乾 康代 齊藤 充弘 中田 潤
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.51, no.3, pp.1062-1069, 2016-10-25 (Released:2016-10-25)

今里 悟之
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.51, no.5, pp.433-456, 1999-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

Over the last few decades, theories of the spatial structure of Japanese villages have been the subject of controversy in human geography, folklore, cultural anthropology, history and architecture. The author identifies an important unresolved question concerning these theories. Although many scholars have profoundly discussed each of the categories of space such as land use zones, folk-taxonomy, 'place', social space, and symbolic space, the interrelationships among these categories and the synthesis of them have not been sufficiently examined.With this in mind, this article discusses each of the categories of space for a case study area, an agricultural and forestry village-Hagikura-in Central Japan, to reveal the interrelationships among all spatial categories by introducing a semiotic theory. The author examines the historical changes of space since the mid-Edo era, when Hagikura was settled. To pursue these aims, various methods and materials are used: interviews, landscape observation, participant observation, the analysis of land ledgers, cadastral maps, tax ledgers, local topographies, historical documents and geographical statistics.Hagikura was a shinden settlement which stands on a river terrace near Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture, and is now a mixed-settlement in which newcomers from Shimosuwa Town have settled since the era of rapid growth in the Japanese economy. The subsistence farming economy of Hagikura is based on paddy, mulberry and vegetables, sericulture and forestry. In addition, people have been engaged in filature in the Meiji era, agar production in the Taisyo era and dairy farming and flower cultivation in the 1960s. Recently, almost all farmers have become factory or office workers, commuting to the towns along Lake Suwa.The findings of this article can be summarised as follows. The folk-taxonomy of space, which is deduced by an investigation of place names and folk categories of landscape, is composed of five levels: land use zone, subdivision of the zone, koaza (small place name), block name, and strip name. In the residential area, there is another classification system of social space composed of four levels: dual organization, mutual aid organization for funerals, neighborhood group, and household. In each land use zone, the shrine which guards the people working in each zone is located showing the center of meaning. As the center of the total area, the shrine of the settlement is located at the cardinal point of two axes of folk orientations which structure the village territory in concentric circles. These orientations are prescribed by the zofu-tokusui topography of fung-shui tought, whose rear is a hill and front is a river. This spatial structure with these land use zones and folk orientations is found similarly in homesteads and fields owned by each household. The boundaries of each land use zone and village social space are demarcated by objects such as stone statues and isolated trees, and through varied ritual behaviors. The social space of the village community which corresponds to the village territory is divided into nested boxes according to the social group system. All of the boundaries of the village are folk, social, mental, or symbolical, and the outer boundary of the forestry zone is, at the same time, a geographical or administrative one.The social structure of the village social space is composed of three groups-'natives', oldcomers and newcomers. The natives who settled in the Edo era and consist of nine kinship groups were former landowners or independent farmers. The oldcomers who settled in the Meiji era as filature or farming workers were tenants of native landowners in the Taisyo and early Showa eras. The newcomers are factory or office workers who have settled in new housing estates since the rapid growth of the Japanese economy. The main native families occupied the cultivated fields near the residential area.
Yuichiro Sasamoto Noriko Endo Kohko Kanazawa Taeko Utsumi Tomomi Takahashi Yosuke Endo Makoto Nanba Hiroto Takeda Tomohiro Takano Koki Takahashi Masahiro Tanji Masahiro Kohzuki
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-20-0970, (Released:2021-02-04)

Background:This study investigated the effect of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (OCR) and physical activity on the estimated glomerular filtration rate based on serum cystatin C (eGFRcys) in patients with heart disease (HD) aged ≥75 years.Methods and Results:This non-randomized prospective intervention study involved 136 patients (non-OCR group, n=66; OCR group, n=70), 55 of whom were aged ≥75 years (non-OCR group, n=29; OCR group, n=26). Renal function (eGFRcys) was evaluated at discharge and 3 months thereafter. A linear mixed model (LMM) was used to assess changes in renal function over time. The hospital readmission rate within 3 months after discharge was also evaluated. LMM analysis showed that the change in eGFRcys was −2.27 and +0.48 mL/min/1.73 m2in the non-OCR and OCR groups, respectively (F=2.960, P=0.022). Further, among patients aged ≥75 years in the non-OCR and OCR groups, the change in eGFRcys was −3.83 and −1.08 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively (F=2.719, P=0.039). The proportion of patients aged ≥75 years who were rehospitalized due to exacerbation of HD was 16.9% (n=10) and 6.7% (n=2) in the non-OCR and OCR groups, respectively.Conclusions:Among patients with HD aged ≥75 years, participation in OCR reduces the decline in renal function and hospital readmission rates.
松岡 裕之 緒方 規男
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.64, no.4, pp.203-207, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-06-25)

マウスを麻酔して2群に分け,一群には二酸化塩素のスプレーを他の一群には水のスプレーを噴霧したのち,マラリア感染蚊自由に吸血させた.二酸化塩素をスプレーしたマウスに対しては101匹の蚊のうち6匹が吸血した (5.9%) だけで、マウスの感染は13頭中1頭のみ (7.7%) であった.水をスプレーしたマウスに対しては蚊88匹のうち42匹が吸血し (47.7%), マラリア感染は11頭中6頭 (54.5%) であった.二酸化塩素スプレー群は有意差をもって吸血率 (p<0.01)・マラリア感染率 (p<0.05) の低下が見られた.次に両端をメッシュで覆ったチューブの中に蚊を入れ,チューブの片方は空気のみを含むケージに,反対側は二酸化塩素を含むケージに差し込んで,蚊がどちらの側に偏在するか調べた.Anopheles stephensi, Aedes albopictusおよびCulex pipiens pallensの3種蚊とも0.03 ppm以上の二酸化塩素濃度において反対側(空気側)に偏在した.二酸化塩素は蚊に対する忌避作用があるといえた.
渡辺 智子 朝井 保美 島田 郁代 鈴木 亜紀子 高橋 節子 高居 百合子 Tomoko Watanabe Yasumi Asai Ikuyo Shimada Akiko Suzuki Setsuko Takahashi Yuriko Takai 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学 食品学 ブリストルマイヤーズ研究所 千葉県立市川工業高校 石冨KK 旭硝子KK 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学 食品学 Chiba College of Health Science Chiba College of Health Science
千葉県立衛生短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba College of Health Science (ISSN:02885034)
vol.3, no.2, pp.45-50, 1984


28 0 0 0 OA 霊界物語

出口瑞月 述
vol.第58の巻 真善美愛 酉之巻, 1925

28 0 0 0 OA 仙境異聞

谷 謙二
埼玉大学教育学部地理学研究報告 = Occasional paper of Department of Geography, Saitama University (ISSN:09132724)
no.24, pp.1-26, 2004

This paper analyzes the expansion of Tokyo's commuting zone for the duration encompassing the Second World War and ending during the post-war reconstruction period. This paper will also debate the institutional factors that influenced this expansion. Previous research into the growth of metropolitan Tokyo has focused either on the period following the rapid economic growth of the 1960s, or has focused on the changes that occurred between World War One and World War Two. However, the sheer number of commuting workers increased dramatically between 1930 and 1955. By 1955, the suburbs where over 10% of workers plied their trade in Tokyo, stretched out in a 50 km radius from the capital...
三浦 麻子 鳥海 不二夫 小森 政嗣 松村 真宏 平石 界
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.31, no.1, pp.NFC-A_1-9, 2016-01-06 (Released:2016-01-08)

In this article, we investigate “retweeting in Twitter” or information transfer behavior in social media to figure out some characteristics of our information processing behavior in emergency situation from social psychological perspective. We made an exploratory log analysis of Twitter focusing on the relationship between diffusion of disaster information and user's emotional response on them. Disaster-related tweets which were retweeted over 10 times around the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake were extracted and emotional words in them were categorized and counted. Frequently retweeted tweets tended to include more negative (anxious or angry) or active emotional words than positive or inactive words. As results of multiple and quantile regression analyses, negative (especially anxious) or active emotional words in tweets had a significant effect on the increase of retweeting regardless of a kind of disasters. The results were discussed in terms of the difference with those based on common tweets.