保田 明子
三田商学研究 = Mita business review (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.63, no.2, pp.49-72, 2020-06

1947 (昭和22) 年に貿易に関する総合経済団体として設立された日本貿易会は,1986 (昭和61)年に貿易商社の業界団体へと改組を行い,その事業目的を大きく変更した経済団体として例のない存在である。改組を行った背景には,貿易振興という共通課題を有しながらも,貿易商社とそれ以外の利害が複雑化し,収斂していくことが困難となったことがある。貿易振興団体における利害の対立はいつ頃より生じたものであったか。 日本貿易会の前身団体である1885 (明治18) 年設立の日本貿易協会に注目し,戦前・戦時期経済団体における同種の衝突の存在について検討した結果,その設立初期より目的実現に向けた視点として,貿易業者を中心とする純貿易主義とそれ以外の産業振興主義という二面性が存在し,内外環境の変化に応じて両者のバランスを模索し,戦間期に双方の課題を取り扱う組織を形成していくプロセスが明らかになった。トップの変遷からも,明治期の産業振興主義から戦間期に純貿易主義へと軸が移行し,設立時の貿易業者の自立促進を目指す組織の変化を確認することができた。しかし,戦時期の貿易統制という特殊な環境下では,産業界をまとめる産業振興主義が台頭し,終戦を迎えることになった。 また,日本貿易会との比較では,日本貿易協会においても組織が成熟していくにつれて講演会事業や委員会活動などの情報サービス活動が多様化・多角化し,現在の日本貿易会とほぼ同様の活動がみられるようになり,貿易振興の実現に向けて組織的な意思を政策に反映させていこうとする過程が明らかになった。The Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc.(JFTC, Nihon Boeki Kai)established in 1947 as a general economic organization for trade, was reorganized into an industry organization for trading companies in 1986. Why they reorganized?This paper is focusing on the Japan Trade Association(Nihon Boeki Kyokai) established in 1885, the predecessor organization of the JFTC and examined the root from the very beginning of the organization, and revealed that there were two aspects of pure trade promotion principle, and other industrial promotion principle, but the Japan Trade Association had managed to handle the two principles.論文
見浪 知信
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-29, 2020-07

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation andcharacteristics of trade, especially exports, in Tokyo during the interwarperiod (late 1910s-1930s). During the interwar period, In Tokyo, Industrywas developed in its central and coastal areas, and exports expanded withchanging their items. This paper takes a quantitative look at Tokyo'sexport trade from trade surveys and other sources and analyzes thecharacteristics of Tokyo's export trade during the period throughcomparisons with other regions.Japan's exports during the interwar period showed an upward trend,except for the post-World War I period and the period of contractioncaused by the Great Depression. And the share of industrial products inexports increased from the mid-1920s. This paper examines the export ofsuch industrial products, focusing on Tokyo products. Much research hasbeen accumulated on the process of industrial development in Tokyoduring the interwar period. However, in contrast to these studies, it can besaid that the research has not progressed with respect to the export ofindustrial products. In terms of commodity distribution history, research onexports has not progressed. Many studies have focused on consumptionand domestic distribution within the Tokyo area, because of its size as aconsumption market. This paper examines the export of Tokyo products,which have received little attention in the past, and clarifies theircharacteristics.
江口 潔
大学院教育学研究紀要 (ISSN:13451677)
no.22, pp.43-58, 2020

The purpose of this paper is to examine the evaluation of school knowledge in stores. Large stores, in-cluding department stores, actively provided apprentices with educational opportunities, while small and medium-sized stores took a negative approach to even atend vocational supplementary school and youth training centers. First, I touch upon cultivation of commercial apprentices at the Tokyo Textile Wholesalers Trade Asso-ciation. The association has formed a youth group to encourage atendance at supplementary education, as well as to provide opportunities for physical education and lecture on moral education. These efforts focused on cultivation and civil education. Second, I would like to consider the evaluation of educational institutions in the association. One of the major issues in the association was to promote supplementary education. However, the association have become unable to play an enlightening role for working youth as the limitations of conditions for main-taining youth groups have become apparent. Third, I take up the report "Japan Occupational Classification" in the 1930s to examine the relationship between jobs and school knowledge. It was in the stores of large corporate organizations that they were able to link jobs and school knowledge. The evaluation of school knowledge in the stores vary according to the type of organization.
中西 聡
三田学会雑誌 = Mita journal of economics (ISSN:00266760)
vol.112, no.4, pp.455-489, 2020-01

本稿は, 近代日本の林産地の成立過程を検討し, 各産地の特徴を比較するとともに,そのなかでの主要林業家の動向を考察することで, 近代日本の林業における産業化の特徴を明らかにした。近代日本の林産地では, 主に吉野式造林法が状況に応じて援用されたが, 本来の長伐期で間伐を丁寧に行う高付加価値型の森林ではなく, 伐期を短くして資本回転率を上げた汎用型森林が定着し, 採算性は上がったものの環境への負荷が強い森林となった。This research analyzed the creation of wood resources in modern Japan, com-paring the features of each wood resource and the movement of wealthy individuals within the forestry industry. In doing so, this paper illuminates the particular characteristics of the industrialization of forestry in modern Japan, and explores how forestry managers adopted a modified Yoshino afforestation method in the management of forest resources. The value that the original Yoshino afforestation method added to lumber forests through–regular time inter-vals for gestation with a long cutting down period–did not spread, but a more versatile forestry method that increased capital turnover with a short cutting down period took root. In this way, forestry became profitable in modern Japan, leading to increased environmental damage論説
前田 充洋
人文研究 : 大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Studies in the humanities : Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University (ISSN:04913329)
vol.71, pp.69-85, 2020

本論文の目的は、ドイツ鉄鋼業企業クルップ社の19-20世紀転換期における軍事技術代理であった、A. シンツィンガーの日本での活動を、駐日公使の報告書から明らかにすることにある。クルップ社の日本における軍需品販売やA. シンツィンガーの活動については、1920年代のものはこれまでの研究のなかで言及されてきたものの、19-20世紀転換期、とくに1895年から1902年におけるその活動については、十分に注意が向けられてこなかった。本稿では、フランス企業やイギリス企業といったクルップ社の競争相手が優勢であった、当時の日本の軍需品市場に割り込み、確保したそのシェアを守るために、A. シンツィンガーが日本でいかなる活動を展開したのかを明らかにする。そしてそれによって、19-20世紀転換期におけるクルップ社の対外事業における新たな側面を明らかにすることの一助としたい。
中西 聡
三田学会雑誌 = Mita journal of economics (ISSN:00266760)
vol.113, no.2, pp.159-239, 2020-07

本稿は, 近代期に汽船経営と鉱山経営に展開した廣海二三郎家の多角的経営を明らかにする。19世紀の廣海家は, 船持商人として大きな利益を上げたが, 地域間価格差が縮小するとともに19世紀末にその利益率は減少した。そこで廣海家は硫黄鉱山経営へ展開したが, 安定した収益源にはならず, 結果的に汽船を購入して貸船経営を行うことで, 第一次世界大戦期に経営を拡大した。その後は, 有価証券投資により有力な資産家となり, 寄付活動を通して地域社会に貢献した。This research analyzed the diversified management development of the family of HIROUMI Nisaburo, who managed a steamship and mining business. In the 19th century, the family, as a merchant ship owner, generated a lot of profit. However, its profit rate declined at the end of the 19th century with a reduction in the price differential between areas. At the beginning of the 20th century, the family started a sulfur mining business, but its profits were unstable. Later, the family purchased steamships and lent them to others. Therefore, its management scale increased during World War I (WWI). Afterwards, the HIROUMI family became an influential and wealthy family due to its investment in securities and it contributed to the local society in which it lived by making donations.論説
王 瑞
法学政治学論究 : 法律・政治・社会 (ISSN:0916278X)
no.126, pp.137-169, 2020

一 はじめに二 大綱成立後における自衛隊の変容 (一) 自衛隊の変容に関する概念的検討 (二) 自衛隊の変容、一九七七-一九八七年度三 自衛隊の変容の原因に関する理論的検討 (一) 政軍関係に関する理論的検討 (二) 軍事技術に関する理論的検討四 現状維持への政治的圧力と自衛隊の編成の変化 (一) 四次防以降における日本の政軍関係 (二) 現状維持への政治的圧力と陸自の編成の変化 (三) 現状維持への政治的圧力と海自の編成の変化 (四) 現状維持への政治的圧力と空自の編成の変化 (五) 政軍関係仮説の説明力五 軍事技術と自衛隊の兵器システムの変化 (一) 潜水艦の技術進歩と対潜機の質的向上 (二) 航空機・艦艇の技術進歩と対潜ヘリ・護衛艦の質的向上 (三) 戦闘機の技術進歩と戦闘機の質的向上 (四) 軍事技術仮説の説明力六 おわりに
有田 和徳 魚住 徹 大庭 信二 中原 章徳 大谷 美奈子 三上 貴司 小林 益樹
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.5, no.2, pp.192-196, 1994-04-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

Case 1: A 46-year-old female was admitted with sudden onset of coma. CT scan revealed brain stem and bilateral thalamic infarction. On day 3, all brain stem function was absent, while an EEG showed slow-wave activity in the frontal area. Transcranial Doppler sonography demonstrated antegrade flow in the bilateral middle cerebral arteries. Cardiac arrest occurred on day 5. Case 2: A 59-year-old male was admitted in a comatose state. A CT scan revealed a large cerebellar hematoma. Removal of the hematoma and drainage of lateral ventricle were performed, but the patient never regained brain stem function. On days 13 and 14, his condition satisfied the criteria for brain death proposed by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, except for the persistent EEG activity. Cerebral blood flow studies showed adequate blood flow in both supra and infra-tentorial regions. EEG activity was also observed on day 19. The patient experienced cardiac arrest on day 30. A state of isolated brain stem death, cessation of brain stem function accompanied by persistent EEG activity, may result from a severe cerebrovascular accident in the posterior cranial fossa. This state is usually transient, leading to total brain death, but it may continue for several days when lateral ventricular drainage is performed.
武田 知己
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2020, no.200, pp.200_7-200_22, 2020

<p>Japanese diplomacy is often regarded as a diplomacy without grand strategy. This paper doesn't see it that way. The paper finds Japanese diplomacy rich in strategies. In general, a strategy is to make through the interaction between the international perception and identity. The paper focuses on the idea of Japanese Bridge-Building Diplomacy among many and discusses how the idea was coined and shows it had undergone various vicissitudes until the 1950s.</p><p>An early 20th century version of Bridge-Building strategy was coined by Shigenobu Okuma under the name of Fusion of East and West Civilizations. In his theory the Western civilization reached the United States and the Eastern civilization reached Japan and these two civilizations came into contact with the Perry's arrival to Yokohama Bay in the middle of 19<sup>th</sup> century. The Japanese with this miraculous encounter, in Okuma's theory, had a vocation to bring Western superior civilization to the East. This idea was translated into Japanese China policy and inherited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and such leaders of the ministry as Shigeru Yoshida and Mamoru Shigemitsu. Although the idea was fully performed neither in the early 20<sup>th</sup> century and in the 1950s, this paper shows the possibilities of the revival of the strategy in the coming era of the US-China confrontation in the 21th century and argues the value of inheriting the idea of Bridge Building Strategy as "unfinished self-portrait" of Japanese Diplomacy is eminent.</p>