森 美矢子
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
no.47, pp.217-248, 2000

This paper looks at the attempts made between 1987 and 1988 to reform and revive Komsomol under the pressure of political and social change, and their consequences that paradoxically led to the collapse of Komsomol. When we explore the process of Perestroika and the breakdown of the Soviet Union, we tend to perceive Perestroika simply as the prologue to the collapse of the Union and interpret all factors and phenomena during Perestroika from the perspective of how they contributed to the demise of the Soviet system. While it is true that Perestroika ultimately brought about the collapse of the old regime, ten years have elapsed since the beginning of Perestroika. I believe that a more critical and historical examination of the complicated and contradicted process of Perestroika is necessary. Upon reconsidering the historical meaning of Perestroika, it is puzzling to realize how the measures were first initiated to make the system work better, and then transformed intentionally or unintentionally under given circumstances, thus deviating from their original aims and reaching completely different results. Komsomol, as I will examine later, is a good example of this process. Komsomol was one of the major 'social organizations' with enormous membership and a very high saturation rate among the Soviet young. It had been an indispensable part of the Soviet political system, functioning as a mobilization and indoctrination machine since the early years of nation construction. Therefore, even though it had little actual importance and autonomy in political decision making, it did have the potential to exercise great influence on the potential of Perestroika as a driving force of political and social change. As a matter of fact, Komsomol played an important role in determining the direction of Perestroika. It came to be an avant-garde of economic change and secure a position as a leading actor in the emerging market economy and consumerism. In the chapters of this paper, I will investigate the transformation process of Komsomol, which resulted in its eventual fragmentation and collapse, in close connection with the destination of Perestroika. This paper is composed as follows. First of all, I will survey the critical situation of Komsomol just prior to Perestroika and the measures of the Party to make Komsomol more effective as a doctrination machine. Several months after the introduction of Perestroika, the glasnost' uncovered the pathological reality of Komsomol, triggering harsh attacks on it from the society. Holding serious concerns for the future of Komsomol, the Party and Komsomol officials at last proclaimed to start genuene reform. In the second chapter, I will examine the consequence of his reform and discuss the problems, especially the draft of the new "ustav" which was presented at the 20th Komsomol Congress. This marked the actual starting point for making the new Komsomol. In the following section, the two principal directions of Komsomol reform will be elucidated separately in detail. The first is the giving of greater autonomy to the local organizations. The second is the representation of youth interests as an interest association. Komsomol's post-reform direction will then be discussed in the conclusion. Up to the end of 1986, Komsomol seemed to be very reluctant to do anything special even amidst the criticism that was being leveled against it. It rather belatedly declared to hold the 20th Congress in April 1987 to revise the "ustav" (rules) of the organization. Complains and opinions about Komsomol were concentrated on the widening gap between Komsomol and ordinary young people. In the course of active discussions in preparation for the Congress, a general consent was formed that Komsomol should be more responsive to young people's interests through the establishment of local organizations, especially primary organizations. It was believed that Komsomol should grant these organizations rights to decide policies, and allocate budgets for staffing and activities such as local recruitment. The aim was to reform Komsomol from a youth mobiliser to a youth representative. At the 20th Congress, the directions referred to above were officially confirmed and the "ustav" revised accordingly. Therefore it was in the 20th Congress that Komsomol took the first step to remake itself to survive under the unique circumstances brought about by Perestroika, showing not only the members but also the other organizations which Komsomol was working with Komsomol's two new directions of giving local organizations more autonomy and becoming an initiator of the youth interests not a mobiliser of the youth force. Despite this, real change inside Komsomol had not begun yet. An exploration of the practical changes that emerged after the Congress and their effects on the future of Komsomol is necessary. The ideal image of the new Komsomol formulated by the 20th Congress was one that would be activated by the initiatives from the below. Empowerment of local organizations, especially the primary organizations, thus was essential for real change. The authorization of primary organizations to make final decisions on recruitment and the abolishment of membership targets was welcomed by the local organizations that had in the past been prevented from other substantial activities. The effectiveness of local organization largely depended, however, on the quantity of funds and the quality of staff. Thus from 1987 to 1988, local organizations were only gradually given autonomy form the central committee not only on the jurisdiction of the activities, but also on the budget and the personnel administration. The measures mentioned above gave the local organizations the incentive to earn funds because they had to survive on their own at the time the membership began to decline. This meant that through local organizations getting autonomy more and more, Komsomol was becoming more and more centrifugal instead of a united active political force supported from below. This contradicted development can also be seen in the another direction Komsomol took to transform itself under Perestroika. For a long time, Komsomol had been functioning as the main mobilization machine to provide human resources for economic purposes. It had been in charge of students construction brigates (SSOs) and Komsomol storming units (KUOs), sending labor fources to destinated sites or factories that had high economic priority. But this had largely been against their will and interests according to rank and file members. So when it confronted the difficult situation around 1987, in order to restore authority among the members, it was natural that Komsomol turned to the very members who were accusing it of being indifferent to the welfare of the nation's youth through a failure to resist hindrance by governmental or economic organizations. The members appealed to its status as the only representative of the youth, arguing that it should be a reliable promoter of their interests through acquiring the right to determine how much labor forces to supply, where to send brigades and so on. Moreover, through 1987 and 1988, local organizations began to mobilize labor to create profit-making enterprises under Komsomol auspices. The professed aim of the measure was to increase the income of the participants of SSOs or KSUs by giving them the chance to make profits at their own discretion. It should not be overlooked that Komsomol's interest in the measure was to utilize these enterprises to make money because it had to maintain the organization and support the staff in spite of the declining membership and income from membership fees. SSOs, KSUs and other forms like youth housing complexes (MZhKs) which were originally made to provide young workers opportunities to acquire dwelling through social competition got to be the foundation for Komsomol to develop profit-making enterprises which would be leading to genuine Komsomol businesses in the near future. In other words, the Komsomol transformation into be the representative of youth interests entailed the shift from political activities to profit making ones. As a consequence, we can consider Komsomol to have been one of the leading pioneers in making of the market economy in the Soviet Union. As was already mentioned, Komsomol's underlying rationale for reform was to survive the radical political and social change around 1987. Thus it took fundamental actions to be responsive to the demands of youth and to the circumstances under Perestroika. Its breakdown was not due to the obstinate resistance of the stubborn conservative careerists in Komsomol. It was also not the result of any students' revolts or social uprisings. At the present stage, it is necessary to further illuminate the process by which Komsomol reformed itself and should refrain from assertive conclusions. However, it can be assumed that the collapse of Komsomol was an unexpected outcome inadvertently brought about by actions aimed at creating a new Komsomol, but that these actions deviated gradually from their original purpose and drove Komsomol into fragmentation and finally collapse. This paper attempts to analyse this process and serves as a preliminary step to further investigation.
森谷 峰雄
Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISSN:13419226)
vol.24, no.1, pp.176-179, 2006-03-01

NAKAMACHI Eiji NAKAGAWA Masaki KIMURA Ryohei MORITA Yusuke ナカマチ エイジ ナカガワ マサキ キムラ リョウヘイ モリタ ユウスケ 仲町 英治 中川 昌紀 木村 涼平 森田 有亮
同志社大学ハリス理化学研究報告 = The Harris science review of Doshisha University (ISSN:21895937)
vol.58, no.1, pp.11-18, 2017-04

本研究では自動穿刺装置の組み込みを目的として,近赤外光による光切断法を用いた前腕静脈位置計測システムの開発を行った.近年,看護師の不足や技術不足による採血の失敗が問題となっている.採血の対象となる細い静脈や皮下脂肪に覆われている静脈などは,目視で発見することが困難である.そのため,神経損傷および静脈貫通などを誘発する.よって,採血時の静脈探索システムや自動採血システムの開発が強く望まれている.先行研究で仲町らはステレオ合焦点ハイブリット計測法を用いて,手指の自動採血システムの開発を行った.本研究の新規性は従来の手法と比べ高速かつ使用しやすく,高精度なシステムの開発である.本研究では近赤外光によるスリット光を走査することにより静脈のイメージ画像を得る.また,画像処理により鮮明な静脈画像を取得した.さらに,光切断法により血管中心までの距離および血管径の計測を行い血管径に対して10%の計測誤差を達成した.In this study, we developed a comprehensive biomedical optics device to detect the three-dimensional (3D) position of forearm veins by using the light-section method with near-infrared (NIR) light to execute automatic blood sampling. Now, there still remain the demands to develop "easy to use" blood sampling system for the deteriorated blood vessel caused by metabolic syndrome and aging. It is also difficult to find a vein of infants and obese people because the vein is thin and covered with thick subcutaneous fat for injection. Thus, there have been strong demands to develop a vein detecting and automatic blood sampling system. In the previous study, Nakamachi et al. detected vein positions in the finger by employing the combination of auto-focusing and stereo methods with NIR light. Our newly developed device was characterized as a quick, user-friendly, and highly accurate system for vein detection. In this study, by using the slit light with an NIR wavelength, the scanning image of the vein was taken. We succeeded in clear visualization of the vein using the image processing to improve the sharpness. We measured distance from the forearm surface to the center of the vein by using light-section method and vein diameter, found that the errors were less than 10% of the vein diameter, which was the tolerance threshold value of error.
鷺森 浩幸
古代文化 (ISSN:00459232)
vol.63, no.2, pp.226-236, 2011-09
明石 一希 森永 英二 若松 栄史 倉橋 龍 荒井 栄司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00084-17-00084, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)

With recent globalization in industries, the number of failures and troubles of products caused by using them in unexpected ways has increased. In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary not only to assume various ways of use thoroughly, but also to verify whether the design plan can fulfill required functions when the product is utilized in those ways. From this point of view, the authors proposed a functional verification method considering ways of use based on qualitative modeling of behavior of entities and cause-and-effect relationships among physical phenomena using Petri nets. It is, however, impossible to detect failures concerning to specification which requires dealing with quantitative information. This paper provides a method for quantitative modeling of behavior of entities and cause-and-effect relationships among physical phenomena. Two types of tokens were defined for dealing with positive and negative values and four types of arcs were for controlling changes of those values. These new elements of Petri net made it possible to represent behavior of entities and cause-and-effect relationships quantitatively. Application of this new modeling method to the functional detection method enables automatic detection of failures concerning to both functions and specification. The detection method using this modeling method was applied to an example, and its effectiveness was proven.
岩部 紫織 森 信人 中條 壮大 安田 誠宏 間瀬 肇
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.72, no.2, pp.I_1465-I_1470, 2016

亀谷 均 堀江 克明 幸田 憲明 久間 英樹 松本 浩介 内村 和弘 小森 健一 増木 新呉 東 裕人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00147-17-00147, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)

Lower to middle tier regions of dam reservoirs often fall into the anoxic states in summer. When the anoxic state is reached, living things die, heavy metals such as manganese and iron, hydrogen sulfide and methane are eluted from mud deposited on the lakebed. Since it is not possible to release heavy metals exceeding environmental standards, an improvement of dissolved oxygen concentration in dam lakebed is required. So far, there is no system that can automatically improve the dissolved oxygen, in the lower to middle tier regions of dam lakebed. This study was carried out for developing an automatic system to improve the lakebed dissolved oxygen concentration to 6mg/L or more. The developed oxygen dissolution apparatus can diffuse a high concentration oxygen water horizontally at a rate of 1km per day. Thus, by raising and lowering this oxygen dissolution apparatus in water, a system that creates 3 - dimensional spreading of the dissolved oxygen not only to the lower tier but also to the middle tier regions was developed. The demonstration experiments, reported of the effectiveness of the system that can raise the dissolved oxygen concentration from the low oxygen-free state to the target of 10 mg / L in 5 days. Moreover, the system demonstrated its ability to automatically raise the dissolved oxygen concentration to 10mg/L in the 10m region from the bottom of lakebed.
今岡 達彦 勝部 孝則 川口 勇生 臺野 和広 土居 主尚 中島 徹夫 森岡 孝満 山田 裕 王 冰 神田 玲子 西村 まゆみ 二宮 康晴 村上 正弘 吉永 信治 柿沼 志津子
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.52, no.2, pp.68-76, 2017 (Released:2017-07-29)

Strategic research will be needed to unveil the uncertainty regarding the health effect of radiation at low dose and low dose rate. Recently, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) published Commentary No. 24 dealing with the perspective of integrating radiation biology and epidemiology to address this issue. Results of radiation biology have not been effectively used for radiation risk assessment because 1) available epidemiological studies based on direct observation of human population have been considered to be the most relevant despite their uncertainties and 2) biological studies have not been conducted with their use in risk assessment in mind. The present paper summarizes the Commentary to present perspectives on integrating biology and epidemiology for radiation risk assessment.
瓜生 耕一郎 長舩 司 村上 隆則 中村 守正 射場 大輔 船本 雅巳 森脇 一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00156-17-00156, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)

Taper shaped skiving cutters are commonly used in gear skiving because they provide clearance angles under a simple gear arrangement and they could have lower cutting resistance than cylindrical skiving cutters. Their tooth flanks are generally ground by the same method of generation grinding with a trapezoidal wheel as ones for pinion cutter tooth flanks for gear shaping. In gear skiving, however, the process of tool-face re-grinding could increase profile deviations of cut gears due to the lack of an appropriate change in cutter profiles along the facewidth. In the present paper, computer programs were developed to simulate the generation grinding and the skiving with the cutting edges ground by the method. Skiving with a cutter ground by the method were carried out and skived tooth forms were compared with those calculated by the developed program. As a result, the comparisons could guarantee the reliability of the program. Furthermore, the program has revealed that the increase in a helix angle of a cutter yields the increase in tooth profile deviations of skived gears after regrinding the tool faces. Therefore, taper shaped cutters should be applied to internal gear skiving with extra caution.
大森 不二雄 OHMORI Fujio
名古屋高等教育研究 (ISSN:13482459)
vol.12, pp.67-93, 2012-03 (Released:2012-05-17)

本稿の目的は、英国の高等教育の制度的・組織的文脈において、大学経営と経営人材の職能開発の特徴を探究し、日本にとっての含意を考察することにある。このため、まず文献レビューにより、制度的・組織的文脈を明らかにすべく、経営陣とりわけ学長・副学長に関する基本的事実を押え、企業的とも言われるようになった大学経営の変化とその背景、リーダーシップの現状、並びに経営人材のキャリア・パス形成について、体系的な整理を試みる。その上で、大学経営の実像に個別具体の事例から迫るため、ノッティンガム大学の訪問調査結果を紹介し、戦略経営等の実態を明らかにする。次いで、全英の大学にリーダー/マネージャーの職能開発サービスを提供する「高等教育リーダーシップ財団」に関し、経営陣向けプログラムに焦点を当てたインタビュー調査結果を分析し、戦略や変革の強調等の知見を得る。以上の結果の総合的考察から、日本にとっての含意として、経営人材開発プログラムの必要性とともに、システム・機関両レベルの課題を含む総合的視点の必要性が浮かび上がる。自律的な大学経営にふさわしい制度やガバナンスがあってこそ、経営人材が育ち、活躍し得る。This article examines the practices of institutional management and trends in professional development of managers in UK higher education and finds out implications for Japan. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of contexts at both levels of the national system and institutional governance. The article starts with a literature review on such topics as members of top management teams, Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors, institutional management becoming corporate, the current state of leadership, and career paths for managers. It is intended to reach a systemic understanding of these topics and clarify the above-mentioned contexts. The reality of institutional management, including strategic management, is explored through a case study of the University of Nottingham. Then, this article proceeds to introduce findings from an interview with officers from the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, with focus on the Top Management Programme. The findings include emphasis on strategic management, change management and innovation. Through the discussions of the overall research results, a number of implications for Japan emerge. The crucial ones include not only the necessity of professional development for managers but also that of aligning such development with changes in the national system and institutional governance, which will enable autonomous institutional management.
大島 正明 中村 文則 玉井 伸三 山本 融真 森 治義
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.120, no.1, pp.104-111, 2000-01
3 1

This paper proposes a novel single-phase UPS inverter modulated by Error-Tracking Mode PWM scheme. An ac voltage regulation scheme which matches the PWM scheme is newly developed in a theoretical way. Since Error-tracking Mode PWM is based on constantly-sampled data, the controller is suited to be digitally implemented. The equivalent circuit of the UPS inverter controlled by the schemes is derived. The output impedence is found to be composed mainly of resistance differently from general ac apparatus.<br>According to the newly-developed schemes, a 3kVA, 100V, 50Hz UPS inverter is experimentally fabricated in which the sample period is 10μs and the average switching frequency is 6kHz. No load, linear load and non-linear load characteristics are measured. The output voltage remains almost sinusoidal even for the rated non-linear load. The output impedences are also measured and well agreed with the intended values.
人文学研究所報 (ISSN:02877082)
no.54, pp.65-80, 2015-09

中田 康夫 田村 由美 澁谷 幸 平野 由美 山本 直美 森下 昌代 石川 雄一 津田 紀子
神戸大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:13413430)
vol.19, pp.27-32, 2003

佐塚 昭人 森 郁信 成田 政義 森 金太郎 水谷 道雄
The Vacuum Society of Japan
真空 (ISSN:05598516)
vol.14, no.9, pp.325-333, 1971

This paper deals with an evaporation synthesis of zirconium nitride thin films which are used as electrical resistors. First, the thickness distributions of films produced by multiple sources have been computed. The incidence distribution of gas molecules on a substrate also has been calculated in a system with four gas inlet nozzles. The continuous evaporation apparatus for industrial use having a three-gun system for evaporation of zirconium was developed. The power of each electron gun is capable to be controlled individually by evaporation rate monitors in order to keep the evaporation rate constant. The uniformity in thickness of the deposited films has been compared with the theoretically calculated values. The specific resistivity of films and the temperature coefficient of film resistivity have been checked in relation to the synthesis condition of zirconium nitride thin films.
大森 和子 加藤 敏子 金原 ちゑ子 藤枝 悳子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.23, no.6, pp.408-414, 1972

高等学校における衣生活の指導はいかにあるべきかを考えるために, 高校生の家庭の衣生活管理について調査を行なった。家の職業や, 主婦が職業を持つか否かなどの要因が衣生活管理にどの程度影響を与えるかをみるために, 農家と, 主婦が職業を持たない非農家とに分けて, 調査結果を分析した。衣類の使いすて, 着すての傾向については, 主婦と高校生に分けて比較した。<BR>調査対象は, 高等学校生徒の家庭で, 高校は, 青森県, 栃木県, 東京都, 千葉県から1校ずつと, 愛知県から2校計6校を選んだ。各学校に質問紙を送付して, 生徒が家族と話しあって記入するよう依頼した。<BR>結果は, 農家, 非農家とも従来とくらべてクリーニング店の利用度も相当多くなってきており, 農家の方が変化が著しく, 非農家との差は少なくなってきている。<BR>新洗剤や布地などについての情報源は, 農家・非農家ともテレビによるというのが最も多く, 家庭生活におけるテレビの影響力の強さを物語っている。衣類をどこで廃品とするかということでは, 主婦と高校生を比較すると, 年齢のちがいによる生活態度のちがいがはっきりみられた。昔は破れるまで着ることの多かった肌着でさえも, 高校生は, 色があせたり, 布のはりがなくなったという状態で廃品とするものの割合がもっとも多く, スリップでは, 破れるまで着るのは高校生では23.1%程度である。上着類となると, 高校生はもちろん主婦も, 型が古くなったという原因で廃品とすることがふえている。<BR>靴下をのぞいては, 廃品とする原因のうち, 全体として多いのは, 色があせたり, 白いものは黄ばんだり, 布のはりがなくなったりしてという状態が最も多い。上着類ではそれとならんで型が古くなったという原因で廃品とするものが多くなっている。冬ものについては虫害やしみによって廃品とするという者も20%程度はあり, 衣類保管がゆきとどかない状態もあらわしている。<BR>また, 着られる衣類で不用品としたものの処理は非農家は親類や知人にあげるが多く, 仕立直して他の家族が用いたり, 他の物につくりかえるなどや, しまっておくがこれに次ぎ, 農家ではしまっておく, つくりかえるなどの更生による利用が, 親類・知人にあげるのと同程度で, 衣生活の面でも, 農家の方が手をかけることが多く, 非農家では手をかけることが農家より少なく, くずやに出すなどが多くなっている。人間の労力に関しての考え方の変化をあらわしているとみられる。不用品交換会に出す, 社会施設に寄付する, 災害地の見舞として出すなどがほとんどない。このようなことは, 市町村などによる公共的な対策がのぞまれるのである。<BR>以上のような高校生の家庭の衣生活管理の実状からみて, 衣生活指導では, 消費者教育との関連を考え, 次のようなことに注意すべきである。<BR>衣類の手入れ, 保管などは合理的に行ない, その使用価値を十分に利用すること, すなわち衣類をたいせつにすることの必要を認識させる。<BR>衣類の購入, 手入れの方法, 衣類をどの程度で不用とするかの決定などについては, それぞれの家庭の状況を考え, 適切な判断をして, 選択し, 決定しなければならないので, 自主的に適切な選択をすることのできる能力を養うことが必要である。<BR>廃品の処理方法などについては, 社会的な関心を養うことが必要である。