山口 佳寿博
慶應醫學 (ISSN:03685179)
vol.81, no.1, pp.23-30, 2004-03-25

内嶋 善兵衛
一般社団法人 日本治山治水協会
水利科学 (ISSN:00394858)
vol.15, no.4, pp.62-85, 1971-10-01 (Released:2020-07-24)
Takafumi Okukubo Yoshiaki Bando Masaki Onishi
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.30, pp.42-51, 2022 (Released:2022-01-15)

This paper presents a statistical method combined with a neural network for efficient traffic prediction from a limited amount of training data. The traffic prediction during a large-scale event is essential to maintain the safety of event participants. The conventional methods for predicting traffic time series, however, cannot be utilized because the rare nature of the large-scale events prevents us from preparing a sufficient amount of training data. To efficiently train traffic prediction from a limited amount of training data, we propose a pattern-aware regression method that reduces the number of model parameters by interpreting traffic data as a weighted sum of latent behavior patterns. The proposed method trains a neural regression model to predict the weights of these patterns from the event information instead of directly predicting the traffic time series. The behavior patterns are jointly estimated during the training in a Bayesian manner to avoid overfitting. We performed experiments with foot traffic data recorded at a real soccer stadium and show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional direct regression methods. We also demonstrate an application of our method for predicting travel time from the stadium to the nearest highway interchange, which outperforms a popular commercial service.
高橋 知子
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2019, no.197, pp.197_120-197_135, 2019-09-25 (Released:2020-04-16)

This paper explores its research question on the behavior of China upon its participation in the creation of an international law, where institutions of different issue areas intersect. It establishes a starting point for theoretical research on the relation between the fluidity of international institutions and their effect on states’ interests.As to its potential contribution, firstly, since earlier studies that focus on the institutions’ “evolutions” treat states as homogeneous entities, it is valuable to provide the view from states, who utilize the institutions to pursue their own interests. Secondly, while earlier research on China and international institutions concentrates on the socialization of China in the “western” institutions, this paper highlights institutional fluidity and complexity, and the aspect of China utilizing them from their side. China is a country worth taking up, since it is a state with increasing importance in world order.Methodologically, this research takes up the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which regulates maritime order, and the related international negotiations in establishing an environmental institution on “Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)” under UNCLOS. Qualitative analysis is conducted on the international and Chinese arguments by looking into related minutes, statements and analyses. Related institutions, organizations and international law arguments are also referred to.Having traced international and Chinese arguments on BBNJ initiation, the conclusion is as follows; firstly, they all attempted to preserve their status quo maritime order as the norm, which I labeled as the “first trend”. Meanwhile, there was a “second trend” that aimed at restricting sovereignty by the international institution, which began as an exceptional argument on environmental control over areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). However, when it was time the regulation details be specified, it became clear that they had to agree on concrete points, making it difficult to keep the norm intact. The clash between the two trends is ongoing in the international arena, as can be seen in the discussion on the creation of Area-Based Management Tools, and the specification of Marine Genetic Resources.China was reluctant in undertaking the “second trend” idea at the outset, but gradually committed to its elaboration, as the “third trend” argument on sheer environmental protection also transformed to an issue of maritime order, which questioned whether upholding sovereignty serves as the primary way to maximize state interests. The Chinese interest and the BBNJ process should be further examined by looking at its domestic decision-making process, and the impact of its traditional maritime disputes with surrounding neighbors. Further longitudinal studies should also serve to show how the rising power faces international institutions. However, overall, the “three trends” perspective serve as a heuristic tool to probe the relation of the change in international institutions and state interests.
柘植 盛男 宮林 達也 田中 誠之
公益社団法人 日本化学会
工業化学雑誌 (ISSN:00232734)
vol.74, no.9, pp.1896-1898, 1971-09-05 (Released:2011-09-02)

フェノール樹脂およびフェノール化合物-テトラヒドロフラン系について, ゲルパーミエーションクロマトグラフィー (GPC) の分離機構に関連する実験をおこなった。この系においては分子サイズによる分離効果よりも分子内水素結合による分離効果がより大きく働いていると考えられる結果が得られた。すなわち分子内水素結合を形成する分子サイズが大きいハイオルトフェノールノボラック多量体の溶出容量は同じ分子最で分子内水素結合を形成しない且つ分子サイズの小さいランダムノボラック樹脂の溶出容量より大きいことが認められた。この原因としては分子内水素結合により拘束されたフェノール性水酸基とテトラヒドロフランとの相互作用が, ラソダムフェノールノボラック樹脂のそれよりも小さくなり極限粘度 [η] が低下し, その結果 Benoit のパラメーター [η]・M (Mは分子量) が小さくなり溶出容量が大きくなったものと考えられる。同様にレゾール樹脂中のメチロールフェノール異性体についても, メチロール基とフェノール性水酸基との間に分子内水素結合を形成する異性体の溶出容量は分子内水素結合を形成しない異性体のそれよりも, より大きいことが認められた。またこの現象は一般のフェノール化合物についても, またメチルエチルケトンを溶媒として用いた場合にも認められた。
伊藤 誠
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.76, no.1, pp.79-99, 2021 (Released:2021-11-20)

Japanese capitalism has formed a vicious circle among multiple socio-economic crises under neoliberalism. This paper reexamines the historical origin of these crises, their structural relations, and identify their core, fundamental issues. It will be shown also how three different types of natural disasters also deepen socio-economic crises, thereby endangering the metabolic reproduction of human lives and nature. How can we overcome such an age of deep crises? More than ever, it is indispensable to reconsider the historical significance and task of transforming neoliberal capitalism in the world and in Japan. (1) Six multiple crises in a structural, vicious circle The inflationary crisis of 1973-75 initiated a long downturn of Japanese capitalism. In addition to the excessive supply of currencies and credit in the process of transition from the Bretton Woods international monetary system to the floating exchange rates system, over-accumulation of industrial capital in relation to the limitation of flexible supply of both labor power within major capitalist economies and primary products such as crude oil in the world market inevitably caused sharp rises in wages and prices of primary products and squeezed profit rates as a fundamental factor behind the crisis. In this regard the inflationary crisis revealed anew the basic contradiction of capitalist economy in the commodification of labor power, together with the instability of credit mechanisms. (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
大町 達夫
総合都市研究 (ISSN:03863506)
no.47, pp.p77-89, 1992-12

吉村 俊平
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.49, no.2, pp.51-57, 2020 (Released:2020-11-03)

Despite its water-rich nature, silicic magma often erupts calmly to discharge bubble-poor lava without accompanying violent explosion. To allow a water-rich magma to avoid explosion, gas phase that forms as a result of decompressive exsolution needs to escape efficiently to the outside of the magma. However, mechanism of this gas escape has long been unclear, mainly because direct evidence of gas pathways is rarely preserved in natural lava samples. In this paper I show that chlorine-content mapping analysis successfully visualizes the gas pathways hidden in groundmass glass. This chlorine mapping analysis was developed based on an idea that chlorine diffusivity in rhyolitic melt is so low that chlorine heterogeneity formed through degassing processes may survive for a long time without being homogenized. Timescales of degassing processes are estimated by applying a diffusion model to the observed heterogeneity. Results of my recent chlorine diffusion experiments are also presented, as the chlorine diffusivity is the key for interpreting the observed heterogeneity.
Hozumi Tashima Yuka Endo Naoto Okada Shingen Nakamura Kumiko Kagawa Shiro Fujii Hirokazu Miki Keisuke Ishizawa Masahiro Abe Youichi Sato
International Society of Personalized Medicne
Personalized Medicine Universe (ISSN:21864969)
vol.10, pp.1-6, 2021-12-01 (Released:2022-01-07)

Purpose: Cytarabine arabinoside (Ara-C) is an anti-metabolite that is commonly used as a therapeutic agent for acute leukemia; however, it can cause adverse drug reactions, such as digestive disorders, rashes, and fever. Therefore, identification of gene markers that can accurately predict the development of adverse drug reactions is useful for selecting effective drugs for therapy. After entering the cells, Ara-C is metabolized to Ara-C triphosphate, which inhibits DNA synthesis and exhibits antitumor activity. Therefore, we conducted an association study between the adverse reactions to cytarabine therapy and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in cytarabine metabolic genes.Methods: Among the patients treated with cytarabine at the Department of Hematology at Tokushima University Hospital, 46 patients provided informed consent and were included in this study. We selected 14 tag SNPs located in nine genes that are involved in the cytarabine metabolic pathway; these SNPs were genotyped using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) technique. Association analyses between adverse reactions to Ara-C therapy and SNPs were performed using logistic regression analysis.Results: The rs9394992 polymorphism in the SLC29A1 gene and rs3886768 polymorphism in the DCTD gene were associated with the development of rash after Ara-C therapy. The rs7277 polymorphism in the DCTD gene was associated with fever, and the rs16945930 polymorphism in the ABCC11 gene was associated with sore throat.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that SNPs in the Ara-C metabolic genes influence the development of adverse reactions to Ara-C, and the results suggest that these genes can be predictive of adverse reactions to Ara-C therapy.
有馬 成甫
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.12, no.2, pp.181-216, 1933-05

一 鐵砲の初傅來二 異説の一, メンデス・ピントの記事三 異説その二, 雜説四 異説その三, 長沼賢海博士の説五 異説その四, シャビエルと鐵砲六 異説その五, 大友宗麟と鐵砲
福井 正信 長田 泰博 黒佐 和義 田中 英文
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.10, no.3, pp.169-172, 1959

1) 1958年11月より1959年1月にかけ関東甲信越駿1都10県の国立病院薬局68カ所を対象として薬局常備薬剤のダニ, 昆虫その他の異物の調査を行つた.2)対象薬剤に澱粉, 乳糖, 含糖ペプシン, ジアスターゼ, パンクレアチン, V.B_1, 乳酸菌製剤, タンナルビン, 乾燥酵母の9種でありこれを各々元封々切直後, 封切後貯蔵, 封切後装置瓶保管の3種ずつ検査を行つた.3)1, 071検体中ダニ検出例44(4.1%), 昆虫検出例51(4.8%)となり薬品別には乾燥酵母がダニ検出率19.6%, 昆虫検出率17.8%と最も高かつた.3)保存条件別には装置瓶, 開封放置の間には差がみられなかつたが元封々切直後のものからも以上2者の50%程の検出例が記録された.4)経過日数によるダニ検出率の差はみられないが長期保存のものからは多数のダニが採集された.5)容器別には多くの形態のものより採集された.また検体採集時の温度, 温度と検出率の間に一定の傾向はみられなかつた.
林 裕史 新正 由紀子 朝戸 裕貴 加我 君孝
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.103, no.10, pp.903-907, 2010 (Released:2010-10-01)

In treating congenital microtia and atresia, we conduct simultaneous external canal plasty, tympanoplasty, and auricle elevation with plastic surgeons about 6 months after auricleplasty by only plastic surgeons. The results are good both cosmetically and functionally. We report 13 cases in which hearing did not improve satisfactorily after surgery using postoperative high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the temporal bone. Lateral healing was seen in 9 (69%), new bone proliferation in 3 (23%), malpositioning of a cartilage block in 2 (15%), and both lateral healing and malpositioning of a cartilage block in 1 (7.6%).
山本 圭介 松岡 庸洋 高尾 徹也 辻村 晃 奥山 明彦 久保 盾貴 細川 亙 角田 洋一 山口 誓司
一般社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.100, no.3, pp.500-503, 2009 (Released:2012-02-01)

41歳, 男性.家族歴・往歴に特記すべきことなし.以前より陰茎腫大を自覚し, 排尿時痛も出現したため前医受診.陰茎の著明な腫大を認めた.MRIにて, 陰茎皮膚および皮下組織の著明な肥厚を認めた.自排尿困難のため, 尿道カテーテル留置の上, 当科紹介.病的な皮膚・皮下組織を切除し, 左大腿部より採取した分層皮弁を陰茎に巻きつけて植皮を行った.病理診断では悪性所見を認めず, 非特異的炎症性変化であった.植皮の生着は良好で, 痛みは減少し尿道カテーテル抜去後も排尿可能であった.術後6カ月現在, 明らかな再発を認めず, 排尿・性機能についても特に問題ない.象皮病はリンパ浮腫の終末像であり, フィラリア感染や外傷・治療・腫瘍・液状異物自己注入などが原因で生じる.自験例ではフィラリア感染は否定的であり, 特発性と考えられた.