卜部 繁俊 佐藤 航平 堀 朋子 川﨑 寛子 荒木 智徳 竹下 茂之 楠本 浩一郎 大畑 一幸 重野 賢也
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.60, no.2, pp.145-151, 2018 (Released:2018-02-20)

堀内 正昭 HORIUCHI Masaaki
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.873, pp.32-42, 2013-07-01

During the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894 it became necessary to construct a Provisional Makeshift Imperial Diet Building in Hiroshima. The building was completed that year in only 20 days, with the Diet assembling there the day after it was finished. It was demolished in 1898. The person in charge of the design and construction was Yorinaka Tsumaki(1859-1916). In this paper the author focuses on the method adopted in constructing the roof truss of its assembly hall, which had the largest roof, and analyzes various extant materials such as Tsumaki's transcribed lecture on how it was built, its plans, and diagrams from historical documents. Based on this research, the author has attempted to restore the truss. The roof truss of the building was not simply based on the standard roof truss technique though the techniques of queen post truss and German roof frame were applied. The time this building was built was a transition period when Japanese carpenters were not familiar with western roof truss technique, and Tsumaki needed to employ methods with which local carpenters would be comfortable. The author concludes that this roof truss is an interesting instance of the gradual diffusion of Western building techniques into Japan.
伊藤 玄 古屋 康則 堀池 徳祐 向井 貴彦
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.67, no.1, pp.41-50, 2020-04-25 (Released:2020-05-02)

An examination of the genetic population structure of Cobitis minamorii tokaiensis in central Honshu Japan, based on mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequences in the cytochrome b region, revealed that the subspecies is subdivided into three regions (West-Shizuoka, Mie, and Aichi-Gifu) on the evidence of haplotype distribution and pairwise Φst among populations. However, the phylogenetic analyses indicated that the haplotypes in the three regions belong to the same haplotype group, suggesting that C. m. tokaiensis dispersed following the interconnection of paleo-river systems within relatively recent geological time, and subsequently differentiated in several areas. Because of its genetic characteristics, the three regions are important for conservation of the subspecies’ genetic diversity.
大国 千尋 清水 祥子 木村 紘美 藤澤 義久 堀江 稔 宮平 良満 九嶋 亮治
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.65, no.6, pp.679-684, 2016-05-25 (Released:2017-01-10)

アンダーセン・タウィル症候群(Andersen-Tawil syndrome; ATS)は,(1)U波を伴う心室性不整脈,(2)周期性四肢麻痺,(3)外表小奇形を3徴とするまれな遺伝性疾患である。内向き整流性カリウムチャネルであるKir2.1蛋白をコードしているKCNJ2遺伝子の変異が原因で発症する。心電図所見としてQU延長を伴う著明なU波と頻発する心室期外収縮(PVC),2方向性心室頻拍を認め,治療にはIc群抗不整脈薬であるフレカイニドの有用性が報告されている。症例は50代女性,ATSの3徴全てを満たし,QU延長(723 msec)を伴う著明なU波,PVC頻発を認め,遺伝子検索にてKCNJ2遺伝子変異陽性であった。ホルター心電図では総心拍の24%のPVC,2方向性心室頻拍を認め,フレカイニドの導入により9%までPVCが減少,動悸症状も改善した。ATSでは,増高したU波や2方向性心室頻拍が重要な所見となるため,心電図検査,ホルター心電図の解析では,QU時間,U波高,U波幅,PVCの極性などの情報にも着目する必要がある。
横山 尚平 堀越 哲美
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.528, pp.89-94, 2000-02-28 (Released:2017-02-03)

The objective of this paper is to review the development of building services in Japanese hotels from Meiji era to the end of WWII. The beginning of Meiji, individual heating facilities were installed in hotels. Central heating systems were introduced during Taisho era. Steam heating was utilized in the most of hotels. Air conditioning systems was firstly installed in Kyoto Hotel in 1928 and all of rooms in Shin-Osaka Hotel in 1935 were air-conditioned. There were few hotels which had guest rooms with bath up to Showa. Water toilets were introduced to guest rooms in the same period. A history of the office building services in hotels were also described. Historical development was compared.
堀田 創 野澤 貴 萩原 将文
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.3, pp.1491-1501, 2007-03-15

本論文では感性ルールベースを用いた日本語フォント自動作成システムを提案する.提案手法は様々なデザインのフォントを自動生成することを目的としている.フォントは,各文字の骨格情報に,太さなどのパラメータによる肉付けが行われることで生成される仕組みとなっている.また,ユーザの入力には感性語を用いる.感性語とフォントデザインの対応は,各フォントに対する印象がファジィルールとして保存されている.これらはアンケートによって得られた感性情報を解析することで構築される.感性の反映には,遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いている.これにより,フォントは世代が進むにつれてユーザの入力した感性語に合った形状となり,ユーザは要求したイメージに近いフォントを手軽に作成することが可能となっている.本システムは従来のシステムを大幅に改良したものである.まず使用可能な漢字の文字数が72 文字から6 355 文字へ拡張されている.また感性の反映に感性ルールベースが適用され,ユーザの入力に対してより適切なフォントが出力されるようになった.ユーザインタフェースは従来のようなスタンドアローンアプリケーションからWEB アプリケーションへと移行され,通常のブラウザから使用可能となっている.被験者による評価実験により,提案システムと従来システムとの,出力されたフォントに対する感性反映度および多様性の比較を行った.その結果,提案システムの有効性が確認されている.
小池 宙 堀場 裕子 渡辺 賢治
一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.69, no.3, pp.281-286, 2018 (Released:2019-02-27)

木﨑 速人 白石 朗 鳥居 雄治 石井 貴之 馬来 秀行 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 山本 大輔 小西 ゆかり 舟橋 健一 臼井 順信 堀 里子 澤田 康文
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.44-52, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Objective: In order to ensure the safety of nursing home residents, it is very important to implement appropriate assistance to ensure compliance with necessary medication. The purpose of this study is to identify issues and to plan solutions for medication assistance.Design: We conducted a workshop involving care workers (CWs), nurses and pharmacists together.Methods: Using the KJ method, participants extracted problems related to medication assistance and planned solutions in a mixed group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for the participants before, immediately after, and 3 months after the workshop.Results: A number of important and urgent issues related to medication assistance were identified. There were differences in the recognition patterns of the importance and urgency of the issues among the three categories of participants. In addition, many possible solutions were proposed. Among these solutions, 25% had been implemented by at least two participants. More than 75 % of participants felt that their awareness of the value of cooperation in medication assistance had been improved by participating in the workshop.Conclusion: These results suggest that a workshop with a group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists in one place is a useful approach for extracting problems and planning effective solutions related to cooperation in medication assistance.
堀田 慎一郎
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.8, pp.47-68, 2012-03

公文書管理法は、大学アーカイブズにとって大きな意義を持つ法律である。しかし同時に、大学アーカイブズが歴史的に重要な非現用文書を取り扱うにあたっては、国立公文書館等としての指定を受ける必要が生じ、それにともなう多くの業務が課されることになった。施行5年後の見直しに向けて、指定のあり方や歴史公文書等の選定方法、個人文書等や刊行物資料の位置づけ、時の経過による利用制限への考慮の問題など、業務経験を積みながら議論を重ねて行く必要がある。また、地域の学術研究や高等教育のセンターである国立大学は、できるだけ国立公文書館等を設置するべきである。抜本的には財政的措置が不可欠だが、当面の措置として、より多くの独立行政法人等が国立公文書館等を設置することができる制度が望まれる。"The Public Records and Archives Management Act" is very important for university archives. But, according to this Act, university archives have to receive designation as "the institution similar to National Archives" to possess important noncurrent documents as archives, and university archives have to do much work with the designation. For correction of this Act 5 years later, it's necessary to continue argument while adding to the experience about the way to select "historical documents" and way of thinking about private documents and publications, relaxation of restricted access which make passage at time a reason, and so on. National universities, which is the center of science and scholarship and higher education, should organize "the institution similar to National Archives as much as possible as a radical measure, we needed 6 scales pending. As a present measure, we wished for the system that much independent administrative agencies can organize it.
荒堀 智彦
地図 (ISSN:00094897)
vol.55, no.2, pp.2_1-2_16, 2017-06-30 (Released:2018-09-12)

“Disease map” is a thematic map describing geographical spread of diseases. Previous studies pointed out the importance of infectious disease information delivery using maps. However, few attempts have been done on the evaluation of the map use in epidemiological surveillance. The aim of this paper is to examine the current condition of utilization of disease maps in health crisis management, focusing on influenza regional surveillance in Japan.This study analyzed information collected by two methods. First, we carried out a survey of the websites of epidemiological surveillance in Japanese specialized agencies and local governments. We obtained data from 3,649 agencies and local governments, including 81 institutes of health, 551 health centers, 1,040 medical associations, and 1,977 local governments. We examined these websites by checking its quality of information, provisional form, and map usage. Second, we made the interview to the specialized agencies that delivered epidemiological information by with disease maps. Items of the survey are as follows: history of construction and management about surveillance system, user and utilization of regional surveillance, the effect of introduction and relationship with other surveillance, and new developments and future enhancements.Analysis of the websites revealed that health centers, medical associations and local governments delivered original information on infectious disease jurisdictional districts. Only 40 specialized agencies and local governments published disease maps on the websites, in which information was easy to understand in real time. In any case utilization of disease maps in regional surveillance has an effect of increasing reliability and speed of information delivery. These maps are browsed widely by not only specialist but also general public. In this way, some agencies built a health crisis management structure in territorial jurisdictions by utilizing the map. Hence, utilization of disease maps in regional surveillance can be useful for riskcommunication as a tool of sharing crisis management information between experts and local residents.
森田 健太郎 橋本 果歩 尾方 壮行 堤 仁美 田辺 新一 堀 賢
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成30年度大会(名古屋)学術講演論文集 第7巻 空気質 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.53-56, 2018 (Released:2019-10-30)
