究は, 男子大学野球部員20名を対象者とし, 盗塁をモデル化したスプリント走 (投手の投球動画を見て打者方向への投球だと判断した時点でスタートし10 mを全力疾走する) 24試技を実施した. スプリント走タイムとスタート時の投球方向予測の確信度をvisual analog scaleにて測定した. 各対象者のタイムと確信度は総じて負の相関関係にあり, 確信度が高いほどタイムは短縮する傾向にあった. したがって, 盗塁のような予測をともなうプレーは予測が外れ失敗するリスクはつきものだが, 判断に確信をもつことでパフォーマンスは向上し, 成功の可能性を高めることが示唆された.
金原 秀行 岩本 正実
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.189-199, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)
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アメフトは, 軽度の外傷性脳損傷 (MTBI) が最も多く発生する競技といわれている. 我々は頭部の角加速度の大きさとその持続時間に基づいた脳傷害評価指標RIC36とPRHIC36を提案している. 本研究ではアメフト衝撃時の頭部の加速度データを取得し, スポーツにおけるMTBIを対象とした脳傷害評価指標の妥当性と有用性について示す. 頭部の衝撃挙動についてよく検証された人体有限要素 (FE) モデルを用いて, アメフト衝撃時の頭部挙動を再現し, 頭蓋内の脳ひずみを予測した. 頭部挙動と脳ひずみの関係を調査した結果, RIC36とPRHIC36は脳ひずみから推定される脳損傷率と強い相関を示した.
竹田 仰
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.12, pp.265-279, 1994-08-10 (Released:2016-12-05)

This paper reports on a virtual training environment developed using virtual reality technology with force and visual image feedback capability. In our system: (1) A light and safe force-display implemented using a pneumatic rubber actuator is available. It has a wide range of motion and large driving force comparable to those of human joints and muscle. (2) The trainee's muscle characteristics can be measured. (3) The parameters of the training environment (e. g. spring constant, weight of dumbbell) can be changed easily so as to obtain an environment best fitting the characteristics of human muscle. In order to accomplish the above purposes, a system must be capable of freely generating and controlling the physical and psychological elements of a training environment. For the first step, applying virtual reality techniques, we are developing a computer controlled training system which can generate and control various audio/visual images and forces to be applied to the trainee. Currently, however, we have decided to limit the scope of implementation to the upper extremity as the training target, and to visual images for the environmental information. The trainee using this system wears a force-display which can apply force to his/her upper extremity and a head mount display through which he/she can see the virtual world, a room with wall, windows, etc., in which a spring and a dumbbell are placed in the room. The trainee can "use" these sporting goods and can feel forces on his/her upper extremity as if he/she were actually exercising using them. By measuring the trainee's muscle characteristics and setting them in the system's computer before starting a training session, an improved training environment results. In addition, in the case of rehabilitation, the system can provide information such as video images of rehabilitation history data, which can help increase the trainee's motivation for attending the exercise. In our system, an important role is played by the actuators which are attached to the force-display to generate various reaction forces. An actuator serving those purposes should be safe, small, light, and capable of high force output. As human muscle of the upper extremity is much stronger than the muscle of the fingers, an actuator with high output is very desirable. It is also important that the apparatus not feel unpleasant to the trainee when he/she wears the force-display. For these reasons, we have chosen a pneumatically controlled rubber actuator.
平野 剛 那須 大毅 小幡 哲史 木下 博
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.27-36, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)

ホルン演奏時の表情筋の制御様式と熟達度によるその違いを調べるために2つの実験を行った. 第1実験では熟達奏者にさまざまな音を演奏させ, 音が鳴る直前と音が鳴っているときの表情筋の活動と唇周りの皮膚表面の動きを計測した. その結果, 音が鳴る直前の活動強度と音が鳴っているときの活動強度の間に差はみられなかった. また計測されたほとんどの筋で演奏する音量が大きいほど, また演奏する音の高さが高いほど筋活動量は高くなった. 一方で口唇周りの皮膚表面の動きは, 演奏する音量, 音の高さにかかわらず一定だった. この結果から, 熟達ホルン奏者は意図した音に応じて, 音が鳴る直前から広範囲の表情筋の活動を共同的に制御し, 振動する唇の張力や質量を変化させていることが示唆された. 第2実験では熟達奏者と未熟達奏者の2群に分けて, 表情筋の活動の違いを検討した. その結果, 連続しない1つの音を演奏する課題では活動量に違いはみられないが, 異なる音の高さを連続して演奏する課題では, 上唇に付着する筋に活動量の違いが見られた. 上唇に付着する筋の活動は, 複雑な演奏を行うときに重要な役割を果たし, その制御には長期的な訓練を要することが示唆された.
増田 正 遠藤 博史 武田 常広
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.15, pp.63-73, 2000-06-15 (Released:2016-12-05)

In recent years SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) technology has developed rapidly in both sensitivity and number of recording channels. Biomagnetic measurements based on SQUID technology are considered to have great potential in the analysis of brain and heart functions. They are also applicable to skeletal muscles and may provide a new method for diagnosing neuromuscular functions. To clarify the capability for biomagnetic measurements, the magnetic recording technique was applied to the vastus lateralis and the vastus medialis of three healthy male adults. Magnetic fields were measured with a 64-channel SQUID system. Discharges of single motor units were simultaneously detected by surface electromyography under a weak voluntary contraction. The magnetic signals were averaged for 64 to 158 times at the zero-crossings in the surface electromyogram. Six motor units were detected in the three subjects. The isofield maps of magnetic fields showed current sources arising from the motor endplate regions and spreading in opposite directions to the tendons. A current octupole moving along muscle fibers explains these magnetic fields. Because the magnitude of the magnetic fields is directly proportional to the intensity of the currents in the muscle fibers and is independent of the conductivity of the surrounding medium under certain conditions, it is possible to calculate the intensity of the currents in the muscle fibers. To improve the accuracy of such calculations, a model of the muscle fiber action currents was developed, taking into consideration the intensity and duration of the current source. A magnetic field was calculated from an octupole current model. The measured magnetomyographic signal waveform was deconvoluted with the calculated magnetic field signal produced by a single muscle fiber. The area of the deconvoluted waveform represents the number of active muscle fibers, which was estimated at 708 to 1,791 (average 1,088±480) for the six motor units detected. These numbers were 6.5 times larger than those estimated from the intensity of the current source alone without considering its duration, and were close to the invasively obtained values. The number of muscle fibers contained in a muscle or a motor unit has until now been estimated only by an anatomical method. Noninvasive magnetic measurement should therefore contribute to the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases that cause the decrement or shrinkage of muscle fibers.
岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 藤井 範久 森丘 保典
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.13, pp.125-139, 1996-07-25 (Released:2016-12-05)
63 91

In the analysis of human movement, it is significant that appropriate parameters of the inertia property of body segments should be used because they will affect various computed kinetic variables. When analyzing the movement of elderly people, it is also desirable to use the inertia parameters of the body segments suitable for the elderly. Although there are appropriate sets of inertia parameters of the body segments for children (Yokoi et al., 1986) and young adults (Ae et al., 1992) of Japanese, no report exists on those for Japanese elderly. The purposes of this study were to determine the mass, the location of the center of mass (CM) and the principal moments of inertia about three axes of the body segments for Japanese elderly males and females by using an elliptical zone model (Jensen, 1978; Ae et al., 1992), and to develop a set of regression equations to estimate inertia parameters of the body segments using simple anthropometric measurements as predictors. Subjects were 90 Japanese elderly males aged 62 to 86 yr. (mean 75.1 yr.) and 89 Japanese elderly females aged 61 to 83 yr. (mean 73.0 yr.). Each subject, wearing swimming suit and cap, was photographed in a standing position in the measurement frame with a thin mirror mounted at an angle of 45° to the subject. Body segments were the head, whole torso, upper arms, forearms, hands, thighs, shanks, feet, upper torso and lower torso. They were modeled as a stacked system of elliptical zones 2cm in thickness. Segment density was assumed to be uniform and selected from 26 sets of segment densities after Dempster (1955) and Chandler et al. (1975). The mean errors in the estimation of total body mass were -0.07±0.54% (maximal error: -2.03%) for the males and -0.01±0.45% (maximal error: -1.27%) for the females. Equations for the estimation of the body segment inertia parameters were determined using a stepwise multiple regression with age, standing height, body weight and segment length as predictors. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1) There were significant differences in many body segment inertia parameters between the elderly males and females. The percent mass ratios of the forearm, hand, foot and upper torso for the elderly males were significantly larger than those for the elderly females, but the thigh, shank and lower torso ratios for the elderly females were significantly larger than those for the males. 2) There were significant differences in many body segment inertia parameters between the elderly and the young adults (Ae et al., 1992) and between the Japanese elderly and the Canadian elderly (Jensen et al., 1993; 1994). 3) The correlation coefficients between the body segment inertia parameters determined and estimated from the regression equations were all significant (0.328-0.979; p<0.01). The equations determined in this study should be valid for estimation of the body segment inertia properties for Japanese elderly.
仲谷 政剛 大窪 伸太郎 野々川 舞
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.24, pp.159-167, 2018 (Released:2019-09-01)

本研究の目的は, 簡便に足部剛性を定量化する手法を提案すると共に, 走動作中の着地衝撃との関係を検討することである. 被験者は成人男性13名とし, 座位および立位における舟状骨高および鉛直方向地面反力を測定した. 両姿勢における荷重変化を舟状骨高変化率にて除した値を足部剛性とし, 体重の38.575% (足部および下腿部質量, ならびに大腿部質量および質量中心位置より算出) を舟状骨変化率で除した値を簡易足部剛性として, それぞれ算出した. その結果, 足部剛性と簡易足部剛性は良く一致することが確認できたと共に, 簡易足部剛性と着地衝撃との間に正の相関関係が確認できた (r=0.889, p<0.01). 本結果から, 足部の形状変化から得られる足部剛性の評価により, 走動作中の着地衝撃の大きさを予測可能であることが示された.
田川 善彦 新田 益大 増山 智之 松瀬 博夫 志波 直人
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.225-236, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)

微小重力下にある国際宇宙ステーション (International Space Station : ISS) では生体の筋骨格系が減弱する. このため種々の対策が実施されているが, 大掛かりな設備となっている. そこで簡便で効果的な訓練法が模索され, 我々のグループではヒトへの電気刺激によるハイブリッドトレーニング (hybrid training : HT) 法を提案し, 地上や微小重力模擬下で効果を検証してきた. 本論文ではHTのISS 内実施に伴い想定される以下の事項を取り上げた. まずシステムの電気刺激条件と含水性刺激電極, 刺激装置と人体通電時の電磁適合性 (electro-magnetic compatibility : EMC) について検討した. 次にHTと人体浮遊時の身体揺動, 日本実験モジュール (Japanese Experiment Module : JEM) に上体を固定した時のISSへの振動的加速度の影響について検討した.
結城 匡啓 阿江 通良 浅見 高明
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.11, pp.111-121, 1992-05-20 (Released:2016-12-05)

Many researchers have attempted to measure the change in velocity of the center of gravity (CG) for speed skaters in stroking. However, there have been some difficulties in measuring the velocity change in speed skating; they include the very long stride length (about 10m) and the three-dimensional behavior of the skater's CG. The purposes of this study were to investigate the push-off technique for top-level Japanese speed skaters and the change in velocity during the push-off phase using 3D cinematography, and then to examine acceleration theory during the push-off phase in speed skating. Skaters participating in the 500m race of the All Japan student championship (1989) were videotaped (60 fields/s) by 10 VTR cameras over 20m at the crossing zone of the back straightaway. Twenty-two male skaters were selected as subjects and classified into two groups on the basis of the performance of the competition. 3D coordinates of the segment endpoints were obtained on five sub-areas (each 4m in length) using a DLT method. Displacement and velocity of the CG and the angles of the hip, knee and ankle joint were calculated. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) Push-off movement for the top group skaters placed the CG further forward than that of the second group. 2) The vector derived from the push-off movement for the top group skaters was directed forward, and accelerated the CG of the skaters effectively. 3) Increase in the velocity in skating direction for all subjects seemed to contribute more than expected to the acceleration of the CG. It has been proposed that acceleration in speed skating occurs by push-off of the leg in a direction perpendicular to the gliding direction of the skate, since the force applied to the opposite direction of gliding cannot contribute to acceleration of the CG due to very small frictional force. However, this theory cannot thoroughly explain the findings obtained for the top skaters in this investigation. Therefore, the acceleration theory should be modified to reflect the fact that the CG of the skater during speed skating is accelerated not only by the push-off perpendicular to the gliding direction but also by an increase in velocity vector in a gliding direction.
沼津 直樹 藤井 範久 森本 泰介 小池 関也
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.25, pp.21-32, 2020 (Released:2021-07-16)

本研究ではキッカーにゴールのさまざまな地点へシュートさせ, ゴールキーパー (GK) が実際にダイビング動作によって対応した試技のシュート動作を対象に, GKがシュートの飛来する地点を予測する際に有用なキッカーやボールの動きについてバイオメカニクス的に検討することを目的とした. その結果, 右利きのキッカーが自身の左方向へシュートを行う際, 軸脚の足部や体幹の回旋角度が, 右方向へシュートする場合よりもより左方向へ向くことが明らかとなった. また, シュートがGKの近くまたは遠くに飛来するのかといったシュートの距離や飛来するシュートの高さについては, インパクト後のボールの軌道から素早く判断し, 対応しなければならないことが明らかとなった.
金 承革 柴田 昌和 土田 将之 栗田 泰成 塚本 敏也
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.25, pp.151-165, 2020 (Released:2021-07-16)

中殿筋は片脚立位保持や歩行において骨盤側方傾斜を制動して安定させる重要な筋である. 中殿筋の内部構造や筋出力や筋電波形特性を明確にすることは, 臨床での検査方法の適正改善や検査データのより良い解釈へつながり, ふらつきや転倒などの機能障害を改善・予防することに貢献できる. 肉眼解剖学的調査によって, 中殿筋内部には腱膜が存在し, 前部線維束と後部線維束に分かれることが明確になった. 股外転最大筋力発生時の筋断面積と筋電の測定では, 股伸展位で前部線維束が, 股屈曲位で後部線維束が主に寄与すると推測できるデータが観測された. 歩行中の中殿筋の両線維束の筋電位は, 被験者の個人特性があるが, 最大筋力発生時の特性を反映していた.
森 仁 八島 建樹 小助川 博之 出江 紳一 高木 敏行
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.24, pp.79-88, 2018 (Released:2019-09-01)
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現在, 多くの脳血管障害患者や高齢者が, 嚥下障害により食物の経口摂取に困難を抱えている. 著者らは, 末梢神経磁気刺激により舌骨上筋群を反復的に収縮させることが, 嚥下機能の回復につながると考えている. 現在, 市販されている磁気刺激コイルは, 刺激範囲が広範なため, 舌骨上筋群刺激時に下歯槽神経などの不要な部位まで刺激してしまう問題がある. そこで, 著者らは, 磁性体コアを用いた構造を採用することにより, 磁気刺激時に局所的な渦電流分布が得られる狭い範囲の刺激に最適化したコイルの設計・試作を行った. また, 試作されたコイルを用いた磁気刺激により, 下歯槽神経を刺激することなく大きな舌骨上筋群の収縮が得られることを確認した.