許 金泉 武藤 睦治 付 列東
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.68, no.672, pp.1259-1265, 2002-08-25
1 7

The theoretical solution of a concentrated force on the free surface of a coating material is deduced by introducing the infinite series mirror points of the load point and applying the Dirichlet's uniqueness theorem. In this study, the two dimensional solution is deduced in details by using the infinite series of the Goursat's stress function corresponding to every mirror point. It is found that the stress function corresponding to a higher order mirror point can be determined from that corresponding to a lower one, therefore, all the stress functions can be determined from that corresponding to the first order mirror point which is in fact the stress function for concentrated forces on the free surface of a semi-infinite body. It is also found that the contribution of the stress function to stress distribution decreases as the increasing of the corresponding order of the mirror point. It is confirmed that only the stress functions corresponding to the first several mirror points have an influence on the accuracy of theoretical solution. This theoretical solution can be expected to be very useful in evaluating the strength of coating materials or other surface modificated materials.
鷲津 久一郎
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.18, no.68, pp.41-47, 1952-03-15
1 13

The analogies existing between the mathematical formulations of the bending of elastic plates and two dimensional stress problem has been well known, and so it is quite natural that we can apply the analytical methods which have been used in the latter to the former. In this paper the complementary function of the fundamental equation of the bending of isotropic plates is represented by means of the so-called Goursat's stress function. By the use of derived formulae and relations, several fundamental solutions are obtained. As examples, bending of a clamped circular plate under a concentrated load, bending of a simply supported circular plate under a concentrated load, bending of a circular plate under several concentrated loads on the boundary and bending of an infinite plate with an elliptic hole are treated.
朱成敏 遠山元道
情報処理学会研究報告データベースシステム(DBS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.71, pp.47-54, 2004-07-13

ISO/MPEGグループが提案したXMLに基づくMPEG-7はマルチメディアコンテンツを記述するメタデータの標準になった。MPEG-7はユーザが必要とするマルチメディアデータに付随する多種多様なメタデータを記述しているため、データの量が膨大になる。MPEG-7はXMLに基づいた文書なので、データの量が増加するほど、XMLパーサによる処理が増え、検索に多大な時間を要する結果となってしまう。そこで、本研究ではMPEG-7文書の検索を高速化るためMPEG-7が持っている情報の特徴を利用し、距離計算を通じて効率的な索引アルゴリズムを提案する。MPEG-7 is an ISO/IEC standard being developed by MPEG, and aims to create a standard for describing the multimedia content data that will support various multimedia search and retrieval applications. However, since it is described with text-based XML, it is very hard to efficiently search the documents on multimedia contents describe in MPEG-7 if the size of the documents an efficient indexing algorithm on MPEG-7 documents on video data. It first analyzes the some requirements on MPEG-7 documents indexing mechanism, and secondly proposes an indexing algorithm that clusters the Visual Descriptor values in MPEG-7 documents into several levels according to their distributions. This clustering helps to reduce the search range by just comparing the Visual Descriptor values of query video with the pre-computed similar Visual Descriptor values of target videos. This thesis also experimentally shows that the performance of the indexing algorithm is dependent on the number and granularity of the levels, and their values could be computed easily. The proposed indexing algorithm could be used to develop a large video archive system in which the contents on multimedia are described in MPEG-7.
宍戸 周夫
情報処理 (ISSN:04478053)
vol.40, no.2, pp.162-163, 1999-02-15

コンピュータ会社というとどうしてもハードウェア・メーカの姿を思い浮かべる. しかし, 最近はどうもその実体が変わってきている. 売上げ構成比で見ればハード部門から得ている部分は次第に減少し, ソフトやサービスの収入が増えているからだ. 企業の中身を見れば, ハードのメーカというよりは, ソフトやサービスのベンダという色彩が強まっている. コンピュータ会社のサービス・ベンダへの変質は, 何を意味するのだろうか.
遠藤 敏夫 田浦 健次朗
情報処理学会研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング(HPC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.81, pp.121-126, 2005-08-05

密に通信を必要とする並列計算をグリッド環境において行なう上での障害は、広域ネットワークの高い通信遅延である。本稿は、そのような計算の一つとして密行列のガウス消去法を取り上げ、高遅延環境でも高性能な並列アルゴリズムを述べる。その主要な技術はbatched pivotingと呼ばれるピボット選択手法である。本手法は、複数ステップのピボット選択処理をまとめて行なうことにより、同期コストを大幅に削減する。遅延をエミュレートした実験により、高遅延環境において本手法がpartial pivotingよりもはるかに高速に動作することを示す。一方、本手法ではpartial pivotingよりも計算精度が低下する可能性があるが、比較的良好なピボットを選択することにより、その低下を抑えるよう設計されている。乱数行列を用いた数値実験を通して、本手法がpartial pivotingに匹敵する計算精度を達成することを示す。Large latencies over WAN will remain to be an obstacle to running tightly coupled parallel applications on Grid environments. This paper takes one of such applications, Gaussian elimination of dence matrices and describes a parallel algorithm that is highly tolerant to latencies. The key technique is a pivoting strategy called batched pivoting, which largely reduces synchronization costs by batching pivot selections of several steps. Through experiments with large latencies emulated by software, we show our method works much faster than partial pivoting with large latencies. On the other hand, numerical accuracy of our method may be inferior to that of partial pivoting. However, our method is designed to suppress the degradation by selecting `better' pivots. Through experiments with random matrices, the batched pivoting achieves comparable accuracy to that of partial pivoting.
成尾 太希 Sertthin Chinnapat 春山 真一郎 中川 正雄
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. USN, ユビキタス・センサネットワーク (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.131, pp.157-162, 2009-07-09

高齢化社会に向けて,自律支援用ロボットや自動走行する屋内用小型車が発達し,その適切な行動のために屋内における位置測定システムが必要とされている.従来の屋内測位システムとして,慣性センサを用いてGPSを補完する慣性航法や,無線LAN,RFIDを利用したローカル測位等があるが,精度,応答速度,設置性等の問題がある.そこで,従来の測位システムの代替技術として可視光通信による屋内測位システムが検討されている.可視光通信を用いた測位システムは,地下街やビルの中,地下鉄のホームなどのGPSの電波が届かない場所,更には人体や精密機器に影響を及ぼす可能性があるとして無線技術の使用を禁じられている病院などの区域でも利用できる等の利点がある.よって,本論文では、可視光通信を用いて、複数のLED光源の光電力差を加速度センサ等の慣性センサを加えず,受信機単体で位置を測定するシステムとアウテージ確率を低くするUniform Resizing方式について提案し,計算機シミュレーションによりその特性評価と有効性を示す.
石川 良子 Ryoko ISHIKAWA 東京都立大学大学院 Graduate School of Social Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.25-46, 2006-12-10

The purpose of this paper is to describe and interpret interviews with persons who regard themselves as "hikikomori," and to point out the negative effects, especially for such individuals, caused by the confusion of the concepts of "hikikomori" with "NEETs." "Hikikomori," which refers to youth in a state of social withdrawal, has been noted since the latter half of the 1990s in Japan. In recent years, the concept of "NEETs" has also come to attract attention. "NEETs" refers to young people who are "not in education, employment, or training." The concept of "hikikomori" has been partly incorporated into discussions about "NEETs," and it is commonly said that the two can be discussed in the same context. Moreover, some organizations dealing with "hikikomori" have started to support "NEETs." However the understanding of "hikikomori" that has accumulated may be distorted by the confusion between the two concepts. Moreover, this confusion has a direct effect on individuals who consider themselves to be "hikikomori." Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two concepts. Based on this perspective, the author describes and interprets interviews with such individuals, and points out the problems of providing support for "hikikomori" sufferers within the concept of "NEETs." The interviewed revealed the following facts. People who consider themselves to be "hikikomori" see themselves as inferior and withdraw from relationships with others because though they have difficulty working, they worry excessively that "working is the natural state for an adult." Their self-esteem cannot be restored immediately even if they participate in a self-help group. Informants re-construct stories about themselves and their lives and come to see the norm of life-courses in relative terms, and regain self-esteem from this. However, this can lead to a decline in their motivation to start working. Moreover, informants cannot overcome their distrust and fear of society. Therefore, sufferers of "hikikomori" seek a new way of life as they again ask themselves various questions, such as, "why must we work?" "What do I want to do?" "Who am I?" and so on. As they think through these questions, they resolve to make a fresh start. This process of struggle is in essence the process of recovery from "hikikomori." Current measures for "NEETs," are based on the idea that it is more important to start working than to think too much about the meaning of working. However, individuals suffering from "hikikomori" have regained their self-esteem by asking the various questions concerning working and their own lives. Therefore, it is likely that the confusion of the two concepts will not only deprive people suffering from "hikikomori" of the opportunity for recovery but will also lead them to abandon their own efforts voluntarily.
前川 貞次郎
京都大學文學部研究紀要 (ISSN:04529774)
vol.4, pp.619-649, 1956-11-20

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。There have been significant discussions by Aulard and many other historians on the characteristics of the differences and conflicts between Girondins and Montagnards in the course of the French Revolution. This article is also an interpretation of that subject. Uprisings occurred on the question of the taxation (maximum) on the prices of staples in the region of Beauce - a granary for Paris, southwest of the capital - in autumn, 1792. These lasted for a fortnight, and a number of towns and villages were raided on the fair days. In parallel with these movements, debates on the prices of staples were going on in the Convention, the Girondins demanding the freedom of the grain trade, and Robespierre, Levasseur and some other Montagnards demanding its regulation. In the end, the Girondins won, and the absolute freedom of the grain trade was established. It seems that there had not been any fundamental difference or conflict between these two parties concerning the problem of staples up to this stage of the Revolution: in other words, they has been occupied with conflicts over the trial of Louis XVI. Furthermore, since these riots were systematic, uniform and socialistic, somesomhst such as Taboureau de Montigny may have led them, although theirorganizer is as yet unknown.
深澤 裕
低温科学 (ISSN:18807593)
vol.64, pp.167-172, 2006-03-22

高圧下の氷は温度を下げると Ice VIII と呼ばれる水素秩序構造に変化する.中性子回折の研究から,Ice VIII の全ての水素原子は秩序化した配置を有することが分かっている.それでは,大気圧下に存在する通常の氷(Ice Ih)の場合,低温では何が起きるのであろうか? ここで,Ice XIと呼ばれる水素秩序構造が,長い時間を経て出現する可能性について考察する.果たして,水素原子の配置が完全に秩序化したIce XI は存在するのであろうか?
片峯 恵一 廣田 豊彦 周能法 長澤 勲
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.37, no.6, pp.1130-1137, 1996-06-15

ドメインの知識を記述するための言語処理系のプロトタイプ用言語には 1)言語処理系の開発に適していて 理解性 保守性にすぐれている 2)実際に運用可能な性能を実現できる 3)移植性にすぐれている などの要件がある.そのような要件を満たす言語として著者らはβ-Prologの開発を進めている.本研究では 決定的な述語をCへ変換することによって β-Prologのいっそうの高速化を目指した.具体的な変換手順は 1)β-Prologコンパイラの中間データである照合木を入力とする 2)照合木を抽象機械NTOAMの命令系列へ展開する 3) NTOAMの各命令をCの文へ変換する となる.このようにしてCへ変換された決定的な述語は NTOAM上で解釈される非決定的な述語と組み合わせて実行することができる.実行性能を評価した結果 非決定性を含む8-queenのような問題であっても SICStusのネイティブコード・コンパイラよりも高い性能を示した.人手でCプログラムヘ変換することによってさらに性能を向上させることが可能であるが そのためには膨大な労力を要し しかも理解性や保守性が低下する.したがって 本論文で提案した手法は 実用的なプロトタイプの開発にきわめて有用であると考えられる.The requirements for a language to be a good implementation language for knowledge representation languages include: 1) be suitable for developing language processors, and have good understandability and maintainability, 2) have fair performance tolerable for practical uses, and 3) have good portability. We have been developing β-Prolog to satisfy the above requirements. In this research, we have aimed to improve the performance of β-Prolog by translating determinate predicates to C. Our translation procedure works as follows: 1) input the matching trees which are intermediate data of the β-Prolog compiler, 2) flatten the matching trees into a sequence of NTOAM instructions, 3) convert each NTOAM instruction to C statements. The C program translated from determinate predicates can be linked with nondeterminate predicates which are interpreted by NTOAM. Our evaluation result shows that our method is superior in performance to SICStus native code compiler even when a program has nondeterminism like 8-queen. Manual translation to C program might improve the performance further, but it would take enormous efforts and degrade the understandability and maintainability. We think that our method is much effective for developing practical prototype systems.
三簾 久夫 堀内 久太郎 Chakhatrakan Somchai 齋藤 修平
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.53, no.1, pp.46-53, 2008-06-15

本論文は,タイ・チャオプラヤ河デルタ上流域Sing Buri県におけるNew Theory農家の食料自給と経営成果について論じたものである。具体的には,調査農家38戸の農業所得と農外所得を含めた農家所得,作目構成,有機質資源の循環等の経営概要を明らかにした。第1に,New Theory農家の食料自給を論じるために,食料自足率,家計仕向率,食料自給率を算出した。結果はそれぞれ,36.8%,11.0%,901.8%となり,Sing Buri県におけるNew Theory農家は,生存レベル(自給農家)を超えているが,New Theory農業の意図している食料自給が十分に実践されていないことが明らかになった。第2に,New Theory農家の所得水準を論じるために,世界銀行およびタイ政府の2つの貧困ラインを基準として調査農家の貧困係数をそれぞれ算出した。その結果,世界銀行基準(1人当たり1日1ドル)では0.482となり,経済的に豊かであるが,タイ政府基準(1人当たり1日200Baht)では2.69となり,貧困であることが明らかになった。