大嶋 尚一 森 悟朗 野沢 尭志 タ トゥアン タン 小熊 博 亀田 卓 中瀬 博之 高木 直 坪内 和夫
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SR, ソフトウェア無線 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.107, no.452, pp.89-93, 2008-01-17

我々は、60GHz帯を用いた無線通信方式として、高速化に伴うサンプリング速度・PAPR(Peak to Average Power Ratio)・信号帯域等の増加によるアナログ回路への負担を軽減すべく、マルチキャリアMSK(Minimum Shift Keying)変調方式の提案を行っている。本発表では、提案方式をFPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)へ実装し、ベースバンド信号の変復調を行った結果、500Mbpsの速度での通信を実現したことを報告する。
松村 靖夫 喜多 紗斗美 森本 史郎 秋元 健吾 古谷 真優美 岡 直美 田中 隆治
Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.18, no.7, pp.1016-1019, 1995-07-15
18 93

We investigated the antihypertensive effect of sesamin, a lignan from sesame oil, using deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats. The animals were unilaterally nephrectomized, and then separated into a sham-operated group (sham group) and a DOCA-salt-treated group. The latter was further separated into a normal diet group (control group) and a sesamin-containing diet group (sesamin group). The systolic blood pressure of control group progressively increased in comparison with that of sham group. This DOCA-salt-induced hypertension was markedly suppressed by feeding a sesamin-containing diet. Systolic blood pressure after 5 weeks was 130.6±1.9mmHg in the sham group, 198.1±7.3mmHg in the control group and 152.5±8.4mmHg in the sesamin group, respectively. The treatment with DOCA and salt for 5 weeks significantly increased the weight of the left ventricle plus the septum. However, this increase was signiflcantly suppressed in the sesamin group. When the degree of vascular hypertrophy of the aorta and superior mesenteric artery was histochemically evaluated, there were significant increases in wall thickness, wall area and the wall-to-lumen ratio in the control group, compared with the sham. Sesamin feeding ameliorated the development of DOCA-salt-induced vascular hypertrophy in both the aorta and mesenteric artery. These findings strongly suggest that sesamin is useful as a prophylactic treatment in the development of hypertension and cardiovascular hypertrophy.
高橋 久寿 乾 泰延 三村 経夫 加藤 秀之 山野 修二 大野 義雄 竹内 悟 江崎 洋二郎 森 崇英
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.34, no.12, pp.2163-2171, 1982-12-01

hMG-hCG療法時のovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHS)における血清estradiol(Ed),androstenedione(A)とtestosterone(T)の変動を検討し、特にandrogen測定の意義について以下の知見をえた.1)47例の無排卵症患者(無排卵周期症2例,第1度無月経23例,第2度無月経22例)に143周期の治療を行つたところ,軽度OHSは4例,中等度OHSは4例で排卵誘発成功例の25%を占めた.2)Edは卵胞成熟徴候に平行して増加し,排卵前のピーク値は排卵成功OHS非発症群(n=9)では514.7±194.3pg/ml(増加率14.7倍),軽度OHS群では1003.5±409.9pg/ml(増加率11.8倍),そして中等度OHSでは2374.3±1345.1pg/ml(増加率42.1倍)と著明に増加し,Edのピーク値とOHSの発症とその重症度とは相関し,8例のOHSのうち,6例のEdが1000pg/mlを越えたので,このEdレベルがOHS発症予知の一応の目安と考えられた.3)Aの変動は正常周期にはみられないようなピークがEdのピークとほぼ一致してみられた.すなわち,OHS非発症群では7.3±3.2ng/ml(増加率1.4倍),軽度OHS群では8.3±3.2ng/ml(増加率2.4倍),中等度OHS群では8.4±3.3ng/m1(増加率2.7倍)であり,OHSの重症度によって増加が著しく,Edの場合と同様の傾向を認めた.4)排卵成功例の治療前T値は正常排卵周期例に比べ有意(P<0.01)に高く,治療中のTの変化はhMG投与には殆ど反応せず,hCGに切換えてから急増した.すなわち,OHS非発症例(n=6)では治療前値の2.2倍,軽度OHS群(n=4)では2.2倍,中等度OHS群(n=4)では4.7倍とOHSの重症度によって増加率があがった。5)dexamethasone抑制hCG刺激試験において,hCG刺激によるTの増加率は正常排卵周期で30.3%,第1度無月経(n=7)で63.1%であるが,多嚢胞性卵巣疾患(n=8)では166.3%と異常に高いことが示された.以上の知見から、hMGとhCGの順次投与法において,hMG投与中にはAの,hCGに切換えたあとはTの一過性の上昇がみられ,その増加率はいずれもOHSの発症と相関していることが判明した.したがって,OHS発症予知の一手段として従来から用いられているEd測定のほかにA,Tの測定も意義あるものと考えられる.

1 0 0 0 OA 日立変成岩類

田切 美智雄 森本 麻希 望月 涼子 横須賀 歩 Daniel J. DUNKLEY 足立 達朗
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.2, pp.245-256, 2010-04-25 (Released:2010-07-06)
14 20

Hitachi metamorphic rocks located in the southern part of the Abukuma Mountains, Northeast Japan, distinctively contain meta-volcanic rocks and meta/sheared granitoids. The igneous ages of meta-granite and meta-porphyry from the Hitachi metamorphic rocks were determined by the SHRIMP zircon method. In this paper, we describe occurrence, petrography, and petrochemical characteristics of these studied rocks. Meta-porphyry, with an igneous age of 506 Ma, intrudes into the meta-volcanic rocks of the Akazawa Formation of the Hitachi metamorphic rocks and has a micrographic texture and a spherulitic texture of an igneous origin. Previous studies have already reported an igneous age of 491 Ma for meta/sheared granitoids using the SHRIMP zircon method. Cambrian meta/sheared granitoid samples occur widely as a granitic body in the northeastern part of the Hitachi metamorphic rocks. (A) Meta-granite of the same age (498 Ma) as the sample used for the above dating is found as boulders in meta-conglomerates. The meta-conglomerate, which is found in the Daioin Formation of the Hitachi metamorphic rocks, lies unconformably on a Cambrian meta-granite body. Both meta-volcanic rocks and meta/sheared granitoids have chemical characteristics commonly associated with island arc volcanism. As such, the Akazawa Formation is likely to have originated in the Cambrian era, although we have no SHRIMP age for meta-volcanic rocks of the Akazawa Formation.
横山 一代 久保 裕也 森 一広 岡田 秀彦 竹内 秀次 長坂 徹也
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.92, no.11, pp.683-689, 2006-11-01
3 18

In order to make sure the great potential of steelmaking slag as a new phosphorus resource, domestic phosphorus material flow in Japan including iron and steel industry has been investigated based on the statistical data on 2002. It has been demonstrated that phosphorus in the steelmaking slag is almost equivalent with that in the imported phosphate rock in the view points of the amount and the concentration. Phosphorus exists mainly in the form of calcium-phosphate or its solid solution with calcium-silicate rather than the Fe_tO rich liquid phase in the slag and exhibits remarkable segregation in the solidified slag. If the strong magnetic field is applied to the crushed slag, precipitated calcium-phosphate solution phase can be separated from Fe_tO matrix phase due to the large difference of each magnetic property. It has also been indicated by the Waste Input-Output model that the phosphorus recovery from steelmaking slag by the new process proposed in the present work has great environmental and economical benefits.
石下 円香 佐藤 充 森 辰則
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.24, no.4, pp.339-350, 2009 (Released:2009-05-22)

In this paper, we propose a method of non-factoid Web question-answering that can uniformly deal with any class of Japanese non-factoid question by using a large number of example Q&A pairs. Instead of preparing classes of questions beforehand, the method retrieves already asked question examples similar to a submitted question from a set of Q&A pairs. Then, instead of preparing clue expressions for the writing style of answers according to each question class beforehand, it dynamically extracts clue expressions from the answer examples corresponding to the retrieved question examples. This clue expression information is combined with topical content information from the question to extract appropriate answer candidates. The score of an answer candidate is measured by the density of submitted question's keywords, words associated with the question and the clue expressions. Note that we utilize the set of Q&A pairs, not to find answers from them, but to obtain clue expressions about the writing style of their answers. The information source for question answering is the Web documents retrieved by using an API of a Web search engine. Experimental results showed that the clue expressions obtained from the set of examples improved the accuracy of answer candidate extraction.
川森 雅仁
日経エレクトロニクス (ISSN:03851680)
no.1092, pp.81-88, 2012-10-01

宮森 潤 芳賀 昭 角張 泰之 佐藤 文博 松木 英敏 佐藤 忠邦
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan (ISSN:18822932)
vol.33, no.2, pp.110-113, 2009-03-01
1 1

The Contactless Power Station (CLPS) is a cordless power supply system that makes use of electromagnetic induction generated by means of coils. We propose a desktop design for CLPS, using spiral coils, because it is convenient to be able to charge the batteries of a digital still camera, a cellular phone, and a PC on single desk. The primary coil are arranged so that the coupling factor becomes 0, since it is inconvenient for the primary coils to be excited by each other. However, when the primary coils are synchronized and driven, the magnetic flux interferes with the electric power transmission. Attention was paid to changing each phase on the primary coils. As a result, when the phase was moved, stabilization of the output voltage was confirmed. Therefore, if the primary coils are suitably arranged, the power transmission pad can stabilize electric power transmission everywhere.
森田 直子
フランス語フランス文学研究 (ISSN:04254929)
no.97, pp.149-161, 2010-08-30

De nos jours, on parle le plus souvent de Rodolphe Topffer (1799-1846) comme l'inventeur de la bande dessinee avant la lettre, mais de son vivant, ses albums comiques ou <<histoires en estampes>> selon l'appellation courante, n'etaient pas plus apprecies que ses oeuvres romanesques et ses traites des arts. Cet article a pour objet de montrer le contexte socioculturel de la publication de ces histoires et la strategie rhetorique que le Genevois a adoptee dans ses ecrits theoriques afin de promouvoir la <<litterature en estampes>>. Pedagogue de metier, professeur a l'Academie de Geneve, auteur et dessinateur, il n'a d'abord dessine ces histoires que pour ses proches, avant de prendre le parti, plus tard, de les legitimer en tant que <<litterature en estampes>> dans la lignee de la gravure hogarthienne. Il met en valeur les specificites de celleci par rapport a la litterature proprement dite, notamment dans son testament litteraire Essai de physiognomonie (1845). Les fondements esthetiques de ses dessins au trait et du mode particulier de leur reproduction, l'autographie, ainsi que sa conception moralisatrice de la litterature, n'etaient pas compatibles avec la logique du monde editorial parisien en plein essor industriel, au sein duquel il a essaye de se faire connaitre. Toutefois, son innovation narrative sera suivie par des artistes europeens au lendemain de sa mort. La defense de la <<litterature en estampes>> de Topffer temoigne de son interet qui ne se limitait finalement pas a la litterature mais qui s'etendait aux arts limitation et de narration en general.
森田 直子

森田 岩男 国本 克俊 津田 正己 但田 信一 黄瀬 正博 木村 喜代史
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.35, no.10, pp.4144-4154, 1987-10-25

A series of 1,4-dihydropyridine-5-cyclic phosphonate derivatives, designed as analogues of 1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate calcium antagonists, was synthesized and examined for antihypertensive activity. Several compounds were proved to have activities superior or comparable to that of nifedipine in lowering blood pressure in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Among these compounds, methyl 2,6-dimethyl-5-(2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl)-4(2-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylate (31, DHP-218) was approximately 7 times more active than nifedipine in SHR and was selected for further development and clinical evaluation. The structure-activity relationships are discussed.
中野 正寛 渋木 英潔 宮崎 林太郎 石下 円香 森 辰則
情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.90, pp.107-114, 2008-09-17

本稿では情報信憑性の判断に役立つ要約について扱う.プロードバンド化の進展やブログの普及に伴って爆発的に増加する情報の中には利用者に不利益をもたらす情報も含まれており,情報の信憑性判断を支援する技術の実現は重要な課題である.我々は情報信憑性の判断に役立つ要約の自動生成に向けて,複数の作業者の人手により情報信憑性判断のための要約を作成する実験を行った.そして,得られた要約文章の安定性や複数作業者間の一致度を分析し,情報信憑性の判断に役立つ要約を作成する際に人間が重要視する情報を調査した.実験結果では,要約対象として収集した文書から要約に必要な記述を抜き出すまでの何段階かの絞り込みで中程度の一致が期待できる事がわかった.事後の作業者へのアンケート調査によれば,要約として適当な長さと考えたのは 1 000 から 3 000 文字程度であり,作業者がまとまっていることである.また,情報信憑性の判断に役立つ要約の自動生成に向けて,作業者が作成した要約を参照要約とし,それに対応する原文からの文の抜粋に関するデータを整備した.In this paper, we investigated processes of text summarization that supports the judgment of the information credibility. The realization of technology that supports the judgment of the information credibility is one of important issues, because information harmful to users creeps into the huge amount of available information in the era of information explosion. Aiming at automated summarization, we conducted experiments in which multiple subjects manually created text summaries from the viewpoint of the judgment of the information credibility. We studied the stability of the summarization and the degree of agreement in the results of extraction of important information. We also investigated the information that subjects supposed to be important in the process of the creation of summaries, by using questioners after the experiments. The experimental results show that moderate agreement can be expected in the result of extraction of important information. The length of summaries was between about 1,000 and 3,000 characters. According to the questioners, the documents that were well-organized and information about information holders were supposed to be important. Aiming at the automated summarization, we also prepared the information of the extracted sentences that correspond to the created summaries.
山木 昭平 森口 卓哉
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.57, no.4, pp.602-607, 1989
12 33

ニホンナシ果実の糖の蓄積に重要な働きをするNAD<sup>+</sup>依存性ソルビトール脱水素酵素, ソルビトール酸化酵素, ソルビトール-6-P脱水素酵素, NADP<sup>+</sup>依存性ソルビトール脱水素酵素そしてインベルターゼ活性の季節変動と糖の蓄積との関係を検討した. ソルビトールをフルクトースに変換するNAD<sup>+</sup>依存性ソルビトール脱水素酵素がソルビトール関連酵素のなかで, 果実の生長, 成熟過程をとおして最も高い活性を示した. その活性は6月に上昇し, 果実の肥大に伴って減少し, 果実の成熟とともに再び増加した. この活性変動は未熟果でのフルクトースの蓄積に密接な関連を示し, この酵素はニホンナシ果実の糖の蓄積にたいして重要な役割を果していることが示唆された. ソルビトールをグルコースに変換するソルビトール酸化酵素はNDA<sup>+</sup>依存性ソルビトール脱水素酵素の約10分の1の活性を持ち, 幼果において高い活性を示し, 果実の肥大とともに減少し, その成熟に伴って再び増加した. しかしながらソルビトール-6-P脱水素酵素, NADP<sup>+</sup>ソルビトール脱水素酵素活性はほとんど検知出来なかった. これらのソルビトール関連酵素活性の季節変動に基づいて, 他のバラ科果実のソルビトール代謝と比較しながら, ニホンナシ果実のソルビトールの代謝機構及び糖の蓄積機構を論議した. また酸性インベルターゼ活性はソルビトール関連酵素活性よりもはるかに高く, 糖の転流, 蓄積に対する役割を論議した.
松本 紳 逸村 裕 歳森 敦 MATSUMOTO Makoto ITSUMURA Hiroshi TOSHIMORI Atsushi
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
vol.91, pp.9-14, 2011-03-01

2007年度より改組され新たなスタートを切った筑波大学情報学群知識情報・図書館学類について記した。知識科学,情報経営・図書館,知識情報システムの三主専攻からなる学類の使命,教育理念,輩出すべき人材,そして1年次からのカリキュラム構成とその特色,就職先/進路について述べた。また学類と附属図書館とが協同で設置したラーニングコモンズとそこから派生した「図書館情報学若手の会(ALIS:Around Library and Information Science)の活動について記述した。学類は発足して 年目であり,今後,評価活動を通じてカリキュラムの見直し,改定すべき所を検証していくところである。
森田 岩男 津田 正己 黄瀬 正博 杉山 信
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.36, no.3, pp.1139-1142, 1988-03-25

Attempts were made to improve the synthesis of methyl 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-5-(2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylate (DHP-218), a new calcium antagonist. 2-Acetonyl-2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphosphorinane (5a), the key intermediate, was prepared from the allenylphosphonate (2) via the enaminophosphonate (4) in a good yield. Subsequently, the Knoevenagel condensation using 5a and the imine (6a) gave the benzylideneacetonylphosphonate (7a) in a good yield without the use of the Horner-Emons reaction. This condensation also gave good results for other acetonylphopshonates. The final step gave DHP-218 in a good yield through a modified Hantzsch synthesis with the use of a dehydrating agent. The overall yield was increased from 1.7% to 22%.