久米 龍一 新川 求 川口 章 八隅 慶一郎 益子 道生 白石 友紀
日本植物病理学会報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.63, no.2, pp.110-112, 1997

イネいもち病に対して高い防除活性を示すSSF-126は,イネいもち病菌(<i>Pyricularia oryzae</i>)のスライドグラス上での分生胞子発芽やセロファン膜侵入を1.0ppm以上の濃度においても完全には阻害せず,また,メラニン合成阻害も示さなかった。しかし,イネ体磨砕物の共存下では発芽を顕著に阻害した。以上の結果とこれまでの報告から,(1) SSF-126は侵入したイネいもち病菌の呼吸を阻害するが, (2)いもち病菌体にシアン耐性呼吸鎖が誘導される。しかし, (3)イネ体中のフラボノイド化合物によってこの誘導過程が阻害され,その結果いもち病菌は侵入後蔓延出来ず発病に至らないと推定した。これは本剤がいもち病菌のイネ体侵入後に活性を発現するというこれまでの知見をよく説明しており,新規制御剤開発の指標となる機構の一つと考えられた。
西岡 みどり 住田 正幸 大谷 浩己 奥本 均 上田 博晤 近藤 育志

1)わが国で最も普通のトノサマガエルとダルマガエル、著しい体色変化をするアマガエル、特殊な色素細胞をもつアオガエルを主材料として、正常の体色と色彩突然変異について、形態学的、遺伝学的研究を行なった。2)トノサマガエル群では、褐色または緑色の正常色彩、配偶子の放射線照射によって得た9系統の色彩突然変異、野外で発見されたアルビノの10系統、その他黒色眼と灰色眼突然変異について、遺伝と色素細胞の微細構造について調べた。特にアルビノについては、次の重要な新知見を得た。(i) アルビノには遺伝子座の異なる5群があり、第1群は4種類の対立遺伝子によって支配される。(ii) 各アルビノは、外観および黒色素胞内に含まれるプレメラノソームに明らかな違いがある。(iii) 2遺伝子座でアルビノ遺伝子が同型接合になった12種類のアルビノを作り、各アルビノ遺伝子の表現の優劣を明らかにした。(iv) アルビノのトノサマガエルと正常のダルマガエルとの間の戻し雑種について、遺伝子型とランプブラシ染色体の組成との対比,および連鎖と転座の利用によって、各遺伝子の染色体上の位置を推定した。そのほか、オリーブ色と青色の各突然変異遺伝子座のある染色体を推定した。3)アオガエルでは、変態後黄色素胞の一部が下方に移動して、紫色素胞となり、退化した黒色素胞の代りをすることを確かめた。4)トノサマガエル、アマガエル、アオガエル、ツチガエルの黒色眼または灰色眼突然変異が、単一劣性遺伝子によって支配されることを確かめ、それぞれの色素細胞の異常を電顕観察によって明らかにした。5)トノサマガエル、ニホンアカガエル、ツチガエルを用い、色彩突然変異体と正常個体との間の前後キメラを作ったところ、前部が正常のものでは、それの色素細胞が癒着面を越えて後方に移動するが、特に虹色素胞が著しい移動をすることが確かめられた。
小山 順二 都筑 基博
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.66, no.4, pp.83-95, 2014-03-25 (Released:2014-05-20)
1 1

After the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake of Mw 9.0, we observed tens of thousands of inland and volcanic earthquakes all over the Japan Islands, which are not confined within the aftershock area of off the Pacific coast of Tohoku region. This reminds us to evaluate the earthquake activity in a much wider sense, discarding an ordinary idea of the foreshock-mainshock-aftershock activity within a limited aftershock area of a particular earthquake. There occurred several megathrust earthquakes worldwide in the last one hundred years. We have studied their significant events before and after the earthquakes based on our new hypothesis on the earthquake generating zone with the distinct difference between Along-dip Double Segmentation (ADDS) and Along-strike Single Segmentation (ASSS). In summary, some of significant aftershocks (larger than Mw 7.5) of ADDS megathrusts are those (Type I) in and near outer-rises, where some are dip-slip normal faultings and some are strike-slip faultings within subducting oceanic plates with component of normal fault. These outer-rise earthquakes are considered to be controlled by the slab-pull of descending slabs of oceanic plates induced by the reduction of plate couplings by megathrusts. In addition, some are also significant (Type II) along the plate interfaces within aftershock areas and those extending aftershock areas similarly to the corresponding megathrusts. On the other hand, aftershocks of ASSS occurred in and near corresponding aftershock areas and significant and or disastrous outer-rise events are rare. Some large (not significant) inland earthquakes are also known for both ADDS and ASSS megathrusts. All these results are not dependent on whether the subduction geometry is oblique or orthogonal.
綾野 秀樹 北田 成祐 井口 雄紀 松井 義弘 伊東 淳一
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.140, no.6, pp.442-449, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-01)

This paper proposes a novel modulation technique that reduces both motor acoustic noise and switching loss. The conventional discontinuous PWM method can reduce the switching loss to a greater extent compared to the conventional three-phase modulation method; however, the acoustic noise of the motor increases. The proposed technique adjusts the zero-sequence voltage given to the voltage references in such a way that the discontinuous part of the conventional discontinuous PWM method is changed smoothly. The switching loss with the proposed technique can be reduced to 58% of that with the conventional three-phase modulation method. The experimental results show that the acoustic noise can be reduced to a greater extent with the proposed technique compared to that with the conventional discontinuous PWM method.
北沢 裕
vol.11, pp.5-26, 2015-03-31

In comparison to visual expressions describing the after-life, there are fewer descriptions of its sounds. At first this might seem to be because of a difficulty of expression, but the importance of certain tales of “sound” in the other world may arise from the very fact that it is so difficult to talk about that aspect.In this paper, the expressions of sound in the iconography and tales of the after-life in Europe of the Middle Ages will first be considered. That will be followed by an explanation of the concept of the “music of spheres”existing since the Pythagoreans. This sound is said to be harmonious and perfect, but quite difficult to hear. Thus it is literally the “ideal” sound. This concept became the basis for a common expression of the sounds in the afterlife in the Middle Ages, contrasting the ideal sounds of heaven with real sounds from life on earth describing the cacophony of hell.A further look will then be taken into the Celtic view of the other world, one that is deeply connected to the classification of tales of “journeys to the other world” during the Middle Ages. That examination leads to a consideration of the manner in which there was an intermingling of, on the one hand, the Pythagorean concept of a vertical heavenly scale (scale of spheres) and a rising musical scale with, on the other hand, the Celtic images of a horizontal movement of a journey to the end of this world. This overlaps with the aspiration for a “kingdom of God” that includes an earthly paradise.In the modern age, there has not necessarily been a successful sharing and handing down of tales of the afterlife. Despite this, in some accounts of near-death experience, much like in the tales of the past, confirmation can be made of an eagerness to express the sounds of the other world that 26 ordinarily would be impossible to express. It is also an important fact that the power of sound holds major significance for humans in terminal care who are striving to hurdle the wall of death. It is believed that hearing is the sense that remains until the very end of a person’s life. It is also clear that familiar songs from childhood fulfill a function of providing peace of mind as well as consoling people with worries.Both in the past and today, people ordinarily are unable to hear the sounds of heaven. Nevertheless, people have been trying to hear and describe the “inaudible sounds” of ascending to heaven in the purest, most ideal sounds that they can hear in this world. People may proceed along a journey to an afterlife ringing with unknown sounds that transcend life while being supported by nostalgic songs and the power of sound.
辻本 直樹 浅見 敏彦 伊勢 智彦 坂本 博哉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2009, pp._463-1_-_463-6_, 2009

In this paper, we show various dynamic properties of an air spring which has an air stream passing through a narrow tube to the air reservoir. Experimental apparatus is a single-degree-of-freedom system, which is composed of a mass supported by the air spring. Thus the only one resonance point is appeared in the response curve when the extreamly narrow tube (d=2.5mm) is used. However, when we use a more thick tube (d=4.0mm), two response points are appeared in the curve. It will be shown that the resonace point is caused by the change of the spring constant of the air spring.
三井 正昭
社団法人 におい・かおり環境協会
におい・かおり環境学会誌 (ISSN:13482904)
vol.44, no.2, pp.116-124, 2013

渡辺 えり代
社団法人 におい・かおり環境協会
におい・かおり環境学会誌 (ISSN:13482904)
vol.44, no.2, pp.125-132, 2013
