古賀 徹 Koga Toru
芸術工学研究 : 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院紀要 (ISSN:13490915)
vol.18, pp.43-49, 2013

In the field of design, concept plays a significant role in the constitution of a design object. As a concept designates a goal for a design process, it has to be deliberately defined in order to maximize the functionality of the object. In other words, the concept should play a mechanical and an organic role at the same time. In their writings What Is Philosophy? Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari define the concept as a mechanical component that consists of sensory elements, each of which is itself a concept. We transplant their thought to the field of design as a tool capable of evaluating the sensory quality of the design object.
古田 健介 石井 俊治 新井 彩佳 奥冨 紗織 左近允 巌
一般社団法人 日本獣医麻酔外科学会
日本獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 (ISSN:21896623)
vol.48, no.1+2, pp.15-20, 2017 (Released:2018-03-31)

全身の骨吸収を伴う疼痛と多発性骨折を呈した犬の2症例(症例1:フレンチブルドッグ4ヶ月齢、症例2:秋田犬4ヶ月齢)が来院した。鑑別診断を実施した上で両症例を骨形成不全症と診断し、ビスホスホネート製剤の投与を開始した(ボナロン錠5 mg、帝人ファーマ、0.5–1.0 mg/kg)。投与開始後、両症例とも7日以内に全身の疼痛は消失し、外科的および保存的治療で良好な骨癒合が得られた。現時点で犬の骨形成不全症は診断および治療法が確立されていない。ゆえに、本疾患が疑われる患者に対するビスホスホネート製剤の投与は、重度な症状の緩和と診断的治療に有効であることが示唆された。
長岡 信治 古山 勝彦
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.3, pp.349-382, 2004-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
5 9

Many basaltic monogenetic volcanoes forming groups are distributed on Fukue Island, the largest island of the Goto Islands. The Onidake volcano group, 8×10 km across, is one of the monogenetic volcano groups in the island. It contains eleven monogenetic volcanoes, namely, Daienji, Koba, Nagate, Masuda, Shimosakiyama, Hinodake, Kamiozu, Shirodake, Sakiyamabana, Midake-Usudake, and Onidake, in chronological order. K-Ar and 14C dating results show that these volcanoes were active during 0.5-0.018 Ma. The average interval of monogenetic volcano-forming eruption is fifty thousand to thirty thousand years, while a long interval of about one hundred thousand years exists between 0.25 and 0.15 Ma. By long interval, the group is divided into older volcanoes, Daienji, Koba, Nagate, and Masuda, and younger volcanoes, Shimosakiyama, Hinodake, Kamiozu, Shirodake, Sakiyamabana, Midake-Usudake, and Onidake.At about 0.42 Ma, the activities of the older volcanoes started with Daienji volcano, which produced a lava flow in the north area. It was covered by thick lava flows of Koba volcano at about 0.38 Ma. During or shortly after the activity of Koba volcano, Nagate shield volcano with two small scoria cones became active in the northeastern area. At about 0.30 Ma, in the western area, Masuda volcano erupted to form a lava plateau and two scoria cones.After 0.15 Ma, in the central area, the intermittent activities of younger volcanoes began with lava flows from Shimosakiyama volcano, which was covered soon by Hinodake volcano composed of three lava flows and one scoria cone. Two small cinder cones with a lava flow, Shirodake and Kamiozu volcanoes, erupted on the northern part of Hinodake volcano. At about 0.03 Ma, at the southeastern end, Midake-Usudake volcano, erupted with three cindercone-forming scoria falls and five small plateau-forming lava flows covering an undated scoria cone, Sakiyamabana.At 0.018 Ma, the latest eruption of the group, Onidake volcano, commenced in the central area, the first phase of which was the Abunze lava flow originating from welded scoria falls or a mixture of lava and scoria fall into the lava ponds in craters. Simultaneously, the scoria falls generating Abunze lava flow contributed the formation of Osako scoria cone, which partially collapsed shortly afterwards, probably because Abunze lava carried the parts away. In the second phase, Onidake scoria falls covered a large area of 5×5 km, while Onidake scoria cone was formed in the proximal area. The third phase consisted of five lava flows, Ohma lava 1, 2, and 3 and Onidake lava 1 and 2, all of which erupted from two summit craters of Onidake cone and covered the northern and western foothills of the volcano.
古崎 晃司 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.34, no.1, pp.C-I52_1-13, 2019-01-01 (Released:2019-01-07)

Ontological considerations about part-of relations have been extensively investigated because they are basic and important relationships for ontology building. Although there are various discussions on kinds of part-of and their ontological characteristics, there remains some room for discussing a couple of fundamental issues such as “What is a part?” and “When is a part-of relation composed?” This paper discusses ontology patterns of descriptions of part-of relationships on the basis of ontological theories in order to provide practitioners with useful guidelines for descriptions of part-of structurers. This paper focuses on ontology patterns which capture commonality and special characteristics of parts so that complicated structures of physical objects are described appropriately. We discuss four problems related to descriptions of parts. 1) interdependence between the whole and its parts, 2) kinds of parts such as components, portions and materials, 3) multiple inheritance according to substance and properties of parts, 4) the commonality and specificity of parts. To cope with these problems, this paper introduces a part representation model based on ontological theory of roles. The main idea of the part representation model is to distinguish between a part dependent on its whole and the context-independent properties of the part. The former is defined as the role-holder which plays roles and the latter is defined as the player of the role. The role defines properties of the part which is dependent on its whole. These three kinds of definitions enable to describe differences of various properties of parts according to their context dependence. We show how this model is used to describe various parts through practical examples of the anatomical structure of human body developed in the medical ontology project in Japan.
岩永 譲 古賀 千尋 加来 伸一郎 藤井 智津 岩本 修 楠川 仁悟
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.56, no.2, pp.95-97, 2010-02-20 (Released:2013-10-19)

A case of oral mucosal ulcer caused by the inappropriate use of nicotine gum is reported.The patient was a 55-year-old man who was a heavy smoker. He had smoked 60 cigarettes a day for 36 years. He had been using nicotine gum as a "stop-smoking aid" for over 8 months. He was referred to our department because of an unhealed undermining ulcer at the mucogingival junction of the lower right anterior teeth. On exfoliative cytology, there were no atypical cells in a specimen of the ulcer. Therefore, we recommended him to stop using nicotine gum, which was inappropriately placed at the buccal vestibule of mouth. The tenderness then gradually improved, and the ulcer healed in the month. Long-term inappropriate use of nicotine gum can cause adverse effects to the oral mucosa.
古山 宣洋
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.4, pp.494-498, 2009 (Released:2010-09-10)

This paper discusses the present special issue on “Communication Viewed from Hearers' Behaviors,” focusing on Erving Goffman's participation framework and gestural phenomena observed in conversation. In particular, it points out the possibility to conceive of speaker as a) a hearer, b) a receiver of the information, as well as c) an addressee. It also points out that grand gesture and simultaneous gestural matching can be loci of analysis in understanding how social-interactional plain and cognitive plain interact in investigatory conversation between the suspect and the policemen and⁄or prosecutory officials, and in psychological counseling.
古本 裕子
日本語教育方法研究会誌 (ISSN:18813968)
vol.20, no.1, pp.80-81, 2013-03-09 (Released:2017-05-24)

Sentences written by students for self-promotion in job application forms (entry sheets) to companies are analyzed. Implicit patterns and common expressions in the forms are investigated. The genre analysis (Swales, 1990) reveals the following components in student's essays on their past efforts. The moves are (1) answers, (2) episodes, and (3) applications. The steps of move (1) are (i) title and (ii) answer. Move (2) comprises (i) setting, (ii) goal, (iii) difficulty, (iv) reason, (v) attempt, and (vi) outcome. The steps of move (3) are (i) state, (ii) usefulness, (iii) appear, and (iv) hope.
德元 裕子 豊里 竹彦 眞榮城 千夏子 平安名 由美子 遠藤 由美子 照屋 典子 玉城 陽子 髙原 美鈴 與古田 孝夫
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.3-11, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-02-16)

Objective: This study aimed to clarify the association between sense of filial responsibility, local residents’ subjective economic status, and attachment to the local community, and to contribute to local community policies and measures including support systems for elderly in need of care and family.Methods: We conducted in-home interviews in 2015 in Okinawa, Japan. A total of 2,663 local residents were selected, and after invalid responses were excluded, 1,656 responses (62.2%) were analyzed. Participants were asked about demographic variables (sex, age, marital status, birth order, subjective health, living arrangement), subjective economic status, attachment to the local community, and sense of filial responsibility (such as caring for and supporting their elderly parents).Results: Age, marital status, birth order, and attachment to the local community were positively associated with sense of filial responsibility. Participants with low subjective economic status had low sense of filial responsibility. Even if subjective economic status was low, participants with high attachment to the local community had significantly high sense of filial responsibility. Moreover, participants with high attachment to the local community provided and received more instrumental support than participants with low attachment to the local community.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that high attachment to the local community can form a support system in local areas, and that support systems in turn help local residents when they support their parents. In light of these findings, measures for creating networks between local residents, as well as improvement of the physical environment, are necessary for local community planning.
上ノ土 武 飯尾 靖枝 只熊 幸代 原塚 柳子 神奈川 芳行 今村 知明 古江 増隆
福岡醫學雜誌 (ISSN:0016254X)
vol.96, no.5, pp.183-184, 2005-05-25

篠崎 昌一 森山 雅文 林田 淳之介 田中 昭彦 前原 隆 古川 祥子 太田 美穂 今林 佑美 中村 誠司
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.61, no.3, pp.147-153, 2015-03-20 (Released:2015-09-29)

Objectives: Cevimeline hydrochloride (CH) and pilocarpine hydrochloride (PH) are recognized as salivation-inducers with a high affinity for M3 muscarinic receptors. However, these drugs have a high frequency of side effects, including digestive symptoms and hyperhidrosis. We compared the effectiveness and side effects of these two drugs before and after a medication change.Materials and Methods: Seventy-six patients with Sjögren's syndrome were divided into the following four groups: 1) CH group, CH was administered for 12 months; 2) PH group, PH was administered for 12 months; 3) CH-PH group, CH was administered for 6 months followed by PH for 6 months; 4) PH-CH group, PH was administered for 6 months followed by CH for 6 months. We measured the salivary flow rate and recorded the subjective symptoms in each group.Results: In each group, stimulated whole saliva (SWS) and unstimulated whole saliva (UWS) significantly increased after 3 months and 6 months, respectively, and subjective symptoms improved after 3 months. The incremental changes in both SWS and UWS did not differ significantly between the groups. The CH and PH groups both had digestive symptoms (32.3% and 32.1%, respectively) and hyperhidrosis (29.0% and 39.3%, respectively). We found no significant difference in salivary flow rate or subjective symptoms after the medication change. However, the frequencies of side effects in the CH-PH and PH-CH groups decreased significantly for both digestive symptoms (9.7% and 10.7%, respectively) and hyperhidrosis (25.8% and 14.3%, respectively).Conclusions: After changing the salivation-inducing drug, there was no significant difference in salivary function or subjective symptoms, while the frequency of side effects markedly decreased. These results suggest that changing the salivation-inducing drug effectively reduces side effects.
望月 祐志 坂倉 耕太 秋永 宜伸 加藤 幸一郎 渡邊 啓正 沖山 佳生 中野 達也 古明地 勇人 奥沢 明 福澤 薫 田中 成典
Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan (ISSN:13471767)
vol.16, no.5, pp.119-122, 2018 (Released:2018-01-30)

We have been developing the ABINIT-MP program for the fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method. The list of inter-fragment interaction energies (IFIEs) is available from FMO calculations and is useful in analyzing the nature of interactions in a given target system. In this Letter, we summarize the current status of ABINIT-MP and also the machine-learning assisted analyses of IFIE data.
古谷 勝則
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.61, no.5, pp.669-674, 1998-03-30
