佐藤 悠子
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2015, no.179, pp.179_126-179_141, 2015-02-15 (Released:2016-01-23)

There are two major political issues that have been repeatedly debated in China’s modern history; how China’s relationship with the West should be and how China should treat Western science and technology. During the Cultural Revolution (CR), criticism against “bourgeois academic authority” raged. Science and even the lives of Chinese scientists were in jeopardy. The world-renowned physicist Albert Einstein became one of the main targets of this campaign. It was triggered by an article titled “Xiangduilun pipan (Criticism on the theory of relativity)” written by a local middle school teacher. In Beijing, one of the vice presidents of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Chen Boda took charge of the campaign. Most of the participants were young scientists whose knowledge was too limited to refute Einstein’s theory. Senior scientists such as Zhu Kezhen, another one of the vice presidents of the CAS, and Premier Zhou Enlai’s protégé Zhou Peiyuan, vice president of Beijing University and physicist who had worked with Einstein, took the side of Einstein. Chen brought the campaign to schoolchildren and even planned to organize a rally of ten thousand people. But he fell off the ladder of power when he joined the bandwagon trying to elevate his patron Lin Biao to the position of the President of the State at a conference in Lushan in August 1970. It made Mao suspect that Chen in fact intended to replace Mao with Lin who had demonstrated his ability to mobilize the People’s Liberation Army in October 1969. The anti-Einstein criticism ceased in Beijing after Chen disappeared, but in Shanghai Chen’s rivals Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan continued it. Thereafter two major changes in domestic and international context strengthened the hands of Zhou Enlai, who had been protecting scientists, through the upheaval of the CR: the U.S.-China rapprochement and the Lin Biao incident. Henry Kissinger secretly arrived in Beijing in July 1971, which opened China’s door to the West. Zhou Enlai intentionally issued important directives on promoting basic theoretical study in science in front of the Chinese American scientists who were visiting China. Zhou also encouraged scientists to write him letters in order to make the issue publicly known. After the Sino-US rapprochement, a newly published Chinese academic journal “Wuli (Physics)” became the stronghold for physicists who supported Einstein and his theory. Soon after his allegedly aborted assassination of Mao Zedong in September 1971, Lin Biao died in Mongolia. It weakened the authority of Mao who chose Lin as his successor, and enabled Zhou Enlai to bring back the scientists to Beijing from local labor camps. Zhou also gave the green light to physicist Zhang Wenyu’s proposal to build a high energy accelerator at the cost of $ 2 billion, despite a contrary voice from Yang Zhenning, a Nobel laureate physicist and professor at the University of Chicago. High energy physics is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity. The physicists who had participated in building China’s first atomic bomb supported building a high energy accelerator. Zhang Wenyu led a delegation of Chinese scientists to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States in 1972, and Zhou Enlai established the High Energy Physics Institute in the CAS in 1973. By 1972, the Cultural Revolution in the field of science had lost steam because the physicists were now allowed to applying Western physics despite its “bourgeois”, “academic authoritarian”, and “wasteful” nature that had been fiercely condemned during the Cultural Revolution.
佐藤 政之
北海道駒澤大學研究紀要 (ISSN:02866978)
vol.13, pp.A13-A25, 1978-02
山野井 貴浩 佐藤 千晴 古屋 康則 大槻 朝
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.25, no.3, pp.3_75-85, 2015 (Released:2017-10-18)

Current science textbooks used in Japanese junior high schools deal with contents about invasive species from foreign countries; however, contents about domestic invasive species are lacking. So, there are few chances for students to understand problems related to domestic invasive species. In this study, we developed a class activity where junior high school students think about biodiversity conservation focusing on the case of the Genji firefly (Luciola cruciata), which is one of the most serious problems among domestic invasion. Results of questionnaires before and after the class suggest two findings. First, the students understood that releasing the Genji firefly without consideration of its genotype led to degeneration of the native population, and that maintenance of the habitats appropriate for the growth phase was effective for conservation. Second, the students realized what they can do to reform or defend their local natural environments.
古泉 快夫 佐藤 正子 武 桓子 大塚 一止
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.14, no.12, pp.545-547, 1967-12-15 (Released:2009-04-21)

電子レンジによる食品類の殺菌効果を試験し,つぎのような結果を得た。(1) 純水50mlについて電子レンジ照射による水分蒸発量は加熱時間にほぼ比例し,180秒間で約半量蒸発した。(2) 電子レンジ内部の温度上昇率は中央部がもっとも速く各部均等に上昇しない。(3) 既知微生物は20秒間照射で完全に死滅する。(4) 一般食品類の微生物は20秒前後の照射で完全に殺菌され,味・外観ともにほとんど変化しない。(5) 無処理の食品類は冷蔵庫で6日間保存中にその微生物はやや増加の傾向が見られるが,電子レンジで処理した食品類は6日間保存で微生物の増加は全然認められなかった。
佐藤 進一
弘前大学國史研究 (ISSN:02874318)
no.64, pp.1-7, 1976-03-20
照井 滋晴 佐藤 孝則
Association of Wildlife and Human Society
野生生物と社会 (ISSN:24240877)
vol.8, pp.25-32, 2020 (Released:2020-09-02)

Currently, several solar power plants have been constructed in wetland areas in Kushiro National Park without prior environmental impact assessment, as it was not required by the relevant laws in Japan. We surveyed abundance of individuals and egg sacs of the threatened Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) at a solar power plant site, prior to, during (2015-2016), and after (2017) its construction. We confirmed the presence of adults (n = 5 in 2015, n = 3 in 2016, and n = 1 in 2017), and metamorphs (n = 8, only in 2016) as well as egg sacs (n = 11 in 2015, n =37 in 2016, n = 36 in 2017) of this species during the survey period. For habitat conservation, we suggested the following measures to solar power producers: 1) installation of photovoltaic panels in the salamander's main habitat area should be avoided, and 2) the main habitats should be preserved as habitat “conservation area.” The solar power producers agree to implement our suggested conservation plan, and it was decided that we would monitor the salamander population– in this site for the next several years. We believe that this endeavor, supported jointly by producers and conservationists, sets a valuable precedent for the conservation of salamanders in areas with solar power plant construction.
佐藤 純

1.気象病の病態機構を探るため、日常体験する程度の寒冷(22℃から15℃)、低気圧(大気圧から27hPa減圧)がラットの自律神経パラメータに与える影響を調べた。低気圧により心拍数と血圧は一過性に上昇した。心拍間隔変動値(LF/HF値)も速やかに上昇した。曝露後はすみやかに曝露前値に戻った。低温により血圧・心拍数は徐々に上昇した。LF/HF値は曝露直後に速やかに上昇した。曝露後は曝露前値にゆっくりともどった。以上より、両曝露は血圧・心拍数,交感神経活動を異なった時間経過で上昇させることが分かった。2.坐骨神経損傷により,SD, Wistar, Lewisラットの安静時の平均血圧,心拍数は術後4〜11日に上昇した。一方,副交感神経活動の指標である心拍間隔変動値(HF値)は術後15日以降に上昇した。よって,神経損傷により,早期には交感神経優位,その後は副交感神経優位の自律神経バランスになることが分かった。術後4-19日目において低気圧の効果を繰り返し調べたところ,Lewisラットにおいて特に平均血圧と心拍数が増加が著しかった。慢性痛病態は自律神経系の低気圧反応を変化させるが,その効果には系統差がみられることが明らかになった。3.気圧検出器官が内耳に存在する可能性を実験的内耳破壊ラット用いて検証した。SDラット一側の坐骨神経絞扼手術または脊髄神経(L4)結紮術を施し慢性痛ラットを作成した。両側の中耳腔に鼓膜を介して砒素を注入し前庭破壊を施した。後肢足底に圧刺激を与え逃避行動を観察した。低気圧は、神経損傷群でみられた痛覚過敏行動を増強したが、この効果は前庭破壊によって消失した。一方、低温曝露でみられた痛覚過敏行動の増強は、前庭破壊の影響を受けなかった。以上から、気圧センサーが内耳器官に存在する可能性が示唆された。
平川 幸子 義澤 宣明 村上 加菜 河合 理城 滝澤 真理 佐藤 理 高木 俊治 鈴木 元
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.58, no.1, pp.36-42, 2017-02-25 (Released:2017-03-03)

佐藤 賢一
vol.30, no.1, pp.300105, 2018-02-01

This paper introduces one traditional Japanese mathematical book, Kenki Sanpo (1683) by Katahiro Takebe (1664 - 1739). In this book Takebe solved a problem of area of segment utilizing the approximate formula for the length of arc reduced by means of Lagrange interpolation. The author points out Takebe’s solution was constructed on the base of simultaneous equations which the ancient Chinese mathematician developed on the 1st century A.D.
佐藤 友哉 田中 恒彦 前田 駿太
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.94.21405, (Released:2023-02-01)

The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on exposure therapy based on an inhibitory learning approach and to comprehensively summarize the accumulation of studies on this approach and its effectiveness. A literature search was conducted using PubMed, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. A screening and eligibility assessment identified 59 articles on exposure therapy based on the inhibitory learning approach. The literature was categorized according to the inhibitory learning approach’s specific strategies, and the intervention’s effects were reviewed. As a result of the overview, it became clear that there was an insufficient number of studies for each study, except for those pertaining to the use of partial agonists of NMDA receptors. Furthermore, although 33 of the 59 studies showed intervention effects, the breakdown of the studies was skewed. Therefore, it is thought that the inhibitory learning approach is not adequately effective, and further research data and research methods should be devised in the future.
加藤 博文 石田 肇 吉田 邦夫 佐藤 孝雄 米延 仁志 ハドソン マーク 米田 穰 安達 登 増田 隆一 長沼 正樹 深瀬 均 木山 克彦 江田 真毅 岡田 真弓 木山 克彦 江田 真毅 岡田 真弓 長沼 正樹

佐藤 幸治
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.76, no.2, pp.185-202, 2022 (Released:2022-02-15)

The concept of human rights (natural rights), which stepped into the limelight of human history in the latter half of the eighteenth century, rapidly disappeared from the limelight in the nineteenth century and was replaced by the legal positivist concept of rights (in Japan, it was strongly advocated at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in the latter half of the nineteenth century but rapidly faded away). After World War I, human rights came to be strongly advocated in the realm of international law, especially in the face of the tyranny of totalitarian regimes, and the United Nations Charter adopted at the San Francisco Conference in June 1945 proclaimed human dignity and respect for human rights. The Potsdam Declaration of July of the same year (accepted by the Japanese government in August) strongly called for “the establishment of respect for human rights.” Initially, the Japanese government and people did not take the meaning of this seriously but in February 1946, the General Headquarters strongly demanded that the Constitution stipulate the guarantee of human rights. The Constitution of Japan, which was enacted in the form of an amendment to the Meiji Constitution, sets forth that “the people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental human rights” (Article 11) and calls for “the supreme consideration” for “their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Article 13).(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)