大山 恵子 大山 博司 藤森 新 渡部 敦子 渡辺 晃矢 古谷 裕恵
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.52, no.6, pp.349-356, 2019 (Released:2019-06-28)

われわれの施設では有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動を組み合わせ, 音楽に合わせて透析中に行う運動療法 (Tsubasa Music Exercise: TMX) を行い, 透析患者の運動耐容能向上に成果を上げている. 透析患者は末梢動脈疾患の合併が多く, 下肢挙上を伴う運動によって下肢血流の低下を引き起こすことが懸念される. 独自のフットリスク分類法に従って分類した, ノーマル, リスクⅠ, リスクⅡ, リスクⅢの患者各10名を対象に15分間のTMXを実施し, 運動前, 運動直後, 運動終了10分後にそれぞれ下肢の皮膚灌流圧 (skin perfusion pressure: SPP) を測定し比較した. 検討した4群すべてにおいて, SPPの平均値は運動による有意な変化は観察されなかったが, 運動後にSPPが50mmHg未満に低下した患者が散見された. 透析中の運動療法を実施する場合は, 運動後の下肢状態を詳細に観察する必要があると考えられた.
渡辺 晃
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.26, no.2, pp.107-117, 1973-10-30 (Released:2010-03-11)

Frequency distribution of magnitude of the ultramicro-earthquakes was studied by using the data of the Matsushiro earthquake swarm observed in December 1966.As a result of analyses, the Gutenberg-Richter's formula concerning the frequency distribution of magnitude was found to hold well for the magnitude range down to about -0.9. The number of shocks then decreased very sharply with decreasing magnitude and no shocks of magnitude less than -1.3 were registered, though still within the limit of detection capability of the sensors. The seismograms of smaller events, if any, should be identified as earthquake motions, because the signal to noise ratio for a minimum shock was yet about 3, so that smaller events could not be masked by disturbances.A crude estimation showed that the linear dimension of the focal region for the minimum shock was of the order of a couple of meters. The size of focus for the shock of magnitude -0.85, where a peak in the frequency distribution occurred, amounted roughly to double the size for the minimum one.
渡辺 晃
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.24, no.3, pp.189-200, 1971 (Released:2010-03-11)
22 44

Several formulas to determine the magnitudes of earthquakes with shallow foci from amplitude and focal distance in the regional range up to about 1, 000km, were newly derived by using the data observed at the Abuyama Seismological Observatory and its array stations, and compared in the cases from displacement and velocity seismograms.The patterns of maximum amplitudes versus focal distances show that the manner of decay of the displacement amplitude is practically similar to that of velocity amplitude in the distance range up to 200km, but markedly different in the range over 200km, because the phase of the seismic wave corresponding to the maximum amplitude varies from the body wave to the surface wave at the focal distance around 200km and the long period surface wave is sharply cut off with the steep slope of the frequency response curve of the velocity seismograph.The amplitude-distance curves at the close distance range up to about 40km, however, are folded in the case of displacement amplitude. This phenomenon may arise from the effect of exitation of refracted or reflected, or both phases having longer periods, resulting in an increase of about 0.3 in the magnitude value. Taking no account of these slight folds, the decay of the maximum amplitude is supposed to be nearly uniform throughout the distance range concerned. Thus, the decay factor, including the geometrical spreading, is estimated as r-1.73, which is just the same as in the Tsuboi's (1954) formula.The periods corresponding to the maximum amplitude were found to increase according to the earthquake sizes alone, when the same type of phase was traced. On the basis of this finding, an attempt was made to infer the relation between the source factor of displacement spectral density and the magnitude.
岩井 四郎 木下 房男 木内 一巳 小松 ★ 仁科 良夫 大木 正夫 島田 安太郎 千村 重平 梅村 弘 阿高 康行 遠藤 輝 藤田 敬 郷原 保真 石橋 俊明 石田 聖 小坂 共栄 熊井 久雄 三上 進 三谷 豊 水野 学 岡部 孝次 酒井 潤一 沢村 寛 下野 正博 新海 正博 杉山 茂 田辺 芳宏 田中 俊広 渡辺 晃二 山下 昇 矢野 孝雄 吉野 博厚
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.7, pp.297-304, 1972-12-25

The Matsumoto Basin Research Group was organized in March, 1971, to clarify the geological history of the Matsumoto Basin. The results of studies obtained during the last year are as follows. 1) A geological map on the Quaternary of the Matsumoto Basin was constructed for the first time. 2) The crystal ash beds in the Nashinoki Loam Formation are correlated to the so-called biotite pumice beds (B_1, B_2, B_3) around Yatsugatake Volcano, while the crystal ash may had been erupted from the volcano around Kumonotaira to the north of Mt. Mitsumatarenge in the midst of the granitic rock area of the Japanese Northern Alps. 5) The Nashinoki Gravel Formation is the products of the first, large scale deposits filling up of the Basin with gravel. It shows that the formation of the Basin set out first in that age. 4) Simultaneously with the accumulation of the Nashinoki Gravel (or the subsidence of the Basin), the Northern Alps began to rise and the peculiar volcano (with the crystal ash) started its activity.
戸谷 永生 渡辺 晃 大場 健吉
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
油化学 (ISSN:18842003)
vol.36, no.5, pp.328-331, 1987
1 16

r-リノレン酸やイコサペンタエン酸のような高度不飽和脂肪酸は, 現在, 微生物を用いて大量に合成されるが, アラキドン酸の生産法は低収率のため, まだ検討の余地があると考えられる。アラキドン酸含有脂質を効率よく得るために, <I>Martierella alpina</I>をポテトペースト・デキストロース培地上で培養する際の詳細な条件を, 培地中のデキストロース濃度, 微量金属の添加, 培地層厚, pHの点から検討した。その結果, 菌糸と菌床を6%のデキストロースとCaCl<SUB>2</SUB>・2H<SUB>2</SUB>O 750mg/kg培地を含む厚さ2mmの培地上で, 20℃20d間培養する条件を選定した。乾燥菌体よりそれらの脂質を抽出し脂肪酸分析したところ, アラキドン酸の収量は13.1g/kg培地となった。
渡辺 晃 分部 利紘 綿村 英一郎 高野 陽太郎
認知心理学研究 (ISSN:13487264)
vol.13, no.1, pp.23-30, 2015

白井 啓一郎 耒代 誠仁 井上 聡 久留島 典子 馬場 基 渡辺 晃宏 中川 正樹
vol.2013, no.7, pp.1-6, 2013-01-18

汚損,破損,および経年変化が著しい古文書から抽出した字形には多くのノイズが見られる.このような字形にノイズ除去のための汎用の画像処理手法を適用した場合,字形の細部が失われることがある.筆者らは,異方性拡散と距離画像を組み合わせることで,字形の本質的な形状を保存するノイズ除去のための画像処理手法を実現した.本稿では,古文書に記された字形を含む画像にこの画像処理手法を適用した結果を示すと共に検証を行う.Character shapes extracted from historical documents with stains, damages and time-related degradations contain much noise. General-purpose image processing for noise reduction often shaves off the detail of the character shapes. We have implemented new image processing for noise reduction that consists of anisotropic diffusion and geodesic morphology. In this manuscript, we show several results of the image processing applied to character shape image of historical documents and make considerations of the results.
柳沢 文孝 渡辺 晃二
鉱物学雜誌 (ISSN:04541146)
vol.15, no.Special, pp.133-145, 1981-03-15 (Released:2009-08-11)
1 1

The Tono Mine, Gifu Prefecture is one of the richest sedimentary uranium deposits in Japan. This areas is mainly composed of Tertiary system overlying granite basement. Uranium has been deposited in the lower part of the Tertiary sediments, Mizunami Group, and its location is controlled by the socalled channel structure of the surface of the basement granites. The matrixes of these sediments usually contain tuffaceous materials, which have been argillized and zeolitized diagenetically, and uranium was absorbed in clinoptilolite. The clay mineral species and their relative amounts are closely related to the redox potential and hydrogen ion concentration of the deposits, which are controlled by the movement of groundwater. Main authigenic minerals are montmorillonite, kaolinite, halloysite, sericite and clinoptilolite. In an S-N gallery, the amount of montmorillonite regularly decreases with increasing amount of kaolin minerals and uranium contents. Some iron minerals and calcium minerals are closely associated with clay minerals, zeolite and uranium contents, so the stability relation of their minerals and mineral paragenesis suggest the environments of alteration in this area.
首藤 伸夫 渡辺 晃 酒井 哲郎 宇多 高明 阿部 勝征 平沢 朋郎

入澤 篤志 高木 忠之 渋川 悟朗 佐藤 愛 池田 恒彦 鈴木 玲 引地 拓人 佐藤 匡記 渡辺 晃 中村 純 阿部 洋子 二階堂 暁子 宍戸 昌一郎 飯塚 美伸 鈴木 啓二 小原 勝敏 大平 弘正
膵臓 (ISSN:09130071)
vol.26, no.1, pp.29-36, 2011 (Released:2011-03-07)

山家 浩樹 林 譲 久留島 典子 鴨川 達夫 高橋 則英 高田 智和 馬場 基 大内 英範 耒代 誠仁 高橋 敏子 遠藤 基郎 山田 太造 渡辺 晃宏 小倉 慈司 高橋 典幸 井上 聰 谷 昭佳 川本 慎自 高山 さやか

渡辺 晃宏
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.98, no.12, pp.1891-1937, 2050-2049, 1989-12-20

Movements of fudokoku 不動穀 (rice reserves) are one good indicator of the economy under the ritsuryo state. According to the conventional view, the Tenpyo 天平 era (729-749) has been considered the high of point of the Japanese ancient state based in part on the understanding that fudokoku stores accumulated to an amount equal to the 田租 (the rice tax on publically allocated land) for 30 years to come, or the total rice crop for one year. What has not yet been considered, however, is what led to the decline in the institution. In the present paper, the author first deals with whether the fudokoku stores were indeed really at their peak quantities during the Tenpyo era, and then attempts to show that because fudokoku expenditures were increasing throughout the 9th century, these reserves probably reached a maximum around the end of 8th century. In addition to increasing expenditures during the 9th century, such appropriations as nenryo soshomai 年料租春米 and nenryo betsuno sokoku 年料別納租穀 began to be deducted from the 田租 before it entered the storehouse, resulting in a decline in reserves from both the revenue and expenditure sides of the ledger, to the extent that we notice the fudokoku system in danger of bankruptcy during the Kanpyo 寛平 era (889-898). With a decline of even the storehouses holding fudokoku, the whole system had to be revamped. The present paper begins with the story beginning in the 10th century and the proceeds backwards to trace what happened to fudokoku, in an attempt to clarify one aspect of the process of change within the Japanese ancient state as a whole. A document entitled Etchu-no-Kuni Kanso Nokoku Kotai-ki 越中国官倉納穀交替記, an accounting record of the official storehouse of Etchu province, is a very valuable source material for ascertaining the accumulation of fudokoku over the 160 years from the beginning of the Tenpyo to the end of Kanpyo era. An analysis of this document shows not only exactly how fudokoku was accumulated, but also that the quantity steadily increased, with the exception of two eras of stagnant rice production (Tenpyo and Enryaku 延暦 [782-806]), up until the end of 9th century. However, a period of increased expenditures including huge outlays for building the Heian capital and pacifying the borderpeoples in the north was ushered in. Through a process of fixing the amounts of special appropriations (betsuno 別納) from the rice tax and designating the remainder as fudoso, finally in 964 a new system was instituted. With this new way of appropriating the rice revenues coming in from the provinces, fudokoku was maintained in name only, but it was soon abandoned altogether when during the third decade of 11th century a system of uniform levies on the provinces was established. However, the memory of the time when fudokoku was appropriated according to the whims of the central government lived on until the end of the 14th century in the ceremonial submittal by a newly appointed provincial governor of a formal petition, entitled fudoso kaiken shinsei-ge 不動倉開検申請解, requesting that the fudokoku storehouse be opened for expection.
渡辺 晃一郎 竹内 達史 井上 智雄 岡田 謙一
電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム (ISSN:18804535)
vol.91, no.12, pp.2755-2764, 2008-12-01
