小林 章男 有田 正明 天野 喜美子 山口 豊
千葉医学雑誌 (ISSN:03035476)
vol.52, no.4, pp.p121-125, 1976-08

胸部外科手術を受けた主に成人入院患者に,Clostridium butyricum,Miyairi株を経口投与し,その投与前,および後の糞便中の種々細菌数およびCl.butyricumの菌数も測定した。Cl. butyricum, Miyairi株は経口投与数日後糞便中から検出されるようになり,その菌数は糞便1gあたり10^6〜10^7個であった。腹部症状のなかった患者にミヤBMを投与すると,投与前に比べ糞便中大腸菌,Lactobacillus,腸球菌の数が増加した。これに反し,クレブシエラ,カンジダの菌数に減少した。腹部症状を呈した患者にミヤBMを投与すると,大腸菌,Lactobacillus菌数が同様に増加し,これらの患者糞便中にかなりみられたクレブシエラ,カンジダ,緑膿菌,変形菌数が減少し,症状も消退した。正誤表あり (52(5), 224) http://mitizane.ll.chiba-u.jp/meta-bin/mt-pdetail.cgi?cd=00107500
天野 光孝 加戸 隆介 橘高 二郎
The Sessile Organisms Society of Japan
付着生物研究 (ISSN:03883531)
vol.5, no.2, pp.7-12, 1985-03-20 (Released:2009-10-09)

A leaflike shrimp Nebalia sp., which belongs to the most primitive genus of Malacostraca, has been found abundantly at the base of Bryopsis sp. growing in an outdoor concrete tank used for Homarus culture at Sanriku. The species is considered to be desirable as a living food organism for larval rearing because of its suitable size and tolerance to deterioration of the bottom condition.Sampling was done in the pond from July to December of 1983. Water temperature ranged from 22.3°C in summer to 4.5°C in winter. The animals were found throughout the season with the highest occurrence of egg-bearing females in October. The larvae were reared successfully at water temperature between 15°C to 25°C in combination with the salinity between 20‰ to 33‰ under the continuous darkness. The larvae showed the best growth at 25°C in combination with 33‰. The most effective food for the larval rearing in the laboratory was the fine particles of the dried food as shrimp pellet and krill.The larvae hatched out as adult form. Number of segments in the flagellum branches of the first antenna and the second antenna increased from 3:3, expressed as segmentation formula, at I stage to 4:3, 5:4, 6:5, 7:6 and 8:7 at II, III, IV, V and VI stages, respectively. After VII stage, the increase became irregular.
天野 隆弘
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.85, no.5, pp.659-662, 1996-05-10 (Released:2008-06-12)

脳髄膜meningesは硬膜dura materとその直ぐ下のくも膜arachnoidea,脳表の薄膜である軟膜pia materからなる.臨床や病理学ではくも膜と狭義の軟膜pia meterを一緒にした1eptomeninxを軟膜と呼んでいる.髄膜炎meningitisは広義の軟膜の炎症である軟膜炎leptomeningitisをいう.日本語では名称が混乱しやすい.脳室脈絡叢で産生された髄液は脳脊髄の表面を流れ,大部分は静脈洞のくも膜顆粒から吸収され,一部は静脈洞や脊髄神経節近くにあるくも膜絨毛から吸収される.髄膜炎の後遺症として時に脊髄循環の障害が起き水頭症が生じる.脳血液関門は脳血管が解剖学的に一般血管と異なり内皮細胞同士がtight junctionをなすこと,さらにpinocytotic vesicleが極めて少なくまた小窓fenestrationがないことから説明される.
天野 尚樹
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
vol.50, pp.203-227, 2003

Since the era of Peter the Great the history of modern Russian thought is one characterized by cultural contact with European thought. The purpose of this paper is to examine the thought of a representative pre-revolutionary scholar of international law, Fedor Fedorovich Martens, from the angle of cultural contact with European thought. The main themes of Martens' thought were affected by Western thought. His, however, was bound to undergo modification in accordance with traditional Russian legal thinking. Let us consider this way of thinking from three interrelated points. The first point concerns the concept of "pravo." Martens defines the key concept of international relations as "the idea of law [pravo]." International law manages the international social and cultural exchange between "civilized nations." Martens refers to this international activity as "international life," that is, the role of international law is to govern "international life." He calls this role "international administration." Martens' thought reflects the influence of Lorenz von Stein. The concept of "law [pravo]" in Martens' context, however, differs from that of "law [Recht]" in Stein's work. The second point is connected with the Russian concept of social community and its characteristics. Martens views international relations as taking place within the "international community." He regards the essence of international law to be an "international community" in which "civilized nations" have an "international life." The "international community" is the voluntary association of "civilized nations." "Civilization," in other words, means the prerequisite for membership in the "international community" which does not have any authority over states. According to Martens' theory, international conferences function as administrative, legislative and judicial organs of the "international community." This idea is inspired by the Russian understanding of social community. The third point concerns the Russian concept of natural law. Martens' key concept of international relations, "the idea of law," is relevant to structural change in the "international community." This change refers to the expansion of "international life" on a global scale. The turning point of this change was the Crimean War, which resulted in Turkey's entering the "international community." Before the war, the members of this "international community" were restricted to "civilized nations," that is, only Christian-European nations. This restriction, however, became invalid with the entry of Turkey into the "international community," thus extending the "international community" beyond Europe. Martens applied the following condition to meet this situation: the idea of the "eclectic combination of natural law and positive law." Martens argues that this idea is an outgrowth of the Grotian tradition of international law. Martens defines non-European nations as "uncivilized nations," meaning that positive law cannot be applied to them. Instead Martens applies natural law in these situations. This usage, however, differs from the Western legal tradition, because Martens recognizes natural law in Russian way. According to Russian legal traditions, pravo is not distinguished from the orders of specific political authorities, such as an ukaz from the tsar. The Russian masses do not try to exercise their subjective rights, which is the essence of Recht. On this point, the Russian legal traditon differs from that of the West. The attitude of the Russian masses allows the exercise of unlimited power by political authorities. This is due to the nature of traditional Russian social communities that lack autonomous bodies to exercise their subjective rights. This attitude stems from the Russian concept of natural law. Whereas Western people recognize natural law metaphysically, the Russians grasp it empirically. I call the Russian concept the "realistic natural law." The validity of the "realistic natural law" ultimately rests on political power. The Russian legal consciousness is reflected in Martens' recognition of the "international community." As stated above, Martens applies natural law to "uncivilized nations." According to his theory, "uncivilized nations" are not allowed to exercise their subjective rights. Therefore, it is possible for "civilized" Russia to exercise her power over "uncivilized nations" without any restrictions. Martens' concept of the "eclectic combination of natural law and positive law" is deeply influenced by Russia's "realistic natural law."
木下 芳一 石原 俊二 天野 祐二 清村 志乃 多田 育賢 丸山 理留敬
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.54, no.6, pp.1797-1805, 2012 (Released:2012-07-03)

天野 博雄
岩手医学雑誌 (ISSN:00213284)
vol.71, no.6, pp.223-228, 2020 (Released:2020-05-31)

竹本 幹夫 山中 玲子 小林 健二 落合 博志 大谷 節子 三宅 晶子 天野 文雄 石井 倫子 稲田 秀雄 表 きよし 樹下 文隆 西村 聡 松岡 心平 三宅 晶子

天野 郁夫
高等教育研究 (ISSN:24342343)
vol.20, pp.157-176, 2017-07-31 (Released:2019-05-13)

この度日本高等教育学会から,学会創立20周年行事の一環として学会設立当時の状況や設立の背景や学会の現状について,初代学会会長として一文を寄稿するような依頼があった.学会設立の事情を語るには,高等教育研究の制度化の源流に遡って見ていく必要がある. 私が高等教育研究に関心を持ったのは,1960年代の初め,東京大学大学院の教育社会学専攻に在籍していた頃からである.当時,高等教育研究は,細々とやられていたにすぎなかった. 学会創設以前の高等教育研究に大きな役割を果たしたのは,大学史研究会,IDE文献研究会,広島大学・大学教育研究センター(現高等教育研究開発センター)などである.特に1972年のセンターの創設は,エポックメイキングな出来事であった. その後,マス化の進展とともに顕在化し始めた,高等教育の新しい政策課題に対応するため,文部省は国立教育研究所に高等教育研究室を置いたほか,大学入試センター(1976),放送教育開発センター(1978),学位授与機構(1991),国立学校財務センター(1992)など,次々に大学関連のサービスセンターを開設し,そこに調査研究関連の部局を置いた.さらに国立大学に大学教育関連のセンターが順次設置され,私立セクターでも,同様のセンターを設ける大学が現れ始めた.また1980年代の後半になると,玉川大学出版部が高等教育関連の本を,積極的に刊行し始めた. 東京大学教育学部にようやくわが国最初の「高等教育論講座」の新設が認められたのは1992年,私が初代の教授に就任した. このように高等教育学会の創設に至る,私が体験してきた高等教育研究の流れと時代状況の変化をたどってみると,1990年代半ばという時代が,その機が熟したというべきか,様々な条件と環境が,学会の設置に向けて整い始めた時代であったことがわかる. 1997年9月には東京大学で発会式を迎えることになった.私たちからみれば新世代の高等教育研究者たちの熱意と努力の賜物である.教育社会学の関係者が多いとはいえ,多様な専門分野から理事が選出され,他の教育関連諸学との関係が深まった.高等教育研究者の集まる「アゴラ(広場)」の出現である. その後,2010年から11年にかけての『リーディングス 日本の高等教育』の刊行は時代の「激流」に巻き込まれ,「あわただしく」対応を迫られてきた高等教育研究に対する「批判的反省と学問的な問い直し」の試みという点で,重要な意味を持っている. 今世紀に入ってからの新自由主義的な政策誘導の高等教育改革という高等教育研究を取り巻く状況の激変は,研究者に期待される専門性の内容が大きく変化し,その幅が著しく拡大したことを示唆している.改革は具体的な実践の問題になった.そのことが例えば学会の年次大会における研究発表の,また会員の出身専門分野のどのような変化をもたらしているのか.20周年を迎えた学会が,「批判的自省」を踏まえた「さらなる発展と飛躍」をはかるためにも,改めて検証する必要があるだろう.教育社会学以外のどのような学問的・理論的よりどころをもとに知識と理解を深めていくのか,学会は今それを問われているといってよい. 世代交替の進んだ学会が主導的に,研究の新しいフロンティアを切り開いていくことを期待している.
天野 晃滋 木内 大祐 石木 寛人 松岡 弘道 里見 絵理子 森田 達也
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.16, no.2, pp.147-152, 2021 (Released:2021-05-13)

村上 雅裕 安田 恵 新村 健 天野 学
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.2, pp.87-92, 2020-12-10 (Released:2020-12-30)

In awareness-raising activities for medical cost reduction, many drug-related words, including loan words, are used. The use of loan words may reduce the effectiveness of activities to raise awareness among elderly people with difficulty understanding these words. We examined the recognition of drug-related words among the elderly aged 65 or over. The word “generic drugs” had the highest recognition rate, at 94.7%, and those for “general drugs” and “leftover medications” also exceeded 70%. In contrast, the recognition rates for loan words, such as “authorized generics” and “biosimilars”, were markedly low, at 1.5%. The results suggest that the recognition of some words is poor among nonprofessionals, even if they are commonly used by professionals. In activities to raise awareness of medical cost reduction among elderly people, it may be important to use simpler words, and provide more detailed explanations, such as showing actual products.
設樂 成実 天野 絵里子 神谷 俊郎
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.69, no.11, pp.510-515, 2019-11-01 (Released:2019-11-01)

天野 尹
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.29, no.6, pp.597-606, 1984 (Released:2010-03-12)

The term of 37 years, from 1925 to 1961, could be divided into five periods. The first corresponds to one with a stable and high birth rate, the second to that of Japan-China War, the third to that of World War II, the fourth to that of postwar with its rapid drop in birth rate and the fifth to that with a low birth rate since then. This classification of period shows the change of historical conditions of Japan.The materials for the test of homogeneity were prepared from random sample from the cards of the registered donors in Shimane, Yamaguchi, Akita and Iwate Prefectures and Bernstein's method was applied to estimate the gene frequencies (p: gene of A, q: gene of B, r: gene of O).The results of the test of homogeneity between each period could be expressed as follows: in Shimane Prefecture; q in the third period decreased, in Akita Prefecture; q in the third peroid decreased, in Yamaguchi Prefecture; p in the fourth period increased and in Iwate Prefecture, q in the latter half of the fifth period decreased.The effect of hybridisation, areal biased donation, immigration and inbreeding must be considered as possible factors in the change of gene frequency.There is very little hybridisation in Japan and is not relevant here.Areal biased donation which means an increase or a decrease of coming donors from particular districts was demonstrated in the survey of Shimane blood center, and in the population size of the blood center level this biased donation shows no significant change of gene frequency.An assumption of 4% immigration, from Akita to Shimane Prefecture, revealed no change of gene frequency, but when immigration amounted to 10% in two or more years the test verified that there is a significant change in the distribution of gene frequency. But such an excessive immigration is not the real condition in prefectures of country-side.If there is an effect of inbreeding, there must be a significant difference of p2, q2 and r2 between the first period and the fifth period, since the fifth period corresponds to the second generation of the first period. But the results of these computations were not significant in any of the four prefectures. The change of previously mentioned social and historical conditions have led to decrease of the number of birth, the fractionising of population, the temporary isolation of inhabitans and then subsequent relaease of fractionising and isolation. The consequence of these changes is the so called “bottle-neck effect”.In countries of the world where a high frequency of hybridisation takes place the results such as mentioned here would be difficult to obtain.