島西 智輝 梅崎 修 南雲 智映
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.55, no.3, pp.3-27, 2020 (Released:2022-12-30)

This study analyzes the growth of the largest industrial union in Japan, Zensen Domei(ZENSEN), from the postwar economic recovery era to Japan’s period of high economic growth, by using historical documents and union leaders’ oral histories. Although the number of employees in the textile industry shrank during the period of high economic growth, ZENSEN’s number of members clearly increased. This can be attributed to the collective organization of small and medium enterprise workers and workers in the downstream industry such as distribution. Three factors contributed to ZENSEN’s successful organization of workers. First, the organizational system was improved and centralized leadership was strengthened. Second, ZENSEN created an organizer department at its headquarters to centralize organizing activities. Third, a human resource development plan, an evaluation, and selection system were introduced to develop the organizers. In addition, ZENSEN used “enforcement and penalties” and “selective incentives” to maintain its expanded organization. In other words, ZENSEN severely penalized large company unions that dropped out of the united struggle and demonstrated the benefits of industrial policy, internationalization, information sharing, and human exchange to their company unions. As a result, in spite of the increase in the number of SME unions, large unions remained within ZENSEN. Although limited to the case of ZENSEN, currently known as UA ZENSEN, the findings confirm that industrial unions can mitigate the difficulty of union organization and weak labor-management bargaining power in small and medium enterprises.
小松 信彦 長岡 弘司 福留 厚 李 材木 天野 洋 南雲 昇 雨宮 功治 加藤 桃代
公益財団法人 日本感染症医薬品協会
The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.28, no.4, pp.549-557, 1975-08-25 (Released:2013-05-17)

我々は前報1~3) において, 担子菌多糖Schizophyllan (略称: SPG) が諸種の急性の実験的細菌感染症に対して非特異的に感染防御効果を発揮するばかりでなく, 慢性感染症であるマウスの実験的結核症にも治療効果を示し, SPGによる網内系細胞の賦活化が抗結核作用と深い関連性があること, および Ethambutol (EB)と併用したばあい, EBの抗菌作用が加わり, よりよい治療効果をあげ得ると推察される組織像がみられたことを報告した。また前報2) において, Streptomycin (SM)とRifampicin (RFP)の単独およびそれらとSPGとの併用療法の延命効果について報告したが, 今回はそれらの病理組織学的検索の結果について述べる。
野波 尚子 河野 淳 冨澤 文子 芥野 由美子 鮎澤 詠美 南雲 麻衣 西山 信宏 河口 幸江 白井 杏湖 鈴木 衞 齋藤 友介 池谷 淳
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.55, no.4, pp.320-325, 2014 (Released:2015-02-05)

南雲 清二 佐々木 陽平 竹下 一夫
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.47, no.1, pp.21-30, 2012 (Released:2021-07-02)

We are studying how cinchona, one of the most important medicinal plants, was introduced and cultivated in Japan. We already mentioned that in the process, two cultivation attempts were made: the first in Japan in 1882, and the second in the Taiwanese town of Hengchun in approximately 1900, when Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule. Yasusada Tashiro was behind those two cinchona cultivation attempts; however, they both ended in failure. Later, Tashiro became an employee of Hoshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and in 1922, succeeded for the first time in cultivating cinchona at the company-owned cinchona field in Taiwan. This third challenge for him finally led to success. Hoshi Pharmaceutical went on further to produce cinchona bark from the cultivated tree for the first time in 1934, and also succeeded in extracting quinine from the bark. This was a historic feat in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, completing an entire process from cinchona cultivation to quinine manufacture all within the confines of the country. In this report, we describe the historical background and involvement of Yasusada Tashiro, who was instrumental to the success of cinchona cultivation in the company. Furthermore, we reveal that a log of unknown origin, which had been left untouched for years at Hoshi University, was the cinchona log from the time when Hoshi Pharmaceutical succeeded in the cultivation.
澤 俊二 南雲 直二 嶋本 喬 磯 博康 伊佐地 隆 大仲 功一 安岡 利一 上岡 裕美子 岩井 浩一 大田 仁史 園田 茂
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.50, no.4, pp.325-338, 2003

<b>目的</b>&emsp;慢性期脳血管障害者における種々の障害の長期間にわたる変化の実態を明らかにする目的で,心身の評価を入院から発病 5 年までの定期的追跡調査として実施した。調査は継続中であり,今回,慢性脳血管障害者における入院時(発病後平均2.5か月目)および退院時(発病後平均 6 か月目)の心身の障害特性について述べる。<br/><b>対象および方法</b>&emsp;対象は,リハビリテーション専門病院である茨城県立医療大学附属病院に,平成11年 9 月から平成12年11月までに初発の脳血管障害で入院した障害が比較的軽度な87人である。その内訳は,男64人,女性23人であり,年齢は42歳から79歳,平均59歳であった。方法は,入院時を起点とした,退院時,発病 1 年時,2 年時,3 年時,4 年時,5 年時の発病 5 年間の前向きコホート調査である。<br/><b>結果</b>&emsp;入院から退院にかけて運動麻痺機能,一般的知能,痴呆が有意に改善した。また,ADL(日常生活活動)と作業遂行度・作業満足度が有意に改善した。一方,明らかな変化を認めなかったのは,うつ状態であり入退院時とも40%と高かった。また,麻痺手の障害受容度も変化がなく,QOL は低いままであった。逆に,対象者を精神的に支える情緒的支援ネットワークが有意に低下していた。<br/><b>考察</b>&emsp;発病後平均 6 か月目である退院時における慢性脳血管障害者の特徴として,機能障害,能力低下の改善が認められたものの,うつ状態,QOL は変化がみられず推移し,また,情緒的支援ネットワークは低下したことが挙げられる。したがって,退院後に閉じこもりにつながる可能性が高く,閉じこもりに対する入院中の予防的対策の重要性が示唆された。
石井 滋 南雲 達人 小枝 聡子 中村 篤
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 (ISSN:09149694)
vol.34, no.2, pp.145-152, 2021 (Released:2021-08-06)

We report a case of schwannoma of the left lower lip in a 17-year-old female. A schwannoma is a tumor thought to be derived from Schwann cells and is rarely seen in the lip. On initial visual and palpation examination, a nodular, elastic hard, mobile mass was found on the left lower labial mucosa, which was suspected to be a benign tumor. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a homogeneous contrast effect on T1-weighted images, negating malignant findings. Aspiration cytology showed no atypical cells. There was no rapid growth of the tumor during follow-up. The patient was diagnosed as having a benign tumor of the lower lip and the tumor was enucleated under local anesthesia. The pathological diagnosis was an Antoni A-type schwannoma. The patient is progressing well with no postoperative motor or sensory deficits.
南雲 智映 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
no.7, pp.329-359, 2010-03

The subject of this thesis is "UI・Zensen Doumei" (The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions), which has succeeded in expanding the organization of labor unions. It analyzed the realities of and factors in the expansion of labor unions.The study clarified that firms are planning to implement a strategy for the expansion of labor unions in association with UI・Zensen Doumei; the union headquarters will play a central role in this expansion. Moreover, the study confirmed that a cooperative relationship has been established between the headquarters, branches, and individual firms. In addition, the people who formed the union were included in the investigation, and the possibility of union formation and role of industrial unionism were analyzed. The profit and cost of union formation were examined, and a strategy that reduced the cost of union formation and one that expanded the profit after union formation were identified. The former strategy entails supplying the know−how of union formation, and the latter involves providing support for labor−management negotiation and serving the union members. Industrial unionism might have a more important role to play when the cost of forming enterprise− based unions increases, and the profits of unions are made vague.
南雲 直二
音声言語医学 = The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (ISSN:00302813)
vol.49, no.2, pp.132-136, 2008-04-20

People with disabilities experience two kinds of distress. One originates directly from their disability or disabilities, and the other derives from the social treatment accorded to them as a disabled individual. The palliative method for coping with the former type of distress is acceptance of one's disabilities, although this may involve numerous methodological difficulties. The palliative method for dealing with the latter form of distress is social acceptance of persons with disabilities. Many approaches have been devised to secure such social acceptance, and collectively these have resulted both in improved social participation by persons with disabilities and, as a by-product, easing of the distress originating from their disabilities.
南雲 智映 小沼 三智子 梅崎 修
社会政策 (ISSN:18831850)
vol.6, no.1, pp.94-106, 2014
