浜林 正夫
思想 (ISSN:03862755)
no.644, pp.p33-48, 1978-02
小林 正和
福山大学経済学論集 (ISSN:02884542)
vol.38, no.1, pp.49-62, 2014-03

平成25年4月に高年齢者雇用安定法が改正となり、企業はこの法律に合わせた就業規則を改定しなければならなくなった。厚生労働省は6月1日現在の「高年齢者の雇用状況」により毎年1回、各企業の高齢者の確保措置の内容を調査している。 そこで、平成24年と25年の「高年齢者の雇用状況」を比較することにより、企業の継続雇用制度の導入状況はどうなっているのか、さらに実際に広島県東部地域の110社を訪問した結果により、この地域ではどのような導入状況になっているのかを調べたものである。また「高年齢者の雇用状況」だけでは分からない各社の継続雇用制度等の導入経緯や実態についても調べている。"Law concerning Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons" was revised in April, 2013, and each company came to have to reform the work rules united with this law. Furthermore, in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare it is investigating how the measures of each company for securing the elderly people turn out once every year according to" job situation of the elderly people" (as of June 1). Then, it is investigating, by comparing" job situation of the elderly people" for 2012 and 2013, how the introductory situations of the continued employment system of a company turn out, moreover, by the result of having actually visited 110 companies of the eastern area of Hiroshima, what kind of introductory situation it is in this area. In addition, it is investigating the introductory process and the actual condition of the continued employment system of each company not to understand only with "job situation of the elderly people".
浜田 信生 野坂 大輔 小林 正志 吉川 一光 石垣 祐三 田利 信二朗
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.64, no.4, pp.197-209, 2012-06-25 (Released:2012-08-08)

Matsushiro earthquake swarm is a most well known and well studied earthquake swarm in the history of seismology. From viewpoints of geophysics, geology and geochemistry, various observations, field surveys and analyses had been made to reveal characteristics of the swarm. On the basis of these studies, several models had been proposed to explain why and how the swarm originated and developed. However, majority of studies had focused on the activity around the climatic stage of the swarm in 1966 and so far, studies on the initial stage of the swarm in mid 1965 had remained few due to lack of sufficient observation data. The exact area where the swarm was born had not been known and the swarm was vaguely believed to originate from the area around Mt. Minakami in former Matsushiro town (now belongs to Nagano city). Considering that the manner of initial development of swarm activity represents an important characteristic of the swarm earthquake, we tried to get more clear view about initial stage of the swarm activity in this study. We re-investigated seismograms obtained by routine observation and studied seismograms of temporal stations for the first time which had not been processed yet. By scanning analogue seismograms, we made a complete data set of S-P times with high precision for each station. Although the data set of S-P times from two stations are not sufficient for conventional hypocenter location, we were able to narrow down a possible source area of the swarm activity under the reasonable assumptions. By considering direction of initial motion of P waves and assuming local velocity model of the upper crust in the region and plausible focal depth of 4.5km of the swarm earthquake, we found that the area of swarm in the very beginning in August, 1965 is located about 4km north-east of the Matsushiro earthquake fault (MEF) in former Wakaho town near its border with former Matsushiro town. Size of the initial swarm area was 3-4km in diameter. While swarm activity in the initial region was gradually decaying in September new swarm activity appeared separately from the initial swarm area around southern and south-west part of the MEF. Activity in the new swarm area had been increasing and it was developed to more intense swarm after October, 1965 when establishment of temporal seismic station network of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo enabled detailed hypocenter location. The new swarm area coincides with the area where large amount of ground water moved upward and was released on the ground surface in the climatic stage of the swarm. It was well known that source area of the swarm was split and expanded toward north-east and south-west after March, 1967 in its climatic stage. Present study on the initial development of swarm area suggested that characteristics of the Matsushiro earthquake swarm such as splitting and expansion of its source area toward northeast and southwest were inherent in their early stage of the activity in August and September, 1965.
多谷 邦彦 竹田 直人 小林 正 尾崎 吉明 黒木 修隆
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. C (ISSN:03854221)
vol.137, no.5, pp.742-749, 2017

<p>Today we can take many pictures with smart phones or digital cameras, and can edit them easily by ourselves. These pictures are very useful not only for hobby, but for investigation. It is very important to check whether they are doctored or not. This paper proposes an automatic detection method of doctored JPEG images based on two different analyisis: the block noise analysis and the Double-JPEG analysis. Former can find unnatural boundaries of 8×8 DCT blocks while latter can find double saved images by other editing software. Finally SVM classifies images into doctored and undoctored groups based on the above analysis. Experimental results have shown that the detection accuracy of our method achieves 0.90 in terms of F-measure while J. He's method achieves 0.82.</p>
寺西 正輝 桑水流 理 小林 正和 戸田 裕之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.863, pp.18-00028, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

Fatigue crack in cast aluminum alloys subject to low-cycle fatigue is initiated mainly by the fracture of Si particles. To investigate the mechanism of Si particle fracture, we carried out the geometrical measurements and finite element analysis for a lot of Si particles in their actual geometrical configuration. The synchrotron X-ray CT was used for the geometrical measurement and the image-based finite element modeling. The fracture of Si particles were detected as a source of crack initiation from the CT images captured during the fatigue test. The large-scale voxel finite element model contains the outer surface, pores, Si and intermetallics. The number of elements was about 150 million. Two cycles of loading were calculated. The finite element analysis and its post-processing were performed on the supercomputers by the massively-parallel computing. The result of finite element analysis showed that the first principal stress was concentrated around the aligned or gathered Si particles, and the gradual increase by cyclic loading in the stress of the Si particles appeared near the outer surface and pores. Moreover, the result of geometrical measurements showed that the volume, shape index and adjacency index of each Si particle could be used to evaluate the likelihood of particle fracture. The probability of particle fracture was statistically evaluated with respect to those geometrical and mechanical parameters. The relationship between mechanical and geometrical parameters were also examined. As the result, the criteria of fractured Si particle was proposed by using the combination of geometrical and mechanical parameters.
小林 正男
no.858, pp.148-155, 2017-05
菅野 正也 林 正和 村勢 則郎 網野 比佐子 北 潔
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.54, no.2, pp.177-180, 2008-12-30 (Released:2017-06-19)

For the establishment of successful cryopreservation of Caenorhabditis elegans, freezing survival of the nematode was investigated in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide. When nematodes were cooled to -20 ℃ with the rate of 0.2 ℃/min after ice seeding treatment at -3 ℃, survival rate of the nematode increased with the time of exposure to the DMSO solution before freezing. The rate was above 80% irrespective of the cooling temperature between -20 to -75 ℃. However, the nematodes hardly survived when they were quenched by liquid nitrogen after the pre-freezing at -20 ℃, The rate of freezing survival became higher with the decrease in the pre-freezing temperature before plunging into LN_2. Heating rate also affected freezing survival. Slow heating probably prevented rapid rehydration of the nematode and increased survival rate after thawing.
嶋脇 聡 須田 拓也 中林 正隆 杉本 英治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.862, pp.18-00131, 2018 (Released:2018-06-25)

The neck is an important body part that links the head and chest sections. However, very few analyses of cervical movement derived from muscle contractions have been conducted with numerical simulation. This study aimed to construct a multi-body model of the neck comprising the bones, muscles, and ligaments (including the intervertebral disc) and to apply flexion and extension movements to analyze the behavior of each cervical segment. We created bone models (including cervical vertebrae C1-C7) from X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of the upper half of the human body. Each bone model was bound by 17 types of ligaments constructed as 51 wire models. We set six types of muscles as the protagonists for neck flexion and 12 types for the neck extension. Muscle strength was defined with a parallel contraction element model and an elastic element model. The intervertebral discs represented five spring models with repulsion characteristics on compression and attraction characteristics on extension. The neck section could flex up to 38.1° and extend up to 61.0° with contraction in the flexor and extensor models. The maximum cervical segment angles on flexion and extension were measured at C0-C1 and C4-C5, and their contribution rates were 20.7% and 19.3%, respectively. Each cervical segment angle when flexing and extending closely matched the experimental results measured by other studies. The centers of rotation for cervical segments from C2-C3 to C4-C5 on maximum flexion were different from those in previous experimental result. This may be because of the settings pertaining to the interspinous ligament, nuchal ligament and supraspinous ligament. On the other hand, our results for maximum extension were consistent with past experimental result. An improved neck model will allow the analysis of cervical segment movement through the joint restrictions based on damage to the ligaments and muscles or arthrodesis when flexing and extending.
小林 正法 大竹 恵子
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
pp.27.2.6, (Released:2018-07-23)

Nostalgia is defined as “a sentimental longing or wistful reflection for the past.” This study examined the individual differences on the effect of emotions on music-evoked nostalgia. The study focused on traits associated with positive and negative emotions, specifically, dysphoria and subjective happiness. Participants listened to nostalgic music before and after responding to a questionnaire measuring traits and mood states. Results showed that the degree of music-evoked nostalgia was reduced only when levels of dysphoria and subjective happiness were both low. This is the first study to demonstrate the relationship between nostalgia evoked by music, and traits associated with positive emotion.
佐藤 祐造 曽根 博仁 小林 正 河盛 隆造 渥美 義仁 押田 芳治 田中 史朗 鈴木 進 牧田 茂 大澤 功 田村 好史 渡邉 智之 糖尿病運動療法・運動処方確立のための学術調査研究委員会
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.58, no.11, pp.850-859, 2015-11-30 (Released:2015-11-30)

わが国における糖尿病運動療法の現状を把握することを目的に,糖尿病運動療法の実施状況に関して,患者側に質問紙調査を行った.全国各地の専門医に通院中の糖尿病外来患者5,100名に質問紙調査を行い,同意が得られた4,176名(81.9 %)を解析対象とした.診察時に運動指導を受けている患者は食事療法とほぼ同率であったが,運動指導を「受けたことがない」が30 %存在し,食事療法の10 %より高率であった.医師から運動指導を受けている患者が52 %と,コメディカル(理学療法士,健康運動指導士等)による指導は少なかった.一方,食事療法では,64 %の患者が管理栄養士に指導を受けていた.運動療法を実施している患者は約半数であった.医師側(第1報),患者側いずれの調査でも,糖尿病運動療法の指導体制は不十分であり,食事療法と比較して,「較差」が認められた.日本糖尿病学会編集による「糖尿病運動療法ガイドライン」作成を要望する.
小林 正英 Masahide KOBAYASHI 尚美学園大学総合政策学部 Shobi University
尚美学園大学総合政策論集 = Shobi Journal Of Policy Studies,Shobi University (ISSN:13497049)
vol.25, pp.19-32, 2017-12-25
