笹本 智弘
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.74, no.6, pp.380-381, 2019-06-05 (Released:2019-10-25)

特別企画「平成の飛跡」 Part 2. 物理学の新展開非平衡系における普遍性と数理――KPZ方程式を例として
渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.115-125, 2007-10-31

Environmental cadmium pollution causes cadmium poisoning. The first cadmium-polluted area ever discovered in the world was the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. The most severe case of cadmium poisoning is Itai-itai disease (osteomalacia), which was officially recognized as a pollution-related disease by the Japanese government in 1968, and a less severe case is tubular kidney dysfunction. In other words, the occurrence of Itai-itai disease is only the "tip of the iceberg". The tubular kidney dysfunction is the earliest and most prevalent adverse result of chronic cadmium poisoning. The Japan Public Health Association Cadmium Research Committee, supported by the Environmental Agency, carried out health surveys in cadmium-polluted areas of 8 prefectures during the period of 1976-1984 and reported that many cases of tubular kidney dysfunction were found not only in Toyama but also in Ishikawa, Hyogo and Nagasaki prefectures. However, the Environmental Agency and the research committee have never certified this kidney dysfunction as a pollution-related disease. In 1970, the Japanese government set tentative acceptable standards of 1ppm for brown rice and enacted the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law in 1971. Based on this Law, restoration projects of polluted soils of rice paddies were started. If cadmium nephropathy was certified as a officially pollution-related disease, acceptable standards for brown rice must be more strict than 1ppm, because 1ppm is a standard to prevent habitants from suffering from Itai-itai disease. This new strict standard arrives at increases in polluted rice and soils. This means increases in the expenses to buy polluted rice and to restore polluted soils. To offer indemnity to farmers for any reduction in his rice crop is the responsibility of polluting industries and to pay expenses to restore polluted soils is the responsibility of polluting industries, the central government and local authorities. This paper concludes that the main reason why cadmium nephropathy has not been certified as an official pollution- related disease is that the decision-making of the Environmental Agency and the research committee reflects the intention of the polluting industries and the government who regard the expenses above as too heavy a burden.

18 0 0 0 OA 麻疹ウイルス

田原 舞乃 竹田 誠
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.67, no.1, pp.3-16, 2017-06-25 (Released:2018-03-29)

麻疹ウイルスは非常に感染力と病原性が強く,小児死亡の主要な原因ウイルスであるが,有効なワクチンが存在する.多くの国でワクチン接種を徹底することによって排除が進んでいる.麻疹ウイルスHタンパク質がレセプターと結合することが感染現象の始まりである.麻疹ウイルスは免疫細胞に発現しているSignaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM)と,上皮細胞の基底膜側に発現しているnectin-4の2種類の分子をレセプターとして用いる.麻疹の病態は,麻疹ウイルスがSLAMとnectin-4の両方のレセプターを使うことと強く関係している.Hタンパク質のレセプターへの結合が引き金となって,Fタンパク質による膜融合が起きる.このFタンパク質のトリガーにはHタンパク質のストーク部分が重要である.また,Hタンパク質のエピトープの詳細な解析の結果,レセプター結合部位など,構造的・機能的にアミノ酸変化を許容できない複数の領域がエピトープになっていることが分かった.このことが抗原性の変化が起こらないことのひとつの原因と考えられる.実際に,約60年前の株から作られたワクチンが,現在の流行株に対しても有効性が低下していないことが示されている.
松井 健太
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
vol.71, pp.1-28, 2021 (Released:2021-11-16)

Aldo Rossi (1931-1997), uno dei principali architetti e teorici dell’architettura postmoderna, negli anni Cinquanta acquisì, attraverso il contatto con la cultura degli intellettuali del Partito Comunista Italiano, riferimenti, concetti e temi che ne determinarono il successivo orientamento teorico. Qui viene presentato il legame organico tra quei motivi extradisciplinari e lo sviluppo della teoria architettonica di Rossi, mettendo a fuoco lo strano, e pressoché sconosciuto, incontro tra Rossi e l’architettura sovietica come modello di collegamento tra cultura comunista e cultura architettonica e cercando di offrire una prospettiva coerente dello sviluppo teorico di Rossi in quegli anni.La cultura architettonica, nell’Italia del dopoguerra, manteneva un canale di comunicazione attivo con il Partito Comunista Italiano e Rossi, allora studente della scuola di architettura di Milano, partecipava negli stessi anni alle conferenze del partito e contribuiva alla rivista ufficiale. La Commissione Culturale, organo ufficiale del Partito, che interveniva in modo deciso in ambito pittorico e letterario, non era altrettanto manifestamente presente in ambito architettonico, lasciando uno spazio che Rossi cercò di colmare infondendovi la propria teoria.Il trasferimento in campo architettonico del dibattito culturale interno al Partito indusse Rossi a concentrarsi sui temi di tradizione e realismo: nel dopoguerra, il movimento moderno aveva guardato con interesse al tema della tradizione come possibile fattore di rafforzarmento e accelerazione, ma nella visione di Rossi esso rappresentò un elemento di radicale trasformazione: la tradizione, in questo senso, fu interpretata nell’ambito della discussione sul passaggio “dal neorealismo al realismo” avanzata dai critici del Partito dell’epoca.Per la teoria di Rossi su tradizione e realismo, foriero di un orizzonte specifico per l’architettura fu l’incontro con l’architettura stalinista durante il viaggio a Mosca. Le architetture urbane del Realismo socialista e gli ornamenti classici che il movimento moderno in architettura aveva cercato di cancellare offrivano a Rossi uno spunto per la riflessione teorica, secondo cui rivoluzione ed elementi architettonici tradizionali potevano coesistere. L’esperienza indusse Rossi a progettare un articolo che esaltava l’architettura stalinista come alternativa al movimento moderno per la rivista comunista Società, che non fu però mai pubblicato. L’architettura stalinista, d’altra parte, fornì alla riflessione di Rossi non solo termini di riferimento concreti ma anche problematiche complesse, come la critica del “superfluo” nell’architettura accademica sovietica, sviluppata da Nikita Khrushchev alla fine del 1954. Il leader della nuova U.R.S.S. si appellava all’industrializzazione, uno dei principi del movimento moderno in architettura, il che fu percepito in Italia come un ritorno al movimento dell’architettura russa, in contrasto con l’elogio tessuto da Rossi verso l’architettura stalinista, nel tentativo di interpretare la critica al superfluo di Khrushchev in chiave diversa dal ritorno all’architettura moderna o dalla critica dell’architettura stalinista.Le speculazioni di Rossi su tradizione e realismo culminarono infine, grazie al consiglio dei redattori di Società, in un articolo sull’architettura neoclassica milanese del XVIII e XIX secolo, che approfondiva l’ambito teorico dei temi presentati dal Partito Comunista Italiano e i problemi posti dall’architettura sovietica: l’architettura neoclassica milanese è definita come sintesi di due razionalismi, risposta al problema sollevato dall’architettura sovietica sull’adeguata interpretazione della valutazione della monumentalità e della critica del superfluo in modo coerente e senza contraddizioni. La discussione di Rossi sulla tradizione(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
Takato Izumi Takuo Higashiji
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.1, pp.99-106, 2023-04-20 (Released:2023-04-20)

Although the members of the genus Telmatactis Gravier, 1916 have been reported from broad area of the world including Japanese waters, the localities of the species have been limited to shallow areas. In this study, we report a new species in this genus, Telmatactis profundigigantica sp. nov., collected from the deeper area than 200 m of the East China Sea off Okinawa Island, discovered by ROV, and taken care of in Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. This new species is chiefly characterized by its comparatively huge size of its body, over 10 cm in diameter and height, far larger than the other known species of this genus. Moreover, this species has characteristic multiple-headed tentacles and large cnidae in its acrospheres. In the present article, we also discuss the severe toxicity of this species and touch on the ecology of deep-sea anemones.

18 0 0 0 OA 綾きぬ

金沢標本店 編
Toshiyuki TAKAHASHI Osamu AOKI Atsushi HIRAGA
Japanese Society of Equine Science
Journal of Equine Science (ISSN:13403516)
vol.18, no.2, pp.47-53, 2007 (Released:2007-07-11)
1 2

The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of fast race horses by analyzing the running form of Deep Impact, the undefeated Japanese triple crown winner in 2005. A high-speed video data of the Kikuka Syo race (Japanese St. Leger, JPN G1, 3,000 m, turf) was taken at a rate of 250 frames/sec. The high-speed video system was set in a left lateral position about 100 m before the finishing post with a field view width of about 16 m. The speed of Deep Impact, 17.8 m/sec, was the fastest of all horses measured (average 16.1 m/sec), the stride frequency, 2.36 strides/sec, was the third largest (average 2.28 strides/sec), and the stride length, 7.54 m, was the longest (average 7.08 m). The diagonal and airborne step lengths of Deep Impact were longer than the average values. The overlap time of Deep Impact was shorter than the average value. The ratio of overlap time to stride duration of Deep Impact was 8.5 %, whereas the average value was 16.9 %. A shorter overlap time was also observed on a common characteristic of Secretariat, the famous elite race horse in USA and correlated to running speed. Thus, these characteristics may be related to effective running form in elite horses.
芦澤 充 乾 敏郎
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第6回大会
pp.6, 2008 (Released:2008-11-10)

笹岡 貴史 乾 敏郎
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第10回大会
pp.18, 2012 (Released:2012-07-20)

島田 将喜
日本文化人類学会研究大会発表要旨集 日本文化人類学会第47回研究大会 (ISSN:21897964)
pp.117, 2013 (Released:2013-05-27)
