土居 浩 中村 精紀 望月 由武人 徳永 仁 吉田 陽一 大橋 元一郎 井田 正博
脊髄外科 (ISSN:09146024)
vol.23, no.2, pp.211-217, 2009 (Released:2017-05-11)

Spontaneous spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks are an increasingly recognized cause of intracranial hypotension. Comprehensive diagnostic criteria encompassing the varied clinical and radiographic manifestations of spontaneous intracranial hypotension are not available. In this report the authors review the diagnosis of the point of cerebrospinal fluid leak. The major presenting symptoms include postural headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diplopia. Often, there is no history of traumatic injury. The most common cranial magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features include pachymeningeal gadolinium enhancement. MR myelography is a non invasive method to detect CSF leakage, however, extradural hyperintensity on MR myelography is non-specific for CSF. Fat-saturated T2-weighted imaging and post contrast T1-weighted imaging should be added to confirm CSF leakage. On spinal MR images, meningeal cysts and extradural venous plexus are frequently misdiagnosed as CSF leakage. In cases in which symptoms are severe and refractory to less invasive measures, surgical intervention is indicated. Recently, some authors reported the identification of upper cervical epidural fluid collections as a false localizing sign in patients with spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) and this has provided significant insight into the selection of management options. However, herein we report on true C1-2 CSF leakage. We examined a group of consecutive patients with 25 SIH and 13 posttraumatic CSF hypovolemia and investigated clinical, MRI, CT myelography, and radioisotope findings and therapeutic outcomes of this syndrome.
高橋 有里 菊池 和子 三浦 奈都子 石田 陽子
Japan Academy of Nursing Science
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.34, no.1, pp.36-45, 2014-03-20 (Released:2014-03-28)
7 6

目的:BMIを指標とした実践に即した筋注時の針の刺入深度を明らかにすることである. 方法:18歳以上の553名(男性259名,女性294名)を対象とし,身長,体重,三角筋部と中殿筋部の皮下組織厚,および三角筋厚を測定した.BMIと皮下組織厚の関連を明らかにし,また筋厚を参考にし,筋注に必要な実際的な針刺入深度を明らかにした. 結果:三角筋部においては,皮下組織厚(cm)は男性0.04×BMI−0.25,女性0.04×BMI−0.17と表せた.ただし,BMI<18.5の対象者の場合三角筋厚が薄いため,骨膜を損傷する恐れがあった.したがって,針の刺入深度は,18.5≦BMI<30.0で1.5 cm,BMI≧30.0で2.0 cmとするのが適切と考えられた.中殿筋部においては,皮下組織厚(cm)は男性0.05×BMI−0.38,女性0.05×BMI−0.03と表せた.ただし,皮下組織厚の厚さからBMI≧30.0では皮下投与になる可能性があった.したがって,針の刺入深度は,BMI<18.5では1.5 cm,18.5≦BMI<30.0では2.0 cmとするのが適切と考えられた. 結論:BMIを指標とした実際的な筋注における針の刺入深度は,三角筋部では18.5≦BMI<30.0は1.5 cm,BMI≧30.0は2.0 cm,中殿筋部ではBMI<18.5は1.5 cm,18.5≦BMI<30.0は2.0 cmが適切と考えられた.
田中 幹也 春山 和男 山田 陽 若佐 裕治 明石 卓也
ITヘルスケア誌 (ISSN:18814808)
vol.2, no.2, pp.95-103, 2008-02-15 (Released:2008-02-21)

村田 陽平
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.6, pp.533-551, 2000-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
4 5

Over the decades since the 1970s, feminist geography has challenged the exclusion of women from the production of geographical knowledge. With the emergence of feminist geography, gender perspectives have attracted considerable attention. However, men who feel alienated by changing gender roles have not received much attention. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the empirical situation of the masculinity of geographical knowledge by highlighting the major characteristics of alienated middle-aged single men in contemporary Japan.In the introductory section, an overview and the significance of feminist geography are discussed. This is followed by a discussion of the importance of men's studies within gender research in geography. The development of men's studies has enabled an interrogation of masculinity from varied angles.The second section is devoted to an explanation of the interview method employed in the article and its limitations. The informants are ten single men, aged 35-64. Their narratives are quoted as evidence of their alienation.The third section interprets the concrete places within which middle-aged single men feel alienated. The specific contents of these places of alienation are presented as follows:1. In rural areas, where they do not play an important role within patriarchy, they are not regarded as 'full-fledged' men.2. At the workplace, where they are unable to participate in male bonding which is a feature of homosocial workspaces.3. At home, where the lack of women results in their homes being labelled as 'dirty', as men are considered to lack the ability to do housework.4. In contemporary gendered urban spaces, where despite an image of these spaces allowing diversity, middle-aged single men feel suppressed.The evidence from the research points to the above four factors being the main considerations underlying the alienation of single and middle-aged men.Based upon the discussion of the preceding sections, the fourth section interprets the meanings of space and place from the standpoint of men who feel alienated, with reference to feminist geography. Firstly, it is noted that place in humanistic geography, which has been criticized by feminist geography as having a masculinist bias, alienates middle-aged single men, as well as women. Moreover, feminist geography points out that the notion of space in Marxist geography is also gendered. This paper draws attention to the fact that gendered space does not privilege all men, but just those men who meet certain conditions of masculinity.The final section discusses the conclusion reached, that hegemonic masculinity in geographical knowledge oppresses not only women, but also men. Therefore, it follows that we need to elucidate differences among men.
佐藤 弘康 晴山 知拓 大井 菜美子 谷口 雄人 石田 陽美 八幡 弘子 橋本 義宏 小森 均
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.16, no.2, pp.63-69, 2014 (Released:2014-09-06)

Objective: Taking the wrong medicine or medication error is a serious concern to patient safety.  The aim of this study was to statistically survey the relation between the placement of drugs on medicine shelf and the occurrence of error in taking a medicine.Methods: The study comprised 2 groups.  The incident group contained 43 cases that were erroneously taken in the Obihiro Kosei General Hospital.  The control group contained 43 drug pairs matched by the similarity index of the drug names from among the drugs used in the hospital at random.  The similarity index of drug names was based on 10 quantitative indicators.  The distance of medicine shelf arrangement was represented by three variables: the horizontal distance, the vertical distance and the distance of shelf block.  Conditional logistic regression analyses of the occurrence of medication errors were performed by evaluating the three variables of the distance factor and their interaction for error in taking a similar-sounding named drugs.Results: Conditional logistic regression analysis revealed that the vertical distance (OR: 0.64, 95%CI: 0.42-0.99) and the distance of the shelf block (OR: 0.74, 95%CI: 0.57-0.97) were significant risk-reduction factors of medication errors.  Four variables were extracted as the most suitable logistic regression model in terms of the interaction between them.  As the interaction between 3 variables (the horizontal distance, the vertical distance and the distance of shelf block) was significant (OR: 0.93, 95%CI: 0.86-0.99), they may be considered as synergistic risk-reduction factors.  Moreover, the horizontal distance was found to be a risk-enhancement factor (OR: 1.52, 95%CI: 0.93-2.48).Discussion: In order to reduce the risk of medication errors due to similar-sounding drug names, placement of drug on the medicine shelf should take into consideration the three coordinates of the distance factor.
立間 徹 田 陽
一般社団法人 色材協会
色材協会誌 (ISSN:0010180X)
vol.78, no.8, pp.359-364, 2005-08-20 (Released:2012-11-20)
1 2
安田 陽
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.42, no.2, pp.3-8, 2019-05-15 (Released:2022-06-03)

Who makes decisions about power system planning in terms of generation deployment and grid infrastructures? Since the worldwide deregulation and unbundling of power systems, various scientific and objective modelling tools for grid planning have been developed. However, few planning discussions have taken place in Japan, where the power systems have not been fully unbundled. This article shows the latest international trends on grid planning including targets/projections of energy mix, generation deployment and grid expansion.
岡田 陽介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.1, pp.17-25, 2017 (Released:2017-12-01)

This study sheds light on the effect of non-verbal information on impression for politician, and tested whether voice pitch influenced perceptions of politicians. In the experiment, we manipulated voice pitch of recordings of the debate by nine political party leaders and asked participants their impressions (favorableness and trustworthiness). We found that while lower-pitched voices increase favorableness and trustworthiness in politicians' image, higher-pitched voices negatively effect on these images, particularly on trustworthiness.
蔵本 洋介 古谷 雅理 甲田 菜穂子 園田 陽一 金子 弥生
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.53, no.2, pp.267-278, 2013 (Released:2014-01-31)

タヌキ(Nyctereutes procyonoides)がフェンスを通過するために試みる行動を明らかにすることを目的として,2010年10月18日から2010年11月7日まで,捕獲したホンドタヌキ(N. p. viverrinus)3頭のフェンスに対する行動を実験装置において撮影および分析した.フェンスの素材として,高速道路において一般に設置されている菱形金網(高さ150 cm)を用い,上部には乗り越え防止装置を2種類(塩化ビニル板,トリカルネット)施した.掘削(成獣オス)や乗り越え(当年仔)により通過の成功が観察されたが,トリカルネットが張られているフェンスでは成功しなかった.トリカルネット,塩化ビニル板それぞれに対し,噛みつく,上方へ前肢を伸ばす,上方へ体を伸ばす行動がみられた.2011年10月から2012年10月の東京農工大学農学部キャンパスおよびFM多摩丘陵,東京都日の出町大久野付近の捕獲個体7頭の計測から,フェンスの網目の幅が前後肢の掌幅の最小値27 mmを下回ればフェンス上に留まることができないと考えられ,下顎の横幅12.4 mm以下であれば犬歯の位置まで顎を網目に入れられないためフェンスに噛みつくことができないと考えられた.前肢の前後方向への開きは最大53.6 cmであったことから,乗り越え防止装置の高さはそれ以上であれば前肢や体を伸ばしてもフェンス頂上に届かないと考えられた.
柴田 陽一
歴史地理学 (ISSN:03887464)
vol.49, no.5, pp.1-31, 2007-12

This paper examines the role geographers played in the strategy research of the Imperial Japanese Army, focusing on the connection between the General Geographical Study Group (GGSG), or Sogo Chiri Kenkyukai, and the General Staff Office. Recently, much research has been done on the Japanese geopolitical discourses and the involvement of geographers in the Asia-Pacific War. One of the most important subjects in this issue is the GGSG, which was composed of servicemen in the General Staff Office and the geography researchers working at the Department of Geography at Kyoto Imperial University, as well as graduates of that university. However, a close look at previous studies reveals that basic facts about the GGSG were not interpreted correctly because of insufficient analysis of the original sources. Therefore, using original documents, in particular the diary of Colonel Tatsuhiko Takashima who worked in the General Staff Office as well as reports written by the geographers who took part in the GGSG, I have studied a) the group's establishment and background, b) its activities' and the changes in its membership, c) the results of GGSG research on geopolitical area studies and its involvement in Army strategy, and d) the breakup of the group at the end of war. The findings of the present studies suggest that the GGSG played a limited role in the war overall, although it did have the ability to perform tasks requested by the General Staff Office.
永井 聖剛 山田 陽平 仲嶺 真
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.17342, (Released:2019-06-20)

Previous studies have shown that the physical movements of participants influence creativity thinking. We examined whether another type of movements (bigger or smaller arm movements) modulates creative idea productions. In Experiment 1 participants were required to generate new names for rice after performing bigger or smaller arm movements. Bigger arm movements were associated with more divergent idea productions (e.g., non-typical ideas) compared to smaller arm movements. In Experiment 2, another task was used to generate as many ideas as possible for creative gifts the participants might give to an acquaintance, and the results showed the possibility that bigger arm movements led to more flexible idea generation than did smaller one. Taken together, the current study suggested the size of movements modulated creative thinking: bigger ones increased divergent creative thinking, possibly because bigger physical movements facilitate the divergent cognitive processing mode.