西岡 幹雄
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.61, no.2, pp.22-39, 2020 (Released:2020-02-26)

Economic thought in pre-modern Japan was different from Western rationalism in that it did have a religious basis in the aspect of self-interest. Therefore, the Japanese society had to address tensions between public and individual interests, as pre-modern Japan had yet to understand the essence of institutionalisation as a deepening of the market, which included regionalisation and commerce. This paper will discuss Nakai Chikuzan (中井竹山, 1730-1804), who not only entrusted the adjustment of the ‘interests of the whole nation’ (「万民ノ利」) and the public good to internal social morality through giri(「義利」) but also sought public welfare and institutional recognition for the stabilisation of local societies. His emphasis on public welfare and social stability was important for the time restriction problem in relation to the maintenance of the moral and cooperative community, as well as the formation of economic rationality as an internal mechanism to address people’s interests.
西岡 幹雄
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.52, no.1, pp.1-19, 2010 (Released:2019-08-20)
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Abstract: Dazai Shundai (1680―1747) associated the problem of the interest in people’s welfare by creating useful means for which they enriched their lives with institutionalization processes of political economy in the early eighteenth-century Japan. He meant that the purpose of public welfare-to cause stability and prosperity of the community and people’s lives in general-was established as a part of practical learning, through institutionalization. This offered a practical approach to rationality. Dazai linked “the road to public welfare by interests” with the management of the state and human relief. When he attempted to discuss the problem of the ‘the law of joheiso’ as an institutional framework, on the basis of the theme of public welfare of people by interest, his philosophy of political economy contained a systematic design for welfare and economy. This included the manner in which a solution that loses touch with private interests is able to adjust “the world and the nation” as external public interests. However, Dazai’s conclusion was unable to absorb in a unilateral manner the frame cost in order to advance institutionalization, and would overload public welfare. Before creating an institutional design, what can morality in the social climate constitute in the institutional performance among incentive structures? The activation, based on moral recognition, widely needed the foundation of the institutional design for public welfare and its spillover effect. In this sense, Dazai’s image of humankind was that of an uncooperative situation, which was due to his belief that people were unable to be endogenous in their learning function. JEL classification numbers: B 11, H 11, N 35.
原 猛 阪口 昭 竹中 成之 堀本 亜希 森 紀香 大畑 博 西 彰平 伊藤 秀一 西岡 新吾
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.42, no.1, pp.36-40, 2000

症例は52歳,女性.嘔気にて内視鏡検査を施行,胃体部を中心として,大小さまざまな腺窩上皮型過形成性ポリープを認めた.3個の人きなポーブは内視鏡的に切除し,他の多発性ポーリープは毎年経過観察を行った.4年後ポリープは不変であったが,H. pylori陽性判明し,除菌療法を行った.1年2カ月後,多発性ポリープはほとん消失しており,胃過形成性ポリープにH. pyori除菌療法が奏効する可能性が示唆された.
脇本 景子 岡本 希 西岡 伸紀
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.27, no.4, pp.319-329, 2019-11-30 (Released:2019-11-30)

目的:本研究は,学校給食の残食に関わる要因として,献立内容,栄養量,気温を取りあげ,主食及び牛乳の残食量との関連を明らかにし,これら要因を変数とした残食推計モデルを得ることを目的とした.方法:兵庫県宝塚市の市立小学校12校(喫食者数は約7,000人)の学校給食の記録(2013~2016年度の593日分)を調査対象とした(横断調査).調査内容は,学校給食の残食量,献立,栄養量,気温である.米飯,パン,牛乳の1人当たりの残食量を従属変数とし,気温,提供時期,給食の提供量及び栄養量,ダミー変数に変換した献立の種類を独立変数として,ステップワイズ法による重回帰分析を行い,関連を検討した.結果:米飯の残食では,気温(.56),炊き込みご飯(-.40),カレー(-.39)等が関連し,調整済み決定係数R2=.62であった.パンの残食では,校内調理パン(-.55),セルフサンド(-.36),気温(.34),加工パン(-.33)等が関連し,R2=.53であった.牛乳の残食では,気温(-.63)が関連し,R2=.39であった.(括弧内 標準化係数β)結論:学校給食の主食の残食は,気温,主食の味付け,喫食方法の工夫と関連していた.牛乳の残食は気温と関連していた.米飯,パン,牛乳の残食量についてそれぞれ約6割,5割,4割の説明力を有する残食推計モデルが得られた.
進藤 達哉 西岡 弘晶
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.43, no.4, pp.138-141, 2020-12-20 (Released:2020-12-29)

目的:セレン欠乏症は筋痛や筋力低下などで発見される報告が多いが,大球性貧血をきたすこともある.しかしその症例報告は少ない.在宅中心静脈栄養を受けている高齢患者に生じたセレン欠乏症による大球性貧血の症例を報告する.方法/結果:20年来のパーキンソン病のため寝たきりの89歳女性で,6年間在宅中心静脈栄養を受けていた.発熱で入院時,Hb 7.5 g/dL,MCV 131 fLと大球性貧血を認め,全血セレン 3.2 μg/dLと低値だった.セレン製剤を院内調剤し,セレン 100 μg/日の補充を行ったところ3ヶ月後にHb 9.7 g/dL,MCV 104 fL,全血セレン 5.5 μg/dLに改善し,セレン欠乏症による大球性貧血と診断した.結論:寝たきり高齢患者や認知症患者では筋痛などの症状を訴えられないことがあり,医療者はセレン欠乏症のリスクと症状に注意し早期発見と治療に努めることが大切である.
大山 伸幸 岩見 友司 山本 哲也 町田 智 樋口 隆英 佐藤 秀明 佐藤 道貴 武田 幹治 渡辺 芳典 清水 正賢 西岡 浩樹
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.97, no.10, pp.510-518, 2011-10-01 (Released:2011-10-01)
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JFE Steel Corporation developed the hydrogen-based gas fuel injection technology for sintering machines to improve sinter quality without increasing coke breeze ratio. With the technology, it is possible to extend the temperature zone between 1200°C and 1400°C by injecting the gaseous fuel from the top surface of the sintering machine as a partial substitute for coke breeze. Theoretical and experimental studies were carried out to verify the effect of the gaseous-fuel injection technology on pore structure in the sinter cake with the X-ray CT scanner and sintering pot test.It is important to hold the temperature between 1200°C and 1400°C in order to produce high strength and high reducibility sinter. The liquid phase ratio can be increased with extending the proper temperature zone by applying the gaseous fuel injection technology. The increase in liquid phase ratio promotes the combination of pores (1–5 mm) and sinter strength is improved. At the same time, the pores over 5 mm growth are promoted and the permeability is improved in the sintering bed. Moreover, the low-temperature sintering process depresses the iron ore self-densification. Micro pores under 1 μm remain in unmelted ores and improve sinter reducibility. As a result, the technology enables to improve the pore structure in the sinter cake and sinter quality.The technology was put into commercial operation at Keihin No. 1 sinter plant in January 2009 and stable operation has continued up to the present. As a result, the energy efficiency in the sintering process is greatly improved, and it has been achieved to reduce CO2 emissions by a maximum of approximately 60000 t/year at Keihin No. 1 sinter plant.
酒井 達也 A. Jones Mark Smirnoff Nicholas 岡田 清孝 O. Wasteneys Geoffrey van der Honing Hannie 西岡 美樹 上原 由紀子 高橋 美穂子 藤澤 紀子 佐治 健介 関 原明 篠崎 一雄
日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集
vol.2008, pp.716, 2008

キネシンモータータンパク質は様々な生物において細胞の先端成長及び細胞の形の決定に関与していることが知られている。シロイヌナズナゲノム中には 61 遺伝子のキネシン関連遺伝子が存在することが明らかになっているが、その多くは機能が明らかになっていない。我々はアルマジロリピートドメインを持つ植物特異的キネシン関連タンパク質 ARK1 がシロイヌナズナ根毛の先端成長に関与することを明らかにした。ark1 突然変異体根毛は波状、時に枝分かれの表現型を示し、内側の微小管はより重合して量及び長さが促進されていた。すなわちARK1は根毛内部の微小管量を限定する働きを持ち、これが根毛の先端成長を制御することが示唆された。ARK1 はARK2 及び ARK3 の二つのパラログ含む遺伝子ファミリーをシロイヌナズナゲノム中で形成しており、ARK2 が根の表皮細胞の形態形成に関与することを明らかにした。さらにARK タンパク質と結合する因子として NEK6 タンパク質リン酸化酵素を同定した。nek6 突然変異もまた、シロイヌナズナ表皮細胞の形態形成に多面的な影響を与えており、NEK6 が ARK キネシンに関連した微小管機能を介して細胞の形態形成に関与することが示唆された。
西岡 達裕
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2018, no.192, pp.192_113-192_128, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-12-19)

In November 2016, Republican Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States in a major upset. He was a complete political amateur. Trump won the close election against Democrat Hillary Clinton largely because he carried Rust Belt swing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. It seemed that his populist, anti-foreign and protectionist rhetoric had attracted white working class voters in the Rust Belt, who had not felt the benefits of globalization.Still, the sudden rise of the amateur politician president is not easy to fully understand. Given that the labor market had recovered from the Great Recession and the U.S. Economy was on a path toward recovery, why and how did American voters give victory to a populist candidate like Trump? To answer that question, we need to understand the 2016 election in the broad context of American history.It is assumed that the rising tide of populism which brought this historic victory to Trump was not the result of a single factor, but rather a set of factors. This article focuses on five factors which have caused populist movements in U.S. history: change in the industrial structure, globalization, a deep recession, distrust of politics, and cultural backlash. This article discusses the 2016 election in association with each of these factors and offers specific examples of populist movements in the past in an effort to reinterpret the contemporary history of the United States.The background of the rise of populism in the 2016 election was public distrust of politics. Outsider Trump successfully convinced voters that he would be an anti-establishment president. If the two major political parties had substantially performed their function of interest aggregation, there would have been no chance for an outsider to win the presidential election. The Republican Party had inherited Reagan’s conservative coalition from the 1980s, while the Democratic Party had inherited Bill Clinton’s center-left coalition from the 1990s. However, the 2016 election marked the end of an era. Trump and his supporters were not so much interested in Reaganism, and Bernie Sanders and the liberal Democrats challenged Clintonism.Since the end of the Cold War, income inequality in the United States has increased markedly, and many people have come to believe that this was caused by liberalization and globalization. American workers have felt left behind by the political system and are demanding major change in that system. At the very least, Trump’s policies should shake up the old architecture of the two-party system.