富永 真琴 Michael J. CATERINA Tobias A. ROSEN David JULIUS
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.39, no.3, pp.159-164, 1999-05-25 (Released:2000-04-12)
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Capsaicin, the main pungent ingredient in 'hot' chili peppers, elicits burning pain by activating specific (vanilloid) receptors on sensory nerve endings. We have isolated a functional cDNA encoding a capsaicin receptor from sensory neurons using an expression cloning strategy. The cloned vanilloid receptor (VR1) is a nonselective cation channel with six transmembrane domains that is structurally related to a member of the TRP family. VR1 is also activated by increases in temperature in the nonoxious range (>43 °C. We also find that protons decrease the temperature threshold for VR1 activation such that even moderately acidic conditions (pH
セラフィム レオンA. 新里 瑠美子
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2005, no.127, pp.1-49, 2005-03-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

古代沖縄語のス=siの係り結びと古代日本語のコ乙ソ乙=kosoの係り結びは,已然形で結ぶ強調表現であるところが類似するが,積極的に比較研究されることは少なかった.本稿においては,両者を比較し,日本祖語における原形を*ko#swo(指示詞の*コ乙+形式名詞の*ソ甲)と再構する.そして,有坂第一.法則の適用で,甲類のswoが,先行する乙類のoに母音調和した結果,古代日本語では,kosoとなったと仮説する.ソ甲の部分が甲類で,形式名詞であったとの見解は,従来の近称のコ乙+中称のソ乙との語源と相容れないが,その裏づけとして,(1)沖縄最古の辞書『混効験集』の知見,(2)西日本方言に痕跡を留める形式名詞のス・ソ,(3)機能論,文法化理論の観点からの論証を挙げる.更に,コ乙ソ乙(沖縄ス=si)とカ(沖縄ガ)の係り結びを対照させ,両者の結びがrealisとirrealis(古代日本語は多くが推量の助動詞-(a)m-)に対応する意味を認知論的に考察し,また指示詞から係助詞のようなfbcus particleへの移行は世界の言語の文法化のデータにも合致する点を指摘する.
Yuki KOBAYASHI Nana INOUE Go SATO Takuya ITOU Hamilton P. SANTOS Cristina J. C. BRITO Albério A. B. GOMES Marli F. C. SANTOS Marlon V. SILVA Carla S. MOTA Fumio H. ITO Takeo SAKAI
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.69, no.7, pp.691-696, 2007 (Released:2007-08-05)
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The incidence of canine rabies has been widely reported in Brazil, and new rabies virus (RV) variants, genetically similar to canine RV, have recently been isolated from foxes. In order to derive the epidemiological characteristics of Brazilian Carnivora RV, Brazilian RVs isolated from dogs, cats, and foxes were genetically analyzed. Brazilian Carnivora RV isolates were divided into 2 main lineages. The predominant lineage was found in dogs and cats, which included the Argentinean and Bolivian Carnivora RV isolates, and was extensively distributed throughout Brazil and surrounding countries. The other lineage consisted of three sublineages containing Brazilian dog and fox RV isolates, with the dog sublineages located on an internal branch of 2 fox sublineages, suggesting that RV transmission events might have occurred between foxes and dogs in the past. These results suggest that contact between dogs and wildlife has the potential to generate new rabies variants and that it is important to control RV infection cycles in both dogs and wildlife to prevent spread of rabies infection.
新里 瑠美子 セラフィム レオン・A
日本語の研究 (ISSN:13495119)
vol.7, no.4, pp.83-98, 2011-10-01

本稿は、沖縄語と上代日本語との比較分析を通し構築した筆者らの係り結び仮説(日本祖語形再建、類型、成立、変遷など)の妥当性を琉球弧の方言群において検証することを目的とする。本稿で焦点を当てた|ga|の係り結び仮説では、その類型として、Type I(文中|ga|といわゆる未然形の呼応)、Type II(文中|ga|と通常連体形の呼応)、係助詞の終助詞用法を考え、各々、自問、他問、他問と特徴づけた。検証の結果、国頭久志(くにがみくし)方言でTypeIとTypeIIの類型と機能が仮説と合致、疑似終助詞用法がTypeIIの文法化と解釈できると述べた。徳之島井之川(とくのしまいのかわ)、国頭辺野喜(くにがみべのき)・漢那(かんな)、八重山鳩間(やえやまはとま)方言においては、終助詞用法の|ga|の清濁の異音に関し、見解を提示した。鳥島(とりしま)方言では、構文はType II、機能はType Iという用法について新たな音変化を提案し、反証とならないと論じた。宮古西里(みやこにしざと)方言の構文と機能のずれについても、仮説擁護を試みた。最後に、今帰仁(なきじん)方言の|kuse:|=コソの通説に異を唱え、その成立に|ga|が関わったとの仮説を述べた。
高橋 春成 ティズデル C.A.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.65, no.1, pp.66-72, 1992-06-30 (Released:2008-12-25)
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わが国には再野生化または半再野生化動物はまれであるが,西表島には再野生化あるいは半再野生化したブタ(イノブタを含む),ヤギ,ウシが生息している。 ブタについては,これまでにも在来のブタの離脱とそれらとリュウキュウイノシシの混血が指摘されてきた。近年でも,内離島や外離島でイノブタ(リュウキュウイノシシ×ランドレース)が再野生化状態にあり,一部は本島に侵入している。また,本島でもイノブタの離脱が生じた。近年のイノブタの離脱の要因は,粗放的な飼育方法や管理の不行届きに求められる。これらのイノブタもまた,リュウキュウイノシシと混血しているものと推測される。西表島で,再野生化したブタの集団が形成されないのは,在来のイノシシ集団に何らかのかたちで吸収されているためと考えられる。ブタやイノブタの離脱によるリュウキュウイノシシとの混血は,リュウキュウイノシシの遺伝子を撹乱するため,在来動物の保護の点から問題がある。 ヤギとウシの場合は,同島にそれらの原種が生息しないため,混血や原種集団へのとけこみが生じることがない。現在みられるヤギの再野生化は,近年の森林伐採作業用キャンプ地の撤去に伴なう遺棄や台風による小屋の破損などのために生じた。近年,ウシもまた一部が内離島,外離島,本島西部で再野生化状態となっている。これらは,管理の不行届きが原因である。当地では,再野生化したヤギやウシによる在来の植生への影響が生じているものと推測される。 西表島では,行政当局によるこれらのイノブタ,ヤギ,ウシに対する関心は高くない。それは,これらの頭数が多くないこと,在来の動植物への被害状況が不鮮明であること,農業被害がほとんどみられないことなどによる。しかし,西表島は大部分が国立公園に指定されていることから,特に在来の生態系への影響に注意する必要がある。
Timothy A. Jinam Hideaki Kanzawa-Kiriyama Naruya Saitou
The Genetics Society of Japan
Genes & Genetic Systems (ISSN:13417568)
vol.90, no.3, pp.147-152, 2015-06-01 (Released:2015-10-27)
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The Japanese Archipelago stretches approximately 3,000 kilometers from Hokkaido in the north to the Ryukyu Islands in the south, and has seen human activity since at least 30 thousand years ago (KYA). The Jomon period from 16 to 3 KYA is associated with cord-marked pottery and the people at that time, who were hunter-gatherers, occupied a range of locations across the Japanese Archipelago. The Yayoi period from 3 to 1.7 KYA saw the introduction of migrants from the Asian Continent who brought rice agriculture to the archipelago. The dual-structure model, which is based on craniofacial measurements, proposes that admixture between the Jomon and Yayoi people resulted in current-day Japanese. Subsequent genetic studies using uniparental and autosomal markers in current-day and ancient human samples are widely in support of the dual-structure model. These genetic data have also unveiled the uniqueness of the indigenous Ainu and Ryukyuan people while further demonstrating the genetic substructure within the Mainland Japanese.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.SW-1, (Released:2019-01-31)

Potential effects of shift work on health are probably related to the misalignment between the light-dark cycle and the human activity-rest cycle. Light exposure at night mediates these effects, including social misalignment and leads to an inversion of activity and rest, which, in turn, is linked to changes in behaviours. This article reviews the epidemiological evidence on the association between shift work and health, and possible mechanisms underlying this association. First, evidence from findings of the meta-analyses and systematic reviews published in the last 10 years is presented. In addition, it reports the larger single-occupation studies and recent large population-based studies of the general workforce. Koch’s postulates were used to evaluate the evidence related to the development of disease as a result of exposure to shift work. Finally, we discussed limitations of the multiple pathways that link shift work with specific disorders and the methodological challenges facing shift work research. We concluded that the clearest indications of shift work being the cause of a disease are given when there is a substantial body of evidence from high quality field studies showing an association and there is good evidence from laboratory studies supporting a causal explanation of the link.
Yamasaki Chisato Murakami Katsuhiko Fujii Yasuyuki Sato Yoshiharu Harada Erimi Takeda Jun-ichi Taniya Takayuki Satake Ryuichi Kikugawa Shingo Shimada Makoto Tanino Motohiko Halligan Brian Shimoyama Mary Twigger Simon Yura Kei Kimura Kouichi Yasuda Tomohiro Nishikawa Tetsuo Akiyama Yutaka Motono Chie Mukai Yuri Shionyu Masafumi Nagasaki Hideki Suwa Makiko Horton Paul Kikuno Reiko Ohara Osamu Lancet Doron Eveno Eric Graudens Esther Imbeaud Sandrine Debily Marie Anne Jia Libin Hayashizaki Yoshihide Amid Clara Han Michael Osanger Andreas Endo Toshinori Thomas Michael A. Hirakawa Mika Makalowski Wojciech Nakao Mitsuteru Kim Nam-Soon Thierry-Mieg Danielle Yoo Hyang-Sook De Souza Sandro J. Bonaldo Maria de Fatima Niimura Yoshihito Kuryshev Vladimir Schupp Ingo Wiemann Stefan Bellgard Matthew Thierry-Mieg Jean Wagner Lukas Zhang Qinghua Go Mitiko Minoshima Shinsei Ohtsubo Masafumi Hanada Kousuke Koyanagi Kanako O. Tonellato Peter Isogai Takao Zhang Ji Lenhard Boris Kim Sangsoo Chen Zhu Hinz Ursula Estreicher Anne Nakai Kenta Makalowska Izabela Barrero Roberto A. Hide Winston Tiffin Nicola Wilming Laurens Chakraborty Ranajit Soares Marcelo Bento Chiusano Maria Luisa Suzuki Yutaka Auffray Charles Yamaguchi-Kabata Yumi Itoh Takeshi Gough Craig Hishiki Teruyoshi Fukuchi Satoshi Nishikawa Ken Sugano Sumio Nomura Nobuo Tateno Yoshio Imanishi Tadashi Gojobori Takashi Chun Hong-Woo Habara Takuya Hanaoka Hideki Hayakawa Yosuke Hilton Philip B. Kaneko Yayoi Kanno Masako Kawahara Yoshihiro Kawamura Toshiyuki Matsuya Akihiro Nagata Naoki Nishikata Kensaku Ogura Noda Akiko Nurimoto Shin Saichi Naomi Sakai Hiroaki Sanbonmatsu Ryoko Shiba Rie Suzuki Mami Takabayashi Kazuhiko Takahashi Aiko Tamura Takuro Tanaka Masayuki Tanaka Susumu Todokoro Fusano Yamaguchi Kaori Yamamoto Naoyuki Okido Toshihisa Mashima Jun Hashizume Aki Jin Lihua Lee Kyung-Bum Lin Yi-Chueh Nozaki Asami Sakai Katsunaga Tada Masahito Miyazaki Satoru Makino Takashi Ohyanagi Hajime Osato Naoki Tanaka Nobuhiko Suzuki Yoshiyuki Ikeo Kazuho Saitou Naruya Sugawara Hideaki O'Donovan Claire Kulikova Tamara Whitfield Eleanor
Oxford University Press
Nucleic Acids Research (ISSN:03051048)
vol.36, no.1, pp.D793-D799, 2008-01

Here we report the new features and improvements in our latest release of the H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB; http://www.h-invitational.jp/), a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts. H-InvDB, originally developed as an integrated database of the human transcriptome based on extensive annotation of large sets of full-length cDNA (FLcDNA) clones, now provides annotation for 120 558 human mRNAs extracted from the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD), in addition to 54 978 human FLcDNAs, in the latest release H-InvDB_4.6. We mapped those human transcripts onto the human genome sequences (NCBI build 36.1) and determined 34 699 human gene clusters, which could define 34 057 (98.1%) protein-coding and 642 (1.9%) non-protein-coding loci; 858 (2.5%) transcribed loci overlapped with predicted pseudogenes. For all these transcripts and genes, we provide comprehensive annotation including gene structures, gene functions, alternative splicing variants, functional non-protein-coding RNAs, functional domains, predicted sub cellular localizations, metabolic pathways, predictions of protein 3D structure, mapping of SNPs and microsatellite repeat motifs, co-localization with orphan diseases, gene expression profiles, orthologous genes, protein–protein interactions (PPI) and annotation for gene families. The current H-InvDB annotation resources consist of two main views: Transcript view and Locus view and eight sub-databases: the DiseaseInfo Viewer, H-ANGEL, the Clustering Viewer, G-integra, the TOPO Viewer, Evola, the PPI view and the Gene family/group.
須田 順子 セルビト ウイルソンA. 小栗 紀彦 松沢 時弘 岡 明男 佐藤 邦忠
Japanese Society of Equine Science
日本中央競馬会競走馬総合研究所報告 (ISSN:03864634)
vol.1992, no.29, pp.26-31, 1992-12-20 (Released:2010-08-10)

若齢雄馬の精巣の組織所見解析に, 多変量解析法の一つである主成分分析の応用を試みた.材料と方法: 臨床所見から, 異常の認められない雄馬5頭の精巣を採取し, 精巣の大きさ (長径×短径×幅cm) と重さ (g), ならびに左右各7ヵ所の組織標本を作成し, Sertoli細胞数, Leydig細胞数および精細管の大きさ (断面の最長径と最短径の積: μm2) を求め, 多変量解析を行った結果:(1) 精巣の大きさと重さ, Johnsenスコア, Sertoli細胞数およびLeydig細胞数, 精細管の大きさ等の要因には, 個体間と精巣の左右間に有意差が認められなかった (P<0.05).(2) Johnsenスコア; Sertoli細胞数と精細管の大きさ. Sertoli細胞数; 精細管の大きさの相関係数には有意性が認められた (P<0.05).(3) 主成分分析で, 精巣からの組織採取部位による所見に差異があることが明らかになった.以上の結果から, 精巣組織所見の分析に主成分分析の応用が可能であることが明らかになった.
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
pp.150422, (Released:2015-06-26)

The present study aims to outline the genetic makeup of the current population of the town of Yanga (Veracruz State, Mexico), the first Latin American settlement founded by African slaves in Mexico. For this purpose, we carried out the genetic characterization of 60 individuals from Yanga, analysing 15 autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) and interpreting the results in the context of the admixed population known as Mexican mestizos. The genetic contribution from the three most important human groups in the current admixed Yanga population was calculated using Structure software. We detected a high percentage of Amerindian (48%) and European inheritance (44.7%), and a much less important African contribution (7.3%). These results were then compared with 10 other Mexican mestizo populations. The results fit the tri-hybrid model for admixture characterized by a high genetic contribution from Europeans and Africans in the north—though the African influence is lower—and a decreasing contribution from these two populations to the south and southeast. Conversely, the Amerindian component presents maximum values in the south and minimum values in the north. The Amerindian and European genetic traces are related to their ancestral settlements, but the African contribution can be explained by other parameters. To understand the current African genetic traces, we have to assume that there was a redistribution of these population groups and an important admixture phenomenon which led to the dilution of the African ancestral genetic pool. Furthermore, admixture was favoured by conditions that allowed individuals who intermarried to ascend in social status. These reasons would explain why despite the fact that Yanga was founded by black slaves, high levels of African ancestry are not found in the current population.
P Arzberger P Schroeder A Beaulieu G Bowker K Casey L Laaksonen D Moorman P Uhlir P Wouters
Data Science Journal (ISSN:16831470)
vol.3, pp.135-152, 2004 (Released:2006-01-05)
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Access to and sharing of data are essential for the conduct and advancement of science. This article argues that publicly funded research data should be openly available to the maximum extent possible. To seize upon advancements of cyberinfrastructure and the explosion of data in a range of scientific disciplines, this access to and sharing of publicly funded data must be advanced within an international framework, beyond technological solutions. The authors, members of an OECD Follow-up Group, present their research findings, based closely on their report to OECD, on key issues in data access, as well as operating principles and management aspects necessary to successful data access regimes.
Minli WANG Megumi HADA Janice HUFF Janice M. PLUTH Jennifer ANDERSON Peter O'NEILL Francis A. CUCINOTTA
Journal of Radiation Research Editorial Committee
Journal of Radiation Research (ISSN:04493060)
vol.53, no.1, pp.51-57, 2012 (Released:2012-02-02)

TGFβ is a key modulator of the Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), a process important in cancer progression and metastasis, which leads to the suppression of epithelial genes and expression of mesenchymal proteins. Ionizing radiation was found to specifically induce expression of the TGF-β1 isoform, which can modulate late post-radiation changes and increase the risk of tumor development and metastasis. Interactions between TGFβ induced EMT and DNA damage responses have not been fully elucidated, particularly at low doses and following different radiation quality exposures. Further characterization of the relationship between radiation quality, EMT and cancer development is warranted. We investigated whether space radiation induced TGFβ dependent EMT, using hTERT immortalized human esophageal epithelial cells (EPC2-hTERT) and non-transformed mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu). We have observed morphologic and molecular alterations in EPC2 and Mv1Lu cells consistent with EMT after pre-treatment with TGFβ1. This effect could be efficiently inhibited in both cell lines by the use of a TGFβRI inhibitor. High-energy silicon or iron nuclei were each able to cause a mild induction of EMT, with the inclusion of TGFβ1 inducing a greatly enhanced EMT phenotype even when cells were irradiated with doses as low as 0.1 Gy. A further enhancement of EMT was achieved at a higher dose of 2 Gy. TGFβRI inhibitor was able to reverse the EMT induced by the combination of TGFβ1 and radiation. These studies indicate that heavy ions, even at a low dose, may trigger the process of TGFβ1–induced EMT, and suggest further studies are needed to determine whether the chronic exposures received in space may potentiate this process in astronauts, leading to an increased risk of cancer.
Hidehiro Iwakawa Masateru Takigawa Junji Yamaguchi Claire A Martin Masahiko Goya Tasuku Yamamoto Miki Amemiya Takashi Ikenouchi Miho Negishi Iwanari Kawamura Kentaro Goto Takatoshi Shigeta Takuro Nishimura Tomomasa Takamiya Susumu Tao Shinsuke Miyazaki Hiroyuki Watanabe Tetsuo Sasano
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-23-0574, (Released:2023-10-27)

Background: For lesion size prediction, each input parameter, including ablation energy (AE), and output parameter, such as impedance, is individually used. We hypothesize that using both parameters simultaneously may be more optimal.Methods and Results: Radiofrequency applications at a range of power (30–50 W), contact force (10 g and 20 g), duration (10–60 s), and catheter orientation with normal saline (NS)- or half-normal saline (HNS)-irrigation were performed in excised porcine hearts. The correlations, with lesion size of AE, absolute impedance drop (∆Imp-drop), relative impedance drop (%Imp-drop), and AE*%Imp-drop were examined. Lesion size was analyzed in 283 of 288 lesions (NS-irrigation, n=142; HNS-irrigation, n=141) without steam pops. AE*%Imp-drop consistently showed the strongest correlations with lesion maximum depth (NS-irrigation, ρ=0.91; HNS-irrigation, ρ=0.94), surface area (NS-irrigation, ρ=0.87; HNS-irrigation, ρ=0.86), and volume (NS-irrigation, ρ=0.94; HNS-irrigation, ρ=0.94) compared with the other parameters. Moreover, compared with AE alone, AE*%Imp-drop significantly improved the strength of correlation with lesion maximum depth (AE vs. AE*%Imp-drop, ρ=0.83 vs. 0.91, P<0.01), surface area (ρ=0.73 vs. 0.87, P<0.01), and volume (ρ=0.84 vs. 0.94, P<0.01) with NS-irrigation. This tendency was also observed with HNS-irrigation. Parallel catheter orientation showed a better correlation with lesion depth and volume using ∆Imp-drop, %Imp-drop, and AE*%Imp-drop than perpendicular orientation.Conclusions: The combination of input and output parameters is more optimal than each single parameter for lesion prediction.
Taiki Kobayashi Moe Kitoh Dmitry A. Filatov Yusuke Kazama
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.88, no.2, pp.91-94, 2023-06-25 (Released:2023-06-24)

White campion (Silene latifolia, Caryophyllaceae) is a classical model species for studies of sex determination and sex chromosome evolution in dioecious plants. Deletion mapping in this species revealed the presence of two Y-linked sex determining genes—the stamen promoting factor (SPF) gene and a gynoecium suppressing factor (GSF), which inspired the development of the classic ‘two genes’ model for dioecy evolution. We recently identified a Y-linked GSFY gene that encodes a CLAVATA3 homolog and causes gynoecium suppression in S. latifolia via WUSCHEL-CLAVATA feedback loop. Interestingly, the WUSCHEL homolog in S. latifolia (SlWUS1) is also sex-linked and both GSFY and SlWUS1 are located in the oldest part of the sex chromosomes, suggesting that selection to prevent recombination between these genes may have contributed to the origination of sex chromosomes in this species. The WUS-CLV3 pathway is also involved in the sexual differentiation of gynoecium development in kiwifruits and melon, indicating that this pathway plays central role in gynoecium suppression in dioecious and monoecious plants.
Keaten James A. Pribyl Charles B. 坂本 正裕
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.26, no.1, pp.33-47, 2000-03-31 (Released:2019-04-06)

Mark Beattie Oliver A. H. Jones
The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
Mass Spectrometry (ISSN:2187137X)
vol.12, no.1, pp.A0118, 2023-04-06 (Released:2023-04-06)

Mass spectrometry is a well-established analytical technique for studying the masses of atoms, molecules, or fragments of molecules. One of the key metrics of mass spectrometers is the limit of detection e.g., the minimum amount of signal from an analyte that can be reliably distinguished from noise. Detection limits have improved greatly over the last 30–40 years to the point that nanogram per litre and even picogram per litre detections are commonly reported. There is however, a difference between detection limits obtained with a single, pure compound in a pure solvent and those obtained from real life samples/matrixes. Determining a practical detection limit for mass spectrometry is difficult because it depends on multiple factors, such as the compound under test, the matrix, data processing methods and spectrometer type. Here we show the improvements in reported limits of detection on mass spectrometers over time using industry and literature data. The limit of detection for glycine and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane were taken from multiple published articles spanning a period of 45 years. The limits of detection were plotted against the article’s year of publication to assess whether the trend in improvement in sensitivity resembles Moore’s Law of computing (essentially doubling every two years). The results show that advancements in detection limits in mass spectrometry are close to, but not quite at a rate equivalent to Moore’s Law and the improvements in detection limits reported from industry seem to be greater than those reported in the academic literature.