岩坪 〓子 鈴木 恵三 今西 秀明
Japanese Society for Oral Health
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.41, no.3, pp.242-250, 1991-07-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

We made an oral survey of the Tibetans in three quite different areas and got interesting results. The comparative study was made in Karakoram (1974), North-west Nepal (1983), and Yunnan province, China (1989).1) In Karakoram, North-west Nepal, the number of cases of decidous tooth caries was extremely small. On the other hand, it was very great in Yunnan province.2) The eruption age of permanent teeth was quite similar in the three Tibetan areas. Japanese teeth change from deciduous teeth to permanent teeth at a younger age.3) In Yunnan province, the inhabitants had many decayed teeth in the upper front jaw, and few at lower front jaw. The number of decayed deciduous molars was large as in the Japanese.4) Caries surfaces: In Yunnan province, the number of cases of proximal and distal surface caries was great compared with that on occlusal and labiolingual surfaces. Caries in Yunnan province may be closely related to the manner of carbohydrate intake.
今西 典子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.238-247, 2001-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

In this paper, developments in the theory of generative grammar spanning the last 40 years are traced. Particular attention will be paid to the theoretically important changes that have been made in each of the four decades. The significance that linguistic research based on the Minimalist Program has in relation to cognitive science will be discussed.
古川 健亮 谷 聡 福田 昌輝 西澤 昭彦 坂井 誠 森田 宗孝 今西 築 山下 順平 北澤 荘平 老籾 宗忠
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.96, no.2, pp.160-163, 1999-02-05 (Released:2008-02-26)

明石 諭 童 仁 錦織 直人 松山 武 今西 正巳 川口 正一郎
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.67, no.9, pp.2039-2042, 2006-09-25 (Released:2009-01-22)

症例は85歳,女性で, 2005年11月にS状結腸穿孔による汎発性腹膜炎の診断で穿孔部縫縮術および腹腔ドレナージ術を施行した.ドレーンは左右横隔膜下,ダグラス窩に留置した.左横隔膜下に留置したドレーンより膿汁の排出があったため長期留置していたが,術後24日目に突然の胸痛と呼吸困難感が出現し,ドレーンより多量の排液を認めた.胸部レントゲンにて左気胸を認め,胸腔ドレナージを施行した.ドレーンの胸腔内への突出およびドレーン内排液の呼吸性移動から,気胸の原因は留置ドレーンによる横隔膜穿孔が疑われた.瘻孔造影および胸部CTにて造影剤は胸腔内に流入しているのを確認し,確定診断を得た. ドレーンによる臓器損傷は消化管が多く,横隔膜損傷による気胸の発症は非常に稀である.原因として炎症による組織の脆弱が考えられたが,ドレーン留置による合併症も念頭においてドレーン管理をすべきであると思われた.
今西 文男
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.22, no.3, pp.313-322, 1961-03-25 (Released:2017-12-18)

The lesion of each organ of the rats administrated with 50,000 I.U. of vitamin A-acetate for 7-15 days was examined histologically. After describing the pathological changes of heart, liver, kidneys, brain, peripheral nerve fibers and end-plates in skeletal muscle, bone, endcrine glands etc., the author discussed the effect of synthetic vitamin A on the living bodies comparing with the old examination using liver oil. From the histological finding of thalamo-hypophyseal system, it was pointed out that the hypervitaminosis was regarded as a kind of stressor.
カルマール 良子 今西 香寿
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.86, pp.44-51, 2020-03

Previous studies have shown that the use of a baby-walker during the first year after birth of a baby, when the motor skill is most significantly developed, may affect the subsequent development of the child. However, since trends in use of other infant equipment have not been investigated, it is not clear what kind of infant equipment is used at each stage of the infantile development. The present study was usage survey of infant equipment, including those other than baby-walkers, for newborns and infants during their first year of life. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire targeting 612 infants in Hyogo, Okayama, and Tottori prefectures in Japan, resulting in 307 valid responses, which have revealed their usage of infant equipment. Some items of infant equipment that are used for a longer time than baby-walkers may restrict infant. While the infant equipment increases the safety of the lives of infants, our data suggests the possibility that those devices may also limit their self-directed, which is important for gross motor development.
今西 武 花岡 美代次
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.41, no.5, pp.403-417, 1983-05-01 (Released:2010-01-22)
1 3

This article describes our recent synthetic studies on some kinds of alkaloids, which possess various carbon substituted piperidine parts in their structures, starting from a common synthon, N-substituted 1, 6-dihydro-3(2H)-pyridinone. Syntheses of catharanthine, ibogamine, epiibogamine, tabersonine, cleavamine, eburnamonine, corynantheidol, quinine, and tecomanine are involved.
今西 英雄 植村 修二 園田 茂行
園芸學會雜誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.54, no.4, pp.483-489, 1986

1. くん煙あるいはエチレン処理により休眠打破を促した球茎と無処理の球茎とを用いて, 発芽試験, 球茎最上腋芽における葉の分化及び底部における根の出現の推移より, 球茎の休眠の様相を明らかにすると共に, これらの球茎を異なる時期より低温処理に移し, いつから低温感応が可能であるかを調べた.<br>2. 室温下に貯蔵された無処理の球茎では, 8月31日に最上腋芽で葉の分化が再開し, 引き続いて根の出現が認められ, この段階の球茎を14&deg;C下で置床すると速やかな発芽がみられた. これに対し, 無処理球に比べエチレン処理球では2週間, くん煙処理球ではほぼ6週間,より早い時期に同じ状態に達することが認められ, 両処理, とりわけくん煙処理による顕著な休眠打破効果が確かめられた.<br>3. このように休眠程度の異なる球茎を種々の時期より, 10&deg;C湿潤5週間の低温処理に移したところ, 低温処理終了時における発芽及び花芽分化は共にくん煙処理球で最も進み, エチレン処理球, 無処理球の順であった.これらの低温処理球の開花をみたところ, くん煙及びエチレン処理球ではそれぞれ8月17日, 8月31日低温処理開始において全個体開花し, 完全な低温感応が認められたが, 無処理球では最も遅い9月14日の処理開始でも開花率が86%にとどまった.<br>4. これらの結果, 低温処理開始可能時期は室温下に貯蔵した球茎の最上腋芽における葉の分化再開時期よりも2週以上遅く, 根の突起がほぼ全個体で認められた時期に一致することが確かめられた.
今西 孝至 岩竹 柚樹 岡村 美代子 矢野 義孝 楠本 正明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.25-32, 2021-01-10 (Released:2022-01-10)

In order to prevent a crisis due to the increasing elderly population in 2025, home medical care should be enforced and promoted. Therefore, pharmacists are expected to play their roles in home medical care. However, pharmacists’ involvement in home medical care remains inadequate in Japan. In this study, a nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted on the awareness of visiting nurses about the roles of pharmacists in home medical care, and data were analyzed using the text mining method. A request letter was posted to 47 prefectural branches of the Japanese Nursing Association and 28 prefectural branches of The National Association for Visiting Nurse Service. Only members of these associations who agreed to participate in this survey responded. As a result, a total of 103 visiting nurses completed the questionnaires. “Distribution of medicines to the medication calendar” was one of the main medicine-related jobs performed by visiting nurses during home medical care. The majority of them (95% of visiting nurses replied “it is necessary”) indicated that pharmacists’ activity was required for home medical care. According to visiting nurses, the job expected from pharmacists in home medical care was the “centralized unitary management of medicines in collaboration with medical doctors.” In summary, our survey results suggest that an active intervention to polypharmacy by pharmacists in collaboration with home medical doctors is important for home medical care.
今西 二郎
社団法人 におい・かおり環境協会
におい・かおり環境学会誌 (ISSN:13482904)
vol.39, no.4, pp.221-230, 2008-07-25 (Released:2010-10-13)
1 1

野島 永 村田 晋 今福 拓哉 真木 大空 今西 隆行 シュタインハウス ウェルナー
no.4, pp.1-148, 2018-03-31

The Satadani-Satadao group of graves with burial mound, where the excavations were carried out, is located at the urban area on the east side of Shōbara city in the northern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. The group was built between the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period (1st century BC) and the first third of the Late Yayoi period (1st century AD).A series of excavations yielded the following results: Satadani grave No. 1 and 2, Satadao grave No. 3 are graves with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections (yosumi tosshutsugata funkyū bo); Satadao grave No. 4 has also a rectangular burial mound with four corner projections, but it has subsequently been modified and altered into a square-shaped burial mound; Satadani grave No. 3, Satadao grave No. 1 and 2 are square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precincts (hōkei shūkō bo); Satadao grave No. 5 is a square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precinct (hōkei shūkō bo), where on the inside of the ditch-enclosed space a grave pit was confirmed.One important result of this investigation was the discovery of variations in Yayoi burial mound construction techniques. Towards the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period after repeated burials of several individuals, the burial mound of the Satadao No. 3 grave was completed. In other words, it became clear, that at the grave No. 3 with rectangular burial mound with four corner projections, grave pits were first excavated before the burial mound was finally taking shape. Then the deceased persons were buried within and thereafter the grave pits were backfilled with the soil of the pit excavation. The so repeated iterations of grave pit excavation, burial and backfilling gradually produced the mound. However, on the other hand at Satadani grave No. 1, Satadao grave No.1 and 2 the burials took place after the earthworks of the mound were nearly completed.According to the results of the surveys, within the same group of graves one could confirm that the construction methods of the burial mounds changed: from the type, where the mound and the burial facilities are simultaneously constructed ("concurrent progression" type) of the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period to the type, where burial mound construction proceeds first ("mound first" type) of the first third of the Late Yayoi period. It became clear that this is a rather rare group ofgraves with burial mound.Due to our research it became clear that from the San'in region to the Chūgoku mountain range, a type of burial – termed here, the "mound last" type – can be found, wherein an earth mound was constructed only after digging the grave and completing the burial. The "concurrent progressive" types, referred to previously, were common in the Middle Yayoi period stage. The "mound-first" type noted at Satadani grave No. 1 appeared in the Late Yayoi period. These elements were adopted in large or huge burial mounds in other regions. This empirical evidence demonstrates that changes in burial mound construction methods were a catalyst for the changes in burial rites – concerning their scale and magnificence on the occasion of burials of chiefs.In Satadani burial mound No. 3, small grave pits are distributed at the lower level of the mounding, revealing that burials were continually taking place there while the mound was being formed. Furthermore, a large grave pit over 6m in length, which constitutes the principal burial chamber, was detected in the upper mounding along with shafts and other burial facilities, and part of this pit was revealed to be overlapping with another grave pit which constitutes a peripheral burial chamber. It is therefore plausible that this burial mound can be classified as an "eclectic" style that mixes together the "concurrent progressive" and "mound-first" styles. Moreover, two pieces of earthenware were unearthed: vermilion-lacquered vessels with spout and large attached pedestal foot. These were products of the technology of the southern part of Okayama Prefecture. Interestingly, they have holes knocked into them. This feature conjures up an image of the subsequent ceremonial vessel stand (tokushu kidai), which later evolved into the cylindrical clay figures (entō haniwa) of the Kofun period).The Satadani burial mound group is the place where funeral rituals first started to involve a combination of elements such as the following: A wooden chamber (mokkaku) housing a wooden coffin is interred within the burial pit and then large red-colored pottery (like vessels with attached pedestal foot, chūkō kyaku tsuki bachi) are offered at the surface of the grave pit; round pebbles or stone slabs are distributed around the grave to serve as markers, which were become used with offering pottery in the Late Yayoi period; and the graves are arranged in such a way that a large grave pit constituting the main burial is surrounded by other smaller burials in its vicinity at the top of the mound. These elements of ritual (facilities, implements and process of the burial, etc.) are the origin of the elements of the funerary ritual observed in the large and giant Yayoi burial mounds that developed from the last third of the Late Yayoi period onward in the eastern part of Shimane Prefecture, the southern part of Okayama Prefecture, and the northern part of Kyōto Prefecture.The results of the research have provided further confirmation of the Satadani burial mound group's forerunner-status in the development of Yayoi burial mounds. The site vividly displayed the transformation in Yayoi burial mounds that occurred from the Middle Yayoi period to the Late Yayoiperiod.Thus, we identify the Satadani-Satadao burial mound group as an extremely important archaeological site for studying the development, in terms of appearance and increase in size, of the Yayoi-period burial mounds. This group is not only constructed during a relatively early stage of Yayoi period graves with burial mound, but also it became obvious that this a very important site, if one is taking into consideration the development of burial mounds of Yayoi period graves.In addition, this study incorporates the interrelation of burial mound construction methods and funeral rites, thus making it a fundamental investigation from a comparative archaeological perspective regarding the research of burial mounds not only in Japan, but also overseas.その他のタイトル : 庄原市教育委員会発掘調査報告書30本報告書〈研究編〉は『四隅突出型墳丘墓の発達に関する考古学的研究』と題する科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)、課題番号23520922〈研究代表者:野島 永〉)による調査研究の成果を掲載した。
森 源治郎 今西 英雄 坂西 義洋
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.60, no.2, pp.387-393, 1991

1.露地栽培株の茎頂における生殖生長への転換は10月上&bull;中旬で, 年内に花被形成段階まで進んだ後,発育を停止した. 翌年の4月中&bull;下旬に発育を再開し,花芽は5月中&bull;下旬に雌ずい形成期, 7月上旬に花粉形成期に達し, 7月下旬に開花した.<BR>2.7月1日から25&deg;Cに保った株では戸外株と同様2か月後においても花芽は未分化であったが, 150および20&deg;Cに移すと分化が認められた.<BR>3.小花原基形成期~花被形成期に達した後雌ずい形成期までの発育, 雌ずい形成期に達した後花粉形成期までの発育, さらに花粉形成期に達した後開花までの発育は, ともに25&deg;Cの高温で早められた. しかし,花粉形成期後の高温は開花時の花茎長および小花数を減少させた.<BR>4.促成を目的とした加温栽培のうち, 最も早く開花がみられたのは11月下旬からの加温 (最低20&deg;C) 開始で, 自然開花期より約2か月早い5月下旬に開花した. さらに加温中, 長日 (16時間) を与えると, 9月中旬からの加温開始が最も早く, 4月中旬に開花させることができた.
今西 規 木村 亮介 瀧 靖之 竹内 光

吉川 博昭 西部 伸一 酒井 大輔 今西 宏和 大野 聖加 小林 克江 北村 晶
埼玉医科大学 医学会
埼玉医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:03855074)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-11, 2018 (Released:2018-10-25)

【目的】脳神経外科術後早期に,不安定な循環動態や疾患の重症度とは関連のない高乳酸血症を経験することがある.脳神経外科予定手術患者を対象とし,術後早期の高乳酸血症の発症要因と術後合併症との関連について後方視的に検討した. 【対象と方法】予定脳神経外科手術患者のうち,麻酔導入後および手術終了直前に,動脈血ガス分析で乳酸値を測定した症例を対象とした.手術終了直前の乳酸値が2 mmol/L以上を術後早期高乳酸血症と定義し,高乳酸血症群と正常乳酸値群に分類した.患者背景,バイタルサイン,術前合併症と術前投与薬剤,手術術式,脳腫瘍の悪性度と大きさ,手術時間,出血量,動脈血ガス分析結果,周術期カテコラミン投与,集中治療室滞在日数,術後人工呼吸,術後合併症について群間で比較し,多変量ロジスティック回帰分析を行った. 【結果】対象患者 225名のうち 49名に術後早期高乳酸血症を認めた.高乳酸血症群では,脳腫瘍手術患者の割合,手術時間,術前乳酸値,出血量が高値であった(P < 0.05).多変量解析から,術前の高乳酸血症(オッズ比 27.83)と脳腫瘍手術(オッズ比 4.806)が術後早期高乳酸血症の発症要因として考えられた.脳腫瘍手術患者 89名のうち38名が高乳酸血症群であった.高乳酸血症群では正常乳酸値群に比較して,腫瘍が有意に大きかった(1016 mm² [四分位範囲:545,1951 mm²] vs. 780 mm² [四分位範囲:3 22,1107 mm²])(P= 0.02).また,2日以上集中治療室に滞在した患者が,術後早期高乳酸血症群で は正常乳酸値群よりも多かった(31% vs. 16%, P<0.05). 【結論】予定脳神経外科手術患者の術後早期高乳酸血症の発症要因は,術前からの高乳酸血症と脳腫瘍手術であった.術後早期高乳酸血症患者は,集中治療室滞在時間が長くなる可能性がある.