富沢 大介 池田 心 シモンビエノ
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.53, no.11, pp.2560-2570, 2012-11-15

囲碁における定石や将棋における定跡は,主にゲーム序盤で用いられる決まった手順の互角の応酬であり,長い時間をかけて研究・洗練された人智の結晶である.テトリスやぷよぷよなどの落下型パズルゲームの多くでも,展開を有利にするための定石形が存在し利用されている.これらのゲームを囲碁や将棋と比較すると,自分と相手双方に盤が存在し邪魔は間接的にしか行われない一方で,操作対象の与えられ方(俗にツモと呼ばれる)にランダム性があり,状況に応じて用いる定石や配置順を変えていかなければならない難しさがある.本論文では,関連性行列という形で状態と定石を表現する定石形配置法を提案し,これをぷよぷよにおける連鎖の構成に適用することでその有効性を示す.In Go and Shogi, standard patterns and sequence of moves have been developed over the years by human players, mainly in the opening of the game. Such standard patterns, used by expert players to reach a winning position, also exist in tile-matching video games like Tetris and Puyo-Puyo. In tile-matching games, the interaction between the players is only indirect through separate boards, but the randomness of the tiles appearing in the game is a major difficulty, not found in Go or Shogi. In this paper, we propose a tile arrangement method for finding good moves in tile-matching games, through the use of a relevant matrix that represents the current situation and the knowledge of standard patterns. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method by applying it to the construction of chains in Puyo-Puyo. The resulting Puyo-Puyo AI player is significantly stronger.
金 一虹 大橋 史恵
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.6, pp.5-28, 2010

This essay will examine the complex influences on the movement to create Iron Girls during the Cultural Revolution, evaluating the impact of the political campaign and accompanying administrative intervention on the gender division of labor. The analysis will consider the underlying economic motivations for the intervention, the ideological implications of the mobilization, and their relation to gendered social relations.<BR>"Iron Girls" are one of the best-known artifacts of an extreme form of gender equality promoted during the Cultural Revolution, expressed under the slogan "men and women are the same." This essay examines the origins and decline of the movement for Iron Girls, asking why the government encouraged women to challenge the traditional model of the gender division of labor, why women responded so enthusiastically to the campaign, and whether their actions were carried out with a conscious recognition that they were struggling for equality with men. This essay will provide an objective and historical evaluation, considering whether the movement for Iron Girls was able to transform the traditional gender division of labor, whether it led to the liberation of women, and how in our own day we look upon the slogan of "men and women are the same."
由利 素子
文化学園大学紀要. 服装学・造形学研究 = Journal of Bunka Gakuen University (ISSN:21873372)
vol.43, pp.31-38, 2012-01

最近のタイツは防寒用としてだけでなく、柄や色などが豊富で、おしゃれを演出する一部として着用されている。そこで、20 代の女子学生を対象に、柄と肌の露出程度が異なる5 種のブラックタイツを用いて印象評価を行い、タイツの印象に及ぼす柄と肌露出度の影響について13 の評価項目を用いて調査することにした。印象評価は、タイツを脚型に着装させ、SD 法で行った。その結果、タイツの評価要因は、露出度の影響を受けて評価が行われる評価項目と柄の印象で評価される評価項目、柄と露出度両方の影響によって評価される評価項目に分かれることがわかった。各13 評価項目の評価値について主成分分析を行った結果、『魅力』と『品の良さ』の2 成分が抽出できた。5 種のタイツともに『魅力』あるタイツではあるが、露出度が小さすぎるもの、あるいは大きすぎるものは『魅力』が低くなる。また、網柄タイツより花柄タイツの方が『魅力』があると評価されている。『品の良さ』に関しては、柄に関係なく露出度が大きくなるに従い、上品から下品に変化することが判った。
Sugiyama Hideo Terada Hiroshi Isomura Kimio IIJIMA Ikuyo KOBAYASHI Jun KITAMURA Kiyoshi
Journal of toxicological sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.34, no.4, pp.417-425, 2009-08-01
2 15

The isotope <sup>210</sup>Po was suspected of being involved in the death of a former Russian intelligence agent in 2006 in the UK. Although human exposure to this natural radionuclide in foods is estimated to be high, few studies are available. UNSCEAR Report 2000 does not contain data on <sup>210</sup>Po concentrations of foodstuffs in Japan. We analyzed samples of the everyday Japanese diet cooked with foodstuffs purchased at supermarkets in 7 major domestic cities in 2007-2008. <sup>210</sup>Po was quantified by alpha spectrometry and natural radionuclides such as <sup>40</sup>K by gamma spectrometry. The daily intake and committed effective dose of <sup>210</sup>Po, <sup>40</sup>K, and other natural radionuclides for Japanese adults were calculated. Daily intake was 0.34-1.84 (mean &plusmn; σ : 0.66 &plusmn; 0.53) and 68.5-94.2 (81.5 &plusmn; 8.5) Bq/d and the committed effective dose was 0.15-0.81 (0.29 &plusmn; 0.24) and 0.16-0.21 (0.18 &plusmn; 0.02) mSv for <sup>210</sup>Po and <sup>40</sup>K, respectively, comprising a high percentage of the total exposure. The total of the mean committed effective dose for the two nuclides (0.47 mSv) was higher than the annual effective dose from ingestion of foods reported by UNSCEAR 2000 (0.29 mSv). The mean committed effective dose of <sup>40</sup>K in the 7 major Japanese cities was comparable to the global average (0.17 mSv). The dietary exposure of Japanese adults can be characterized by a higher <sup>210</sup>Po contribution than in other countries. Of the total daily dietary <sup>210</sup>Po exposure (13 food categories excluding water) for adults in Yokohama, about 70% was from fish/shellfish and 20% from vegetables/mushrooms/seaweeds, reflecting preferences of Japanese to eat a considerable amount of fish/shellfish containing high <sup>210</sup>Po concentrations.
江崎 悌三
vol.34, no.402, pp.560-563, 1922
西村 正身
作新学院大学紀要 (ISSN:09171800)
vol.18, pp.23-38, 2008-03
