須永 将史
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.63, no.3, pp.341-358, 2012-12-31 (Released:2014-02-10)

ジュディス・バトラーの身体へのアプローチにはどのような意義があるのだろうか. 本稿ではまず, 『ジェンダー・トラブル』におけるバトラーの身体へのアプローチに, 重要な側面が3つあることを指摘する. それは, 第1に, ジェンダー概念の再定義がなされていることであり, 第2に, 身体論の主要な論点を「身体なるもの (=The body)」という論点から「個々の身体 (=bodies)」という論点へと移行させようとしていることだ. そして第3の側面は, 「身体なるもの」の「内部/外部」の境界が不確定であるという主張がなされていることである.次に, フェミニズム/ジェンダー論にとっての既存の身体観を整理し, バトラーが各論者の身体観をどのように批判し, どのように乗り越えようとしたかを述べる. バトラーはボーヴォワールの議論が精神/身体の二元論を保持していることを批判し, イリガライの議論が生物学的性差としてのオス, メスの二元論を保持していることを批判する. バトラーのアプローチによると, 2人が保持するそうした二元論自体が, 問題視されるべきなのである.本稿では, バトラーの貢献とは次のようなものだと結論する. それはすなわち, ジェンダーという概念を再定義することによって, 人々を異性愛の基準においてのみ首尾一貫させる現象の水準を指摘しようとしたことだ. また本稿では, を実証的に明らかにするためには, 実際の社会において使用される身体や行為を記述することがフェミニズム/ジェンダー論の今後の課題であることも示唆する.
Naoki Kaneko Kenichi Sakuta Taichiro Imahori Hannah Gedion Mahsa Ghovvati Satoshi Tateshima
The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy
Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy (ISSN:18824072)
vol.17, no.11, pp.257-262, 2023 (Released:2023-11-20)

This extensive review explores the intricacies of the three principal mechanical thrombectomy techniques: the stent retriever technique, contact aspiration technique, and a combined approach, and their application in managing acute ischemic stroke. Each technique operates uniquely on the thrombus, leading to differences in their efficacy. Factors including clot size, clot stiffness, vessel tortuosity, and the angle of interaction between the aspiration catheter and the clot significantly influence these differences. Clinical trials and meta-analyses have shown the overall equivalency of these techniques for the treatments of large vessel occlusion and distal medium vessel occlusions. However, there are nuanced differences that emerge under specific clinical circumstances, highlighting the absence of a one-size-fits-all strategy in acute ischemic stroke management. We emphasize the need for future investigations to elucidate these nuances further, aiming to refine procedural strategies and individualize patient care for optimal outcomes.
中澤 篤史
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.501-517, 2022 (Released:2022-07-07)

The overabundance of extracurricular sports activities in Japan has been called into question. Its symbol is the Nippon Junior High School Tournament held by Nippon Junior High School Physical Culture Association. How was this event established? The purpose of this study was to analyze the process by which the tournament was established and to examine the relationship between education and competition in school sports. Previous studies have sought the reasons for the establishment of the national championships with the relaxation of standards for external competitions in accordance with the demands of sports federations, and have viewed the process as one in which competition disparaged education. This approach assumes that education and competition have a dichotomous relationship that is mutually incompatible, and the conflict between educative egalitarianism and competitive elitism has been viewed as a specific issue. However, this view does not allow us to understand why the Junior High School Physical Culture Association, which had been trying to suppress the national championships, turned around and held the Nippon Junior High School Tournament. In this study, we reviewed this issue from the perspective of the Junior High School Physical Culture Association, and clarified the active role it played in reorganizing the national championships in order to solve inherent educational problems, while competing with the sports federations that began holding the national championships. For the Junior High School Physical Culture Association, the process of establishing national championships was not a process in which athletic competition disparaged education, but one in which education was achieved through competition. How did it interpret the conflict between educative egalitarianism and competitive elitism? The Junior High School Physical Culture Association did not abandon educative egalitarianism while finding significance in competitive elitism. Rather, it placed more emphasis on the former in order to justify the significance of competitive selection. The national championships must be open to all students equally, not just to a few elite athletes, and they were interpreted as meaningful because the winners were selected after all students had participated. In this way, the conflicts between educative egalitarianism and competitive elitism were overcome, and as a result, the Nippon Junior High School Tournament was established. This was a historical turning point in the “overheating” of junior high school sports.
Yukiya Ogata Hidetoshi Wada Masaaki Wada Atsunobu Murase
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.1, pp.51-57, 2023-02-17 (Released:2023-02-17)

Two specimens of the carangid fish Scomberoides tala (Cuvier, 1832) (141.5–411.0 mm in standard length, 151.9–433.0 mm in fork length), collected from northern Miyazaki Prefecture and the Yaeyama Islands, southern Japan, represent the first specimen-supported Japanese records and northernmost record of the species, previously recorded from the east coast of South Africa, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indo-Australian Archipelago, Australia, Gulf of Thailand, and South China Sea. In addition, the distribution of S. tala in Japanese waters was assessed on the basis of a previous photographic record, and the Japanese name for the species was discussed.
上中 理香子 川田 哲史 中村 嶺 山田 実季 佐山 皓一 宇野 彩 伊藤 秀彦
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.59, no.9, pp.645-651, 2016-09-30 (Released:2016-09-30)

目的:ビグアナイド薬長期投与におけるビタミンB12(以下Vit B12)の低下とVit B12低下に対するメコバラミン補充療法の神経障害改善効果を調査する.方法:当院通院中の2型糖尿病患者で同薬5年以上投与群28名(登録時には全例メトホルミン(以下Met)を投与)と非投与群20名を対象に,横断研究として血中Vit B12・腱反射・振動覚を測定.Vit B12低下(≦298 pg/mL)を示す9例にはメコバラミン半年間補充前後の変化を前向きに評価した.結果:Met 1日平均投与量は950 mg(250~1500 mg).血中Vit B12濃度はMet 750 mg以下では対照と変わらないが1.5 gで有意に低値を示した.補充療法は,Vit B12低下9例中6例の振動覚や腱反射を改善させた.総括:Met 1日1.5 g以上の日本人2型糖尿病ではVit B12のスクリーニングが有用である.
田中 英輝 美野 秀弥 越智 慎司 柴田 元也
vol.2012-NL-209, no.9, pp.1-9, 2012-11-15

著者らは 「やさしい日本語」 でニュース提供するための研究を行っている. 2012 年 4 月より,やさしい日本語のニュースを web で試験的にサービスする公開実験 「NEWS WEB EASY」 のサイトの運用を開始した.本稿ではまず,この公開実験のサイト,および,そこで使っているやさしい日本語の特徴について述べる.次に,提供しているニュースが,外国人 (漢字圏・非漢字圏) と子ども (小学生・中学生) にどのような効果を持つかを確認するために行った実験について報告する.具体的にはやさしい記事と元記事に対する,理解度テストを実施し,その,正解率,あきらめ率,回答時間を測定した.この結果,すべての集団で正解率が向上することがわかり,やさしい記事の基本的な効果を確認した.また,外国人用に作ったやさしい日本語が子どもにも効果的であることが確認できた.さらに詳細な分析を行った結果,漢字圏外国人には実質的に理解度が上昇する効果を,非漢字圏外国人には,記事を最後まで読み通す部分に効果があることを確認した.また,子どもでは,中学生は元記事の理解度がかなり高いことから,小学生に対する実質的な理解度向上の効果が高いことを確認した.
鈴木 克実
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.77, no.3, pp.409-414, 2023 (Released:2023-05-01)

山田 祐樹
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.62, no.3, pp.296-303, 2019 (Released:2021-02-28)

In this paper, I discussed new forms of researcher evaluation in psychological research with the view of solving the reproducibility problem. I demonstrate that the current researcher evaluation system is severely biased, rather encouraging publication of less reproducible findings with fraud or bad practices. To alleviate this bias, the proposed remedies include the limitation of duplicate awards, reputation-based individual research indicators, and clarification of contributions. In addition, the evaluation by researchers from society is also biased; therefore, spins, conflicts of interest, and public involvement in research have been raised as important issues. I hope that these discussions will be noticed by interested parties who are not interested in them.
木村 駿介
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測と制御 (ISSN:04534662)
vol.61, no.2, pp.97-102, 2022-02-10 (Released:2022-02-11)
赤尾 光春
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
vol.50, pp.65-106, 2003

The breeze of liberalization, which began in the second half of the 1980s in the former Communist bloc countries, has brought about the rivival of Jewish pilgrimages to the gravesites of Hasidic leaders. The pilgrimage made by the Breslover Hasidim to Uman (Uman') stands out among others. The Breslover Hasidim are one of the Hasidic sects that regard Rabbi Nachman of Braslav (1772-1810) as its spiritual leader. Their pilgrimage to Uman on the Jewish New Year has an ongoing tradition of some two hundred years. Today this ordinary Ukrainian city has become one of the biggest pilgrimage centers outside Israel, attracting more than 10,000 Jewish pilgrims annually. This article deals with the spatial and ideological issues reflected in the historical process of the pilgrimage. After a brief survey of the general background of saints' sanctuaries in Jewish culture, ideological issues concerning of the pilgrimage inherent in the life and teaching of Rabbi Nachman, will be examined. In 1802 Rabbi Nachman settled in Bratslav, where he founded his Hasidic movement. After he became aware of his fatal illness, the forcus of his teaching shifted to the perpetuation of his spiritual heritage. This is expressed in his unusual concern for his burial place. Uman is located near his disciples' dwelling places. It was chosen for his burial for two ideological reasons. First, he considered it his last mission to lead the spiritual struggle against the Jewish enlighteners living there. The second reason is related to the rectification souls of the martyrs, who were brutally murdered in Uman in the notorious pogrom in 1786. Paradoxically, the town became the ideal place that attracted the complete devotion of this greatest tzaddik (righteous man) of his generation so conscious of his divine mission. Not only did Rabbi Nachman express a strong desire for his followers to visit his grave, but he also gave them clear instructions as to the procedure and the reward for their devotion. The ten chapters of Psalms called "Tikun ha-Klali" and "Kibuts" ("the Gathering"), which had initially developed separately, were later to be interwoven into the pilgrimage to Uman. The simplified form of prayer present in the former seems to have opened up the potential for a more voluntary mass pilgrimage. In the latter, by extending the universal Hasidic tradition after the master's death, the obligatory aspect of a sect's tradition was retained. The paradoxical nature of Nachman's choice of Uman can be grasped in a more meaningful way by examining his teaching on the Land of Israel. According to his theology, the holiness of Israel can be extended beyond its boundaries and the tzaddik's residential place is seen as the equivalent to Israel. Thus, he succeeded symbolically in turning this marginal place into a center equivalent in its holiness to the Holy Land. The following chapters will depict the history of the Kibuts, dividing it into three major historical periods: 1) the period of establishment (1811-1917); 2) the period of dispersion (1917-1985); and 3) the period of revival (1985-present). The charisma of Rabbi Nachman was so great that his Hasidim have never elected any successor as is the practice in other Hasidic dynasties. The pilgrimage to Uman has played an important role in the continuity and solidarity of the group. Initially, Rabbi Nathan, the favorite desciple of Nachman, played a crucial role in diffusing Nachman's teachings and institutionalizing the Kibuts. By the end of the 19th century, the teaching of Rabbi Nachman spread to Poland and the pilgrimage to Uman reached the peak of its popularity. The outbreak of World War I and the October Revolution with its aftermath made pilgrimage to Uman extremely difficult. The new socio-political conditions caused many a Hasidim abroad to give up any idea of a pilgrimage, while the new reality stimulated the Hasidim's imagination and generated a more adventurous spirit. On the other hand, the Hasidim who remained in the Soviet Union, preserved the Kibuts under incredibly difficult circumstances. In this way the Soviet reality generated various alternatives for the Hasidim both inside and outside the country without extinguishing their hopes completely. During the last decade, this period of revival has fundamentally changed the nature of the pilgrimage. No longer forbidden, the authorities have made the pilgrimage legal. Second, accessibility to Uman has transformed the pilgrimage into a quasi-tourist mass event. Finally, the scale and publicity of the revived pilgrimage has generated a "contested landscape" between the Jewish pilgrims and their local gentile hosts. Paradoxically enough, the unstable nature of the pilgrimage to Uman was revealed when the revived tradition seemed to have built a firm foundation for further development. Serious antagonism concerning the place of worship (Uman or Jerusalem?) developed between the central Ashkenazi Hasidim and a marginal group called the "Nachnachim." Although the focal point of their disagreement concerned whether or not the grave should be transferred to Jerusalem, this difference seems to concern their attitudes and sentiments toward the place of the burial and their struggle for control over the master's grave. While the former group has always considered Uman an unpararelled sacred place and has tried to preserve its old tradition, the latter group has attempted to popularize Nachman's cult in Israel. Although Uman has won the battle for its holiness, the dispute revealed the essential uncertainty of Jewish sacred places outside Israel. Uman is inseparably bound to the collective memory of the Breslover Hasidim and it has always been considered more of a sacred place than any other in Diaspora. However, this centrality of Uman as a sacred place is essentially ambiguous. These facts underscore the unstable relationship between Jewish people and their places of residence in Diaspora. Thus the phenomenon of the pilgrimage to Uman serves as a thought-provoking example, which makes us contemplate the unique spatial identities of Jewish people in general.
中村 光裕 上村 康二 根本 治 宮地 良樹
皮膚の科学 (ISSN:13471813)
vol.5, no.4, pp.311-316, 2006 (Released:2011-02-18)

保湿剤の適切な用法・用量を検討するべく,保湿剤ヒルドイド®ソフト(マルホ株式会社)とヒルドイド®ローション(マルホ株式会社)を用いて,保湿剤におけるFinger-tip Unit(FTU)の検証と人工的乾燥皮膚を対象に塗布量と保湿効果,塗布回数と保湿効果,入浴後の塗布タイミングと保湿効果の関係について検討した。その結果,FTUは簡便かつ信頼できる方法となりうること,また,保湿剤は適量と感じるよりやや多く,かつ回数も多く塗布し,入浴後は早めに塗布した方が高い保湿効果が得られることが示唆された。