髙岡 昂太 坂本 次郎 北條 大樹 橋本 笑穂 山本 恒雄 北村 光司 櫻井 瑛一 西田 佳史 本村 陽一 K. Takaoka J. Sakamoto D. Hojo E. Hashimoto Yamamoto K. Kitamura E. Sakurai Y. Nishida Y. Motomura
vol.33, no.5, pp.1-7, 2018-11-22

As the number of reported child abuse cases is increasing, the workload of child welfare social workers is highly escalated. This study aims to find the characteristics of recurrent cases in order to support the social workers. We collected data around the child abuse and neglect from a prefecture database and analyzed it with Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis and Bayesian Network modeling. As the result, pLSA showed the four different clusters and Bayesian Network revealed a graphical model about the features of recurrence cases. The Interpretable modeling can be effectively deployed in those child welfare agencies to save children who are suffering from child abuse cases.
元木 章博 鈴木 悠里 北村 光香
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. WIT, 福祉情報工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.114, no.217, pp.35-38, 2014-09-05

今まで数多くの組織のwebページに対するwebアクセシビリティの調査報告がなされてきた.しかし,Webページを継続的に評価した調査は,ほとんど報告されていない.日進月歩のICTにおいて,変化が絶えないWebページも継続的に評価するべきである.そこで,本論では視覚障害者にとって重要な公共サービス機関の一つとしての都道府県立図書館のWebページに注目した.The Wayback Machineを利用し,過去のWebアクセシビリティ問題件数も併せて経年的に評価し,その特徴からグループ化を試みた.
作道 信介 北村 光二 太田 至 曽我 亨 羽渕 一代 辻本 昌弘

北村 光二
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1996, no.48, pp.19-34, 1996-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

In anthropological studies of Africa, hunter-gatherer societies are commonly thought of as being egalitarian. This paper, however, opposes such understanding and regards such as related to the nostalgia held by those who recognize inequality in modern society. This paper reinterprets the so-called egalitarian society by examining the social life of the San, huntergatherers of the Kalahari desert, doing so by considering the evolution of cognition, thought and communication as originating in monkeys and continuing through to modern man.In this evolutional transition from monkeys to man, it is assumed that two of the more important changes in social life concerned the reduction in the significance of dominant-subordinate relationship, and the emergence of food sharing. Among the San, the former is evident in diminishing forms of both dominant arrogance and subordinate self-restraint. With increasing individual independence, reaching agreement with another in a symmetrical role arrangement becomes an increasing important aspect of communication. One voluntarily and adaptively conducts interactions on grounds justified by eventual mutual agreement with the other.With regard to the latter issue, the San, believing it proper, share foods as well as other things of daily use. The formation of an “ownership” concept is important for the emergence of sharing. Any interest in a desired object is mediated by mutual cognition that the object belongs to the “owner” and others are inhibited from direct access to it. Given such a cognitively based indirect relation with an object, one tries to realize agreement with the other's desire by means of sharing that object. As such an action is named “sharing”, it becomes a definite category of social conduct based on social reality, which ultimately gener ates an ideology directing people to share.So-called “egalitarianism” is an ideology held by those who think that a bulwark against egoism, the selfishness of individuals, is needed. Egoism, however, is not a true character of humans, nor of animals. Egoism, and by virtue of contrast, egalitarianism, are ideologies not formulated until the emergence of modern society.
北村 光雄
研究紀要 = Annual Reports of Studies (ISSN:03855309)
no.30, pp.57-63, 1986-12-01

ニンニクおよびラッキョウはユリ科に属するネギ類で,地下に肥厚したリン(鱗)茎があり,普通リン茎をたべるが,幼葉も利用されることがある。ニンニクには葉茎全体に強い臭気がある。ニンニクは新鮮物中水分60.3%,糖質28.7%,たんぱく質8.4%,脂質0.1%である。糖質の大部分はイヌリンに似た水溶性フラクタンの一種(スコロドース)である。ニンニクの臭気と辛味はおもに硫化アリル類で,生ニンニクには配糖体として含まれる。生ニンニク汁液にはこれを分解する酵素があって,これによる分解で辛味と臭気を生じる。また硫化アリルは強い殺菌作用をもつといわれている。ニンニク中のアリイン(S-アリルシステインスルホキシド)はニンニクをすりつぶすと酵素(アリイナーゼ)によってアリシンになり,これにビタミンB1が結合するとアリチアミンになる。これはB1と同等の生理作用をもち,しかも吸収性,持続性が著しくよいといわれている。ラッキョウは新鮮物中水分86.2%,糖質12.6%,たんぱく質0.6%,脂質0.1%である。糖質の大部分はスコロドースである。 著者は生のニンニクおよびラッキョウからクロロホルム・メタノール混液で脂質を抽出し,その脂質成分について調査したので報告する。
今井 健太 北村 光司 西田 佳史 竹村 裕 杉本 裕
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1A1-W02_1-_1A1-W02_4, 2015-05-17 (Released:2017-06-19)

A large number of injuries were occurred in Japanese school environments. To prevent school injuries, it is important to understand accident situations and prioritize intervention targets. However, it is difficult for a risk manager of each school to do this since each school does not have data enough for statistical analysis. In this study, we developed the system that allows to grasp serious accident situations by integratively utilizing data distributed in multiple schools. The developed system finds serious accident situations that a school risk manager should know as follows. First, the system registers situational feature vectors for accident situations data by using a textmining technology. Second using the database, it searches accidents situations similar to the actually occurred situations. Finally it shows most expensive accidents using medical cost data. The effectiveness of the system was confirmed using 5,817 school injury data.
北村 光司 掛札 逸美 西田 佳史 本村 陽一 山中 龍宏
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.14, no.1, pp.11-19, 2009

Developing effective safety messages targeting parents is one of the key issues of injury prevention and safety promotion research. The present study was conducted using online-experiment as well as a focus-group methodology to evaluate message effects of animations which depicted childhood injury situations. Parents with children aged 0.5-2 years participated in the study. Compared to simple texts with illustrations on a paper describing injury scenes, animations appeared to be more effective in terms of leaving a strong impression. Focus-group discussion revealed that animations gave parents an opportunity to consider strategies to prevent injuries depicted in the animations. The results suggested that further examination of effectiveness of injury scene animations in safety education is worthwhile.
北村 光孝

北村 光二
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.24, no.2, pp.109-120, 2008-12-20 (Released:2009-08-11)
1 1

This paper aims to consider why the sphere of social phenomena is significant in the study of primates, including humans, and what aspects of the phenomena we should focus on in order to understand its significance. Although the process of making relations with others may easily become undecided, it may not be retained. We humans cope with such undecidability by paying attention to the motivation of activity easily shared by participants, or adequate readiness for regulating each other's interaction. This does not mean that the social sphere is independent of other spheres, but these characters are common to the activities of making relations with the natural environment for surviving. The social sphere should be placed in the larger range of phenomena produced by the activities of making relations with the outer world in general. An individual animal tries to decide his act of making relation with an object depending on the meaning of the object, while he tries to identify the meaning depending on his act of making relation with the object. Here, the undecidable circle is formed. The same situation is found in the case of making relations with others. That is to say, one tries to decide his act to the other depending on the other's act while the latter decides his act depending on the former's act, so that the undecidable circle is also formed here. The undecidability in the process of making relations with objects is usually perfectly hidden. However, the other's selection in the process of making relation with the object is always apparent in the social sphere. The other not only makes the undecidability apparent by making a different selection from my own, but also teaches a new way of coping with it by sharing the motivation with him or regulating the process of interaction with him.
北村 光二
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 = Primate research (ISSN:09124047)
vol.24, no.2, pp.109-120, 2008-12-20
1 1

This paper aims to consider why the sphere of social phenomena is significant in the study of primates, including humans, and what aspects of the phenomena we should focus on in order to understand its significance. Although the process of making relations with others may easily become undecided, it may not be retained. We humans cope with such undecidability by paying attention to the motivation of activity easily shared by participants, or adequate readiness for regulating each other's interaction. This does not mean that the social sphere is independent of other spheres, but these characters are common to the activities of making relations with the natural environment for surviving. The social sphere should be placed in the larger range of phenomena produced by the activities of making relations with the outer world in general. An individual animal tries to decide his act of making relation with an object depending on the meaning of the object, while he tries to identify the meaning depending on his act of making relation with the object. Here, the undecidable circle is formed. The same situation is found in the case of making relations with others. That is to say, one tries to decide his act to the other depending on the other's act while the latter decides his act depending on the former's act, so that the undecidable circle is also formed here. The undecidability in the process of making relations with objects is usually perfectly hidden. However, the other's selection in the process of making relation with the object is always apparent in the social sphere. The other not only makes the undecidability apparent by making a different selection from my own, but also teaches a new way of coping with it by sharing the motivation with him or regulating the process of interaction with him.
鈴木 太郎 北村 光教 天野 嘉春 橋詰 匠
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.48, no.7, pp.399-405, 2012 (Released:2012-08-16)

This paper describes a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) precise point positioning (PPP) technique that can be applied to mobile robots in urban environments. The multipath signals, which from invisible satellites in urban area, cause serious effect on the GNSS positioning. Our proposed technique mitigates GNSS multipath signals by means of an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera that can eliminate the need for invisible satellites by using IR images. With an IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark. This facilitates the detection of the borderline between the sky and the surrounding buildings, which are captured in white, because of the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rates between visible light and IR rays. Positioning evaluation was carried out only with visible satellites that have less multipath errors. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.
藤井 和佐 西村 雄郎 〓 理恵子 田中 里美 杉本 久未子 室井 研二 片岡 佳美 家中 茂 澁谷 美紀 佐藤 洋子 片岡 佳美 宮本 結佳 奥井 亜紗子 平井 順 黒宮 亜希子 大竹 晴佳 二階堂 裕子 中山 ちなみ 魁生 由美子 横田 尚俊 佐藤 洋子 難波 孝志 柏尾 珠紀 田村 雅夫 北村 光二 北川 博史 中谷 文美 高野 宏 小林 孝行 高野 宏 白石 絢也 周藤 辰也 塚本 遼平 町 聡志 佐々木 さつみ
