仲西 康顕 面川 庄平 河村 健二 清水 隆昌 倉田 慎平 田中 康仁
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00089443)
vol.64, no.1, pp.1-9, 2021-01-01 (Released:2021-04-27)

肩や上腕部での筋肉注射による局所の運動器の合併症として,腋窩神経や橈骨神経の障害が報告されている.さらに筋肉注射としてワクチンが従来投与されてきた海外では,三角筋下滑液包内への不適切な注入によると考えられるSIRVA(Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration)が2010年頃より問題となっている.新型コロナワクチンの接種のため筋肉注射の機会が増えるに従い,これらの問題が国内でも増加することが危惧される.不適切な部位への投与を避けるために理解すべき解剖構造と,我々が適切と考える三角筋内への筋肉注射部位について述べる.
田中 康裕
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.40, no.12, pp.830-836, 1984-12-01 (Released:2017-06-02)
後藤 誠 石田 貴志 野中 康弘
一般社団法人 交通工学研究会
交通工学論文集 (ISSN:21872929)
vol.5, no.2, pp.A_90-A_98, 2019-02-01 (Released:2019-02-06)

高速道路の交通性能は、道路条件や走行環境条件(気象条件)、交通条件によって変化することが知られており、そのうち交通条件はドライバーの属性や自動車の性能に依存し、経年的に変化している可能性があったことから、QV の経年変化を分析した。平成 15 年から平成 28 年を対象に 39 地点の QV 図を比較した結果、ほぼ全ての地点で自由流時速度や実現最大交通量、渋滞発生後捌け交通量が経年的に低下していることを確認した。また、実現最大交通量は平均で約 7%、平均速度は 7 ~ 9% 低下していることを明らかにした。これらより、交通性能の経年的な低下傾向は広いエリアで同様に発現していることから、局所的な地点の特性によるものではなく、社会全体の様々な制度変化やドライバー属性の変化等がこれに影響している可能性があることを示唆した。
田中 康平 Darla K. Zelenitsky François Therrien 小林 快次
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.67, no.1, pp.25-40, 2018 (Released:2018-05-11)

上内 哲男 志村 圭太 濱中 康治 中島 啓介 長﨑 稔 塚越 ひろみ 室生 祥
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.13, no.1, pp.9-14, 2012 (Released:2012-06-20)

[Purpose] To clarify efficacy of the test for independent walking using our convalescent rehabilitation ward. [Subjects and methods] Subjects were 178 stroke patients who had hospitalized in our convalescent rehabilitation ward from December 2009 to May 2011. 64 patients (35 male, 29 female, average age 66.7±14.4) of those who were able to achieve independent walking by our original test protocol participated in this study. The test includes 8 specific items, which assume some situations of falls while walking. In order to obtain permission of walk alone in the ward, it is necessary to pass this test. Nurses perform assessment of each items for through 3 days, consecutively, then a Rehabilitation doctor allows the patients to walk alone. We used passing rate, days to pass the test and proportion of falls as index of efficacy. [Result] 56 patients (87.5%) achieved independent walking, 51.8% of these patients passed the test less than 4 days. Proportion of falls after independent walking was 19.6% (11 patients, 17 falls) including 1 patient (1.8%) who had femoral neck fracture. [Discussion] It is reported that falls in patients walk independently with cane or walker in convalescent rehabilitation ward was 15.6% by research among multi facilities, which is similar to our result. We concluded that our test for independent walking is efficient of its convenience and eliminates certain risk of falls in stroke patients after independent walking.
田中 康裕 鈴木 毅
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.632, pp.2107-2115, 2008-10-30 (Released:2009-10-28)
4 5

It is important that we associate with those who are not intimate with us. To clarify where contacts with these people take place, we paid attention to acquaintances of different generation for children and youth. The purpose of this article is to clarify where children and youth contact with acquaintances of different generation. The survey of this article is questionnaire to university students. This article clarified following things. Many people whom children and youth contact are considered to be "hosts of the place", who are always at the place, who cherish the place, and who play some role there. Because "hosts of the place" are always at particular place, if children and youth want to meet them, they can go there. And even if children and youth don't intend to meet them, they meet them inevitably when they go there. And many contacts with acquaintances of different generation take place not at public places but at semi-public places.
河原 郁生 大根田 豊 田中 康仁
日本関節病学会誌 (ISSN:18832873)
vol.36, no.4, pp.461-465, 2017 (Released:2018-12-15)

Introduction: Although posterior soft tissue repair reduces the incidence of dislocation after posterior-approach total hip arthroplasty (THA), little is known about the importance of tendon repair of the obturator externus muscle. This study makes a comparison for dislocation rates after the posterior-approach THA in two different procedures for short external rotators fixation.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 725 patients who underwent primary THAs via the posterior approach. In 541 patients we detached the piriformis muscle and the conjoined tendon from the greater trochanter backed with the capsule, and repaired to the posterior margin of the gluteus medius muscle (Group A). In this series the obturator externus muscle was cut with capsule incision far from the insertion at the greater trochanter, so we were unable to repair it effectively. In another 184 patients we released all external rotators (including the obturator externus muscle) from the insertion backed with the capsule in an L-shaped incision along the superior part of femoral neck and the trochanteric crest. The L-shaped flap was repaired back to the superior capsule and the posterior margin of the gluteus medius muscle (Group B). In each group we used two different head size (28 mm and 36 mm) according to the operation period and the cup size. We compared the dislocation rate between two groups at least one year after the operation. We also made a comparison for the dislocation rate in different head size within the two groups.Results: The overall dislocation rate was 5.7% in Group A and 1.1% in Group B, respectively. The dislocation rate with the 28 mm head size was 6.9% and 3.1%, and with the 36 mm head size was 1.7% and 0%, for Groups A and B respectively.Conclusions: The obturator externus muscle plays an important role in preventing posterior dislocation after THA. Anatomically it runs from the obturator foramen to the greater trochanter passing the posteroinferior part of the capsule like a sling. It gives dynamic pressure on the femoral head especially in flexion and during internal rotation in the natural hip. This function can be now be reproduced after THA as we have demonstrated, which gives low rates of dislocation.
神谷 貴文 中村 佐知子 伊藤 彰 小郷 沙矢香 西島 卓也 申 基澈 村中 康秀

岩石や鉱物に含まれるストロンチウム(Sr)の安定同位体比(87Sr/86Sr)は、これまで主に地質学や岩石学の分野で活用されてきたが、植物は地域基盤である岩石・土壌・水の同位体組成を反映することから、農産物の産地トレーサビリティー指標としても用いられつつある。ワサビ (Wasabia japonica)の栽培地は主に河川最上流部の湧水や渓流水であり、このような立地は、大気降下物や肥料などの人為的な影響が少なく、湧水は各地の地質を直接反映した同位体組成となると考えられる。そこで本研究では、Sr安定同位体比によるワサビの産地判別の可能性を評価することを目的とした。日本の主要なワサビ産地である静岡県、岩手県、長野県、東京都、島根県から計34地点においてワサビ97サンプルおよびその栽培地である湧水・渓流水95サンプルを採取し、微量元素と87Sr/86Srを測定した。その結果、87Sr/86Srは地質の特徴によって異なる値となり、同地点のワサビと湧水の値がほぼ一致することを確認した。第四紀の新しい火山岩地域である静岡県の伊豆・富士山地域では87Sr/86Srがほとんど0.7040以下と最も低い値となり、中生代の花崗岩や堆積岩が分布する長野県や東京都では0.7095以上で高い値となった。このように、87Sr/86Srによってワサビ生産地を判別できることが明らかになった。
奥中 康人
The Society for Research in Asiatic Music (Toyo Ongaku Gakkai, TOG)
東洋音楽研究 (ISSN:00393851)
no.70, pp.1-17,L1, 2005

Western military music or the drum and fife corps was diffused in every corner of the earth with expansion of colonization in the late 19th century. It was not the art music but the new technology of maintaining the order in an army, especially in drill of an infantry. Since this technology was often mixed with different cultures of music, it assimilated into local community. In Japan, a number of Western-style drum corps with Japanese bamboo flute were founded in the end of Edo period.<br>In the first part of this paper, I made clear the social context and role of drum and drummer in a platoon <i>Yamaguni</i>-<i>tai</i> which was organized voluntarily to enter into the Boshin Civil War (1868). The leader Itsuki Fujino's daily war report serves to attain this purpose. Because the drum call and march were essential to the stable operation of modern tactics, they must be trained elaboratively during the War under the signal of drummer boy, who was employed from outside. Snare drum made them develop their physical ability as soldiers. Just before the end of the War members of <i>Yamaguni</i>-<i>tai</i> had learned how to play the snare drum or flute in order to participate in a triumphant return from Edo to Kyoto. They handed down two repertories for this parade on the next generation: "<i>Koshinkyoku</i> [March]" and "<i>Reishiki</i> [Ceremony], " which would have represented the legitimacy of the new Meiji Government backing up the Mikado.<br>In the second part, I focused on their drumming. Although at the present time <i>Yamaguni</i>-<i>tai</i> dresses in period military costume and blows pentatonic melodies on the bamboo flutes, we can point out some evidences enough to prove that their playing manner have its roots on Western music. In <i>Yamaguni</i>-<i>tai</i> the performance has been memorized by means of the onomatopoeic words and graphic notation for drum. Based on careful observation and analysis of their presentation, it is obvious that these two tools indicated exactly player's bodily movements of both arms rather than the sound itself. This onomatopoeia including "<i>Hororon</i>" (=once five stroke roll) and "<i>En Tei</i>" (=twice flam; "<i>En Tei</i>" is derive from Dutch "een twee") corresponds to well-known drum exercises for stick control: Drum Rudiments. For that reason we can conclude <i>Yamaguni</i>-<i>tai</i> to be a fine example of acculturation of Western Music in Japan. It should be stressed that they have been able to continue their oral tradition since the Meiji Restoration just because of unawareness of the origin of their own drum method. If we tried to translate their music into Western musical notation which was familiar to us, their physical movements could never survive no longer.
奥中 康人

田中 康二 Koji Tanaka
日本文芸研究 (ISSN:02869136)
vol.66, no.1, pp.1-38, 2014-10
田中 康裕 鈴木 毅 松原 茂樹 奥 俊信 木多 道宏
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.614, pp.113-120, 2007
6 16

This article studies the openness of Community-Cafes by means of analysis of the narratives described by 3 masters. In this article, the openness of the place is defined as follows: It is a place where people can enter freely, but also can be and interact with other people if they want. This article clarifies 10 aspects of the openness of Community-Cafe. 3 managers have their own thought about the management, relationship and interaction. But there are many common aspects in their thought. And the relationships that the manager has formed with people enable some aspects of the openness to appear.
田中 康雄
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
vol.12, pp.22-35, 2009
越中 康治
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.53, no.4, pp.479-490, 2005-12-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
2 4

本研究では, 挑発的攻撃, 報復的攻撃, 制裁としての攻撃の各タイプの攻撃行動に関する幼児の認知を比較検討した。4, 5歳の幼児を対象として, 主人公が他児に対して各攻撃行動を示す場面を紙芝居で提示し,(1) 主人公が示した攻撃行動の善悪判断,(2) 攻撃行動を示した主人公を受容できるかの判断,(3) 幼児が日常, 主人公と同様の攻撃行動をするかの報告を求めた。結果として,(1) 幼児は挑発的攻撃は明らかに悪いことであると判断するものの, 報復的攻撃及び制裁としての攻撃に関しては善悪判断が分かれており, 全体として良いとも悪いともいえないという判断を示した。また,(2) 幼児は挑発的攻撃を示す主人公を明らかに拒否していたが, 報復的攻撃及び制裁としての攻撃を示した主人公とは一緒に遊んでもよいと判断した。さらに,(3) 挑発的攻撃及び報復的攻撃に関して, ほとんどの幼児は日常示すことはないと回答したものの, 制裁としての攻撃に関しては示すと回答した者も少なからずいた。本研究から, 報復的公正に関する理解は4, 5歳児にも認められることが明らかとなった。幼児が報復や制裁のための攻撃を正当化する可能性が示唆された。

5 0 0 0 OA 口伝の行進曲

奥中 康人
The Society for Research in Asiatic Music (Toyo Ongaku Gakkai, TOG)
東洋音楽研究 (ISSN:00393851)
vol.2005, no.70, pp.1-17,L1, 2005-08-20 (Released:2010-02-25)

Western military music or the drum and fife corps was diffused in every corner of the earth with expansion of colonization in the late 19th century. It was not the art music but the new technology of maintaining the order in an army, especially in drill of an infantry. Since this technology was often mixed with different cultures of music, it assimilated into local community. In Japan, a number of Western-style drum corps with Japanese bamboo flute were founded in the end of Edo period.In the first part of this paper, I made clear the social context and role of drum and drummer in a platoon Yamaguni-tai which was organized voluntarily to enter into the Boshin Civil War (1868). The leader Itsuki Fujino's daily war report serves to attain this purpose. Because the drum call and march were essential to the stable operation of modern tactics, they must be trained elaboratively during the War under the signal of drummer boy, who was employed from outside. Snare drum made them develop their physical ability as soldiers. Just before the end of the War members of Yamaguni-tai had learned how to play the snare drum or flute in order to participate in a triumphant return from Edo to Kyoto. They handed down two repertories for this parade on the next generation: “Koshinkyoku [March]” and “Reishiki [Ceremony], ” which would have represented the legitimacy of the new Meiji Government backing up the Mikado.In the second part, I focused on their drumming. Although at the present time Yamaguni-tai dresses in period military costume and blows pentatonic melodies on the bamboo flutes, we can point out some evidences enough to prove that their playing manner have its roots on Western music. In Yamaguni-tai the performance has been memorized by means of the onomatopoeic words and graphic notation for drum. Based on careful observation and analysis of their presentation, it is obvious that these two tools indicated exactly player's bodily movements of both arms rather than the sound itself. This onomatopoeia including “Hororon” (=once five stroke roll) and “En Tei” (=twice flam; “En Tei” is derive from Dutch “een twee”) corresponds to well-known drum exercises for stick control: Drum Rudiments. For that reason we can conclude Yamaguni-tai to be a fine example of acculturation of Western Music in Japan. It should be stressed that they have been able to continue their oral tradition since the Meiji Restoration just because of unawareness of the origin of their own drum method. If we tried to translate their music into Western musical notation which was familiar to us, their physical movements could never survive no longer.