杉山 雄一
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.43, no.3, pp.439-442, 1990-09-24 (Released:2010-03-09)
遠藤 芳信
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.15, pp.147-163, 1976-03-30

The "Military Drill" in this treatise means an education and a drill that the man except for the army enforces the education and drill of the action, technique and knowledge of the battle irfthe army to involve the peculiar object and the educational meaning respectively. What "the man except for the army enforces to involve the peculiar object and the educational meaning" had been enforced, historically, in the sense of the line in the chain of the military preparatory education, first, and the National Education and the Formation of the People, especially, the moral and spiritual building, or the gumnastic, second. As rules for teachiing and a teaching syllabus to come under the category of the above of the "Military Drill" in the school education in Japan, we had had the Particulars of the Army Gumnastic of the Common Middle School in 1886, be for 1910 s, and the Drill in the Teaching Syllabus of the School Gumnastic in 1913 and the Teaching Syllabus of the Drill in 1925, since 1910 s, for example. The "Military Drill" in Japan had aimed at the National Education and the Formation of the People consistently. And, if we analyze the contents and methods of the "Military Drill", firstly we must research into the means of the Formation of the People that the contents and methods of the "Military Drill" involve, and especially we must research into the relation of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience in the contents and methods of the "Military Drill", because, it be able to think that the intentional reletion of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience especially in the social relations is important to the formation of the people and their personalities. So, I will research into the relation of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience in the contents and methods of the "Military Drill". Well, if we begin to analyze the contents and methods of the "Military Drill", first we must investigate the drill regulations for the infantry by way of the base teaching materials of the Drill since 1910s, because, the Drill in the Teaching Syllabus of the School Gumnastic in 1913 had expressed clealy that "the Drill complies with the rules of the drill regulations for the infantry", for example. Namely, the "Military Drill" of the School Education in Japan had been baseed on the drill regulations for the infantry. And, the Drill in the Teaching Syllabus of the School Gumnastic in 1913 had complied with the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909, meanwhile, the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909 had played up the fundamental principle of the editing till the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1940. And, the Revision of the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909 had been editied after the Russo-Japanese War. So, it is necessary for us to investigate the precept and battle on the Russo-Japanese War in the Japanese Army to analyze the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909, and the contents and methods of the "Military Drill" since 1910 s. By reason of the above, in this treatise, I investigate some basic problems of the precept and the battle on the Russo-Japanese War in the Japanese Army together with the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909 within the object of the analysis of the contents and methods of the "Military Drill" since 1910 s. At this time, it is exceedingly important for us to criticize the esteem of the mind and spiritual energy as fidtitious form that had been emphasised in the Japanese Army. And, I have tried to clarify that the Japanese Army had never set value on the mind and spiritual energy in their drill and the education in army. It was not the mind and spiritual energy but the force and violence that the Japanese Army had set value on. Namely, the Japanese Army had payed attention to the meanings of the Formation of the People that the contents and methods of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience (the limitless watch and interference toward the mind and thoughts, the control of the specific type of the action, the scorn of the personality in accordance with the force and violence, the distrust toward the soldier, the negation of the originality of the soldier) in the drill regulations for the infantry and the education in army bring to completion. And, the Military Authorities in Japan would have strengthened the poritical power of the domination in accordance with the magnification of the above Drill (and the Education in Army) throughout all the branch of the National Education, intentionally, and systematically, since the Russo-Japanese War.
隠岐 さや香 野澤 聡 小林 学 但馬 亨

田中 祐介
日本近代文学 (ISSN:05493749)
vol.87, pp.49-64, 2012-11-15

A number of studies in the field of the intellectual history of modern Japan have analyzed from a variety of angles the importance of the discovery of the concept of "society" in the public arena after World War I. However, its effect on literary history has not been explored fully to this day. This paper attempts to explicate how the awareness of society affected literary circles and literary expressions by reexamining the significance of the "Socialization of Literary Art" debate in 1920. This debate was conducted primarily in the form of an article that attracted a number of comments by different critics in the Yomiuri newspaper under the title, "The Socialization of Literary Art. "This paper argues that the movement engulfed the entire literary world and explicates how the conception of society transformed the literary discourse of the time, which idealized "the self," "character," and "universality."
髙橋 陽一
no.790, pp.136-139, 2014-01
元吉 忠寛 高尾 堅司 池田 三郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.20, no.1, pp.58-67, 2004

People living in areas where the risk of flooding is potentially high need to accept such risks, and prepare accordingly for floods. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that affected the residents' levels of acceptance of flood risks. A questionnaire-based survey was administered to residents (N=2811) living in the area affected by the Tokai flood disaster of September, 2000. Items were designed to probe for residents' attitudes toward flood risks, acceptance of flood risks, concerns about society, and rationale-based awareness of risks in society. Using structural equation modeling, we found that self-responsibility for flood preparedness and trust in public administrative authorities had a positive impact on the respondents' acceptance of flood risks. We also found that desire to attain zero risk negatively affected the residents' acceptance of flood risk. In addition, we examined how rational recognition of risks in society, and concerns about society affected attitudes towards flood risk.
川名 真理子 小堀 裕果 中崎 允人 鈴木 正論 永井 淳子 佐々木 忠徳
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.3, pp.105-110, 2013 (Released:2013-12-27)

Objective: There are only a few studies evaluating the effects of drug information services on pharmacotherapy.  We, therefore, studied the effects of providing drug information such as the effectiveness and safety of aliskiren on its pharmacotherapeutic efficacy by comparing before versus after drug information provision.Methods: Pharmacists provided drug information such as the effectiveness and safety of aliskiren coadministered with either ACE-I (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) or ARB (angiotensin receptor blocker) to physicians and other healthcare professionals.  We compared the number of patients for whom aliskiren was prescribed, the proportion of diabetic patients taking both aliskiren and ACE-I (or ARB), the proportion of patients with low eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate), and the proportion of patients with hyperkalemia and related conditions, before versus after providing the drug information to the healthcare professionals.Results: The number of patients for whom aliskiren was prescribed decreased.  The proportion of patients taking both aliskiren and ACE-I (or ARB) decreased significantly after providing the drug information (p=0.007).  The proportion of diabetic patients taking both aliskiren and ACE-I (or ARB), the proportion of patients with low eGFR, and the proportion of patients with hyperkalemia also decreased, after providing the drug information.Conclusion: This study showed the drug information service to be clinically beneficial, achieving better pharmacotherapy.  Pharmacists should evaluate and provide information on the effectiveness and safety of drugs announced by authorities in a timely manner to achieve optimal patient care.
Masayuki Konishi Masaki Takahashi Naoya Endo Shigeharu Numao Shun Takagi Masashi Miyashita Taishi Midorikawa Katsuhiko Suzuki Shizuo Sakamoto
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.2, no.1, pp.121-126, 2013-03-25 (Released:2013-04-08)
1 2

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of one night of sleep deprivation on maximal fat oxidation during a graded exercise test. Ten healthy young males underwent two 2-day control and sleep deprivation trials. Participants were allowed normal sleep from 2300 to 0700 for the control trial, whereas they were required to stay awake for 34 h during the sleep deprivation trial. At 1700 on day 2, participants performed a graded exercise test to exhaustion on a treadmill; this allowed us to determine maximal oxygen uptake and maximal fat oxidation. Before and immediately after the graded exercise test, blood samples were collected in order to measure glucose, insulin, free fatty acid, and triglyceride concentrations. Plasma glucose concentrations were significantly higher in the sleep deprivation trial than in the control trial before the graded exercise test. Serum insulin and free fatty acid concentrations were not significantly different between the two trials. Serum triglyceride concentrations were significantly lower in the sleep deprivation trial than in the control trial. The maximal fat oxidation rate, oxygen uptake, and heart rate at maximal fat oxidation intensity, during the graded exercise test, were not significantly different between the two trials. These findings suggest that maximal fat oxidation during graded exercise is unaffected by one night of sleep deprivation.
工藤 奈織美 山本 春江 杉山 克己
青森県立保健大学雑誌 (ISSN:13493272)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-7, 2005-03-31

国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されました。The amount of exercise of 29 people in the snowfall period and non-snowfall period was investigated in Aomori City to clarify the influence of "Snow crearing" on the amount of exercise in the snowfall period and to clarify the difference season in the amount of exercise and the number of steps. The results were as follows : 1) The season and the weather such as the snowfall and snow did not influence people who took regular exercise, and the amount of exercise and the number of steps were the same in the snowfall period. 2) "Snow crearing" contributed to the amount of exercise and the number of steps in the snowfall period. 3) "Snow" did not influence the amount of exercise and the number of steps of people who took regular exercise so much. 4) A significant correlation was seen between the amount of the exercise or the number of steps, and daily activity, such as shopping on foot.
石丸藤太 訳
矢板 晋
研究論集 = Research Journal of Graduate Students of Letters (ISSN:13470132)
vol.13, pp.531-551, 2013-12-20

近年グローバル化する日本社会において,移民の子どもをめぐる教育問題 が顕在化している。そこでは,彼/彼女らが周辺化―不就学・不登校・学業 不達成―される実態がある。では,移民子弟はどのように周辺化されている のか。また,それはなぜか。さらに「日本の教育」は,どのような教育的公 正を実現すべきか。 筆者は2010年に栃木県真岡市で,2012年に同市と群馬県伊勢崎市で調査 を行った。調査対象は,真岡市の公立小中学校,国際交流協会,教育委員会, NPO法人「SAKU・ら」,伊勢崎市のNPO多言語教育研究所ICS(InternationalCommunitySchool) である。調査方法は主に半構造化面接調査と参与 観察である。 まず,周辺化の実態には大きく二つ考えられる。即ち,「親の周辺化」と「子 の周辺化」である。さらに,前者は「地域」「学校」において,後者は「学校」 「教育機会」「家庭」という空間で周辺化されている。 次に,周辺化の原因は大きく3つ考えられる。第一に,積極的ラベリング と消極的ラベリングというラベリング論からのアプローチである。第二に, 移民子弟や教員の使用言語をめぐる,言語コード論的アプローチだ。第三に, 就学段階における必須要素の欠如である。移民子弟の就学には,学校に「接 触」し,学校生活に「適応」,最後に「継続」して学校に通い続けるという3 段階が存在し,各段階で言語資本や社会関係資本などの不足がキーとなる。 最後に,移民子弟を考慮した教育的公正が必要である。「公正」とは,「平 等」の十分条件と解釈され,日本における多文化共生や多文化教育の重要な 概念である。移民子弟の教育的公正に関しては,各就学段階における公正を 実現すべきである。即ち「接触」段階では言語や文化的背景に着目した「象 徴的公正」,「適応」段階においては学習資源や人間関係を中心とする「資源 的公正」,「継続(移行)」段階では進級や進学制度における「制度的公正」の 達成が望まれる。
矢野 裕俊
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.80, no.2, pp.197-209, 2013-06-30

上原 樹代
図書館界 (ISSN:00409669)
vol.65, no.1, pp.2-15, 2013-05-01
