冨田 猛 野崎 晃 宇田 篤史 山本 和宏 西岡 達也 久米 学 槇本 博雄 矢野 育子 平井 みどり
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-7, 2017-05-31 (Released:2017-06-16)

Objective: When responding to questions regarding drug-drug interaction by the medical staff of our hospital, pharmacists previously collected information using some drug databases from Japan and the United States.  The aim of this study was to construct a search system for interaction information using drug databases from both Japan and the United States for streamlining questions and answers regarding drug-drug interaction.Methods: Using the drug databases from Japan and the United States, we collected information on the interaction pertaining to drugs prescribed at Kobe University Hospital.  This information was further assessed for consistency.  Furthermore, we constructed an original search system for interaction information for streamlining questions and answers regarding drug-drug interaction.Results: The difference between information obtained from the databases from Japan and the United States was apparent.  Thus, we concluded that it was necessary to obtain interaction information via a database search that included information from both the countries.  Therefore, our original interaction search system was reconstructed with interaction information collected using databases from both the countries.  We compared the response to questions regarding the previous and present methods using our original search system for interaction information; the time required to obtain the responses was 5.89 and 3.09 min, respectively, and it took lesser time for providing responses than the previous method.Conclusion: We evaluated the usefulness of the original search system for interaction information.  We found that the original system provides a more rapid response to questions compared with the previous method.  We are considering a further upgrade and update for the original system by adding information on drugs not prescribed by our hospital.
Harunobu Nakamura Kaori Shimoji Katsuyasu Kouda Rikio Tokunaga Hiroichi Takeuchi
Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology
Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science (ISSN:13453475)
vol.22, no.5, pp.237-240, 2003 (Released:2003-10-01)
8 11 9

It has been reported that nutritional stress, such as short-term fasting and long-term energy restriction, has a suppressive effect on allergic dermatitis in experimental animals. Furthermore, clinical study has demonstrated a positive association between weight loss by low-energy diet and improvement in patients with atopic dermatitis. In this report, a 23-year-old female with atopic dermatitis received a treatment of repeated short-term fasting. 24-hour fasting was conducted once a week for a period of 20 weeks. On the fasting day, the amount of energy intake was 200 kcal. No medication was administered during the trial period. Clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index, and IgE, lactase dehydrogenase-5, and number of eosinophils were measured. At the end of the trial, body weight was reduced and clinical symptoms improved, whereas no improvements in laboratory findings were shown. For sufficient evidence of the effects of fasting, additional controlled study is needed.
佐藤 寛晃 田中 敏子 笠井 謙多郎 北 敏郎
学校法人 産業医科大学
Journal of UOEH (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.31, no.4, pp.353-358, 2009-12-01 (Released:2017-04-11)
4 4

49歳男性船長が, 船倉タンク内での廃液処理作業中に倒れた船員の救出に降り, 間もなく同様に倒れて死亡した. 船長の剖検の結果, タンク底面に残った廃液の吸引による溺死と診断された. 意識消失に至った経緯を明らかにするために船倉タンク内のガス分析を行ったところ, 酸素濃度は18.86〜19.31%, 二酸化炭素濃度は7.28〜9.07%で, その他に硫化水素を含め特記すべき濃度のガスは検出されなかった. したがって, 意識消失は二酸化炭素中毒によるものと考えられ, タンク内の廃液の発酵により高濃度の二酸化炭素が発生し, 死亡事故が発生したと結論づけた. 二酸化炭素が発生しうる環境においては, その危険性を十分に認識しておく必要があると考えられた.
新井 武志
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.43 Suppl. No.2 (第51回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.0094, 2016 (Released:2016-04-28)

【はじめに,目的】一般に,筋機能の測定では,徒手筋力測定器などを用いて,等尺性収縮の最大発揮筋力(もしくはトルク)が測定されている場合が多い。しかし,身体機能や生活機能との関係を考えると,固定された関節で発揮される等尺性の能力よりも,トルクと角速度の積で表わされる筋パワーのほうがより臨床的な指標であることが示されている。そこで本研究では,簡便に角速度を測定できるジャイロセンサーを用いて膝関節の最大発揮角速度を測定し,その測定値が筋力や筋パワーを外挿するのか健常若年者を対象に検証した。【方法】対象は健常若年者93名(男性53名,女性40名,平均年齢19.5歳)であった。対象者は,端座位にて下腿下垂位から膝関節伸展位まで最大努力で伸展を行った。その際の最大発揮角速度を,ジャイロセンサーを用いて測定した。その他に,等速性筋力測定器(BIODEX)を用いて,膝関節屈曲45°および90°での等尺性最大トルク,3つの等速度条件における,最大トルクと平均パワーを測定した(角速度はそれぞれ60,180,300°/秒とした)。最大発揮角速度とそれぞれの筋機能測定値との関連は,ピアソンの積率相関係数を用いて評価した。危険率は5%未満を有意とした。【結果】ジャイロセンサーを用いて測定した膝関節伸展最大角速度の測定値は,630.0±119.0°/秒(平均値±標準偏差)であった。この測定値は,他のすべての測定条件におけるトルクや筋パワーと有意な相関を示した(P<0.05)。等尺性最大トルクとの相関係数は,90°屈曲位に対し45°屈曲位との相関係数が大きくなった(r=0.410 vs.0.555)。また,等速度条件では,角速度が大きくなるほど,トルク値との相関係数は大きくなった(r=0.484(60°/秒),0.569(180°/秒),0.589(300°/秒))。同様に,平均パワーとの相関係数も角速度が増すと大きくなることが示された(r=0.320(60°/秒),0.480(180°/秒),0.517(300°/秒))。【結論】ジャイロセンサーを用いて測定された最大発揮角速度は,筋機能と有意な相関を示した。このことにより,高価なトルクマシンがなくても,ジャイロセンサーによって簡便に筋パワー等が外挿できることが示唆された。またジャイロセンサーによって測定された膝関節の最大発揮角速度は,比較的浅い屈曲角度のトルク値や,より速い角速度でのトルク値や筋パワーと近似することが示唆された。今後,身体パフォーマンスとの関連を示していくことによって,ジャイロセンサーを用いた角速度測定の臨床における有意性が示していけるものと考える。
富田 正弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.192, pp.129-170, 2014-12


3 0 0 0 OA 真宗全書

妻木直良 編
vol.第34巻, 1914
小原 文衛 Kohara Bunei
IVY (ISSN:09142266)
vol.49, pp.67-88, 2016-11-30

The present paper aims to reexamine the meaning of what Kyle Bishop calls "Zombie Renaissance": the global pandemic or spread of zombie narratives that is supposed to have happened around 2002, namely just after 9/11. This phenomenon has various aspects, and this paper's argument mainly focused on the question what makes possible the global pandemic of the zombie narratives. Section II examines the meaning of the zombie as a representational apparatus by means of the basically categorical and substantial analysis (before embarking on the relational and narratological analysis in section IV). Zombies are classified into the three categories: (1) Voodoo Zombies, (2) Modern Zombies, and (3) Hyper Zombies. Though these three categories of zombies appeared in the film history in chronological order, they do not constitute a linear order (1→2→3), as this paper explains with reference to some examples (section III). In fact, as these examples suggest persuasively, these three categories of zombies coexist in one age: the age of "Zombie Renaissance," which necessarily means that these three types of zombies are representative of different modes of signification. The zombie as representational apparatus implies no integrity, identity, or consistency in it. ln other words, "the zombie means anything." This accordingly leads to another formula: "the zombie can be anywhere" (in the global dimension). From section IV, this paper undertakes the relational or narratological analysis of zombie narratives' structures focusing on the two motifs that frequently and repeatedly appear in the films of this subgenre: "pursuit" and "siege." Section IV examines the meanings of these two motifs examining their places in the history of American films and confirmed that each of them constitutes the archetypal narrative pattern that are essential for gaining deep insight into American cultures. Section V examines how these archetypal motifs play crucial roles in several of Edgar Allan Poe's narratives. "The Black Cat" and "William Wilson" are two of the paradigmatic narratives that have in them the motif of "pursuit." What should be noticed here is that these two tales about "the pursuer" share the metaphoric expression of "the pestilence," which is also identified in the typical zombie narratives (zombies are similar in function to an "epidemic") and that these "pursuers" are absolutely inescapable and accordingly represent the inner space of the pursued (the narrators). As for "siege", "Shadow- a Parable" and "Masque of Red Death" are exemplary. These two tales are also narratives on "the pestilence," where people are besieged by the plague. In each of these tales, exactly like in Romero's narratives about the living dead, what was supposed to be a shelter is finally violated by the plague and becomes a claustrophobic space of death. The two motifs secure the interface between zombie narratives on film and classical narratives composed by Poe. The analysis of this interface between the zombie and Poe paves the way for a further argument and leads to psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud, though implicitly, also refers to the two motifs. In Freud's theoretical framework, the drive is "inescapable" precisely because it comes from the "inside." Freud's drive is placed in the same position as the pursuer in American films, or the living dead, to be more specific (this allegorical trait is also shared by Poe). And again, Freud's theoretical allegory of the "protective shield" is also constructed around the topic of the pressures of the internal drives and marked by the same narrative pattern of the claustrophobic storytelling in Romero and Poe. The motifs of "pursuit" and "siege" are also vital to the narrative called "psychoanalysis," which consequently confirms the link between the two motifs and the universal dimension ("universal" implies "global.") From the substantial perspective, the zombie means anything and they can be anywhere, while the relational analysis shows that zombie narratives are constituted by American and psychologically universal motifs at the same time. Here the key word is the non-identity of the zombie (and supposedly that of America, historically and genetically marked by the lack of the integrated myth of its own) that paradoxically forms a basis for the global adaptability or flexiblity of this subgenre. This very adaptability partly accounts for the global pandemic of the zombie narratives (and this also implies that the zombie pandemic is an indication of Americanization as a crucial constituent of globalization).
細井 淳 高松 光生 久保田 基成 牛山 智彦 新井 利直 酒井 長雄 吉田 清志 矢ケ崎 和弘
北陸作物学会報 (ISSN:03888061)
vol.53, pp.9-11, 2018 (Released:2018-06-04)


3 0 0 0 OA 三国志

陳寿 撰述
vol.巻31-38, 1885
土井 康明 茂里 一紘 堀田 多喜男
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1991, no.170, pp.55-63, 1991 (Released:2009-09-04)

A drag reduction for 3-dimensional body is attempted by microbubble injection. Two models with different lengths are used for experiments to distinguish the resistance due to on microbubble injection itself and the skin friction affected by microbubble covering. A reformed Wigley model is used to investigate the effect of microbubble injection on wave making. Measurements of the resistance and the longitudinal wave profiles are performed. The covering by microbubbles is realized by injected air through a porous pipe with pore size of 15 μm. The flow of microbubbles is obsered and the bubble sizes are estimated based on the rising velocity of a bubble in still water.The results show that it is possible to reduce the resistance of a 3-dimensional body by use of microbubbles if the body is well covered by microbubbles. Although the resistance increases where microbubbles are injected, the local frictional resistance is reduced more than 20 % where microbubbles cover the body. The total resistance is reduced more than 5 %. Based on a wave analysis, it is found that injecting microbubbles into water does not affect on wave making resistance.
山脇 直司
共生科学 (ISSN:21851638)
vol.11, no.11, pp.52-58, 2020

山澤 弘実
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌ATOMOΣ (ISSN:18822606)
vol.52, no.12, pp.811-815, 2010 (Released:2019-09-06)

瀬筒 秀樹 笠嶋(炭谷) めぐみ 近藤 まり 小林 功 高須 陽子 鈴木 誉保 米村 真之 飯塚 哲也 内野 恵郎 田村 俊樹 坪田 拓也 立松 謙一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.138, no.7, pp.863-874, 2018-07-01 (Released:2018-07-01)

We have been constructing a platform for the development of pharmaceutical and medical applications using the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, as a new animal model for drug development and evaluation. Because silkworm larvae originally have the capacity to synthesize up to 0.5 g of silk proteins, genetically modified silkworms (transgenic silkworms) are expected to have high potential in the production of recombinant silks/proteins. An innovative method for generating transgenic silkworms was established in 2000, and ever since this epoch-defining technological development, longstanding efforts have succeeded in developing novel silks that enable the manufacture of new textile materials for regenerative medical uses. Furthermore, we have succeeded in developing a new system of recombinant protein production. This recombinant protein production system is currently capable of producing a maximum of approximately 15 mg recombinant protein per silkworm larva. Transgenic silkworms have also been shown to produce a wide variety of useful proteins, including antibodies and membrane proteins. Some of these recombinant proteins have been in commercial use since 2011. In addition, we have been developing transgenic silkworms as a novel animal model for testing medicines based on metabolic similarities between silkworms and mammals. These applications show the suitability and potential of transgenic silkworms for medical use. Here, we will describe the challenges faced in creating a transgenic silkworm-based platform for pharmaceutical and medical applications.
成田 和子
情報処理学会研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.89, pp.21-26, 2008-09-15

スピーカーのオーケストラで構成される電子音響音楽演奏ツール 「アクースモニウム」 の沿革と音響・音楽的効果、演奏法についてL'orchestre de haut-parleurs "Acousmonium" en tant qu'outil d'interpretation de la musique electroacoustique, son historique, ses performances acoustiques et musicales et ses methodes d'interpretation.