三宅 志歩 佐々木 薫 明星 里沙 佐々木 正浩 大島 純弥 渋谷 陽一郎 相原 有希子 関堂 充
日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (ISSN:09164936)
vol.35, no.1, pp.1-8, 2022 (Released:2022-03-25)

Free fibula flap transfer, which consists of a vascularized segment of the long fibula, is the gold standard for mandibular reconstruction; however, this flap lacks sufficient soft tissue. In this report, we present a case of mandibular reconstruction in which the free fibula flap included two skin paddles vascularized by the proximal perforator(PP)and distal perforator(DP). The two skin paddles provided sufficient soft tissue and improved the outcome in terms of reconstructing the facial contours with a single flap. The PP has anatomical variations in terms of(a)location, running through both musculo- and septo-cutaneous regions, and(b)bifurcation, originating from the peroneal artery or more proximal positions. As skin paddles involving the PP have slightly thicker fat tissue and larger soleus muscle tissue than those involving DP, they may be useful for supplying soft tissue in mandibular reconstruction.
小川 恭孝 徳田 英 佐々木 正巳 大宮 学 伊藤 精彦
テレビジョン学会誌 (ISSN:03866831)
vol.39, no.6, pp.503-508, 1985
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スポラディックE層伝搬による外国電波の混信などのように, テレビ信号を受信する際には, 混信による受信障害が発生することがある.本研究は, LMSアダプティブアレイアンテナを用いてテレビ信号の混信波を抑圧することを目的としたものである.アダプティブアレイアンテナは, 混信波の到来方向にアレイ指向性のヌルを自動的に形成し, 混信波を抑圧するものである.本研究では, 2素子のLMSアダプティブアレイアンテナのシミュレータを作製し, 実験的に混信波抑圧効果を明らかにした.実験においては, 所望波として第1チャンネルのテレビ信号, また, 混信波としては, 帯域の中心である93MHzの無変調正弦波を, それぞれ用いた.混信波抑圧効果は, シミュレータ出力のDU比と画面の主観評価試験結果を用いて評価した.その結果, パラメータの値によって良好な混信波抑圧効果が得られることが明らかになった.
菅野 英二 伊藤 恵造 篠原 弘亮 佐々木 正剛
北日本病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:0368623X)
vol.2002, no.53, pp.137-140, 2002-11-30 (Released:2011-08-11)

福島県で1994年および2000年に多発生したモモ急性枯死症状の発生実態を調査し, その原因を解明するため, 2000年に発症樹から細菌を分離し, 接種による症状の再現を試みe. その結果, 本症状の発生時期は9~10月であること, 発症から枯死までの期間が5日程度であること, 結果樹から収穫した果実は正常であったこと, 5年生前後の若木で発症が多いこと, 品種間差は明確ではないこと等が明らかになった. 一方, 発症樹から分離された細菌をモモ休眠枝に接種したところ原症状が再現されたことから, 本症状の病原が細菌である可能性が示唆された.
小林 勝法 佐々木 正人
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo Univesity (ISSN:09173072)
vol.20, no.2, pp.113-133, 2010-01-01

The purpose of this study is to clarify the role that the travel industries played a popularization of skiing in Japan. At fi rst, we clarify the components and the relative industries of the leisure skiing. And we made the history chronology of leisure skiing that is composed of skiing, other sports, the ski areas, leisure, the travel industries, and the society and the cultures. The development of skiing is quantitatively clarifi ed from the statistical materials, and it has been clarifi ed that the most advanced by popularize time is between 1995 and around 1980. And, historical research topics were extracted as follows; (1) The travel industries: How have the travel agencies supported the popularization of skiing? (2) The traffi c industries: How have the traffi c industry companies supported the popularization of skiing? (3) The lodging industries: How have the inn, the hotel, the bed and breakfast, and the resort condominium, etc. supported the popularization of skiing?
大庭 重治 佐々木 正晴
vol.6, no.2, pp.79-88, 1988

This study was undertaken to find out (1) what operations one had to carry out beforehand for successful actual drawing of the geometric figures, and (2) what kinds of tasks were useful to get such operations. We set two experiments so that Sub. T (CA 5:6, PIQ 52, VIQ 112, PQ 67) might draw an oblique line and a triangle successfully. The results showed that the operation we originally named "tentative drawing", a trial drawing with a forefinger or eye movement, was requisite before actual drawing with the general instrument like a pen. It was then suggested that "tentative drawing" enabled him to anticipate the result of actual drawing as well as to avoid the error drawing in advance. In addition, this "tentative drawing" was acquired through the "ball task" which required to draw the slope on which a ball would roll down into the glass. This fact suggested that the manner of figure drawing was come into his mind and then established in advance by imaging the movement of a rolling ball along the slope in the "ball task".
佐々木 正剛
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.36, no.3, pp.433-467, 1982-06-25 (Released:2017-12-22)
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This paper describes the study performed in July 1979 to obtain the data on the tooth size and to investigate the morphologic characteristics of the tooth crown in the Paiwan tribe of the Taiwan aborigines. Hard plaster models were taken from 220 Paiwans inhabiting in a mountain area in Heito District, Taiwan. The author has conducted a comparison study between the Paiwan and the Japanese among other races, in particular, from the physical anthropological point of view. The results were as follows. 1. The data obtained show that the tooth size of the Paiwan tribe is little different from that of Japanese, the Ami and Atayal tribes, etc. but slightly smaller than that of the Ami and Atayal tribes and rather closer to that of the Japanese except for the labio-lingual diameter of the maxillary canine that is greater than that of the Japanese. 2. The frequency of occurrence of the double shovel-shaped incisors was found in 19.2% in male and 11.3% in female in the upper central incisors with very low frequency in other incisors. These data were compared with those of the Japanese and slightly less frequency was shown in the latter. The very high frequency of occurrence of the shovel-shaped incisor was found in 94.8% in male and 95.6% in female in the upper central incisors and in 85.9% in male and 81.7% in female in the lateral incisors, which were almost equal to those in the Ami and Atayal tribes and the inhabitants of Ishigaki Island but much higher than those for the Japanese in other parts. 3. The occlusal surface groove in the upper first premolar is of the basic A-type, in many cases, whereas that in the second premolar is of the more atrophic C-type, in many cases, showing the similar characteristics to those of the other Japanese, etc. 4. The occlusal surface pattern of the lower first premolar was mostly of E-type of the occlusal surface groove at the two cusp and the second premolar was mostly of the Types-A and -B at the three cusp. This is very similar to those of the inhabitants of Tanegashima and Ishigaki Islands but slightly different from those of the Kyushu inhabitants. 5. The very low degree of atrophy of the hypocone observed in the upper first molar was almost similar to that of the Ami and Atayal tribes. However, the degree of distinct atrophy of the hypocone in the second molar was lower than that of the Japanese. The mesiodistally compressed crown type, one of the forms of atrophy in the upper molars, was not observed in the first molar but often found in the second molar, which were higher in frequency of occurrence than that of the Japanese. The frequency of occurrence of the Carabelli cusp was 6.5% which is nearly equal to that of the Japanese and the Ami and Atayal tribes. 6. As to the occlusal surface morphology of the lower molar, 44.8% of the first molar was of the dryopithecus pattern of its basic type. This rate is less than that in the Japanese and the neighboring races. Especially, this pattern was hardly seen in the Ami and Atayal tribes of the Taiwan aborigines. From this point of view, this pattern may be considered as the characteristic physical morphology of the Taiyan aborigines. Namely, in the Paiwan tribe, the occlusal surface of the lower molar showed distinct atrophy of the groove pattern and little atrophy of the cusp. 7. The frequency of occurrence of the protostylid was 9.3% in the first molar which is approximately in the middle between those of the Ami and Atayal tribes and slightly less than that of the Japanese. The 6th cusp was observed in 23.3% of the first molar and 6.0% of the second molar, which are considerably less than those of the Hawaians and Polynesians showing little difference from those of the Japanese. The 7th cusp was observed in 7.4% of the first molar showing little difference from that of the Japanese. The deflecting wrinkle was observed only in the first molar with the frequency of occurrence of 53.4%, which(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
西崎 実穂 野中 哲士 佐々木 正人
質的心理学研究 (ISSN:24357065)
vol.10, no.1, pp.64-78, 2011 (Released:2020-07-08)

本研究は,高度な経験を有する描画者による,一枚のデッサンの制作過程を分析することを目的とした。対象の特徴を捉え,形状や質感,陰影を描くという客観描写としてのデッサンは,通常数時間を要する。本研究では,制作開始から終了までの約 2 時間半,描画者によるデッサンの描画行為の構成とその転換に着目し,制作過程に現れる身体技法を検討した。結果,描画行為を構成する複数の描画動作パターンの存在と時間経過に伴う特徴を確認した。特に,観察を前提とした客観描写に重点を置くデッサンにおいて,「見る」行為の役割を,姿勢に現れる描画動作の一種である「画面に近づく/離れる」動作から報告した。デッサンにおいて「見る」という視覚の役割は,姿勢の変化に現れると同時にデッサンの制作過程を支えていることが示された。
冨田 健夫 坂本 博 高橋 政浩 高橋 守 佐々木 正樹 植田 修一 田村 洋 渡邊 泰秀
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 (ISSN:13491113)
vol.4, pp.1-11, 2005-03

LE-7A の開発中に発生したパルス的な強い横推力の原因究明と対処のため,旧NAL 角田ではコールドフロー可視化試験,CFD 及びサブスケール燃焼試験を実施してきた。その結果,LE-7A エンジンで発生した横推力が,LE-7A で新しく採用したノズル形状設計によって発生したRSS,およびフィルム冷却構造部分で発生した剥離の急速な移動という2つの現象により引き起こされたことを明らかにした。さらに,各現象と横推力に影響を与えるパラメータを洗い出した。この成果は改良型のエンジン設計に反映され,パルス的な横推力を発生しないノズル設計に役立った。
佐々木 正道
中央大学社会科学研究所年報 (ISSN:13432125)
vol.21, pp.141-163, 2017-09-30

In contemporary society, mobility in urban areas has increased and people have greater opportunity to meet and communicate with strangers. In such situations we typically rely on such things as reputation, personal networks and/or past performance to determine whether or not a person is trustworthy. Occasionally, people also rely on trust stereotypes. The present study, using correspondence analysis for eight nationsʼ data sets on trust, found that three clusters emerge in determining whether or not to trust others before a first meeting. The cluster formed by a combination of “being introduced by friend(s),” “fame or a good reputation,” “performance record” and “word-of-mouth communication or information obtained from other(s)” is the most important cluster; followed by a cluster formed by “high social or occupational status” and “high level of educational background”; and finally a cluster formed by sharing the same birthplace or being graduates of the same school. We call these three clusters the ʻfame and personal network factor,ʼ the ʻhigh achieved status factorʼ and the ʻsame birthplace and school factor,ʼ respectively. Our findings indicate that people in Finland as a nation have a high level of trust. The United States, Japan, and Taiwan are found to be nations of high to middle-level trust, and the Czech Republic is found to be a nation of middle-level trust, all with regard to the fame and personal network factor as the most important in determining a personʼs trustworthiness before ever meeting them. Russia is seen as middle-level trust and Turkey as low-level trust for the high achieved status and same birthplace and school factors. Our findings also indicate that the relationships between gender and the three factors are rather weak among the seven nations. With respect to the fame and personal network factor and the high achieved status factor, males are more closely associated in some nations, while females are more closely associated in the remaining nations.Finland shows no relationship with regard to gender. For the same birthplace and school factors, males rather than females relate with it. Finally, as for the relationship between age and the three factors, the young age strata (i.e., aged 20 to 49) regards the fame and personal network factor as the important among six of eight nations and the older age strata( i.e., 50 and above) regards the high achieved status factor as most important among five nations. Also, the older age strata regards the same birthplace or school and the high achieved status factors as most important in three nations. Overall, the present study supports some of the theoretical discussions and previous experimental findings reported by sociopsychologists.
佐々木 正人 鈴木 健太郎
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.37, no.4, pp.454-472, 1994 (Released:2019-07-24)
佐々木 正己 地曳 文夫 広部 達道
no.24, pp.26-42, 1984 (Released:2014-03-24)
佐々木 正子 佐藤 香苗
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.22, no.1, pp.25-35, 2017 (Released:2017-10-31)

Japan faces issues associated with a super-aging society. Thus, extension of healthy life expectancy of patients through dietary modification is extremely important. However, the number of registered dietitians is not enough to improve the nutritional health of patients with personalized nutrition care because of the lack of profit from hospital nutrition divisions. We clarified the strategies to gain profit and relevant challenges by using the SWOT analysis to improve the dietary department of hospital subject to intervention. Data gathered indicate that the charge for subsidies for providing therapeutic diet, and nutrition and meal counseling should be increased. The results indicated that the cost of subsidies for providing therapeutic diet and nutrition and meal counseling should be increased. The results also suggested the necessity of reducing tasks with opportunity losses. A hospital with the system newly established has already realized the benefits of the measures implemented through the system. The system supports patients to take in the appropriate nutrients by increasing the number of registered dieticians and calculating the estimated energy requirement from the actual measurements of resting energy expenditure for personalized nutrition care.
竹茂 求 那須 潜思 佐々木 正明 高田 稔 鹿股 昭雄 小川 廣幸
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.39, no.6, pp.521-527, 2003-06-30 (Released:2009-03-27)

As an improved methodology for rapidly enumerating viable bacteria, microbial colonies in agar media are observed in the microscopic fashion at regular rate from the initial stage of culturing while media plate is being incubated. At each sampling time, in order to observe colonies in various depths without focusing on any of them, an agar plate is irradiated by a point light source to project the clear shadow of colonies onto the CCD image sensor. The projected image is processed with a computer to detect the colonies automatically. As the result of the experiment with E. coli, the number of colonies had reached to the plateau after six hours of incubation and the enumeration process was completed.
渋谷 友紀 森田 ゆい 福田 玄明 植田 一博 佐々木 正人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.3, pp.337-364, 2012 (Released:2014-10-10)

In Japanese traditional performing arts, “breathing” is consideredone of the most fundamental techniques. Recent studies reveal that breathing is not synchronized with body action in masters or experts in Kyogen and Kabuki, Japanese traditional performing arts. This result contrasts sharply with the report that, with growing proficiency,breathing becomes synchronized with body actionin sports and Western dances. Bunraku,which is also one of the Japanese traditional performing arts, is a form of puppet theater in which three puppeteers cooperatively maneuver one puppet. Bunraku has thus different characteristics from Kyogen and Kabuki; the body (puppet) that performs actions is different from thebodies (puppeteers) that control the actions. Therefore we can expect to find, in Bunraku, a relation between body action and breathing which is different fromthat in Kyogen and Kabuki. In this paper, we clarified relation between body action and breathing in Bunraku puppeteers and compared it with that found in Kyogen and Kabuki. Two Bunraku puppeteers who were different in career (one puppeteer’s career spanned 31 years while the other puppeteer’s career spanned 13 years)participated in our experiment: We asked them to execute the following three tasks; the first task was to perform basic actions called Kata with a familiar puppet, the second was to perform the same basic actions with an unfamiliar puppet, and the third was to perform an actual Bunraku play both to the music by shamisen and to the narration by Tayu. In order to clarify whether or not a puppeteer’s breathing was synchronized with his body action, we investigated the correspondence between his breathing phases and the puppet’s motions in performance aswell as the periodicity and stability of his breathing by analyzing autocorrelation of and applying Fourier analyses to breathing curves. As a result breathing was found less synchronized with body action for the more experienced puppeteer with 31 years career than for the less experienced puppeteer with 13 years career. When they executed the first and third tasks, in addition, the more experienced puppeteer showed more periodic and stable breathing patterns than the less experienced puppeteer did. These findings are consistent with the previous ones found in Kyogen and Kabuki. On the other hand, a clear difference in breathing pattern between the two puppeteers was not found when they did the second task, which is not necessarily consistent with the finding in Kyogen and Kabuki. Along with the previous findings, the results suggest that a common breathing technique may be used among Japanese traditional performing arts, Kyogen, Bunraku and Kabuki.
佐々木 正人
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.22, no.4, pp.357-368, 2011-12-20 (Released:2017-07-27)

乳幼児が屋内で出会う複数の段差が行為に与えることについて縦断的に観察した。観察した段差は,ベビー布団と床との縁,床上の建具突起,浴室や洗面所への境界にある段差,ベッド,ソファー,父親の膝,子ども用イス,階段であった。各段差はユニークな性質をもつことを,乳児の行為の柔軟性が示した。素材,高さ,形状,周囲のレイアウトの中での位置などから,各段差の意味について考察した。42の事例からこの時期の段差にまつわる行為を記号化し,それを一枚の図に表示した(Figure 23)。段差と行為からもたらされる系は,「落下」「繋留」,「飛越」に大別できることが明らかになった(Figure 24)。3種の系を発達の図にマッピングして(Figure 25)考察した。これらの段差に包囲されることが,移動を開始するまでの0歳児の行為の発達に多様性と制約をもたらすことが示された。