木村 真理 渡邉 映理 岸田 聡子 今西 二郎
一般社団法人 日本女性心身医学会
女性心身医学 (ISSN:13452894)
vol.16, no.3, pp.268-282, 2012-03-31 (Released:2017-01-26)

藤井 隆 小嶋 俊一 大江 透 今西 政仁 木村 玄次郎 唐川 真二 飯田 達能 平田 結喜緒 倉持 衛夫 下村 克朗 伊藤 敬一 尾前 照雄
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.30, no.4, pp.347-353, 1988-04-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

The mechanism of polyuria associated with paroxysmal supraventicular tachycardia (SVT) was investigated in 8 patients whose SVT was provoked artificially by esophageal pacing. SVT was sustained for 60 minutes. Blood and urine samples were collected every 30 minutes from one hour before provocation to one hour after termination of SVT. Urine volume increasd in all patients more than two fold (on average 2.5 fold) of the control volume. Urine osmolality decreased from 546±66 (S. E.)mOsm/kg at the control period to 197±32 mOsm/kg at the peak of urine volume. Urinary Na excretion increased significantly (p<0.01) about 1.5 fold for 30 minutes after termination of SVT. Urinary antidiuretic hormone (u-ADH) was suppressed to one third of control period during SVT (from 30±11 pg/min to 8±2 pg/min), then increased significantly (p<0.05) to 74±15 pg/min after termination. Although plasma ADH level did not change during SVT, it tended to increased after termination. Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (p-ANP) increased to 5 fold on average at termination of SVT and maximally attained value was 400 pg/ml. Urinary prostaglandin E2(u-PGE2) excretion increased after termination of SVT and percent changes of u-PGE2 had a positive correlation with those of urinary Na excretion (r=0.64, p<0.001, n=5). Positive correlation was also found between percent changes of u-PGE2 excretion and those of u-ADH excretion (r=0.72, p<0.001, n=5). The findings suggest the following conclusions: 1) The polyuria during SVT period was attributed mainly to the inhibition of ADH secretion, 2) Natriuresis after SVT period was due to i) the increase of p-ANP and ii) the release of renal PGE2 associated with the increased ADH secretion.
松本 清二 永井 伸夫 今西 塩一 蓮池 宏一 幸田 正典
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.48, no.2, pp.107-116, 1998-08-25 (Released:2017-05-25)

At the beginning of this century, the swamp-eel Monopterus albus was introduced from Korea to an area of Nara Prefecture, located at or near one of the origins of the Kizu, Yamato and Yoshino River Systems. Our samplings were carried out between 1988 and 1997 and information offered by farmers was confirmed that the fish was distributed in the three river systems. Furthermore, a comparison between our results and previous reports clearly shows that the fish has expanded its distribution range. Closer surveys revealed that the fish did not occur at higher altitudes which were isolated from lowland fields providing a habitat for the fish, even though both area were cconnected by rivers. In contrast, it occured in paddy fields on both sides of passes which the fields traversed. The fish seems to be a poor swimmer because of its degenerate fins. These facts suggest that its wide distribution range is due to its high dispersal ability and some extrinsic factors as suggested below: 1) ability to breathe air, which enables it to leave bodies of water; 2) release at or near the origins of the three river systems; 3) abundance of contiguous paddy fields which are suitable habitats for the fish.
早瀬 真弓 今西 純一 中村 彰宏
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.73, no.5, pp.812-816, 2010-03

今西 禎雄 古田 賢治
Japan Poultry Science Association
日本家禽学会誌 (ISSN:00290254)
vol.29, no.1, pp.30-35, 1992

松澤 孝紀 武尾 実 井出 哲 飯尾 能久 伊藤 久男 今西 和俊 堀内 茂木
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.56, no.1, pp.75-88, 2003-06-02 (Released:2010-03-11)

We estimated S-wave attenuation (QS-1) in a wide frequency range between 4Hz and 60Hz using the twofold spectral ratio [Matsuzawa et al. (1989)] in the western Nagano region, Japan, where the 1984 Naganoken-Seibu earthquake (M6.8) occurred and the seismicity is still active. In the region, there are 49 seismic stations in a range of around 10km in diameter and station separation is several kilometers. In this analysis, 156 shallow (depth <10km) events (0.9≤MW≤2.6) are used. We can effectively reduce the errors of the estimation by using a number of ray paths. We also determined the focal mechanisms of these events and corrected the waveform amplitudes using them. The direct S-wave portions of the seismograms are relatively small in a high frequency range (above 60Hz) at surface stations compared to the lower frequency waves, and contaminated by P-coda waves. Thus, to estimate QS-1 value, we used only the waves whose S/N ratios are greater than 2, where the noise levels are calculated for the time windows just before S-wave arrivals. Obtained QS-1 values show strong frequency dependence below 10Hz, but weak above 10Hz. These values are slightly larger than the ones estimated by Yoshimoto et al. (1998) from the coda-normalization method. This difference is probably owing to the fracture area of the 1984 Naganoken-Seibu earthquake that has strong attenuation.
今西 一
商学討究 (ISSN:04748638)
vol.61, no.2/3, pp.3-43, 2010-12-25
今西 一
商学討究 (ISSN:04748638)
vol.57, no.4, pp.103-130, 2007-03-30
今西 靖治 イマニシ ノブハル Imanishi Nobuharu
国際公共政策研究 (ISSN:13428101)
vol.19, no.1, pp.67-82, 2014-09

Since the end of the Cold War, the United Nations has changed and developed its policies on peacekeeping operations. During this period, Japan has been committed to peacebuilding as one of its primary diplomatic policies and has played a role in Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and more recently, it has made efforts in countries such as Haiti and South Sudan. This paper points out some challenges Japan faces in the field of peacebuilding as it aims for a more proactive contribution for international peace and security.
内出 崇彦 今西 和俊

Earthquake statistics needs parameterized information on earthquakes. One of such parameters is the magnitude. The local magnitude scales, such as the JMA magnitude (Mj), based on amplitudes of seismograms are easy to estimate and therefore usually included in earthquake catalogs. The moment magnitude (Mw) is based on the physical source parameter, seismic moment, however needs much effort for the estimation especially for microearthquakes. Though the consistency between Mj and Mw is guaranteed for the medium earthquakes, we need to check that for microearthquakes.As for use of earthquake catalogs, we should know the completeness magnitude above which catalog is complete. A type of it is Mc defined as a magnitude where magnitude-frequency distribution starts deviating from the Gutenberg-Richter’s (GR) law. Another one is based on earthquake detectability. Schorlemmer and Woessner [2008] proposed MP based on the detectability inferred from the pick information. They showed the Californian case that MP is smaller than Mc, which indicates the breakdown of the GR law. It is important to confirm if the breakdown really occurs. Our study investigates if the discrepancies are also seen in case of Mw.Mw Estimation for MicroearthquakesWe stably estimate seismic moment of microearthquakes based on moment ratios to nearby small earthquakes whose seismic moments are available in the NIED MT catalog, by a multiple spectral ratio analysis [Uchide and Imanishi, under review]. Applying this method to earthquakes in Fukushima Hamadori and northern Ibaraki prefecture areas, eventually we obtained the seismic moments of a total of 19140 earthquakes (Mj 0.4 - 3.8). The striking result of this study is that the change in slopes of the Mj-Mw curve: 1 and 0.5 at higher and lower magnitudes, respectively (see Figure). The discrepancies between Mj and Mw are significant for microearthquakes, suggesting that Mj underestimates the sizes of microearthquakes.Completeness Magnitudes and b-valuesThe result above must affect earthquake statistics. Here we study Mc and b-value of the GR law. Following Ogata and Katsura [1993], we assume the earthquake detectability as the cumulative normal distribution with a mean, μ, and a standard deviation, σ, and estimate the GR parameters (a and b) together with μ and σ. We define Mc = μ + 2.33 σ where the detection rate is 99 %. Applying this method to the monthly seismicity data in the study area, we found that the Mc for Mw is lower than that for Mj converted into Mw, however still larger than MP converted into Mw. This may be due to the breakdown of the GR law for microearthquakes, though another possibility is that the incompleteness of earthquake catalog overestimates the detectability, resulting the underestimate of MP.b-values for Mw (bw) are systematically larger than those for Mj (bj). The temporal trends for bw and bj are similar to each other. When bj increases, bw also increases. This does not affect discussions inferred from the qualitative temporal change in b-values [e.g., Nanjo et al., 2012]. bw is often larger than 1.5, indicating that the moment release is dominantly done by smaller earthquakes.AcknowledgementWe used the JMA Unified Earthquake Catalog, seismograms from NIED Hi-net and the NIED moment tensor catalog.Figure: Comparison between Mj and Mw inferred from the multiple spectral ratio analyses (color image for the distribution and circles for the median Mw) and the NIED MT solutions.
今西 隆男 市原 孝志
高知県立森林技術センター研究報告 = Bulletin of Kochi Prefectural Forest Technology Center (ISSN:13486004)
no.36, pp.98-108, 2011-03 (Released:2013-10-08)

今西 二郎 渡邊 聡子 栗山 洋子 細野 八郎 田中 邦雄 矢野 忠 細川 豊史
日本東洋醫學雜誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.53, no.6, pp.669-674, 2002-11-20
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