深沢 佳那子
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.24, pp.187-226, 2015

This report is about the description of private parts in Japanese mythology.Japanese mythology has a lot of stories about female private parts.The fi rst time this appeared is the scene when Izanami gave birth to Kagutsuchi who is the god of fi re. Due to this,Izanami's private part is burned and dies. This is the origin of fi re story, Izanami is believed as mother goddess. There was faith that mother goddess gave birth to something valuable for humans in the ancient age.Originally, private parts relate to giving birth and living. However in this story, it relates to death as well as in O-getsuhime and Ukemochi stories described below.After the deaths of O-getsuhime and Ukemochi, grains grow from some parts of their corpses including their private parts.They are mother goddess and ancient people believed that mother goddess gave fertility after they were killed. We can see the same belief in Dogu and bowl in Jomon era, and in the background of Izanami's story.In the story of Yamatototohimomosohime, female private part relate to death as well. Since Yamatototohimomosohime broke a taboo, she cannot get married to O-mononushi. In which she dies by getting a chopstick stabbed in her private part.There is a similar story in Ama-no-iwayado mythology also. It is a story of Hataorime, who dies due to her job tool shuttle stabbed in her private part.Yamatototohimomosohime's death means retaliation and Hataorime's death is what causes the story of Amaterasu to hide in the iwayado. Both deaths include negative elements, the deaths are not normal. Thus, when female private parts are broken, it symbolized a negative death for goddesses. This is because female private parts symbolize life itself and woman.Breaking female private parts means stopping life and negative death to denial woman.However, in the Ninuriya mythology, stabbing the private part causes birth. Due to a red arrow stabbing Seyadatarahime's private part, she becomes pregnant. In this story, red arrow means male private part, and female private part relate to life.Since female private part relates to life originally, the story of stabbing female private part in which caused death was made paradoxically.Amenouzume' s story is one of the most famous for female private part story. In the story, female private part has exorcism power, in which she exposes her private part to make the gods laugh. This then led to Amaterasu to come out from the iwayado. The female private part in this story means women's holy power. However, in the background of the story the gods laugh at the female private part show, that there is male society and thought that men believed women's holy power.On the other hand, there is no story about male private parts.Although, in the jomon era, Japanese ancient people made many stone fi gures that were shaped in male private parts. The male private part fi gure, Sekibo symbolized energy and god who can bless bad spirits. Male symbol was believed as a single existence, are independent from the male's body. It was not faith in men but in the private part. That is why there are no stories which god's private parts were emphasized.However in the ancient times, there was no culture to make fi gures of female private parts. Dogu is famous for women's body statue, but there are seldom representations of the private parts. Dogu has breasts and represents of pregnancy. It is bound for the faith of mother goddess. Due to this, the faith of mother goddess is from not the female private parts, but the mother goddess's body.Though, it was believed that female private parts held holy power, the two beliefs had seemed to coexist.In order to show the coexistence, the classifi cation of "ideal woman" and "actual woman" that Kazuo Matsumura advocated was used. Amaterasu who is a virgin goddess is pure and clean, who represents the ideal woman. On the other hand, Izanami who experienced pregnancy, dead world, divorce represents an actual woman. These images were made by male society. Izanami gave birth by using female private part as an actual woman and not as mother goddess. The belief in mother goddess gives birth something valuable for human is in goddess body.Ukemochi and O-getsuhime mythologies are the origins of agriculture story. In these stories, female private parts appear,but there is no special meaning. They are mother goddess and give birth to something valuable, but there is no individual belief for female private parts.However people believed that private parts held holy power. In the ancient era, there was faith that women held holy power, in their female private parts which symbolized women.Then, Breaking the symbol of living and women, causes goddess's negative death. Yamatotohimomosohime and Hataorime mythologies express this. Breaking private parts what are originally giving birth causes death. When they died a negative death, their private parts, which symbolized of women's holy power, were broken. By doing so, this made a denial their dignity.On the other hand, Seyadatarahime's Ninuriya story is simply about sex and birth. Sometimes people believed female private parts as use for reproduction, and it did not relate to faith in mother goddess and fertility.Izanami's story is complexly structured. It is made from three elements, 1) primitive faith that mother goddess gave birth to god of fi re, 2) actual women who gave birth by using her female private part, 3) negative death by breaking the female private part, and it bound for uncleanness of death. Izanami gave birth as mother goddess, but the giving birth by using female private part is not derived from the personality of mother goddess. It is as an actual woman, and, the private part was a "device that is broke" to denial woman.Female private parts in Japanese mythology means symbol of living that is from the function, moreover, it means woman's symbol. People believed that women's holy power is in female private parts.Female and male private parts cannot be represented as a whole. This is due to the different beliefs in which the ancient people held.

19 0 0 0 OA 牧の方

坪内逍遥 著
杉山 貴士
技術マネジメント研究 (ISSN:13473042)
vol.5, pp.67-79, 2006

本稿は、性的違和を抱える同性愛の高校生へのインタビューを通して、高等学校における彼らの性的自己形成過程の一端を検討するものである。ジェンダー規範に包含される異性愛中心性は、高等学校の明示的カリキュラムにおける同性愛の封印と、隠れたカリキュラムによる同性愛嫌悪により支えられている。高等学校において、彼らは (1) 自己受容の困難、(2) 自己イメージ形成の困難、(3) 情報アクセスの困難、(4) 自己開示・人間関係づくりの困難、(5) 事故回避の困難に直面し、結果として、いじめ、不登校、家出などの教育問題を導いていた。特に、同性愛に関する情報へのアクセスを、学校外部にしか求められない状況は、同性愛の高校生が問題予知力を備える性的自己決定能力を育むことが保障されずに性的自己決定を迫られること示しており、現状の高等学校は同性愛の生徒の「性の学習」を奪うことになる。本稿は、高等学校での同性愛の封印解除と積極的なセクシュアリティ教育の必要性を提起するものである。
名倉 ミサ子

元資料の権利情報 : CC BY-NC-ND
北野 浩一
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
ラテンアメリカ・レポート (ISSN:09103317)
vol.36, no.2, pp.16-31, 2020 (Released:2020-01-31)

金城 克哉 Kinjo Katusuya
言語文化研究紀要 (ISSN:09194215)
no.21, pp.1-20, 2012-10

This paper tries to analyze the similarities and differences of two comic groups, both of which deal with the same topic: men who love men. There has not been paid much attention to the linguistic expressions appearing in comic books, especially boys love (BL) comics and gay comics; although regarding the BL comics, there has been much argument concerning Yaoi and Fujoshi. This paper extracts linguistic expressions from 33 episodes from BL comics and 33 episodes from gay comics and analyzes using corresponding analysis. It is found that (i) there is little mention of body parts in BL comics, (ii) an utterance final particle ze, which expresses masculinity, is much used in gay comics, (iii) there appears much dash "―" which indicates silence in BL comics than gay comics.
谷一 尚
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.40, no.2, pp.124-137, 1997 (Released:2010-03-12)

During the years 1995-1996, the Yuangzhou Archaeological Excavations in China, funded by Japan Ministry of Education Grant-in-Aid for International Scientific Research, was a Joint Project by Japan and China.During 1995, we discovered the Tomb of Shi Daoluo who lived during Tang dynasty, and was buried in 658 A. D. A Byzantine gold coin (Justin II, 565-578 A. D.) was discovered.During 1996, the tomb of the Northern Zhou dynasty prime minister Tian Hong was discovered, who died and was buried in 575 A. D.Five Byzantine gold coins: one Leo I, the Thracian (457-474 A. D.) coin, one Justin I (518-527 A. D.) coin, two Justinian I, co-regent (527 A. D.) coins, and one Justinian I, the Great (527-565 A. D.) coin were found.This thesis 1) describes in detail and lists Byzantine gold coins excavated in China from 1914 to the present, including the coins from the Tomb of Shi Daoluo and from the Tomb of Tian Hong, 2) considers the background of cultural and economic relations between China and the West.
池田 譲

並松 信久
京都産業大学論集. 社会科学系列 (ISSN:02879719)
vol.34, pp.25-53, 2017-03

わが国における栄養学の創始者は佐伯矩である。しかし佐伯に関する先行研究は数少ない。その理由は二つある。一つは栄養が強く意識されたのが、震災時(関東大震災)や戦争時であり、平常時には意識されなかった点である。二つは佐伯には体系的な著書がなかった点である。 本稿は佐伯の事績をたどることによって、栄養学の形成過程を考察した。佐伯の栄養への関心から始め、栄養研究所の設立と展開、学会や栄養士の設置などを中心にして考察した。佐伯は震災や戦争という非常時に、食物と人間の関係を見直した。それによって単に食物が多くあればよいというのではなく、人間が食物から効率よく栄養摂取することを考えた。 佐伯は効率の良い栄養摂取を実験やフィールド調査によって明らかにすることによって、科学としての栄養学の確立に努めた。佐伯の試みは栄養学の体系化に至ったとは言い難いかもしれない。しかし国内外に栄養概念を広め、栄養研究所・栄養学会・栄養学校などの制度に対する貢献は大きいものがあった。
山村 高淑

全国アニメ聖地サミット in 豊郷. 平成26年11月23日(日). 滋賀県豊郷町.