大石 郁 森本 貴幸 水本 将之 香川 明男
公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会
鋳造工学 (ISSN:13420429)
vol.76, no.7, pp.582-587, 2004

&nbsp;&nbsp;Al-4 mass%Cu alloy was melted in a quartz tube with a small nozzle at the bottom. By pressing the melt surface with argon gas pressure of 0.12 to 0.13 MPa, the alloy melt flowed out through the nozzle onto the copper substrate and was rapidly solidified. A rectangular tube specimen was formed by moving the sub. strate in the X-Y horizontal directions and downwards simultaneously. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;With increasing the moving speed of the substrate, the thickness of one layer deposited reduced and the spacing between eutectics in the interdendritic regions increased, while the width of the castings remained almost constant. With increasing the number of layers, the cooling rate was decreased, and the weldability between the layers improved. Under optimum conditions, a coexisting solid-liquid region was formed between the layers, resulting in smooth side surface of the castings due to the surface tension of the liquid phase in the region.
阿部 三樹 森永 英一郎 荒瀧 裕司
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.24, pp.27-32, 2000

650Mバイトと大容量化を図った4倍密度MDを、高機能グラフィックスシステムおよびカムコーダに適したMPEG2コーデックと組み合わせて、世界初の民生用光ディスクカメラ一体型ビデオ『MD DISCAM DCM-M1』を商品化した。
森貞 好昭 藤井 英俊 長岡 亨 福角 真男
一般社団法人 溶接学会
vol.2007, pp.76, 2007

角田 博之 宮岡 等 高木 謙 角田 和之 高森 康次 永井 哲夫 中川 種昭 藤野 雅美 片山 義郎
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.18, no.2, pp.85-88, 2003-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

“Adolescent paranoia” includes phobias of emitting foul odor from one's own body, fear of eye-to-eye confrontation and dysmorphophobia.A 21-year old man visited the department of dentistry of our hospital complaining of foul breath, whose concern about his odor was delusional. He also exhibited “egorrhea” symptoms, such as fear of eye-to-eye confrontation and monologue, and was diagnosed as having adolescent paranoia by a psychiatrist. The patient had started avoiding people, shut himself away in his room and talked to himself from the age of 15 or 16, after initially becoming concerned about his pimples. He also became concerned about foul breath and having suspicious eyes from the age of 17, felt that others were avoiding him, and became self-recriminatory. He later presumed that his thoughts were being expressed by his mouth contrary to his will.The self-rating questionnaire for assessing the severity of phobia of emitting foul breath received a high score of 36 out of 40. The questionnaire indicated the delusion of having halitosis, delusion of reference and poor social adaptability. He was, accordingly, diagnosed as suffering from Group III (severe) type of phobia of emitting foul breath. On the day of his first visit, he was also examined by a psychiatrist, and diagnosed as having adolescent paranoia and administered 1 mg of risperidone.This patient's symptoms suggested the possibility of schizophrenia. Thus it was preferable to pay attention to other symptoms of schizophrenia and the patient was therefore observed carefully.Dentists are likely to receive outpatients of this type who require immediate referral to psychiatrists. The case of this patient demonstrates the importance of an accurate differential diagnosis regarding complaints of emitting foul breath.
渋谷 友紀 森田 ゆい 福田 玄明 植田 一博 佐々木 正人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.3, pp.337-364, 2012 (Released:2014-10-10)

In Japanese traditional performing arts, “breathing” is consideredone of the most fundamental techniques. Recent studies reveal that breathing is not synchronized with body action in masters or experts in Kyogen and Kabuki, Japanese traditional performing arts. This result contrasts sharply with the report that, with growing proficiency,breathing becomes synchronized with body actionin sports and Western dances. Bunraku,which is also one of the Japanese traditional performing arts, is a form of puppet theater in which three puppeteers cooperatively maneuver one puppet. Bunraku has thus different characteristics from Kyogen and Kabuki; the body (puppet) that performs actions is different from thebodies (puppeteers) that control the actions. Therefore we can expect to find, in Bunraku, a relation between body action and breathing which is different fromthat in Kyogen and Kabuki. In this paper, we clarified relation between body action and breathing in Bunraku puppeteers and compared it with that found in Kyogen and Kabuki. Two Bunraku puppeteers who were different in career (one puppeteer’s career spanned 31 years while the other puppeteer’s career spanned 13 years)participated in our experiment: We asked them to execute the following three tasks; the first task was to perform basic actions called Kata with a familiar puppet, the second was to perform the same basic actions with an unfamiliar puppet, and the third was to perform an actual Bunraku play both to the music by shamisen and to the narration by Tayu. In order to clarify whether or not a puppeteer’s breathing was synchronized with his body action, we investigated the correspondence between his breathing phases and the puppet’s motions in performance aswell as the periodicity and stability of his breathing by analyzing autocorrelation of and applying Fourier analyses to breathing curves. As a result breathing was found less synchronized with body action for the more experienced puppeteer with 31 years career than for the less experienced puppeteer with 13 years career. When they executed the first and third tasks, in addition, the more experienced puppeteer showed more periodic and stable breathing patterns than the less experienced puppeteer did. These findings are consistent with the previous ones found in Kyogen and Kabuki. On the other hand, a clear difference in breathing pattern between the two puppeteers was not found when they did the second task, which is not necessarily consistent with the finding in Kyogen and Kabuki. Along with the previous findings, the results suggest that a common breathing technique may be used among Japanese traditional performing arts, Kyogen, Bunraku and Kabuki.
錦部 健人 鴇田 百栄 滝 直人 西川 慶祐 森本 善樹
vol.59, pp.195-200, 2017

In the past, through enantioselective total synthesis, our laboratory has found that isodehydrothyrsiferol (5), a marine squalene-derived triterpene polyether isolated from the red alga <I>Laurencia viridis</I>, shows partial enantiodivergency in that six asymmetric centers in the ABC ring system (a dioxabicyclo[4.4.0]decane ring system with an attached bromine-containing tetrahydropyranyl ring that forms the core structure of the triterpene polyethers produced from the genus <I>Laurencia</I>) are enantiomeric to those of other members of the thyrsiferol family.<SUP>1)</SUP> In this presentation, our laboratory performed the total syntheis of aplysiol B and 22-hydroxy-15(28)-dehydrovenustatriol whose absolute configurations have never been determined to research the partial enantiodivergency in the thyrsiferol family in depth.Aplysiol B, a member of the thyrsiferol family isolated from the sea hare <I>Aplysia dactylomela</I>, possesses feeding-deterrent and ichthyotoxic properties. However, the proposed structures 6a<SUP>2)</SUP> and 6b<SUP>3)</SUP> were in contradiction to the biogenetic hypothesis. Therefore, we reconsidered the biogenetic pathway of aplysiol B and synthesized the reasonable structure 6c through a key Shi epoxidation<SUP>12)</SUP> followed by a 5-<I>exo</I> cyclization and a subsequent 6-<I>endo</I> bromoetherification using BDSB.<SUP>13)</SUP> The spectral data and the optical rotation of synthetic 6c were in agreement with those reported for the natural sample.<SUP>2)</SUP> As a result, the first total synthesis of aplysiol B was accomplished, and the reported structures 6a and 6b were revised to 6c.The planar structure of 22-hydroxy-15(28)-dehydrovenuatatriol was determined by NMR analysis.<SUP>6)</SUP> The stereostructure of the ABC ring system was elucidated by comparing the NMR data with those of dehydrothyrsiferol (4), whose absolute structure was known. However, the stereochemical relationship between the ABC ring system and D ring due to the intervening methylene chain and the absolute configuration has not been determined to date. Our laboratory synthesized the proposed structure 8a <I>via</I> a key Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling between the BC ring system 19 and D ring 20. However, the NMR spectra of synthetic 8a did not match with those of the reported data.<SUP>6)</SUP> We also synthesized 8b, a possible diastereomer of 8a, and the proposed structure 8a was revised to 8b. Moreover, we observed that the ABC ring system of 8b has the same absolute configuration as that of isodehydrothyrsiferol (5).Considering an enantiodivergent phenomenon in the common skeleton of the thyrsiferol family, based on the biogenesis of the squalene-derived thyrsiferol family suggested by the Fernández group,<SUP>4)</SUP> we propose the biogenesis of 6c and 8b <I>via</I> the bromocation-initiated epoxide-opening cascade reaction of squalene pentaepoxide 37.
中村 茂 徳山 孝子 笹﨑 綾野 藤田 恵子 森田 登代子
vol.2012, pp.[94]-[104], 2013-03

本研究は我が国の洋装文化形成の最初期において、礼服・軍服などの男子服意匠の導入に大きな影響を与えた幕末から維新期にかけての日仏間の交流の実態と意義を明らかにすることを目的とする。そのため、パリの服飾専門学校、AICP校*に現存する日本由来の資料を手掛かりに、幕末の将軍徳川慶喜と明治天皇の洋装に関連する資料を調査・収集し、日仏関係者による交流の具体的経緯と男子服意匠の導入経過の解明を目指した。その結果、軍事博物館(パリ)などの調査から、ナポレオンⅢ世から寄贈された慶喜の軍服、明治天皇の礼服の意匠、慶喜の実弟昭武と関わるパリのテーラーなどに関する事実が明らかになった。*Académie Internationale de Coupe de Paris
田村 恵子 西山 知佳 星野 明子 平井 啓 森田 達也 清原 康介 本間 なほ

本研究は、地域社会で病いとともに生きる人々や家族、市民と専門職で創るケアリングコミュニティにおける対話プログラムの効果検証を目的とする。CBPR(Community-Based Participatory Research)を主軸に、ケアリングに基づく対話パターンの実践知の共有、世代を越えた人々とのケアする対話の場づくりの検討、病いとともに生きる意味を探求するスピリチュアルケアガイドの作成を行う。地域社会における対話プログラムの効果を検討することで、今後の少子高齢・人口減少を向かえるわが国において、病いとともに生きる人々と市民が支え合い、主体的に生き抜くための地域共生社会実現への貢献を目指す。