松尾 葦江 石川 透 小林 健二 伊海 孝充 小助川 元太 岩城 賢太郎 坂井 孝一 高橋 典幸 吉田 永弘 原田 敦史 辻本 恭子 平藤 幸 伊藤 慎吾 山本 岳史 秋田 陽哉 SELINGER Vyjayanthi

藤木 大介 山本 真愛 中條 和光
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.63, no.2, pp.53-63, 2022-06-13 (Released:2022-07-02)

Reviewing notes is known to be an effective way to enhance learning, and to this end, one purpose of teachers' plan for board and instruction of note-taking is organization of students thought and review of class. However, few studies on note-taking among elementary school students have been conducted, and their actual note-taking ability in particular is not clear. This study investigated how well the students were able to recreate their arithmetic class board contents in their notes, and how often they reviewed these notes. The results showed that the reproducibility of the board contents was high in the sections regarding to aim and summary, but low in the sections relating to equations and figures. Further, it was found that the sixth-grade students' notes were more semantically coherent than fourth-grade students. Both grades reviewed their notes from once a month to once a week, with no difference in the frequency of review across the two grades. Additionally, the results of interviews with some of the children suggested that the children who intended to use their notes for memory purposes were not be able to make coherent notes, while the children who took notes mainly for review purposes were able to review them more frequently and thus make more coherent notes.
山本 熙
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1956, no.90, pp.189-208, 1956 (Released:2009-09-16)

A hundred years ago, a train-ferry service across the Firth of Forth in Scotland was born, and fourty years have passed since the Japanese Government Railways inaugurated a car-float service between Shimonoseki and Moji.On this occasion, it is of interest to look back on the development of this facility in foreign countries and in Japan.Since the first train-ferry the “Leviathan” crossed the Firth of Forth (1), similar services were inaugurated on the River Rhine (2), the Susquehanna River in the United States and also across the Nile Rever (3) in Egypt.In this paper, the stages of this development are arranged as undermentioned, and various kinds of landing means are classified as follows : 1. The cradle age of train ferries. -In the first 16 years, the train ferry services were in their infancy, all operating across rivers or firths.2. The epock making train-ferry. -In 1868, this facility was carried out on the Lake Constance in Switzerland (4), where the crossing was exposed and rough, so that people got an idea on the trustworthiness of the train-ferry service even on an open sea.All these installations were commenced in the last 17 years, paving the way for the train-ferries of the future.Kinds of Landing Arrangement of train-ferries : -(1) Shipway or Slope Type a. Shipway and Travelling Platform.b. Stepped Slopeways.(2) Crane or Elevator Type a. Elevator ashore.b. Elevator aboard.(3) Elevating or Tidal Deck Type(4) Movable Bridge Type3. The development of train-ferry services in Denmark.4. The development of the train-ferries on Lake Michigan.5. The technically noteworthy development of the installations of the Warnemunde-Gedser and Sassnity-Tralleborg lines.6. The popularization and development of train-ferries in twentieth century.7. Train ferries in Japan.From the history of train-ferries, the methods of laying tracks on deck are classified as follows : -1. Through Track Type T2. Head Terminal Type B (from bow) S (from stern) 3. Isolated Track Type I4. Athwart Track Type AThe types of tracks on deck are mostly determined by the local conditions of the berths ; some were obliged to select an inferior method due to the original landing arrangement when further improvement was required. This is a point worthy of special consideration when designing ferry boat and landing arrangement in the future.
大坐畠 智 中川 令 山本 嶺


1 0 0 0 OA 發刊の辭

山本 達郎
南方史研究 (ISSN:2185050X)
vol.1959, no.1, pp.Preface1, 1959-06-30 (Released:2010-10-22)
櫻井 かのこ 山本 政幸
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
デザイン学研究 (ISSN:09108173)
vol.69, no.2, pp.2_31-2_40, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-01)

シピ・ピネルズ(Cipe Pineles, 1908-1991)は,第⼆次世界⼤戦後のアメリカの出版業界で活躍し,20世紀における経済成⻑と社会変動の時代に重要な役割を果たした。その貢献のひとつは,当時新たに存在感を増した⼤衆雑誌,とりわけ若い⼥性をターゲットにしたファッション誌の編集に携わったことである。⼥性初のアートディレクターとして数々の編集に関わり,10代の⼥性や働く⼥性というこれまで社会的にも経済的にも⽬を向けられていなかった⼈々に注⽬し,誌⾯構成を駆使して広い読者層を取り込むことにより,新しい視覚⽂化を⽣み出した。グラフィックデザイン界で数々の功績を収め,⼥性の社会進出に向けた先駆的な役割を果たす⼀⽅で,仕事のストレスや⼥性としての幸せに思い悩んだ末に⾃殺未遂を図るなど,公私のコントラストが際⽴つピネルズの⼈⽣は,⼀⼈のデザイナーの成功事例を⽰すだけでなく,性差別や社会問題に取り組む現代社会において⽰唆に富む内容といえる。本研究は,新しい⼤衆雑誌づくりの基盤を築き,⼥性のためのデザインの歴史をつくったピネルズの業績を明らかにする。
山本 恵子
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.23, pp.24, 2015 (Released:2020-03-26)

Nietzsche thought that man was made average by language and that art was enlivened in the field without language, the unconscious. In his late writings, Nietzsche explored the mystery of “the self- body” to elucidate the unconscious. The early Nietzsche considered consciousness to be individual and the unconscious to be communal, whereas the late Nietzsche held the former to be communal and the later, individual. He wished to release life from the sign world and the extreme sharpness of the body, the sensory organ, in order to understand the totally different code of the artist.
萩原 正大 山本 正嘉
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.3, pp.327-341, 2011 (Released:2011-07-12)
5 5

We simulated mountain climbing using walking on a treadmill in order to systematically evaluate the physical load during mountain climbing. The conditions of three types of load-(1) inclination of the walking path (walking uphill and downhill), (2) walking speed, and (3) backpack weight-were varied within the range assumed for normal mountain climbing (40 sets of conditions in total). When the three types of load were expressed as vertical work rate, energy expenditure (VO2) during walking uphill and downhill was distributed along roughly the same curve. The following characteristics of walking uphill and downhill were observed.A. Walking uphillFor all three types of load, increase in load gave a linear increase in VO2 and heart rate (HR). A lactate threshold (LT) appeared at an intensity of 62%VO2max, when HR was 78% HRmax. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was evaluated for the “Breathlessness” and “Leg Fatigue”, and both of these increased roughly in proportion to %VO2max.B. Walking downhillWhen walking downhill, VO2 was 35-50% the intensity of VO2 when walking uphill on the same slope and at the same speed. Energy expenditure did not exceed 60%VO2max in any of the load conditions, and no LT was seen. RPE values were higher for walking downhill than walking uphill, even when %VO2max values were the same. RPE values for the “Leg Fatigue” tended to be higher than for the “Breathlessness” at the same speed in downhill walking.Using these data, we created a table giving the intensity of exercise of mountain climbing expressed as VO2 per unit body mass and metabolic equivalents (Mets) with vertical migration velocity and total weight (Body weight + Backpack weight) as variables. This table gives mountain climbers a systematic understanding of the physical load under various mountain climbing conditions. It is likely to be of use as a reference for mountain climbers of different levels of physical fitness when practicing mountain climbing appropriate to their individual level. The present results suggest that in downhill walking, it is insufficient to express the physical load in energy expenditure (VO2 and Mets) alone, and the load on the leg muscles must also be judged using the RPE in the “Leg Fatigue”.
山本 恵美子 田中 共子 兵藤 好美 畠中 香織
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.44, no.1, pp.70-80, 2018-07-31 (Released:2019-08-15)

Communication skills to convey and receive information accurately is essential for medical safety.In this study, we performed social skill training (SST) program on cognition and behavior for nursing students to receive instructions before clinical practice. Then, we investigated the effect of the SST and application of the skills during the clinical practice. Of 120 sophomore students of X nursing school, 88 who attended the medical safety classes (90 minutes) responded to the survey in January 2015. Their average age was 21.5 years (SD = 1.7). After the SST program, students were required to engage in self-evaluation and peer evaluation, along with a free description of each learning scenario in the program. In addition, we examined practical prediction and application of the students who learned the receiving instruction skills. Acquired skills by this program resulted in less misunderstanding in communication, and also in understanding for importance of incident prediction.
山本 陽一
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.44, no.1, pp.21-33, 2018-07-31 (Released:2019-08-15)

We examined the effects of volunteering experience on volunteer intention for junior high school students and high school students (N = 170) who had involved in short-term volunteer activities in the community. As a result of the factor analysis, the volunteer motivation was classified into three groups including "other-oriented motive", "self-oriented motive" and "required motive" (e.g., the school required their participation). Also, the subjective experience during the volunteering was classified into two groups including the "interpersonal positive experience" (e.g., getting along with other volunteers) and "negative experience" (e.g., not being helpful). The result of pass analysis found that empathic concern in volunteering predicted helping effects on helpers (satisfaction), in which interpersonal positive and negative experiences mediated. However, no effect of personal distress was found. Helping effects on helpers and volunteering intention were predicted by other-oriented motive, and volunteering intention was predicted by self-oriented motive, which were mediated by interpersonal positive experience and helping effects on helpers. Required motive decreased helping effects on helpers, mediated by negative experience.