Arisa Nishihara Katsumi Matsuura Marcus Tank Shawn E. McGlynn Vera Thiel Shin Haruta
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology · The Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology
Microbes and Environments (ISSN:13426311)
pp.ME18041, (Released:2018-11-23)

The phylum Aquificae comprises chemolithoautotrophic thermophilic to hyperthermophilic bacteria, in which the nitrogenase reductase gene (nifH) has been reported. However, nitrogen-fixing activity has not yet been demonstrated in members of this deeply branching bacterial phylum. We isolated two thermophilic diazotrophic strains from chemosynthetic microbial communities in slightly alkaline hot springs (≥70°C) in Nakabusa, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. A phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA genes identified these strains as members of the genus Hydrogenobacter within Aquificae. Their NifH sequences showed 96.5 and 97.4% amino acid sequence identities to that from Hydrogenobacter thermophilus TK-6. Nitrogenase activity, measured by acetylene reduction, was confirmed in both strains at 70°C. These novel strains grew under semi-aerobic conditions by using CO2 as the sole carbon source and N2 as the sole nitrogen source in media containing hydrogen and/or thiosulfate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of active nitrogen fixation in thermophilic bacteria at 70°C and in the phylum Aquificae.
川西 幸貴 森畠 康策 加藤 順 村田 顕也 深津 和弘 玉置 秀彦 伊藤 大策 和田 有紀 一瀬 雅夫
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.112, no.1, pp.62-69, 2015-01-05 (Released:2015-01-05)

神保 宇嗣
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.66, no.1, pp.221-227, 2016 (Released:2016-06-01)

赤倉 優蔵
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.58, no.3, pp.166-175, 2015-06-01 (Released:2015-06-01)

中村 春木 栗栖 源嗣
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.58, no.2, pp.071-077, 2018 (Released:2018-03-31)

These days, “Data Science” becomes a new trend of science by accumulation and analysis of scientific big data. This data science is considered to provide a very useful approach for, in particular, biological science because of its very diversed characters. Here, we point out the essential issues in biological data science, and how they could be solved in the PDB (Protein Data Bank) archive, which the authors manage as PDBj (PDB Japan), one of the wwPDB (world wide PDB) members with the global cooperation.
近内 誠登
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.26, no.10, pp.667-673, 1988-10-25 (Released:2009-05-25)
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半田 昌之
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.40, no.12, pp.826-830, 1992-12-20 (Released:2017-07-13)

たばこと塩の博物館(東京, 渋谷)では, 毎年夏休みの期間, 博物館夏休み学習室として「塩」をテーマとする特別展を開催している。塩は, 生命に欠かせない大切な物質として古来から人間と深い関わりを持ち, 現在も調味料や工業用原料として, 空気のように日々の暮らしに溶け込んでいる。この特別展では, 展示とともに「塩の実験室」での様々な実験を通して, 塩についての理解を促すとともに, 身近な物質から「科学するおもしろさ」を認識してもらいたいという意図を持っている。「塩の実験室」の基本的な構成と実験の概要を紹介した。
矢野 久
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.95, no.4, pp.669(35)-696(62), 2003-01

論説はじめに第一章 戦後ドイツの戦後補償 : 1950年代の到達点第二章 苛酷緩和措置と統一ドイツ : 1980年代以後の変化第三章 強制労働被害者の提訴と政権交代・経済界の対応 : 1990年代後半の状況第四章 補償基金法への道 : 交渉の論点第五章 「記憶・責任・未来」基金創設の合意とその後の交渉過程第六章 「記憶・責任・未来」基金法の成立と基金をめぐる争点おわりに : 戦後補償と補償基金の歴史的意義50年にわたるドイツ戦後補償の歴史を政治・社会史的に考察している。前半では、企業・国家間・国内法の3つの局面から戦後補償の多様性と特質を明らかにしてその問題点を析出し、後半では、戦後補償の欠陥をドイツがいかに克服したのかを検討している。その結果成立した「記憶・責任・未来」基金の成立過程に注目し、戦後補償の史的発展の原動力がどこに存在したのかを解明している。This study examines the history of post-war compensation in Germany over a 50 year period, from the perspectives of politics and social history. The first half of the study clarifies the variety and characteristics of post-war compensation in three phases, enterprises, nation-to-nation, and domestic laws to extract its tacit issues. The second half of the study discusses how Germany overcame the flaw of post-war compensation.Moreover, this study particularly focuses on the process of establishing the "Memory, Responsibility and Future" Fund, which was established in the process of such overcoming as a result, and elucidates where the driving force of the historical development of the post-war compensation existed.
水野 優起
順天堂医学 (ISSN:00226769)
vol.52, no.3, pp.437-442, 2006-09-30 (Released:2014-11-12)

いわゆる“シミ”とは, 主にメラニン色素の増加によって起こる色素異常症 (色素沈着症) を指すことが多い. 発症機序の面から考えるとシミは, メラノサイトが後天性に外的・内的な影響を受けメラニン産生が増加する状態であると定義される. それはメラニン産生とメラニン消化のバランスの上に生じており, メラニンの表皮でのin (産生) とout (排出) のバランスが崩れた状態であると考えられる. 一方シミはその病態生理により, 大きく以下の3つに分類できる. (1) メラノサイトの異常が原因のシミ: 肝斑・雀卵斑, (2) ケラチノサイトの異常が原因のシミ: 日光黒子・脂漏性角化症, (3) 炎症後色素沈着: 色素沈着性接触皮膚炎・固定薬疹. これら (1) - (3) は, 発生までの過程に差はあるものの, 臨床的に色調や形態などに大きな差はない. つまり,“シミ”を主訴に来院された患者でも, 個々の症例により存在するシミの種類は様々で, 当然のことながらシミの種類により効果的な治療法が異なってくるので注意が必要である. シミの治療には簡便にできる外用薬や内服薬のほかに, 理学療法 (イオントフォレーシス・凍結療法) や光を用いた治療法 (レーザー・IPL; Intense Pulsed Light) などが存在する. 実際のシミ治療の際, これらの治療法は単独で, 時に複数の治療法をコンビネーションして行われるが, 前述のようにシミには様々な種類があるので, まず症例ごとに適切な診断がなされた上で, 効果的なシミ治療が行われるべきである.
宮西 智久 森本 吉謙
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.4, pp.361-381, 2007 (Released:2007-08-08)
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A three-dimensional (3D) videography study was performed to clarify the mechanical effects of a change of pitching motion from an overhand throw (OH style) to a three-quarter throw (TQ style). Two collegiate pitchers (subjects A and B) who normally used the OH style participated. They were requested to change their original OH style into the TQ style. To do this, they were subjected to a one-year skill training program based on biomechanical principles and on knowledge such as the stretch-shortening cycle theory, muscle force-velocity relationship, and the motions of skilled pitchers (e.g., shoulder positioning at 90 degrees of abduction-adduction during the acceleration phase). Four pitches for subject A (two in pre-training, one during training and one in post-training), and three for subject B (one each in pre-training, training and post-training) were videotaped with the 3D DLT procedure using two high-speed cameras, and then analyzed. We then examined the mechanical differences between pre- and post-training. The speed of the ball at release increased progressively with every successive pitch for both subjects (Subject A : 1st : 130.3km/h ; 2nd : 133.2km/h ; 3rd : 135.7km/h ; 4th : 142.2km/h. Subject B : 1st : 131.0km/h ; 2nd : 135.0km/h ; 3rd : 139.3km/h). The pitching styles of both subjects changed from their original OH style to the TQ style, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The time-dependent patterns and peak values of the angular velocities of shoulder internal-external rotation and elbow flexion-extension of the throwing arm did not change very much. However, the peak value of the angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation occurred immediately after ball release for the OH style, while for the TQ style it occurred at ball release. As a result, the angular velocity of elbow extension at ball release was larger in the OH style than in the TQ style. On the other hand, the angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation at ball release was larger in the TQ style than in the OH style. These findings suggest that the increase in the speed of the ball is dominated by elbow extension in the OH style, and by shoulder internal rotation in the TQ style.
李 雪 黒田 乃生 藤川 昌樹 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.732, pp.383-391, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

The Chuandou System (pillars-and-transverse-tie-beams) wooden frame is wildly used in Miao people's houses in Qiandongnan region of Guizhou Province of China. The Chuandou System wooden frame is composed of vertical pillars and horizontal beams called "Fang". In this area, the house building is following a traditional production organization that the local carpenters design the house and process wooden components and the setting-up of the frame that is completed by joint work of villagers. By investigating the construction process of G house in Gongna Village, Qiandongnan region, this study has clarified that five types of the mortise and tenon joints are used in Chuandou-systerm wooden. The dimension characters of horizontal beams (Fang) were also clarified. In addition, the relationship between types of mortise and tenon joints, the dimension characters of horizontal beams (Fang), and the production organization of house building would be discussed in this study. In G house, the wooden frame could be separated into roof truss and framework. There are two types of mortise and tenon joints in roof trusses.. One of the joints that carpenters cult into a cavity in bottom of short pillar, and the cavity could be used as a mortise to put the short pillar on horizontal beam. Another type of the joints could be considered as a "haunched stob tenon joint", which is used to put horizontal beams(Fang) into short pillars. Also, there are three types of mortise and tenon joints in the frameworks. One type could be considered as a "pegged tenon joint". A haunched stob form tenon on the end of the beam inserts into the mortise. For strengthening the mortise and tenon, a peg is drived into one hole both through mortise and tenon. In another type of joints, tenon is in the middle of the horizontal beam (Fang) that could be passed across mortise and a key could be drived into horizontal beam (Fang) close to the pillar. The last type of mortise and tenon joints also could be considered as a "pegged tenon joint". Pair of horizontal symmetry beams come from two sides of the pillar, and two tenons on the end of beams are joint in one mortise. A peg also has been drvied into two tenons and one mortise to fix them. After the processing of wooden components, local villagers have to set up the Chuandou system frame by a very simple way in two days. They move horizontal beams (Fang) or vertical pillars to join mortises and tenons, and use wooden hammers to hit the beams to strengthen the connection of mortise and tenons. To provide an effectively setting-up construction, the local carpenters should devise the combination of mortise and tenon joints, and also process the horizontal beams (Fang) by different heights and widths in different positions even in the same beam as the shorter area can ensure the beams insert mortise smoothly. Therefore, relatively complicated process skill as well as a simple setting-up frame is developed in this region.