平松 慎介 根引 浩子 上野 綾子 若原 佑平 丸山 紘嗣 末包 剛久 山崎 智朗 佐々木 英二 佐野 弘治 佐藤 博之 中井 隆志 川崎 靖子 木岡 清英
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.110, no.6, pp.1007-1013, 2013 (Released:2013-06-05)

上野 まどか いとう たけひこ
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.46, no.1, pp.53-62, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-10-31)

A group work was conducted for newly employed hospital professionals. The program was aimed at relieving their anxiety and helping them develop better relationships. Participants were 31 former students and mid-career staff working at a hospital (mean age = 27.7). Brief POMS was administered as the pre- and post-test to see the change of participants mood. A post-test questionnaire that included subjective assessment items (Nakamura et al., 2011), as well as impressions of group work. An analysis of POMS scores indicated a significant improvement in their mood after the program. The effect sizes also indicated that although the effects of group work are generally high, they are particularly effective for the high risk group. The analysis of subjective evaluation indicated that the participants experienced better relationship in terms of universality, cohesiveness, acceptance (sense of safety), advice and meaningful engagement with other occupations. The group work program with non-invasive warm-up activities for newly workers especially with emotional problems will facilitate adaptation to the workplace.
上野 瑞子 實金 栄 川田 裕次郎 柴田 展人
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.45, no.1, pp.47-57, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-10-31)

This study aimed at creating scales for measuring organizational retaliatory behaviors that would occur as a result of friction or conflict in human relationships between nurses in hospitals and may adversely affect patients, and finding the relationship of the organizational retaliatory behaviors with the emotional commitments and feelings of self-esteem.With 1439 nurses participating the survey, this study established a cause-and-effect model where the factors for nurse organizational retaliatory behaviors namely "enervation," "unskillfulness," "self-indulgence" were dependent variables, and feelings of self-esteem, emotional commitments, and affirmative feeling were the primary causes. Then, using the Structural Equation modeling, we examined if the model matched with the data. As a result, it was confirmed that the model matched with the data (CFI=0.945, RMSEA=0.049), suggesting that the factors reducing the organizational retaliatory behaviors should be considered.
上野 太祐
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.69, pp.249-262, 2020 (Released:2021-05-24)

This paper explains how Yamamoto Jōchō interpreted the teaching “I have found the way of the warrior in death” for himself. This teaching is generally interpreted as helping warriors find the determination to die. However, it entailed for Jōchō a self-contradictory situation. Despite his insistence that warriors had to die, Jōchō was, of course, still alive when he pronounced the teaching. In such a situation─espousing a teaching on death yet surviving his master─he arrived at a profound insight into life’s meaning after deep contemplation. Approaching this teaching from this perspective allows for a meaningful reinterpretation of this purportedly “radical”, and “dangerous” teaching. Jōchō could not commit suicide upon his master’s death because his master had forbidden it. He therefore decided upon world-renunciation instead. After his symbolic death through world-renunciation, he anguished over having to continue living without his master. His teaching must therefore be interpreted in this light: Jōchō was suffering through survival. In retrospect, there were two remarkable events in his life. One was the experience of acquiring meaning for his life through a command: his master requested that Jōchō served at his side. Jōchō looked upon himself as a “worthless” retainer but decided to devote his life to his master. The other event was a miracle. Jōchō had a sudden premonition and reached his master to be with him at his death. This demonstrated for Jōchō, his unity, body and soul, with his master. Jōchō realized that he had already become an authentic “Nabeshima retainer” by becoming an authentic retainer to his master. These moments generated an existential conflict between committing suicide and surviving because of his master’s prohibition. Seen from the perspective of this existential problem, Jōchō’s teaching should be understood as a confession of his anguished self-suffering based on this ambivalence rather than a radical enjoinment of the warrior to embrace death.
上岡 洋晴 黒柳 律雄 武藤 芳照 上野 勝則 岡田 真平 横井 佳代
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.3, no.1, pp.35-46, 2002 (Released:2008-12-26)

The aims of this research were to determine medical and other expenses (transportation fees, purchase of medical supplies or equipment) from being hospitalized or attending a hospital due to fall-related accidents and to determine the effects of such falls on labor productivity and social activity.First, total medical expenses and self-paid expenses were evaluated for 7 elderly participants over the age of 65 who were hospitalized or attended an orthopedic surgery at Hospital A in Tokyo. Second, a telephone interview was conducted on 21 persons above the age of 65 who had fall-related injuries in Kitamimaki Village (Nagano Prefecture), from May 2000 to July 2001. Questions concerned the circumstance of the fall, type and location of the injury, degree of physical and mental sequelae, influence on labor productivity and social activity, conditions of hospitalization and attending a hospital (transportation and frequency), and purchases for medical supplies, etc.Self-paid costs from hospitalization for fractures were 1,200yen per day for cases without surgery and 1,500yen to 3,000yen per day for cases with surgery (depending on surgery method and number of hospitalization days).Although a large variance was observed, average of total costs without medical expenses were 15,385yen, transportation expenses were 12,714yen, and purchases were 2,671yen. Transportation cost 409yen per visit; usage of a self-owned car was less costly than use of a taxi or bus. The influence on labor productivity was mostly on housework. Only 4 cases (19%) reported limitations on social activity; these were absence from meetings or sport lessons. However, physical and mental sequelae were observed in 8 cases (38%) with throbbing pain, movement limitations, and fear of falling.The amount of therapy costs and other self-paid expenses from fall-related injuries were low but medical expenses are high. Results revealed the necessity of fall prevention programs.
秋月 さおり 佐々木 君枝 北島 祐子 梅木 雄二 鳥越 律子 林 真紗美 篠崎 広嗣 鈴木 稔 上野 隆登 神村 彩子 田中 芳明
外科と代謝・栄養 (ISSN:03895564)
vol.52, no.1, pp.55-65, 2018 (Released:2018-08-23)

L-オルニチンおよびL-グルタミン含有食品摂取による周術期栄養改善およびQOL への影響を検討するための介入試験を行った.消化器癌開腹手術を実施する90 歳以下の男女18 名を試験食品摂取群または非摂取群の2 群に無作為に分け,術前・術後の7 日間ずつにわたり試験食品を摂取させ,栄養関連指標,体組成,QOL について評価した.その結果,両群において手術の侵襲による栄養関連指標,体組成量の低下が観察されたが,試験食品摂取による影響はみられなかった.一方で,QOL アンケートより,身体機能,役割機能,倦怠感,疼痛について,非摂取群でみられたスコアの低下が試験食品摂取群では認められなかった.これらのことから,周術期に一定期間L-オルニチンおよびL-グルタミンを摂取することにより,患者のQOL を良好に保つことができる可能性が示唆された.
上野 貴弘 大橋 正良
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2022-HCI-199, no.25, pp.1-6, 2022-08-15

大山 要 曽良 一郎 小澤 寛樹 竹林 実 今村 明 上野 雄文 岩永 竜一郎 福嶋 翔 酒井 智弥 植木 優夫 川尻 真也 一瀬 邦弘 山口 拓 縄田 陽子 中尾 理恵子 小川 さやか
