永瀬 伸子 LEE S.J.

イーズ ジェレミー (2009) EADES Jeremy S. (2008) EADES Jeremy Seymour (2007) KOVACS L. KOVACS Laszlo

研究2年目は、主として、国内外のデータから人口に関するデータベース作成に携わり、日本を含む異なった国と地域における人口数および出生と、家族構成の変化における相違と類似性を明らかにした。これにより明らかになった傾向には目を見張るものがある。世界中のすべての地域において、人口全体に占める農村部の人口は急速に減少している。このことは、農村経済(地域経済)がどの程度まで持続されうるのか、また、農村部にみられる文化と知識はどこまで保護することができるのかという重要な疑問を投げかげている。一般的な傾向とは際立った相違がみられるのがオーストラリア・ニュージーランドを含むオセアニア地域である。この地域では都市化の動きが鈍化し、他の地域よりも農村部の人口減少がゆるやかである。これにより今後の提案として考えられることは、少数ではあるが安定した農村部の人口とそれに伴う都市部でのよりゆるやかな人口増加である。しかしながら、日本はさらに一段階進み、老齢人口(の全体に占める割合)の増加により、とくに農村地域での人口減少が確実となっている。これらの研究をもとに論文を作成し、国際農村社会学会による第12回世界農村社会学会議(テーマ:1950年以降の非農村化の推移と2030年までの予測、2008年7月6-11日韓国、高陽)と、International Symposium on Youth Unemployment:Preparation,Opportunities and Challenge(テーマ:経済情勢および出産・健康に関する決定への若年者失業の影響、30 October,2008,Beijing,China)に提出した。
Kikuchi M. Hayashibe S. Kimura Y. Iura K. Miyatake H. Fujioka M. Ishimatsu T.
Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
CYRIC annual report
vol.1982, pp.22-25, 1982 (Released:2010-09-08)

開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付け
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
vol.40, no.2, pp.303-312, 1991
441 2325
Muleya Janet S. 中市 統三 菅原 淳也 田浦 保穂 村田 智昭 中間 實徳
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.60, no.8, pp.931-935, 1998-08-25
1 15

猫自然発生乳腺腫瘍の肺転移による胸水から得られた腫瘍細胞から, 長期培養可能な株化細胞を樹立し(FRM), その性状について検討した.この細胞は大型で多角の上皮様形態の細胞からなり、ギムザ染色において高いN/C比が認められた。また単層状態で増殖し, その倍加時間は22.4時間であった.60個の細胞の染色体数を検討したところ, 染色体数はモード79であった。さらに樹立細胞として無限に増殖することを確認するために, 細胞の不死化に関連した逆転写酵素の一種であるテロメラーゼの活性をTRAP法で測定したところ, 強い活性が認められ, 細胞の分裂に伴うテロメアの短縮が起こらず, 不死化していることが示唆された.またヌードマウスに対する皮下移植では, 雌雄いずれにも移植可能であり, 病理組織学的にはcarcinomaであった.しかし観察を行った移植6週間以内では, 転移巣は発生しなかった.エストロジェン・レセプターは培養初期にきわめて少量認められたが, その後継代とともに消失し, またヌードマウスに形成された腫瘍においても認められなかった.以上のことから, この腫瘍細胞数は無限増殖能を獲得しており, 猫乳癌の実験的検討に必要な検討材料を安定して供給することが可能な, 有用な検討モデルと考えられた.
河合 雅雄 ベケレ A. ワンジー C. 大沢 秀行 宮藤 浩子 岩本 俊孝 庄武 孝義 森 明雄 WANZIE Chris S. BEKELE Afework

西園 昌久 高橋 流里子 対馬 節子 松永 智子 福屋 靖子 土屋 滋 大貫 稔 高橋 美智 浅野 ふみぢ 小松崎 房枝 鈴木 小津江 平山 清武 中田 福市 鈴木 信 壁島 あや子 名嘉 幸一 鵜飼 照喜 福永 康継 浪川 昭子 高田 みつ子 岩渕 勉 森脇 浩一 加藤 謙二 早川 邦弘 森岡 信行 津田 司 平野 寛 渡辺 洋一郎 伴 信太郎 木戸 友幸 木下 清二 山田 寛保 福原 俊一 北井 暁子 小泉 俊三 今中 孝信 柏原 貞夫 渡辺 晃 俣野 一郎 村上 穆 柴崎 信吾 加畑 治 西崎 統 大宮 彬男 岩崎 徹也 奥宮 暁子 鈴木 妙 貝森 則子 大橋 ミツ 川井 浩 石川 友衛 加世田 正和 宮澤 多恵子 古賀 知行 西川 眞八 桜井 勇 三宅 史郎 北野 周作 竹洞 勝 北郷 朝衛 橋本 信也 斉藤 宣彦 石田 清 畑尾 正彦 平川 顕名 山本 浩司 庄村 東洋 島田 恒治 前川 喜平 久保 浩一 鈴木 勝 今中 雄一 木内 貴弘 朝倉 由加利 荻原 典和 若松 弘之 石崎 達郎 後藤 敏 田中 智之 小林 泰一郎 宮下 政子 飯田 年保 奥山 尚 中川 米造 永田 勝太郎 池見 酉次郎 村山 良介 河野 友信 G. S. Wagner 伊藤 幸郎 中村 多恵子 内田 玲子 永留 てる子 石原 敏子 河原 照子 石原 満子 平山 正実 中野 康平 鴨下 重彦 大道 久 中村 晃 倉光 秀麿 織畑 秀夫 鈴木 忠 馬渕 原吾 木村 恒人 大地 哲郎 宮崎 保 松嶋 喬 桜田 恵右 西尾 利一 森 忠三 宮森 正 奥野 正孝 江尻 崇 前沢 政次 大川 藤夫 関口 忠司 吉新 通康 岡田 正資 池田 博 釜野 安昭 高畠 由隆 高山 千史 吉村 望 小田 利通 川崎 孝一 堀 原一 山根 至二 小森 亮 小林 建一 田中 直樹 国府田 守雄 高橋 宣胖 島田 甚五郎 丸地 信弘 松田 正己 永井 友二郎 向平 淳 中嶌 義麿 鎮西 忠信 岡田 究 赤澤 淳平 大西 勝也 後藤 淳郎 下浦 範輔 上田 武 川西 正広 山室 隆夫 岡部 保 鳥居 有人 日向野 晃一 田宮 幸一 菅野 二郎 黒川 一郎 恩村 雄太 青木 高志 宮田 亮 高野 純一 藤井 正三 武内 恵輔 南須原 浩一 佐々木 亨 浜向 賢司 本田 麺康 中川 昌一 小松 作蔵 東 匡伸 小野寺 壮吉 土谷 茂樹 岡 国臣 那須 郁夫 有田 清三郎 斎藤 泰一 清水 強 真島 英信 村岡 亮 梅田 典嗣 下条 ゑみ 松枝 啓 林 茂樹 森 一博 星野 恵津夫 正田 良介 黒沢 進 大和 滋 丸山 稔之 織田 敏次 千先 康二 田中 勧 瓜生田 曜造 尾形 利郎 細田 四郎 上田 智 尾島 昭次 大鐘 稔彦 小倉 脩 林 博史 島 澄夫 小池 晃 笹岡 俊邦 磯村 孝二 岩崎 栄 鈴木 荘一 吉崎 正義 平田 耕造
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.15, no.3, pp.145-173, 1984-06-25 (Released:2011-08-11)
Koichi Hashimoto Hajime Maeda Hajime Iwasa Hyo Kyozuka Ryo Maeda Yohei Kume Takashi Ono Mina Chishiki Akiko Sato Yuka Ogata Tsuyoshi Murata Keiya Fujimori Kosei Shinoki Hidekazu Nishigori Seiji Yasumura Mitsuaki Hosoya the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) Group
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.33, no.10, pp.489-497, 2023-10-05 (Released:2023-10-05)

Background: Tobacco exposure during pregnancy is associated with several adverse outcomes in infants. We investigated the association between tobacco exposure during pregnancy (both active and second-hand) and various infections in infants up to 1 year.Methods: This prospective cohort study used a fixed dataset (jecs-an-20180131) from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study of registered births in Japan during 2011–2014 that included 104,065 fetal records from enrolled pregnant women. Based on the participants’ responses to the questionnaire on smoking status, mothers were first divided into “never smoked,” “quit smoking,” and “current smoker” groups and then into “no second-hand smoking (SHS)” and “SHS” groups. Infectious diseases included central nervous system infection, otitis media (OM), upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI), gastroenteritis (GI), and urinary tract infection. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using logistic regression analysis and adjusted for maternal, socioeconomic, and postnatal confounding factors.Results: Among the 73,205 newborns enrolled, multivariable analysis revealed that the aOR of LRTI and GI was 1.20 (95% CI, 1.07–1.33) and 1.18 (95% CI, 1.04–1.35), respectively, for the “current smoker with/without SHS” group compared with the “never smoked without SHS” group. “Quit smoking without SHS” was not associated with the risk of LRTI. SHS was associated with an increased risk of OM, URTI, LRTI, and GI, especially with LRTI and GI.Conclusion: Exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of OM, URTI, LRTI, and GI in infants during their first year of life.
Sijun Chen Victor S. Kuwahara Tomoyo Katayama Fuminori Hashihama Kazuo Yabe Satoru Taguchi Kazutaka Takahashi
The Plankton Society of Japan, The Japanese Association of Benthology
Plankton and Benthos Research (ISSN:18808247)
vol.18, no.4, pp.214-224, 2023-11-27 (Released:2023-11-30)

We measured the concentrations of photoprotective compounds, carotenoids and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), in surface-dwelling copepods in relation to their vertical distribution patterns along a zonal transect in the subtropical North Pacific to better understand their adaptation to strong ultraviolet (UV) radiation. All the dominant copepod groups analysed had detectable levels of both photoprotective compounds, while the concentrations differed among taxonomic groups. Farranula spp. had high carotenoid and MAA content (mean carotenoids: 0.0656; mean MAAs: 0.0230 µg mg dry wt−1) and the accumulation of MAAs correlated positively with in-situ UV penetration, explaining their constant occurrence in the surface layer throughout the transect. Oncaea spp. and Acrocalanus spp. had higher levels of carotenoids than MAAs and showed variable vertical distribution patterns regardless of UV penetration, suggesting that carotenoids are used only temporally to mitigate the effect of UV radiation. In contrast, Clausocalanus spp. and Calocalanus spp. had the lowest concentrations of both photoprotective compounds (mean carotenoids: 0.0148 and 0.0209; mean MAAs: 0.0015 and 0.0029 µg mg dry wt−1). The mean weighted depth of Clausocalanus spp. showed a significant negative relationship with UV penetration, suggesting that they mitigated the harmful effects of UV radiation through behavioural responses. Calocalanus spp. may have adapted to subtropical surface waters with relatively low photoprotective compound concentrations. Our study demonstrated that surface-dwelling subtropical copepods exhibit taxon-specific patterns in photoprotective compound concentrations that are adaptations to intense UV radiation, which is crucial for understanding the high species diversity of copepod communities in subtropical open waters.
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.35-39, 1993-05-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
1 2

The importance of the hymenal configuration lies in the fact that it is accepted as an important sign of the virginity in many countries and also it needs a clearcut definition for the forensic evaluation of child abuse and rape. To improve understanding of configuration of the normal hymen we studied 100 prepubertal hymens. In addition to the most commonly seen types we found the fimbriated hymen at a high rate especially in adolescents. There was another configuration the appearance of which differed on each half of the vaginal orifice; one half had a labium while the other had fimbriae. The tagged type hymen was also encountered.
Mazen Almehmadi Khalid Alzahrani Magdi M. Salih Abdulaziz Alsharif Naif Alsiwiehri Alaa Shafie Abdulraheem A. Almalki Ayman Alhazmi Haytham Dahlawi Mohammed S. Alharthi Mustafa Halawi Abdulrhman M. Almehmadi Hatem H. Allam
The Japanese Society of Strategies for Cancer Research and Therapy
Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy (ISSN:13446835)
vol.28, no.2, pp.54-59, 2020-07-09 (Released:2020-07-09)
2 2

Background: Vitamin D roles in human health and wellbeing have been extensively studied in the recent years. It has essential roles in homeostasis and maintaining many physiological functions. These roles are vital in immune system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and reproductive system. Deficiency in this vitamin has been correlated with many diseases in the body, and it has been correlated with developing cancer.Objective: This study aimed to investigate levels of total vitamin D (25-hydroxycholecalciferol) in cancer patients.Design: Retrospective.Settings: Taif city- king Faisal Hospital (KFH).Patients and methods: Serum levels of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol were classified into normal, insufficient, and deficiency group, patients were grouped according to these classes.156 patients were included in this study, 128 females and 28 males, 100 healthy participants were included. Cancer patients were as follows, gastrointestinal tract cancer patients were 27, breast cancer patients were 73, female genital tract patients were 43, head and neck cancer patients were 6 and respiratory tract patients were 7.Sample size: 256 participants were 100 healthy controls and 156 cancer patients.Results: Deficiency was detected in most of the patients from both genders, and in both pre- and post-menopausal female patients.Conclusion: These findings support the belief that deficiency in vitamin D is a risk factor leading to development of cancer.
Reiji Kojima Ryoji Shinohara Megumi Kushima Hideki Yui Sanae Otawa Sayaka Horiuchi Kunio Miyake Hiroshi Yokomichi Yuka Akiyama Tadao Ooka Zentaro Yamagata the Japan Environment and Children’s Study Group
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
pp.JE20230210, (Released:2023-11-04)

Background: In regions with a high prevalence of peanut allergy (PA), there is a consensus that the introduction of peanuts in early infancy is preventive against the development of PA. However, few studies have investigated whether the introduction of peanuts to infants is associated with PA in regions with a low prevalence of PA, including Japan.Methods: We used data from 74,240 mother–child pairs who participated in the Japan Environment and Children’s Study, a prospective birth cohort recruited between January 2011 and March 2014. A logistic regression model was used to analyze the association between infantile peanut introduction and PA at the age of 4 years with non-infantile peanut introduction as the reference group, adjusted for potential confounders.Results: The percentage of infantile peanut introduction was 4.9% (n=3294) and 286 (0.4%) participants had allergic symptoms to peanuts at 4 years of age. Of all participants, 129 (0.2%) had PA at 4 years of age, which was defined as allergic symptoms and sensitization to peanuts. Those with infantile peanut introduction had a lower prevalence of PA than those without infantile peanut introduction, although this did not reach statistical significance (adjusted odds ratio: 0.53, 95% confidence interval, 0.17–1.68). Sensitivity analysis using IgE-mediated symptoms caused by peanuts as the outcome showed a similar result in relation to infantile peanut introduction.Conclusions: In countries with a low prevalence of PA, the effect of infantile peanut introduction on PA prevention was unclear.
Rachel S. Martins Erika S. J. Péreira Sérgio M. Lima Jr. Maria I. B. Senna Ricardo A. Mesquita Viagner R. Santos
Nihon University School of Dentistry
Journal of Oral Science (ISSN:13434934)
vol.44, no.1, pp.41-48, 2002 (Released:2011-03-11)
15 19

The present study assessed the susceptibility of Candida albicans strains, collected from HIV-positive patients with oral candidiasis, to a commercial 20% ethanol propolis extract (EPE) and compare it to the inhibitory action of the standardized antifungal agents nystatin (NYS), clotrimazole (CL), econazole (EC), and fluconazole (FL). Twelve C. albicans strains collected from MV-positive patients with oral candidiasis were tested. The inhibition zones were measured with a pachimeter and the results are reported as means and standard deviation (M ± SD). Data were analyzed statistically by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. EPE inhibited all the C. albicans strained tested. No significant difference was observed between the results obtained with NYS and EPE, while significant differences were observed between EPE and other antifungals. The C. albicans strains tested showed resistance to the remaining antifungal agents. The propolis extract used in this study inhibited the in vitro growth of C. albicans collected from HIV-seropositive Brazilian patients, creating/forminginhibition zones like those ones formed by NYS. This fact suggests that commercial EPE could be an alternative medicine in the treatment of candidiasis from HIV-positive patients. However, in vivo studies of the effect of EPE are needed to determine its possible effects on the oral mucosa.
Reiji Kojima Ryoji Shinohara Megumi Kushima Sayaka Horiuchi Sanae Otawa Kunio Miyake Hiroshi Yokomichi Yuka Akiyama Tadao Ooka Zentaro Yamagata the Japan Environment and Children's Study Group
Japanese Society of Allergology
Allergology International (ISSN:13238930)
vol.72, no.3, pp.411-417, 2023 (Released:2023-07-07)

Background: The relationship between the season of birth, allergen sensitization, and allergic rhinitis have been inconsistent, and there are no studies that simultaneously consider vitamin D and allergen exposure. This study aimed to determine the associations between the season of birth, house dust mite (HDM) and Japanese cedar pollen (JCP) sensitization, and allergic rhinitis and pollinosis, while taking vitamin D levels and allergen exposure into account.Methods: This study included 4323 participants in the Sub-Cohort Study of the Japan Environment and Children's Study. A logistic regression model was used to analyze the association between the season of birth and sensitization to JCP or HDM (judged by specific immunoglobulin E) at age 2 and allergic rhinitis or pollinosis at age 3, adjusted for HDM or JCP exposure and vitamin D levels with potential confounders.Results: Participants born in spring or summer were more likely to have pollinosis than were those born in winter (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 2.08, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.13-3.82 for spring; aOR: 1.89, 95% CI: 1.03-3.47 for summer). Participants born in summer were more likely to have HDM sensitization than were those born in winter (Der p 1, aOR: 1.53, 95% CI: 1.10-2.15; Der f 1, aOR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.03-2.01). Exposure to JCP and HDM were associated with pollinosis and HDM sensitization, respectively.Conclusions: Spring and summer births were associated with the development of pollinosis, and summer birth was associated with HDM sensitization, even when vitamin D and allergen exposure were considered. Further studies on mechanisms other than vitamin D and allergen exposure are required.