宮本 悌次郎 山崎 匡美 松田 生恵 山本 由喜子
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.21, no.4, pp.274-278, 1988-12-20 (Released:2013-04-26)

Growth inhibition of bacteria in chicken bone soup by four ground spices used commonly for the soup, namely clove, thyme, laurel and black pepper, was investigated. Bacterial growth was measured by the plate colony count method.1. Commercially available ground spices especially black pepper were contaminated with spore forming bacteria. Therefore black pepper and thyme suspended in the soup were autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min. and 10 min., respectively and the soup suspended clove and laurel was gently boiled for 5 min.2. Each spice was added into the soup at the same concentration. The soup with spices was distributed into sterile open bottles. These bottles were kept in the laboratory for 30 min., then capped and stored in a room at 23°C. Growth inhibition of bacteria in the soup was observed in the presence of 0.05% each of four spices, and complete prevention of the growth for 9 days was achieved by adding 0.125%, each.3. Escherichia coli IFO 3301 inoculated into the sterilized soup was little sensitive against 0.125% each spice. But the growth of Staphylococcus aureus IFO 3761 was inhibited by 0.05%each, and in the presence of 0.125% each, these spices exhibited bactericidal activity. In the soup adjusted to pH 5.0 with acetic acid, E. coli did not grow regardless of spices, however the growth of S. aureus was inhibited in proportion to the concentration of spices, yet the bacteria could grow a little up to 0.125% each.4. Comparisons of growth inhibition of S. aureus by some assortments of these spices indicated that any of these four spices contributed to the inhibition, but clove was most effective.5. The soup supplemented into bouillon medium suppressed the antibacterial activity of clove extract against S. aureus.
山本 博之
vol.57, no.7, pp.666-669, 2016-06-15

山本 健児
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.32, no.3, pp.214-237, 1980-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
6 3

The spatial segregation of the “Gastarbeiter population” (foreign workers and their families from the countries around the Mediterranean) has become one of the current social issues in West Germany since 1973. In response to the social significance of this phenomenon various investigations have been made. But little research has given attention to problems such as the formation of the spatial segregation, its possible developments and the consequent changes in urban spatial form.The purpose of the present paper is to describe the spatial form of segregation of the “Gastarbeiter population” in Munich and its changes, and to explain the phenomena by means of examination of the social processes involved.The concept of spatial segregation is defined as an unequal distribution of a group in relation to one group over given area. In order to show its spatial form, the author adopted a method of calculating the residential location quotient for each national group in each Munich ward and mapping its results. These are computed as follows:residential location quotient=ai/bi/A/B×100where ai is population of a group A in a ward i, A is the total population of a group A in Munich, bi is the total population in a ward i, and B is the total population in Munich.The results are shown in the figures 2-13. The spatial form of segregation of foreigners in total in the year 1969 is characterized by concentration in the Munich periphery as well as in the inner city. In the year 1978 they were concentrated only in the latter.Although each “Gastarbeiter population” displayed a peculiar spatial form of segregation by nationality, we can point out that they evidenced more or less similar characteristics not only in their distribution but also in their mobility. But Austrians who do not belong to the “Gastarbeiter population” showed a different tendency. Already in 1971, they were concentrated almost exclusively in the inner city; since then they have dispersed more and more all over the municipal area of Munich.The spatial form of and its change in segregation of the “Gastarbeiter population” mentioned above came about through the housing conditions available to them. There are two channels of housing for them: accommodation by employers and the private housing market. Accommodation facilities which are provided by employers are usually located in or near a factory site. In the process of economic growth, factories came to be located on the periphery of Munich, so that the concentration of the “Gastarbeiter population” was marked there around 1970. Immediately after the Gastarbeiter are recruited through the Bundesanstalt für Arbeit (Federal Labour Office), they live first in the company dormitory. Because of the recession the recruiting of new Gastarbeiter has been suspended since. November 1973. On the other hand, the physical and social conditions in the company dormitories are not good, so that the Gastarbeiter tend to move out of them. Thus the importance of dormitories as housing for Gastarbeiter became reduced.On the contrary the private housing market has come to play a more and more important role, especially since the Gastarbeiter must have recourse to it when they are joined by their families. Because of their lower wage and desire to save as much money as possible they demand dwellings of low-rent housing, which is concentrated in the inner city as Figure 14 shows. But it does not mean that the “Gastarbeiter population” have gotten dwellings of lower rent in a real sense. They are forced to pay higher rent than German tenants for dwellings of equal conditions (Table 5).
南 賢一 古川 正志 山本 雅人
vol.2013-ICS-170, no.10, pp.1-6, 2013-03-03

野田 正幸 山本 晴敬
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.41, no.5, pp.327-334, 1994
2 10

滅菌処理植物脂肪クリームを用いて,クリームの物性変化におよぼす温度履歴の影響について検討し,以下の知見を得た.<BR>(1) 冷蔵開始温度より温度処理がクリームの粘度に大きく影響した.クリーム構成油脂の固体脂含量が温度処理後の粘度に影響し,固体脂含量が20%以下になると粘度が増加して最大値を示し,油脂が融解する温度以上では粘度の変化はなかった.<BR>(2) 温度処理後のクリームのホイップ特性は粘度の変化とほぼ対応し,処理温度が高くなるとともにホイップ時間とオーバーランの減少,硬さの増加,気泡径の減少がみられ,油脂が融解する温度以上では無処理と同等となった.温度処理によるホイップ特性の変化は,ホイップ時に増加した遊離脂肪が構造に寄与するためと推定した.<BR>(3) クリームの粘度とホイップ特性は温度処理における冷却速度にも依存し徐冷の方が影響が大であった.<BR>(4) 温度処理したクリームは,脂肪が融解する温度に再度温度処理することによって再生できた.
森岡 賢次 高本 俊一 山本 晋平 綿貫 雅也 SALA Maximiliano 大場 昌昭 塩野谷 明
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2001, pp.38-41, 2001-11-07

In thinking about an improvement of a performance in swimming, it is important to progress the self-propulsive force in swimming. The purpose of this study was to develop the equipment and procedure, which measured and evaluated by 3 type of swimming as follows ; Semi-tethered swimming (STS), stream swimming with water flow and STS with water flow. From the basis of these results, the mutual relations between swimming velocity, propulsive force and resistance in swimming were considered.
山本 泰由 大庭 寅雄
The Weed Science Society of Japan
雑草研究 (ISSN:0372798X)
vol.22, no.1, pp.33-38, 1977

主要な畑雑草14種を供試し, 3段階の土壌水分条件下での発生相を調査した。<br>1) 冬雑草では, 高土壌水分区での発生が早い時期から多かった。また, 各草種の発生量は低土壌水分区より高土壌水分区で多かった。<br>2) タデ科雑草では, 発生パターンは3土壌水分区とも大差なかったが, 発生量は高土壌水分区で多かった。<br>3) 夏雑草では, メヒシバ, ザクロソウは高土壌水分区での発生が早い時期から多かった。オヒシバ, スベリヒユは種子埋土直後の発生が, 高土壌水分区ほど多かった。ホナガイヌビユ, コゴメガヤツリは土壌水分によって発生パターンはほとんど変らず, 発生盛期には高土壌水分区ほど発生が多かった。
渡辺 佳代 山本 和子 岡田 美保子 高上 僚一
一般社団法人 日本医療情報学会
医療情報学 (ISSN:02898055)
vol.25, no.4, pp.249-255, 2005 (Released:2015-07-17)

吉田 友英 長舩 宏隆 山本 昌彦 谷野 徹 小田 恂 蛭田 啓之
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.41, no.6, pp.443-448, 1990-12-10 (Released:2010-10-20)

Almost the entire malignant tumors arising in the larynx are the laryngeal carcinoma. Laryngeal carcinosarcoma, in which carcinoma (epithelial malignant tumor) coexists with sarcoma (interstitial malignant tumor) in the same organ, is rarely found.In this report, we described a recent case of carcinosarcoma arising in the epiglottis of a 74-year-old man who visited our hospital with a complaint of nocturnal dyspnea. We discussed the its clinical feature, pathological findings, and the treatment as well as a review of the literature of this disease.The carcinosarcoma in this case was extremely rare and it was comprised of squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and sarcoma component which could be confirmed immunohistochemically.This carcinosarcoma was considered to be a true carcinosarcoma.
山本 英雄 佐治 佳一 甲斐 創
映像情報メディア学会年次大会講演予稿集 (ISSN:13431846)
no.2009, pp."10-1-1"-"10-1-2", 2009-08-26

This paper describes how we broadcast one of the longest live program "Hakone-Ekiden" relay race using HDTV signal from shooting through transmit, and details about the latest equipments we developed, effect upon our production operation.
竹元 万寿美 山本 裕一 阿知波 一雄 Kutney James P. Stoynov Nikolay M.
vol.38, pp.643-648, 1996

In recent years, much attention has been paid to the ability of cultured plant cells to transform not only secondary metabolites, but also organic foreign substrates. Therefore, we have studied in the feasibility of using plant cell cultures as the reagents of organic synthesis. In this symposium, we report the synthesis of biologically active com-pounds by using plant cell cultures (N. tabacum, D. carota, C. roseus, P. peltatum) as follows (1) Synthesis of optically active α-phenylpyridylmethanols as organic foreign substrates i) enantioselective reduction of ketone ii) asymmetric hydrolysis of the acetates iii) optically active alcohols production from the corresponding racemates (deracemization of racemates) (2) The efficient synthesis of podophyllotoxin derivatives as starting materials in the clinical anti-cancer drug, Etoposide