水野 学 小塚 崇彦
マーケティングジャーナル (ISSN:03897265)
vol.39, no.2, pp.6-21, 2019-09-27 (Released:2019-09-27)

幸重 忠孝
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.37, no.2, pp.1-14, 2001-05-15 (Released:2017-11-01)

The victim who caught psychosomatic damage by participating in self improvement seminar which was educational cult exists abundantly. This psychosomatic damage is the wound caught by mind rape. It can't complain about it, and it is everywhere as for the victims the damage of mind rape. It is rare that the problem of self improvement seminar is brought even into the judgment specially. Two factors exist greatly as a reason. To begin with, cult group are to control a member by using mind control. Secoundly, self improvement seminar are to use that it is hard to judge by law for mind control. This report analyzes about mind control and mind rape by cult group. Then, a past precedent is taken up about the damage of self improvement seminar. It is examined how it was interpreted about mind rape in the judgment from the precedent. The need of the social support system to the victim of mind rape is suggested at the end.
越 光男 畑中 修二
一般社団法人 日本燃焼学会
日本燃焼学会誌 (ISSN:13471864)
vol.60, no.193, pp.163-172, 2018 (Released:2019-02-15)

A simple model for the smoke formation in black powder combustion is developed. Smoke formation is modeled as nucleation from gas phase molecules. The precursor molecules for this nucleation process for black powder with 75 wt% of KNO3 are identified as potassium salts such, K2CO3 and K2SO4. This determination is based on the partial-equilibrium calculations in which chemical species in the condensed phase are excluded. Standard classical nucleation theory (CNT) is adopted to estimate the radius and formation rate of the critical nuclei of smoke particles. The main components of smoke from black powder are K2CO3 or K2SO4 particles, depending on the sulfur content. The predicted nucleation rates of the particles are very fast. The time variation of the averaged particle radius and volume fraction of smoke is also evaluated by solving the population valance equation (Smoluchowski equation). The volume fraction of smoke produced by black powder combustion is predicted to be of the order of 10-4. This study also investigates how ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO4, AP) added to the black powder affects smoke formation, using CNT and the Smoluchowski equation. CNT predicts that the critical radius of K2CO3 and K2SO4 particles can be considerably increased by the addition of AP to black powder. This intervention could thus reduce smoke-particle formation. Although CNT predicts that no KCl particles will form because of the high vapor pressure of KCl, the Smoluchowski equation indicates that KCl particles will be produced with a large amount of added AP. Solutions of the Smoluchowski equation also indicate that the average particle diameter and volume fraction of smoke decrease if the amount of added AP is increased.
崔 銀姫
一般社団法人 社会情報学会
社会情報学 (ISSN:21872775)
vol.1, no.2, pp.93-108, 2012-12-31 (Released:2017-02-04)

Keiko Ishii
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
pp.1909, (Released:2019-10-02)

Previous research has demonstrated that when people have to choose a product for which they do not have a preference and can observe their partners’ choices in advance, they are more likely to imitate their partners’ choices when choosing privately, whereas they are likely to choose differently when they are with their partners. The present study extends this evidence by testing Japanese participants and examining individual differences in the need for uniqueness. Despite the Japanese cultural norm of interdependence, which is positively associated with conformity, less than half of the participants imitated their partners’ choices, whether they chose privately or publicly. Moreover, people with a high need for uniqueness tended to choose a different option when choosing in front of their partners. Implications for the consequences of social influence are discussed.

24 0 0 0 OA 大日本地誌大系

蘆田伊人 編
vol.第1 第7冊 新編武蔵国風土記稿七, 1935
長谷川 仁
Journal of Pesticide Science (ISSN:1348589X)
vol.3, no.Special, pp.459-464, 1978-12-20 (Released:2010-08-05)

Dealing with the control measures against insect pests applied during the Edo Period, the present paper gives mainly a historical review of protection and eradication methods, and a list of both organic and inorganic materials used for the purposes is attached. It also mentions how Anguilla japonica TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL (Anguilidae) were widely used to control insect pests, as well the origin and process of dissemination of the “oil dropping method” applied throughout the country. Reference is made to the latter, which had been the most effective way of leafhopper and planthopper control for nearly 250 years, by quoting Chinese literature to explain that it was not a Japanese idea originally but developed from practical knowledge introduced to Japan from China.

34 0 0 0 OA 擦文文化

藤本 強
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.90, no.2, pp.122-136, 1981-04-25 (Released:2010-11-18)
1 1

The Satsumon culture was in existence in Hokkaido from 9th to 13th century A.D. as a Pre-Ainu culture of Hokkaido. The Satsumon culture succeeded the Post-Jomon culture. The Satsumon culture was formed on the basic cultural elements of the Post-Jomon culture. Some cultural elements from Japanese culture of that time were added to them. The basic cultural elements of the Post-Jomon culture had their roots in late or the latest Jomon culture in northern Japan. So, the Satsumon culture can be regarded as one of the direct descendants of the late or the latest Jomon culture in the northern Japan.About two thousands years ago, rice cultivation began in Japan. At first, rice cultivation was practised in southwestern Japan and it gradually expanded to the east. Finally, it reached the southern Tohoku district, but it could not penetrate into northern Tohoku and Hokkaido. In the northern Tohoku and Hokkaido, people lived on fishing, gathering and hunting as was the case in the previous Jomon period. After the introduction of rice cultivation, the livelihood of people in Japan was separated into two different ways. In most parts of Japan, in southern Japan, people depended on rice cultivation and in the northern extremity of Japan, people lived on fishing, gathering and hunting.
小田中 悠 吉川 侑輝
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.33, no.2, pp.315-330, 2018 (Released:2019-09-28)

山本 景子 長沼 大樹 油井 俊哉 原田 誠史 福谷 和芳 堀 修生 福澤 貴之
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.313-323, 2019-09-30 (Released:2019-09-30)

"Astral Body" is an art installation for viewers to reveal the origin of life by showing the sense of life. A dead body and an artificial sign of life with dead matter are presented so that the viewers could think of relationship of the two. Astral Body has a kinetic surface made with ferromagnetic powder to present creature-like movements and human interaction. We have expressed the movements by using an automatic running robot with a magnet. Through the exhibitions, we have collected reactions and opinions from the attendees, and observed them. In this paper, we will conclude the overview, concept, design, implementation, and outcomes from the exhibitions.
Dean Portelli Nicholas Carlile
The Ornithological Society of Japan
vol.18, no.2, pp.169-175, 2019 (Released:2019-07-29)

The Lord Howe Woodhen (Hypotaenidia sylvestris) is endemic to Lord Howe Island off the mid-east coast of Australia and came perilously close to extinction as a result of hunting pressure and introduced predators. A recovery program was implemented in the 1970s to reverse the decline of the species through eradicating introduced predators (pigs, cats and goats) and augmenting the population through an in situ captive-breeding program. In 1980, three wild breeding pairs were taken into captivity from Mount Gower. Over the four years of the captive-breeding program, 76 chicks were produced from the original founders and their progeny and an additional four chicks were artificially reared from eggs collected from a wild pair. Almost all woodhens were liberated across four release sites, but only 13% of released birds were resighted and numbers increased at only one of these sites and then declined. A captive-bred female that was released into the lowlands paired with a wild male (which had been temporarily held in captivity) and bred prolifically, leading to rapid population growth in the lowlands. The subpopulation on Mount Gower increased fivefold in the decade following the captive-breeding program, despite the removal of the three breeding pairs (which were released elsewhere) and receiving no augmentation from the captive-breeding program. The woodhen population continues to expand and it is likely the eradication of invasive rodents from Lord Howe Island during 2019 will facilitate further population growth.
永田 昌子 森 晃爾 永田 智久 金子 鉱明 井上 愛
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.74, pp.18022, 2019 (Released:2019-02-20)

Objectives: In this study, we aimed to categorize the actions of occupational physicians in health committees leading to solutions of occupational health problems.Methods: We conducted two focus group discussions among experienced occupational physicians. The discussions addressed the following question: what had they and others said and done that had led to the development of solutions to occupational health problems. We used a qualitative content analysis approach developed by Berelson, and created a draft of the categories of actions. Subsequently, an online questionnaire survey was then used to evaluate the external validity of the draft. The questionnaire asked physicians whether they had experience of each item in the draft. They were also asked whether they had experienced any other items not included in the draft. If so, they were asked to provide a description of their experience. These descriptions were discussed by three researchers. Any suggested new items considered to fall under any of the original items in the draft were excluded, and any new items proposed by two or more participants were added as additional items. Finally, we corrected words and phrases and reviewed the items to ensure that they clearly conveyed the required meaning, and described actions leading to solutions to occupational health problems.Results: The content analysis revealed six basic actions, and 32 items were categorized in the draft. The six basic actions were “participate”, “gather information”, “make a place that allows communication with key people and health committee members”, “make arrangements”, “speak at a health committee”, and “pay attention”. In total, 67 physicians responded to the questionnaire survey. At least 40% of participants answered that they had experience of the draft items. All items in the draft had also been experienced by groups of occupational physicians other than those involved in the focus groups. Three additional items proposed by two or more participants were added. “Pay attention” was deleted following the final review.Conclusions: We categorized the actions of occupational physicians in health committees into five basic actions, and 32 items. Being aware of types of actions used in groups may encourage occupational physicians to be more involved in workplace health committees and contribute to the promotion of occupational health activities in the workplace.
佐竹 澪 橋本 典久 橋本 直
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.209-219, 2019-09-30 (Released:2019-09-30)

Photography is trimming of spatiotemporal information of the real world. The clues to know behind the scene of photography will exist in the outside of the photo, such as the surrounding situation, the photographer's motivation, and the process of the shooting. We propose a photo media "Behind the Photo" showing behind the scene of photography. Our proposed method shows photography experience by presenting the frame and the taken photo on the spherical video. We believe that our method will provide a way for photographers to make their content more enjoyable and attractive, and help appreciators to understand the presented photos. In this research, we developed a camera device and a viewer for "Behind the Photo", and evaluated the experiences of photography and appreciation.
幸野 朋美 渡邊 恵太
vol.2017, pp.17-22, 2017-09-09
