川口 侑子 牛頭 夕子 水原 寛美 田原 雄一郎
ペストロジー (ISSN:18803415)
vol.30, no.1, pp.7-12, 2015-05-25 (Released:2019-04-10)

シリカゲルのゴキブリに対する効果は,粒子径の大きさに左右された.470 meshであれば,1m2あたり3gの処理で感受性系統ならびに抵抗性系統のチャバネゴキブリに対して,24時間で85%以上の個体が死亡した.30 mesh, 40 meshの粒子径のシリカゲルでは殺虫効力が見られなかった.トビイロゴキブリ老齢幼虫に対する殺虫効果 は劣った.470 meshのシリカゲルを室内に7日間放置した時の吸湿の程度は低く,殺虫効力には大きな影響をもたらさなかった.シリカゲルで死亡したゴキブリの肢や触角は硬直し,時間とともに脱落した.一連の試験から,処理面が乾いている場所でのシリカゲル微粉末処理は,チャバネゴキブリ駆除に対し有効で,現場での実用性が期待される.
藤原 靖幸 太子 敏則 干川 圭吾 小浜 恵一 胡 肖兵 小林 俊介 幾原 裕美 Craig Fisher 幾原 雄一 射場 英紀
日本結晶成長学会誌 (ISSN:03856275)
vol.46, no.1, pp.46-1-04, 2019 (Released:2019-04-27)

Bulk single crystals of the perovskite LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3, which is one of the materials used as the solid electrolyte in all-solid lithium-ion batteries, have been grown for the first time by the directional solidification method. The ionic conductivity measured in the growth direction of the single crystal wafer of LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 and the anisotropy of ionic conduction in solid electrolyte were experimentally confirmed for the first time by using LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 single crystals. Here, the results of four experiments on LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 bulk single crystals are presented:  (1) growth of solid electrolyte LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 bulk single crystals, (2) ionic conduction in LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 single crystal, (3) anisotropy of ionic conduction in LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 single crystal and (4) microstructure analysis of LixLa(1-x)/3NbO3 single crystal.
榊原 雄一郎 西崎 雅仁 木野 龍太郎
産業学会研究年報 (ISSN:09187162)
vol.2009, no.24, pp.53-66, 2009 (Released:2010-03-31)

Recently, it is expected that the technologies and skills of the localized industry forms the basis of the new regional industry in the regional industrial development strategy. However, these regional industrial strategy that based the technologies and skills of the localized industry, such as regional cluster programs, has difficult problems. This Paper discusses the meanings of the technologies and skills of the localized industry by considering localized industry as one regional system which forms the product chain. We take up the Sabae eye-glasses production area in Fukui Prefecture as a case study and discuss it. We examine the difficulty of the regional industrial strategies and today's the crisis of collapse of localized industry in the views of the technologies and skills of the localized industry.In the localized industry, the companies which take the base technologies and skills are engaged in a specific works under the formation by the organizer. In this case these companies give only the "structure" to materials, but an organizer gives the "function" to it. Therefore, these companies need the organizer to shows their own ability in the localized industries. This is why the localized industry lacks in flexibility, because these companies tend to lack of the ability to understand the own technologies concerning the "function".
菊池 麻紀 沖 理子 久保田 拓志 吉田 真由美 萩原 雄一朗 高橋 千賀子 大野 裕一 西澤 智明 中島 孝 鈴木 健太郎 佐藤 正樹 岡本 創 富田 英一
一般社団法人 日本リモートセンシング学会
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.39, no.3, pp.181-196, 2019-07-20 (Released:2020-01-20)

The Earth, Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission is a European-Japanese joint satellite mission that aims to provide the global observations necessary to advance our understanding of clouds and aerosols and their radiative effect on the Earth’s climate system. Toward this goal, the EarthCARE satellite loads two active instruments, Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) and Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID), offering vertical profiles of clouds and aerosols, together with light drizzles, whose properties are extended horizontally using complementary measurement by Multispectral Imager (MSI). The properties thus obtained are then used to estimate outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere, which is evaluated against measurements taken by the fourth sensor, Broadband Radiometer (BBR). Such a “closure assessment” is used to give feedback to the microphysical property profiles and optimize them, if necessary, to offer consistent three-dimensional datasets of cloud-aerosol-precipitation-radiation fields. EarthCARE’s integrative global observation of clouds, aerosols and radiation with the new measurement capabilities, particularly with Doppler velocity, is expected to not only extend the A-Train measurement toward a longer-term climate record, but also to advance our perspective on the fundamental role that global clouds have within the climate system in the context of their relationships to dynamical processes and their interactions with aerosols and radiation. This review paper provides an overview of the mission, the satellite and its payloads, with a particular focus on the algorithm and products developed in Japan, and areas of scientific study expected to progress.
三浦 輝 栗原 雄一 山本 政義 山口 紀子 坂口 綾 桧垣 正吾 高橋 嘉夫

Introduction: A large amount of radiocesium was emitted into environment by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March, 2011. Adachi et al. (2013) reported glassy water-insoluble microparticles including radiocesium, called as radiocesium-bearing microparticles (CsMPs). The CsMP is spherical with 1-3 μm in diameter and the radioactivity ranges from 0.5 to 4 Bq. It has been suggested that the CsMP was mainly emitted from Unit 2 or Unit 3 of FDNPP based on the 134Cs/137Cs activity ratio in the samples. In contrast, Ono et al. (2017) reported new particles called as Type B particles emitted from Unit 1. Type B particles are in various shapes and the size is 50-300 μm with radioactivity ranging from 30 to 100 Bq. These differences may represent the difference of generating process or condition of each unit in the plant. Previous studies have reported chemical properties of radioactive particles in detail but the number of particles reported is small. In this study, we tried to understand radioactive particles systematically by analyzing a lot of particles separated using wet separation method. Method: In this study, we collected 53 Type B particles and 13 CsMPs from road dusts, non-woven fabric cloths from Fukushima, and aerosol filters from Kanagawa Prefecture by a wet separation method. After measurement of radioactivity with a high-purity germanium semiconductor detector, scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses were performed to confirm that separated particles were CsMPs or Type B particles. We investigated inner structure and calculated the volume and porosity of Type B particles by X-ray μ-computed tomography (CT). We determined Rb/Sr ratio by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. Redox condition of each unit was investigated by X-ray adsorption near edge structure (XANES) analysis for Uranium in particles. Result: CT combined with XRF analysis showed the presence of many voids and iron particles in Type B particles. In addition, 137Cs concentration of CsMPs were ~10000 times higher than that of Type B particles, which suggests that Type B particles were formed by fuel melt. In contrast, CsMPs were formed by gas. Among Type B particles, spherical particles had higher 137Cs concentration than non-spherical particles. Type B particles with larger porosity had higher 137Cs radioactivity because of capturing a lot of volatile elements such as Cs and Rb within the particles. Moreover, four spherical particles had inclusions in their voids which are considered to be formed by rapid cooling of gaseous materials. XANES analysis showed the presence of U(IV) in a Type B particle, whereas U(VI) in other Type B particles and a CsMP. These results suggest that Type B particles and CsMPs are totally different in forming process and they have information of condition in Units.
熊原 雄一
一般社団法人 日本臨床化学会
臨床化学 (ISSN:03705633)
vol.2, no.4, pp.357-368, 1974-03-25 (Released:2012-11-27)
原 雄一
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2017年度日本地理学会秋季学術大会
pp.100074, 2017 (Released:2017-10-26)

明治5年に横浜-新橋間で鉄道が開通、全国に拡大した鉄道網は昭和に入ってピークを迎え、昭和の後半から平成にかけて、減少の一途をたどっている。廃線となった路線は、有効活用されている事例もあるが、そのまま放置されている路線も多い。本稿では、廃線跡の路線をクラウドGISによりスマートフォン等で表示させ、廃線跡の痕跡を巡る旅としてロストラインツーリズムを取り上げる。 廃線跡は建設途中の未成線も含めると、膨大な数になる。鉄道発祥の地、イギリスでは廃線の活用を動態保存(実際に列車を運行)する先進的な事例が多いが、日本では廃線跡への認識がそこまで至っていないのが現状である。 廃線跡を巡る旅の醍醐味として、時間を超えての空間想像力が必要とされ、周辺の地形・地物から「おそらくここを通過していたのではないか」、という不確定な雰囲気から、はっきりとした痕跡を確認したときの爽快感などが挙げられる。さらに、その鉄道がなぜ建設され、どのように運営され、どのような経緯で廃線にいたったかの鉄道史を知ることができれば、地域のたどってきた歴史の理解に繋がることが期待できる。 地域の中で廃線跡をどう活かすかは重要な課題である。関心を持った時に、どこに廃線跡があるのか、自分のスマートフォンで表示できれば、廃線跡を歩くという行動に繋がりやすい。正確な廃線跡が表示されることで、廃線跡をたどるロストラインツーリズムの基本形が成立する。本稿でのクラウドGISはこのような行動を支援するものである。膨大な廃線跡をクラウドGISに格納し、スマートフォン、タブレットあるいはウォッチに表示させる試みをスタートした。
宮嵜 哲郎 飯島 拓也 平原 雄一 眞田 一志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.849, pp.16-00544-16-00544, 2017 (Released:2017-05-25)

This paper proposes a whole mechanism of a supporting arm which is worn by a factory worker for reducing the worker's body load, and performance of the supporting arm was evaluated. The whole mechanism of the supporting arm contains two leg mechanisms for supporting the load and one external frame backpack for connecting the worker's body and the supporting arm. The experimental system of the supporting arm was developed, and its performance was evaluated by several experiments. Firstly, the experimental system was evaluated its capability of supporting a target weight and its controllability of a stiffness characteristic by weightlifting experiments. After that, the supporting arm was worn by two subjects, and its supporting effect was evaluated by measuring electromyogram (EMG) waveforms of leg muscles. When a muscle generates large force, the EMG waveform will also become large. The EMG waveforms are measured by using a four channel surface electromyography, and the worker's leg load will be measured quantitatively. When the worker takes half-sitting posture, its leg load was measured in two cases: (i) a part of the worker's body load is supported by the supporting arm, and (ii) the whole worker's body load is supported only by the worker's legs. The EMG waveforms of these cases were compared, and the supporting effect of the experimental system was validated by t-test. As a result, there is a significant difference between these cases, and EMG waveforms of the case (i) were smaller than that of the case (ii). Therefore, the supporting effect of the supporting arm was demonstrated.
Monroy Carlota Rodas Antonieta Mejia Mildred 田原 雄一郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.49, no.3, pp.187-193, 1998
2 13

チャガス病媒介者であるサシガメ(Triatomadimidiata & T. nitida)が生息する土壁の割れ目やすき間をセメントや石灰で埋めることで, 彼等の生息数を減らす事を試みた。双方(セメント及び石灰)の塗装を行った場合, 翌年は平均92%も生息数が減少した。石灰だけでは34%の減少に止まった。また, 部分的な改善(塗装)では53%の減少であった。他方, 何も施さない場合の生息数には変化がなかった。しかしながら, Tripanosoma cruziの保有率には変化がなかった。また, 研究室内の試験で壁材の塗装はサシガメの寿命に変化を及ぼさなかった。
幾原 雄一 栗下 裕明 吉永 日出男
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.95, no.1102, pp.638-645, 1987-06-01
9 18

In order to in vestigate the effect of grain boundary structure on the high-temperature strength of SiC, three kinds of SiC materials were prepared by pressureless sintering; material A with sintering aids of B+C, material B with B+C+AlN, and material C without any sintering aid. Their strength was measured by three-point bending at temperatures from room temperature to 2070K. The grain boundary structure was observed by HR-TEM. The following results were obtained.<br>(1) The strength of material A increases with increasing temperature up to 2070K. The fracture mode is transgranular at all temperatures studied. At the grain boundaries observed, a non-crystalline phase of 2-5nm in thickness is always found. This phase is thought to be either a compound of B and C or an extended grain boundary.<br>(2) The strength of material B increases up to 1770K, but above that temperature it decreases rapidly. The fracture mode also changes at that temperature from transgranular to intergranular. There exists also a 2-5nm thick non-crystalline phase at grain boundaries. The boundary phase is thought to be a compound in the system B-C-AlN. Above 1770K this phase is considered to flow viscously under stress to bring about boundary sliding which causes the strength to decrease.<br>(3) The strength of material C is almost independent of temperature. There exists again a 3-5nm thick non-crystalline phase at grain boundaries, but the boundary phase is thought to be an extended grain boundary.<br>(4) The dihedral angles observed in material C are frequently much larger than the critical angle of 60°. This observation is against the Prochazka's thermodynamic limitation, γ<sub>gb</sub>/γ<sub>sv</sub><√3. The large dihedral angles may come from the existence of a grain boundary phase, which lowers the boundary energy.<br>(5) Densification of materials A and B is thought to proceed by the diffusion through the grain boundary phases.
田原 雄一郎 Monroy Carlota Rodas Antonieta MEJIA Mildred ROSALES Regina
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.49, no.2, pp.87-92, 1998
4 17

グアテマラ各地の6村落の農家でチャガス病を伝搬する2種サシガメ, Triatoma dimidiata及びRhodnius prolixusの防除実験を行った。前者に対しては土壁の表面, 隙間, 割れ目に散布し, 後者では草葺き屋根の天井に散布した。人-時間採集評価でlambda-cyhalothrineは両種に対して30-60mg(a.i.)/m^2の薬量で極めて有効で, 3-4ヵ月以上にわたり再発生を許さなかった。また, deltamethrin液剤及び粉剤, diazinon, propoxurの液剤は200-600mg/m^2の薬量で2-4ヵ月の残留効果を発揮した。他方, fenitrothion及びdiazinonの液剤の効力は600-1000mg/m^2に増量したにもかかわらず劣った。また, permethrin燻煙剤は隙間の多いグアテマラの農家では有効でなかった。Deltamethrinは眼粘膜や鼻粘膜刺激が強く室内散布剤としては問題が残った。
萩原 雄一 小川 博久
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. WBS, ワイドバンドシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.715, pp.127-131, 2004-03-09

日本に暗号モジュールを評価する制度が無い現在,アメリカとカナダが運用しているFIPS 140.2に基づくCMVP(Cryptographic Module Validation Program)は一定の成功を収めている.本稿ではCMVPの成立要件及びその問題点を考察し,日本版CMVP(JCMVP)への改善案を提唱する.
幾原 雄一 溝口 照康 佐藤 幸生 山本 剛久 武藤 俊介 森田 清三 田中 功 鶴田 健二 武藤 俊介 森田 清三 田中 功 鶴田 健二 谷口 尚 北岡 諭

本終了研究では特定領域の成果報告会や国際会議を企画し,本特定領域によって構築された「機能元素の学理」の効果的な普及を行った.さらに,本特定領域で得られた知見を次代を担う若手研究者に引き継ぐためのプログラム(若手研究者向けセミナー,若手研究者海外滞在)も企画・運営した.また,班内の効果的な情報共有・打ち合わせのためのインターネット会議の実施や情報管理も本総括班が行った.平成24年度では以下のような総括班会議,成果報告会,シンポジウム等を行い,本特定領域で得られた研究成果の発信を行ってきた.・総括班会議の開催6月(東京)・特定領域最終成果報告会(公開)6/8(東京)【産官学から約200名の参加があった】・国際会議の開催(公開)5/9-11(岐阜)【国内外から約300名の参加があった】The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations(AMTC3)・国際学術雑誌企画5月(AMTC Letters No.3)・最終研究成果ニュースレター冊子体の企画6月・特定領域特集号発刊(セラミックス)・若手研究者向けセミナー1月(名古屋)6月に開催した本特定領域の最終成果報告会においては200名近い参加があり,非常に盛会であった.また,5月に行われた国際会議においても世界中から第一線で活躍する研究者が一堂に会し,3日間にわたって活発な議論が行われた.また,次世代研究者の育成をめざし,研究者の海外滞在プログラム(米国オークリッジ国立研究所,英国インペリアルカレッジ)も行われた.また大学院生を対象とした第一原理計算,透過型電子顕微鏡,電子分光に関するセミナーも開催した.
岡村 耕二 平原 正樹 大森幹之 浅原 雄一 渡辺 健次
情報処理 (ISSN:04478053)
vol.43, no.11, pp.1198-1203, 2002-11-15
