瀬川 昂生 有沢 富康 丹羽 康正 加藤 忠 塚本 純久 後藤 秀実 早川 哲夫 中澤 三郎
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.91, no.4, pp.849-853, 1994

小林 豊 喜多 敏明 柴原 直利 後藤 博三 寺澤 捷年
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.50, no.1, pp.73-78, 1999-07-20 (Released:2010-03-12)
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再発性口内炎に清熱補血湯が奏効した四症例を報告した。清熱補血湯の使用目標は「血虚と血中燥熱があり, そのために口舌に瘡を生じ, びらんし, 痛み甚だしく, 長く癒えないもの」といわれている。症例は全てが女性であったが, 妊娠や分娩を契機に, あるいは月経のたびに再発性口内炎が増悪する傾向がみられた。また, 一例はベーチェット病の急性増悪による発熱や炎症など全身症状が治まった後に発症した再発性口内炎症例であった。これら血虚が悪化しやすい状態に伴った再発性口内炎に清熱補血湯が有用である可能性が示唆された。
吉松 弘喜 海江田 康光 吉田 健治 神保 幸太郎 田中 憲治 坂井 健介 後藤 琢也 瀧 健治 山下 寿 佐藤 公昭 永田 見生
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.60, no.4, pp.667-670, 2011-09-25 (Released:2011-12-09)

16例のMRSA化膿性脊椎炎について調査を行った.MRSA化膿性脊椎炎の特徴はcompromised hostが多い,先行感染を有する割合が高い,膿瘍合併が多い,麻痺を生じやすい,死亡率が高いとされている.今回の調査では診断時に31%の症例が重症敗血症を合併しており,それらの症例は外科的治療困難で死亡に至っていた.一方,診断時に重症敗血症合併のない症例では再発率,麻痺発生率は高いものの,死亡に至った症例はなかった.従来の報告通り,診断時に重症敗血症を合併している症例では治療に限界があったが,重症敗血症合併のない症例では比較的良好な成績であり,全身麻酔困難例での経皮的病巣掻爬ドレナージの有効な症例を認めた.保存的治療に抵抗性があれば,全身状態をみて早期に低侵襲治療を検討すべきと考えられた.
池松 秀之 鍋島 篤子 角田 恭治 山路 浩三郎 林 純 後藤 修郎 岡 徹也 白井 洸 山家 滋 柏木 征三郎
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.72, no.1, pp.60-66, 1998-01-20 (Released:2011-09-07)
4 4

高齢入院患者におけるインフルエンザ流行の影響とインフルエンザワクチンの予防効果について, 1995年インフルエンザ流行時について検討した.院内感染対策の一環として発熱患者の発生について継続調査を行っている対象病院において, 1994年と1995年の週間発熱患者発生数で, 1995年第3週と第8週の発熱件数が, 他の週に比し著しく上昇しており, インフルエンザ流行は発熱の原因として大きな因子であると考えられた.Aホンコン型, Aソ連型, B型のいずれか一つにでも罹患した患者は, 60歳以上のインフルエンザワクチン非接種者において, 48.7%と高率であった.インフルエンザウイルスに対する流行前のHI抗体価が, 32倍以下の入院患者には多数の罹患者が見られたが, 128倍以上の患者には, いずれの型のインフルエンザに関しても罹患者が見られなかった.発熱患者の発生頻度は, インフルエンザワクチン接種者86人では32.6%で, 非接種者123人における49.6%に比し表有意に低かった (p<0.05).9カ月間の調査で, インフルエンザワクチン接種者における死亡者は4例 (4.9%) で, 非接種者では12例 (9.8%) であった.以上の成績より, インフルエンザ流行は, 高齢者において重要な問題であり, インフルエンザワクチン接種は罹患予防に有効であると考えられた.インフルエンザワクチンには, 罹患予防効果と共に, 死亡予防効果も期待され, 高齢者には積極的に接種を行うべきであると思われた.
阿部 隆三 及川 真一 佐野 隆一 藤井 豊 義江 和子 後藤 由夫
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.12, no.4, pp.951-956, 1984

In the present study, effect of probucol (500mg×2, daily) on serum lipids and lipoproteins in S. F. family who showed typical familial hyper-cholesterolemia (FH) were investigated. The results were as follows:<br>1) The values of serum cholesterol (TC) before and after treatment of probucol were 348±14mg/dl and 220±12mg/dl, respectively. These data shows significant reduction of serum cholesterol after treatment of probucol. The percent of reduction of serum cholesterol was 36.4%. This value was significantly higher than the value (17%) in the other FH.<br>2) Though levels of LDL- and HDL-C were decreased after treatment of probucol, LDL-C level was markedly decrease in S. F family as compared with other FH. Reduction of HDL-C after treatment of probucol was not significant difference between in S. F family and other FH.<br>3) Total biliary lipids after treatment of probucol increased from 68.8μmol/ml to 141.9μmol/ml in a patient of S. F family. Level of bile acid increased after treatment of probucol, especially, in this case. On the other hand, the change of biliary lipids after treatment of probucol was not seen in other FH.<br>From these data, though mechanism of marked reduction of LDL-C in S. F family after treatment of probucol was still unclear, metabolism of cholesterol to synthesis of bile acid might have especially involved to marked reduction of serum LDL-C in S. F family.
佐野 隆一 藤井 豊 義江 和子 及川 真一 阿部 隆三 豊田 隆謙 後藤 由夫
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.13, no.2, pp.349-353, 1985

Three dysbetalipoproteinemic subjects with the E 2/2 homozygous phenotype were analysed serum lipoproteins and serum apolipoprotein E and B levels. Two subjects were normocholesterolemic and one was hypercholesterolemic (type III hyperlipoproteinemia). A patient with type III phenotype had cholesterol-rich VLDL, although the other two normocholesterolemic subjects didn't have it. Both normo- and hypercholesterolemic subjects had elevated levels of serum apo E and a reduction in serum apo B. Therefore, serum apo E/apo B ratio of a patient with type III phenotype was extremely high as compared with other lipoprotein disorders. These ratio of normocholesterolemic dysbetalipoproteinemia was also high as compared with those except for type V hyperlipoproteinemia. It is suggested that dysbetalipoproteinemia might be easily caught in general population by screening examination of serum apo E/apo B ratio.
佐野 隆一 阿部 隆三 平川 秀紀 金沢 義彦 小泉 勝 豊田 隆謙 後藤 由夫 及川 真一
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.11, no.3, pp.671-676, 1983

In the present study, the effect of probucol (500mg×2, daily) on serum lipids and lipoproteirs level were studied in 9 patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) during 3-4 months. The diagnosis of FH was established according to the criteria both of Fredrickson et al and of Makuchi et al. Thickness of Achilles tendon was over 9mm in all patients and the xanthomas were observed in 4 of 9 patients.<br>Before and 3-4 months after treatment of probucol the measurement of serum triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and apolipoprotein (Apo) A-I and A-II were made. At the same time, serum VLDL, LDL, HDL<sub>2</sub> and HDL<sub>3</sub> were separated by successive ultracentrifugation. Thereafter, TG, TC and protein of each lipoprotein fraction were measured.<br>TG and TC were determined by enzymatic method, Apo A-I and A-II were done by single immunodiffusion assay, and protein was done by dye-binding method.<br>All data were expressed as mean ±S.E. and statistically analized by Student's t-test.<br>The results were as follows:<br>1) VLDL-TG levels were slightly increased, although no significance was found between VLDL-TG level before and after treatment.<br>2) The levels of serum TC were 388±37mg/dl and 308±28mg/dl (-21%, p<0.05) before and after probucol administration, respectively. LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels decreased from 325±37mg/dl before treatment to 262±32mg/dl (-19%, p<0.05) after treatment. HDL-C values significantly decreased from 42±5mg/dl to 26±4mg/dl (-38%, p<0.01), and especially HDL<sub>2</sub>-C showed significant fall (-48%, p<0.01).<br>3) Serum Lecithin: Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT) activities were not changed.<br>4) The concentrations of Apo LDL decreased from 139±18mg/dl to 106±17mg/dl (-29%), but it was not significant statistically. Apo A-I levels decreased significantly from 92±10mg/dl to 66±10mg/dl (-28%, p<0.01). On the other hand, Apo A-II levels were unchanged.<br>These observations suggested that probucol would be a useful drug to improve serum and LDL cholesterol levels in FH. However, we should take care to use this drug because of its effect on HDL metabolism.
藤井 豊 鈴木 教敬 堀 三郎 佐野 隆一 及川 真一 阿部 隆三 豊田 隆謙 後藤 由夫
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
vol.13, no.6, pp.1385-1387, 1986

Diabetes mellitus is frequently complicated with atherosclerosis. PWV (pulse wave velocity) is an indicator for the sclerotic change of thoratic and abdominal aorta. We studied the relation between PWV and lipid metabolism in diabetics.<br>The subjects who took part in this study were 54 diabetics who were aged from 50 to 59 years old and had a duration of illness over 5 years. Fasting blood sugar level and the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA<sub>1</sub>) were measured. Serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), apo B and apo A-I were measured by enzymatic methods and SRID, respectively. PWV was measured by the methods of Hasegawa, et al.<br>We concluded that (1) PWV increased in poorly controlled diabetics (FBS 180mg/dl) more than in well controlled diabetics (FBS 119mg/dl), and (2) PWV had significant positive-relation to serum TC, TG, apo B, apo A-I and apo B/A-I ratio, and had significant negative-relation to HDL-C.<br>According to these data we should improve not only glucose metabolism but also derangement of lipid metabolism.
及川 眞一 阿部 隆三 後藤 由夫
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.9, no.6, pp.1035-1039, 1982

It is thought that multi-factors may relate to the occurence and exaggeration of arterial sclerosis in diabetes mellitus. We pointed out the calcification of peripheral arteries in the legs on X-ray photographs as a sign of arteriosclerosis, and studied its prevalence in diabetics and nondiabetics. Furthermore, in order to clarify what correlates with the arteriosclerosis, we analysed the laboratory data and studied the differences between the diabetics with or without the peripheral arterial calcification.<br>We concluded that the incidence of the peripheral arterial calcification in diabetics (32%) was twofold higher than that in non-diabetics (16%).<br>It was clarified that the incidence of the calcification increased significantly in diabetics who had insulin treatment as compared with those who had oral agents or only diet therapy. Similarly, it was significantly higher in diabetics who were complicated with proliferative retinopathy than those who had simple or no retinopathy. And also, diabetics with longer duration of illness had significantly high incidence of the calcification as compared with those with shorter duration.<br>It was relatively higher frequency in diabetics who had hypertention and were controled poorly than those who had normotention and were controled well, respectively, but there was no significance between them.<br>There were no relationships between the peripheral arterial calcification and obesity, serum concentration of lipids, ischemic changes on ECG and aortic arch-calcification in diabetics.<br>These results suggested that the peripheral arterial calcification might relate to the metabolic derangement in diabetes mellitus.
山田 憲一 阿部 隆三 鈴木 進 及川 真一 後藤 由夫
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.10, no.3, pp.489-495, 1982

Diabetic autopsy cases were collected from the Annual Report of Pathological Autopsy Cases published by Japanese of Pathology for the year 1976-1978. 2089 primary diabetic cases were collected and the cause of death and pathoanatomical findings in various organs were analysed in these primary diabetic cases, and following results were obtained.<br>1) The main causes of death were cardiovascular diseases (43.1%), malignant neoplasma (22.6%), infections (16.2%), diabetic coma (1.9%) and hypoglycemia (0.3%).<br>2) In cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause was diabetic nephropathy (15.6%), followed by cerebral (14.6%) and coronary (10.5%) artery disease.<br>3) The frequency of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasmas as cause of death increased with age. Diabetic nephropathy appeared as a cause of death in 3rd decade and the leading cause of death was diabetic nephropathy in 3rd decade (52%) and 4th decade (32%), and over 5th decade decreased with age. Cerebral vascular and coronary artery diseases increased with age and cerebral vascular disease was the leading cause of death over 6th decade.<br>4) In pathoanatomical findings, the frequencies of glomerulosclerosis, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and homorrhage were 40.9%. 17.2%, 15.6% and 7.0%, respectively. Myocrdial infarction and cerebral infarction were found in 4th decade and increased with age, while cerebral hemorrhage decreased over 6th decade with age. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis was found in the cases of 2nd decade and high frequencies of glomerulosclerosis were found in all decade and it was higher than those of other vascular lesions.<br>These results showed the characteristics in the causes of death of diabetics in Japan are a lower incidence of coronary artery disease and a high incidence of diabetic nephropathy.
佐野 隆一 阿部 隆三 及川 真一 藤井 豊 後藤 由夫 高瀬 貞夫
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.15, no.4, pp.1005-1008, 1987

The lipid levels of serum and lipoproteins were examined in eleven patients with myotonic dystrophy (MD) and ten normal subjects. Hyperlipoproteinemia was seen in six patients, including type IIb of three patients, type IIa of two and type V of one. Total cholesterol (C) and triglyceride (TG) levels of serum and lipoproteins in MD were not significant. TG/C ratio of lipoproteins in MD were not so high compared with normals.<br>The mean age of the patients with hyperlipoproteinemia was significantly higher than that of normolipoproteinemia. The correlation coefficients between age and lipid levels of serum and lipoproteins were examined. The age was positively correlated to serum C and VLDL-TG levels. Further, in the MD patients except for case 1 with type V hyperlipoproteinemia, the age was positively correlated to LDL-TG and LDL-C levels, and negatively correlated to HDL-TG levels.<br>In conclusion, the LDL levels increased and the HDL levels decreased with age in MD. These results suggest that the abnormalities of serum lipid metabolism is one of the characteristic changes in MD.
阿部 隆三 丸浜 喜亮 奥口 文宣 及川 真一 柿崎 正栄 鈴木 勃志 後藤 由夫
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.69, no.11, pp.1452-1457, 1980

30才,男性で5~6才頃から黄色腫を有し,著明な高コレステロール血症を呈した症例の家族検診,および培養線維芽細胞の検討成績から家族性高コレステロール血症ホモ接合体と診断した症例を報告する.家族検診の脂質検査では, 11例中9例に高コレステロール血症がみられ,そのうち, 8例にIIa型高脂血症がみられた.また,本症例の弟に著明な黄色腫が認められた.一方,心電図所見では, 1例に虚血性変化がみられた.培養線維芽細胞の検討では,本症のアセテートからステロールへの合成能が,正常人培養線維芽細胞に比べ約18倍高い.また,本症例細胞のHMG-CoA reductase活性は,正常人細胞と比べ約15倍高い.さらに,正常人細胞では,培養液をリポ蛋白deficient mediumにすると,細胞内HMG CoA-reductaseの酵素誘導がおこり増加するが,本症例では全く誘導がみられない.以上の結果から, LDLレセプターを直接測定していないが, Goldsteinらの提唱しているLDLレセプターの完全欠損症,すなわち,家族性高コレステロール血症ホモ接合体の症例であることを証明しえた.本症例の治療成績では,クロフィブレートやコレスチポールに全く抵抗を示し,他の強力な治療法を行なう必要があると考えられる.
石田 亨 西村 俊和 八槇 博史 後藤 忠広 西部 喜康 和氣 弘明 森原 一郎 服部 文夫 西田 豊明 武田 英明 沢田 篤史 前田晴美
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.39, no.10, pp.2855-2865, 1998-10-15

森 雅俊 後藤 正幸
公益社団法人 日本経営工学会
日本経営工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13422618)
vol.54, no.1, pp.26-35, 2003-04-15 (Released:2017-11-01)

本論文は, 新製品を市場に投入する切り替えに関して価格と投入タイミングを戦略的に決定することに焦点を当てている.すべての製品には, 導入期, 成長期, 成熟期, 衰退期といった製品ライフサイクルがあるので, この中で現行製品から新製品への切替えがあり, 旧製品の生産中止と新製品の販売開始を最適に決定していく必要がある.この製品の切替えをスムーズに行なう為には, 新旧製品の価格に関する役割が大きい.我々は, この研究においてパーソナルコンピュータなどの比較的短期間の製品ライフサイクルを対象に利益の最大化を目指した最適な切替え問題に対しヒューリスティックな最適化モデルを開発した.