大橋 一智 上田 浩史 山崎 正利 木村 貞夫 安部 茂 山口 英世
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.112, no.12, pp.919-925, 1992-12-25

The biological activity of a preparation of heat killed cells of Enterococcus faecalis, FK-23 which was isolated from the feces of a healthy human, was investigated in C3H/He mice. Intraperitoneal injection of the preparation caused an accumulation of neutrophils and macrophages in the peritoneal cavity of the mice 6 h later. As a parameter of the activation of macrophages, the effect of the FK-23 preparation on the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was examined. The mice were given two consecutive intravenous injections of the preparation at a dose of 10μg/mouse and, 3 h later, of 300μg/mouse. The TNF level in the sera reached 99 U/ml in mice 2 h after the second injection. This preparation also stimulated peritoneal macrophages to produce TNF in vitro and increased the capacity of neutrophils to adhere to plastic plates and to release active oxygens, but did not induce blastogenic transformation of lymphocytes. These results suggest that the FK-23 preparation is a biological response modifier (BRM) with various activities on phagocytes similar to a streptococcal antitumor agent, OK432.
鈴木 秀樹 坂本 拓 塩野 真弓 長坂 和茂 佐藤 りん 西川 真樹子 八木澤 ちひろ 古森 千尋 天野 絵里子
京都大学図書館機構APC ワーキンググループ
pp.1-50, 2016-02

本学では、多額の経費を支払い多くの電子ジャーナルを読むことができる環境を整えているが、購読費として支払う経費に加え、近年は、論文をオープンアクセスにするための費用(「オープンアクセス費」)を著者が出版社に支払い、誰もが無料で読むことができる電子ジャーナルもしくは論文として公開するケースが増加している。このことにより、従来からの購読費は上昇を続け、さらに、オープンアクセス費の増加により、総額として大学が研究活動のために係る費用が急増しているという課題が顕在化している。(詳細は、資料1「オ ープンアクセス費の定義」を参照) 本ワーキンググループでは、昨年度に引き続き、以下のとおり本学教員によるオープンアクセス費の支出やオープンアクセス費を巡る状況を調査した。

20 0 0 0 OA 民法要義

梅謙次郎 著
vol.卷之1(總則編), 1903
北川 裕子 小塩 靖崇 股村 美里 佐々木 司 東郷 史治
Japanese Society of Anxiety Disorder
不安障害研究 (ISSN:18835619)
vol.5, no.1, pp.31-38, 2013

近年の日本では,いじめが原因と考えられる児童生徒の自殺が社会的に大きな波紋を起こしている。いじめは,被害側だけでなく加害側の児童生徒でも,不安・抑うつ,社会不適応,そして自殺問題と関連すると言われている。このような状況に鑑みて,効果的ないじめ対策教育の実施は喫緊の課題である。しかし,日本ではいじめ対策が各学校に任されたままであり,全国的な系統的いじめ対策プログラムが存在しない。また,効果検証がなされていない。そこで本研究では,日本におけるいじめ予防介入教育の構築に向けた一資料として,フィンランドの全国的ないじめ対策プログラムであり,その効果が大規模なRandomized Controlled Trial (RCT)により評価されている「KiVaプログラム」について紹介した。KiVaプログラムの効果として,いじめの減少,さらには児童生徒の不安・抑うつの低下,対人関係の改善などが確認されている。

20 0 0 0 OA 芸術資料

金井紫雲 編
vol.第2期 第5冊, 1941
pp.2014-10, (Released:2014-07-15)
3 16

A large amount of radioactive cesium was released by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Due to the increasing concerns about internal exposure, more than 50 whole-body counters (WBCs) have been installed at various locations in Fukushima Prefecture. A study on around 10,000 subjects in the early stage after the accident revealed that very few received a committed effective dose of more than 0.3 mSv for subjects (age >13 years old). Another study on WBC results for one hospital showed that the ratio of cesium-positive was 1.0% among all the subjects. Assuming a constant daily intake, the detection limit of 300 Bq/body for a typical WBC corresponds to an effective dose of 21 μSv/y even for a subject of age up to 10. It was also seen out that the subjects with a significant amount of body cesium are likely to regularly eat wild products, which they harvested or caught themselves without testing for radioactive cesium. These study findings suggested that the internal exposure for most of the residents was controlled at a very low level. Future tasks regarding WBC measurements are how to personally explain the WBC results to each subject and how to disclose the statistically processed WBC data to the general public.
佐藤 慶明 入口 豊 西島 吉典
大阪教育大学紀要 第V部門 教科教育 (ISSN:03893480)
vol.62, no.2, pp.11-22, 2014-02-28

1993年に10クラブからスタートしたプロサッカー・JリーグもJ1・J2を合わせて40クラブに増加し,現在はJ3リーグ結成が計画されるまでに発展した。Jリーグの誕生が,日本選手のレベルを格段に引き上げ,日本代表チームの4大会連続のワールドカップ出場と世界ランキング上位に躍進させる原動力となったことは疑う余地がない。しかし,順調に発展してきたかに見えるJリーグ・クラブ各チームにおいては,個別には経営上の様々な問題を抱えていることも事実であり,それらの問題の克服なくして今後の大きな飛躍を望むことは困難な情勢にある。本研究は,Jリーグ所属全チームの中でも親会社を持つクラブの順位浮上のためのマネジメント上の問題点を,J1・J2各1チームのクラブ経営のトップであった元社長,GMへのヒアリングを中心に事例的に明らかにすることを目的とする.特に本稿では,J1チームの中でもトップクラスの人気と観客動員数を誇る「浦和レッドダイヤモンズ」の元GMへのインタビューを基に,クラブ経営トップから見た経営上の実情,問題点,GMの現状とあるべき将来像を明らかにする。The purpose of this study is to make the actual conditions of management of a professional football club in Japan (J- league) clear through having an interview with the general manager of the J1- league and the J2- league clubs. Especially, the present study is to examine the actual conditions of management of the "Urawa Red Diamonds" (J1) through having an interview with the former general manager of the Urawa Red Diamonds. The finding and discussions on the following topics are presented in this paper: 1. An outline of the Urawa Red Diamonds 2. Contents of an interview with the former general manager of the Urawa Reds (1)about a management of the general manager (2)the relationship among the front, the staff, and the players (3)the duties of the general manager (4)the present state and the future of the general manager of the J- league
矢田部 俊介
科学哲学科学史研究 (ISSN:18839177)
vol.7, pp.1-26, 2013-02-28

Recently some constructivists try to justify impredicative theories with coinduction which play a very significant role in computer science though it had been thought that predicativity is necessary for constructivity. In this paper we introduce these arguments, by Rathjen and by Coquand, and apply these argument to show a naive set theory CONS in FLew∀, which is intuitionistic logic minus the contraction rule, can be regarded as constructive.
深沢 佳那子
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.24, pp.187-226, 2015

This report is about the description of private parts in Japanese mythology.Japanese mythology has a lot of stories about female private parts.The fi rst time this appeared is the scene when Izanami gave birth to Kagutsuchi who is the god of fi re. Due to this,Izanami's private part is burned and dies. This is the origin of fi re story, Izanami is believed as mother goddess. There was faith that mother goddess gave birth to something valuable for humans in the ancient age.Originally, private parts relate to giving birth and living. However in this story, it relates to death as well as in O-getsuhime and Ukemochi stories described below.After the deaths of O-getsuhime and Ukemochi, grains grow from some parts of their corpses including their private parts.They are mother goddess and ancient people believed that mother goddess gave fertility after they were killed. We can see the same belief in Dogu and bowl in Jomon era, and in the background of Izanami's story.In the story of Yamatototohimomosohime, female private part relate to death as well. Since Yamatototohimomosohime broke a taboo, she cannot get married to O-mononushi. In which she dies by getting a chopstick stabbed in her private part.There is a similar story in Ama-no-iwayado mythology also. It is a story of Hataorime, who dies due to her job tool shuttle stabbed in her private part.Yamatototohimomosohime's death means retaliation and Hataorime's death is what causes the story of Amaterasu to hide in the iwayado. Both deaths include negative elements, the deaths are not normal. Thus, when female private parts are broken, it symbolized a negative death for goddesses. This is because female private parts symbolize life itself and woman.Breaking female private parts means stopping life and negative death to denial woman.However, in the Ninuriya mythology, stabbing the private part causes birth. Due to a red arrow stabbing Seyadatarahime's private part, she becomes pregnant. In this story, red arrow means male private part, and female private part relate to life.Since female private part relates to life originally, the story of stabbing female private part in which caused death was made paradoxically.Amenouzume' s story is one of the most famous for female private part story. In the story, female private part has exorcism power, in which she exposes her private part to make the gods laugh. This then led to Amaterasu to come out from the iwayado. The female private part in this story means women's holy power. However, in the background of the story the gods laugh at the female private part show, that there is male society and thought that men believed women's holy power.On the other hand, there is no story about male private parts.Although, in the jomon era, Japanese ancient people made many stone fi gures that were shaped in male private parts. The male private part fi gure, Sekibo symbolized energy and god who can bless bad spirits. Male symbol was believed as a single existence, are independent from the male's body. It was not faith in men but in the private part. That is why there are no stories which god's private parts were emphasized.However in the ancient times, there was no culture to make fi gures of female private parts. Dogu is famous for women's body statue, but there are seldom representations of the private parts. Dogu has breasts and represents of pregnancy. It is bound for the faith of mother goddess. Due to this, the faith of mother goddess is from not the female private parts, but the mother goddess's body.Though, it was believed that female private parts held holy power, the two beliefs had seemed to coexist.In order to show the coexistence, the classifi cation of "ideal woman" and "actual woman" that Kazuo Matsumura advocated was used. Amaterasu who is a virgin goddess is pure and clean, who represents the ideal woman. On the other hand, Izanami who experienced pregnancy, dead world, divorce represents an actual woman. These images were made by male society. Izanami gave birth by using female private part as an actual woman and not as mother goddess. The belief in mother goddess gives birth something valuable for human is in goddess body.Ukemochi and O-getsuhime mythologies are the origins of agriculture story. In these stories, female private parts appear,but there is no special meaning. They are mother goddess and give birth to something valuable, but there is no individual belief for female private parts.However people believed that private parts held holy power. In the ancient era, there was faith that women held holy power, in their female private parts which symbolized women.Then, Breaking the symbol of living and women, causes goddess's negative death. Yamatotohimomosohime and Hataorime mythologies express this. Breaking private parts what are originally giving birth causes death. When they died a negative death, their private parts, which symbolized of women's holy power, were broken. By doing so, this made a denial their dignity.On the other hand, Seyadatarahime's Ninuriya story is simply about sex and birth. Sometimes people believed female private parts as use for reproduction, and it did not relate to faith in mother goddess and fertility.Izanami's story is complexly structured. It is made from three elements, 1) primitive faith that mother goddess gave birth to god of fi re, 2) actual women who gave birth by using her female private part, 3) negative death by breaking the female private part, and it bound for uncleanness of death. Izanami gave birth as mother goddess, but the giving birth by using female private part is not derived from the personality of mother goddess. It is as an actual woman, and, the private part was a "device that is broke" to denial woman.Female private parts in Japanese mythology means symbol of living that is from the function, moreover, it means woman's symbol. People believed that women's holy power is in female private parts.Female and male private parts cannot be represented as a whole. This is due to the different beliefs in which the ancient people held.
MisawaKeiji Kojima Hideyasu Imae Naoya Nakamura Noboru
Antarctic meteorite research
vol.16, pp.1-12, 2003-03

Among 3550 meteorite samples found near the Yamato Mountains area during the field season of 2000-2001, three meteorites, Yamato (Y) 000593, Y000749, and Y000802 of total weight of about 15 kg, are identified as new paired nakhlites. In ordered to improve our knowledge of the nakhlite parent body, possibly Mars, a coordinated consortium study of the Yamato nakhlites was organized. We here present an outline of the Yamato nakhlite consortium and implications for Martian geological history on the basis of ongoing studies.
長岡 和則 本田 幸一郎 宮野 敬治
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.45, no.11, pp.665-674, 1996-11-15 (Released:2010-09-07)
4 5

現在, 環境γ線モニタリングには各種の測定器が使われている。しかし, 得られた測定結果は必ずしも一致しない。それはそれぞれの測定器の特性の違いが原因となっているが, 中でも宇宙線に対する感度の違いが最も大きく影響していると考えられる。今回, 各種測定器の宇宙線に対するレスポンスを明確にするため, 宇宙線強度の異なる環境場として富士山で高度を変えて, NaI (Tl) シンチレーションスペクトロメータ, ステンレス鋼製加圧型電離箱線量計, 空気等価電離箱線量計, TLD, 蛍光ガラス線量計およびNaI (Tl) シンチレーションサーベイメータの比較測定を行った。3″φ球形のNaI (T1) シンチレーション検出器の3MeV以上の計数率と各測定器の宇宙線寄与線量率との間には明らかな相関が得られた。同計数率を測定することで, 各測定器の測定結果への宇宙線の寄与線量率を推定することが可能と考えられる。同計数率から各測定器の寄与線量率への換算係数 (nGy/h/cpm) は, 空気等価電離箱, 加圧型電離箱, TLD, 蛍光ガラス線量計およびNal (Tl) シンチレーションサーベイメータ (TCS-166およびTCS-121C) では, それぞれ0.33, 0.32, 0.25, 0.24, 0.06および-0.01であった。また, 東京大学宇宙線研究所鋸山施設で測定を行い, 自己照射線量率を評価した。TLDと蛍光ガラス線量計は約6nGy/hの自己照射があり, 環境γ線線量率を測定する際には考慮する必要があると考えられる。これらのデータは, 環境γ線線量測定において, 宇宙線寄与分および自己照射線量の評価に有用であると考えられる。