7 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1921年06月24日, 1921-06-24
片野田 耕太
保健医療科学 (ISSN:13476459)
vol.69, no.2, pp.103-113, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-27)

喫煙の健康影響は,日本では,2016年に厚生労働省「喫煙と健康 喫煙の健康影響に関する検討会報告書」(いわゆる「たばこ白書」)で包括的な評価が行われている.「たばこ白書」で受動喫煙との因果関係を推定するのに十分である(レベル 1 )と判定された疾患は,成人では肺がん,虚血性心疾患,および脳卒中である.これらの疾患の死亡に占める受動喫煙の寄与は,男性で 1 ~ 4 %,女性で 9 ~10%を占め,年間死亡数では約 1 万 5 千人に相当する.小児では乳幼児突然死症候群および喘息既往について受動喫煙との因果関係が十分であると判定された.受動喫煙を防止するには,屋内の公共の場所や職場を罰則付きで禁煙にする法制化が有効であり,アジアを含めて世界標準になっている.法制化後に成人,周産期,小児の健康影響が減ることについても科学的に十分な証拠がある.受動喫煙の健康影響に関する科学的証拠は,日本人が世界で初めて報告し,数十年を経て屋内禁煙という国際的な社会規範に結び付いた.科学的発見から社会制度の整備まで長い年月がかかった背景には,たばこ産業の干渉があり,そこには産業界のみならず科学界の人間が多く関与してきた.
佐々木 孝浩
斯道文庫論集 = Bulletin of the Shidô Bunko Institute (ISSN:05597927)
vol.51, pp.33-61, 2016

はじめに一 古活字版をめぐる議論その一二 古活字版をめぐる議論その二三 キリシタン版国字本の装訂四 キリシタン版国字本の版式五 古活字平仮名本との共通性おわりに
波平 恵美子
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.42, no.4, pp.334-355, 1978-03-31 (Released:2018-03-27)

This article discusses symbolic meanings of the belief in which a drowned body becomes deified as Ebisu-gami. Japanese fishermen usually are under a prohibition or a taboo that they should not take pollution caused by death into the sea, because they belive the sea is a sacred place and pollution, especially concerning death, might cause dangers to them. Nevertheless, they pick up a drowned body whenever they find it on the sea and deify it as Ebisugami, a luck-bringing deity. In Japanese folk belief Ebisu-gami is worshipped as a luck-bringing deity by fishermen, farmers or merchant and is also a guardian deity of roads and voyages. A remarkable attribute of Ebisu is its deformity. The deity is believed to be one-eyed, deaf, lame or hermaphrodical. It is also believed to be very ugly. People sometimes say that it is too ugly to attend an annual meeting of all gods which is held in Izumo, Simane Prefecture. In Japanese symbolic system deformity and ugliness are classified Into Kegare (pollution) category as I have represented in my articles (NAMIHIRA, E. : 1974 ; 1976). Some manners in Ebisu rituals tell that Ebisu is a polluted or polluting deity, e. g., an offering to the deity is set in the manner like that of a funeral ceremony, and after a ritual the offering should not be eaten by promising young men. Cross-culturally deformity, ugliness or pollution is an indication of symbolic liminality'. In this sense. Ebisu has characteristics of liminality at several levels (1) between two kinds of spaces : A drowned body has been floating on the sea and will be brought to the land and then be deified there. In Japanese culture, the land is recognized 'this world' and the sea is 'the other world'. A drowned body comes to 'this world' from 'the other world'. (2) between one social group and another social group ; In the belief of Japanese fishermen only the drowned persons who had not belonged to their own social group, i. e., only dead strangers could be deified as Ebisu. The drowned person had belonged to one group but now belongs to another group and is worshipped by the members ; (3) between life and death : Japanese people do not perform a funeral ceremony unless they find a dead body. Therefore, a person who drowned and is floating on the sea is not dead in the full sense. That is, the person is between life and death. The liminality of Ebisu-gami is liable to relate to other deities whose attributes are also 'liminal'. Yama-no-kami (mountain deity) or Ta-no-kami (deity of rice fields) and Doso-shin(guardian deity of road) are sometimes regarded in connection with Ebisu. Japanese folk religion is a polytheistic and complex one. Then, it is significant to study such Ebisu-gami that are interrelational among gods and have high variety in different contexts in the Japanese belief system.
池田 幸弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.53, no.11, pp.1106-1107, 2017 (Released:2017-11-01)

戸越銀座を歩き、星薬科大学へと向かう。正門を入ってすぐ右手の建物の1階に資料館があった。本資料館には、創立者星一ゆかりの資料を中心に、本学にかかわる多様な歴史資料が展示されている。星薬科大学の歴史を辿ると、明治44(1911)年、星製薬株式会社が創立された際、社内に設置された教育部に遡る。会社創立と同時に教育部門を設けることは珍しいと思われるが、これは、建学の精神である「世界に奉仕する人材育成の揺籃である」に由来するのであろう。この根底には、座右の銘である「親切第一」 -「親切第一を主義として、自己に親切なれ、何人にも親切なれ、物品に親切なれ、時間に親切なれ、学問に親切なれ、金銭に親切なれ、親切は平和なり、繁栄なり、向上なり、親切の前には敵なし、親切は世界を征服す」の信念が礎となっている。ちなみに、星薬科大学と聞くと、つい創立者の長男である作家星新一を頭に浮かべてしまうが、本名は親一で、この言葉から名づけられたという。さらに余談を述べると、次男は協力第一の銘から、協一と名づけられたらしい。
Naoki Kondo Takashi Mizutani Junko Minai Mari Kazama Hisashi Imai Yasuhisa Takeda Zentaro Yamagata
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.15, no.6, pp.219-227, 2005 (Released:2005-11-07)
14 20

BACKGROUND: Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) data for 47 prefectures in Japan were reported in 1999; however, few studies have identified the factors associated with the length of the DFLE. The objective of this study was to elucidate the primary factors that explain differences in DFLEs in Japan.METHODS: In our ecological study, 47 prefectures in Japan were used as units of analysis. The DFLEs for men and women at 65 years of age (DFLE65), calculated by Hashimoto et al using Sullivan's method, were set as dependent variables. From various national surveys, 181 factors associated with demographics, socioeconomic status, health status and health behaviors, medical environment, social relationships, climate, and other areas were gathered as independent variables. Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated to screen independent variables potentially associated with the DFLE65s. Then, multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted for the selected 24 independent variables after adjusting for the proportion of older people (65 years or more) and population density.RESULTS: Multivariate linear regression analyses revealed that the large number of public health nurses per 100,000 population, a good self-reported health status, and a high proportion of older workers were significantly associated with long DFLE65s for both genders.CONCLUSIONS: These three factors could potentially explain the differences in DFLE of the older population in Japan.J Epidemiol 2005; 15:219-227.
蔵満 美奈 木村 宣哉 藤田 直人 河原田 まり子
一般社団法人 日本公衆衛生看護学会
日本公衆衛生看護学会誌 (ISSN:21877122)
vol.2, no.1, pp.20-28, 2014 (Released:2016-02-09)

老川 慶喜
跡見学園女子大学観光コミュニティ学部紀要 = Atomi Tourism and Community Studies (ISSN:21899673)
no.3, pp.53-62, 2018-03

沈 箕載
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.77, no.2, pp.p256-286, 1994-03

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿は、近世から近代への転換期である幕末期における日本の対朝鮮外交を検討する試みで、幕府の朝鮮政策の展開過程とその性格、機構上の改編の変化に重点をおいた。まず、政策の面では、文久三年から元治元年前半期までの朝鮮服属政策の継続推進、元治元年後半期に至ってのその政策の見直し、そして朝鮮服属政策のながれを汲む慶応三年の朝鮮開港交易政策という、一本化のものではなく多少の変化の過程を辿ったと見た。さらにその朝鮮政策の決定過程に老中板倉勝静が深く関わってきたことに注目した。またこの時期に、従来のものとは形を異にする幕府機構上の改編(朝鮮問題専任老中の誕生、外国事務総裁による朝鮮外交取扱、以酎庵の廃止に代わる幕府官僚の直接派遣) が行なわれたことを明らかにした。こうした幕府による日韓外交関係の改編は、朝鮮服属(征韓) 外交の下に、日朝外交一元化の方向性を示すものであり、従来の前近代的東アジア外交から欧米的外交への転換を目指そうとするものであったと理解した。This paper attempts to investigate Japan's diplomatic policy toward Korea during the closing days of the Tokugawa regime, the transitional stage from the later medieval period to the modern period, with special emphasis on the course of development and the nature of the government's Korean policy as well as the reorganization of the system. First, the author shows that the Korean policy of Japan during this period was not consistent, and underwent some changes. From the third year of Bunkyu 文久, to the first half of the first year of Genji 元治, the government continued promoting a policy of subjugating Korea. During' the second half of the first year of Genji, however, the policy was reconsidered. In the third year of Keio 慶応, the government adopted a policy of opening Korea to trade with Japan, a revival of the previous subjugation, policy. Furthermore, the author gives attention to the fact that Itakura Katsukiyo 板倉勝静, a Roju (Tokugawa government minister), Played an important role in the process of making policy toward Korea. Secodly, the author reveals that during this period unprecedented reforms were made in the Tokugawa government's organization in chaege of Korea : the establishment of a post of Roju in exclusive charge of Korea, the management of Korean affairs by the president of foreign affairs 外国事務総裁 , and the abolition of Iteian 以酊庵 (an outpost of the government situated on Tsushima island), which was replaced by government officials dispatched to Korea. These modifications in Japanese-Korean diplomatic relations suggest a simplification of policy aimed at the subjugation of Korea, and a change from a traditional pre-modern East-Asian diplomacy to a western style diplomatic policy.
舩田 正彦 富山 健一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.2, pp.205-214, 2020-02-01 (Released:2020-02-01)

Cannabis use among the younger population in Japan has been steadily increasing. The aim of the present review is to highlight recent knowledge regarding the molecular mechanisms of action and health risks associated with cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid consumption. We investigated the effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and synthetic cannabinoids on place conditioning in ICR mice. Both Δ9-THC and synthetic cannabinoids produce a significant conditioned place preference. These rewarding effects were completely suppressed by the cannabinoid CB1 receptor type antagonist AM251. The cytotoxicological effects of Δ9-THC and synthetic cannabinoids were also characterized in the limbic forebrain of mice in primary culture in vitro. Δ9-THC and synthetic cannabinoids caused cell death in a dose-dependent manner. The rank order of cytotoxicological potency was synthetic cannabinoids>Δ9-THC and related to the agonistic activities of the CB1 receptor. A recent review on the harmful effects of cannabis use in humans reported that behavioral impairments, especially in terms of attention, memory, and complex information-processing ability, can last for many weeks after cessation of cannabis use among heavy users. In addition, cannabis use could be a risk factor for drug dependence and later psychosis among adolescents. The results of animal and human studies suggest that CB1 receptors play an important role in the expression of harmful effects of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid use. Moreover, concern regarding increasing concentrations of Δ9-THC in cannabis in many countries has been noted, because more potent cannabis may be associated with worse adverse effects.
小池 順子
千葉経済論叢 = CHIBA KEIZAI RONSO (ISSN:21876320)
no.54, pp.1-19, 2016-07-21
