熊谷 広子 渡辺 弘子 神津 登志枝 野口 ひろみ 高橋 元次
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.23, no.1, pp.9-21, 1989-06-25 (Released:2010-08-06)
8 13

Using noninvasive measurement techniques, parameters representing skin characteristics were measured in a total of 117 Japanese females ranging in age from 3 to 65 years. The parameters measured were sebum secretion rate, transepidermal water loss, skin surface conductance, skin color, skin surface temperature, corneocyte surface area, and skin surface microtopography. Measurements were taken twice for each subject, once in the summer (July) and again in the winter (December). Polynomial regression analysis was used to quantitatively assess age-related trends associated with changes in shin parameters. Also, to evaluate the progression of the aging phenomena in adults (i.e., physiological aging), multiple regression analysis was carried out with age as the criterion variable and the above parameters as predictor variables.The results of these analyses established the following facts: Most physiological skin parameters undergo changes that can be characterized by curves which attain peak values during the third decade of life, whereas morphological parameters tend to vary linearly with age. Until the third dacade of life, the physiological functions of female skin remain in the developmental phase and are extremely prone to fluctuations. However, during the third decade, the physiological development of the skin reaches a stage of completion and becomes comparatively stable, and thereafter commences a gradual transition to senescence concomitant with chronological aging. The degree of skin aging can be estimated by a quantiative assessment of age-related physiological phenomena and a comprehensive analysis of the relevant data.
薄井 健介 小室 治孝 月村 泰規 渡辺 雄一 神 雅人 伊藤 千裕 井口 智恵 野島 浩幸 井上 岳 厚田 幸一郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.39, no.6, pp.338-346, 2013-06-10 (Released:2014-06-10)

We investigated the effectiveness of using a “Sports Pharmacist” to prevent the occurrence of doping in sports.During the first step, we individually interviewed 17 high school softball team athletes and determined their regular and/or occasional use of prescription and OTC medications, herbal agents, vitamins and supplements. A total of 76% of these players were either taking or had access to medications for occasional use that contained prohibited substances. Athletes determined to be using a prohibited compound were sent a written notice that recommended they avoid carelessly taking these banned substances.In the subsequent step, we gave an educational lecture to the entire team on how to avoid doping in sports. Before and after the presentation, we evaluated the effectiveness of the lecture by examining the athletes’ knowledge and awareness of anti-doping in sports. The results indicated a significant difference after the lecture with regard to appropriate knowledge and awareness of anti-doping in sports. This specific awareness continued for at least a month.In summary, medication reviews and one-on-one consultation with athletes in conjunction with a follow-up educational lecture to the team as a group resulted in successfully educating and helping team members avoid doping. In addition, these findings demonstrated the effectiveness of the “Sports Pharmacist” profession in working with athletes to help prevent doping in the future.
遠藤 康男 只野 武 中村 雅典 田端 孝義 渡辺 誠

遠藤らの研究成果に基づく仮説“筋肉疲労が筋肉組織からサイトカインのinterleukin(IL-1)を遊離させ,この因子が筋肉組織にヒスタミン合成酵素のHDCを誘導し、持続的なヒスタミンの産生をもたらし,顎関節症などにおける筋肉痛を引き起こすのではないか?"を検討し,以下の結果を得た.(1)マウスの大腿四頭筋と咬筋を電気刺激すると,刺激の強さに比例してHDC活性が増加する.(2)強制歩行(筋肉運動)により、大腿四頭筋のHDC活性は歩行時間に比例して増加する.(3)筋肉でのHDC誘導に肥満細胞(ヒスタミン貯蔵細胞)は関与しない.(4)抗ヒスタミン剤のクロルフェニラミン(CP,ヒスタミンH1受容体の遮断薬)と,これまで臨床的に使用されてきた消炎鎮痛薬(プロスタグランジン合成阻害薬)のフルルビプロフェン(FB)について,顎関節症患者への臨床効果を比較した.CPでは,肩こりや頭痛などの併発症状の改善も含め,約80%の患者に対し改善効果が認められ,一方,FBでは改善効果は約40%であり,副作用の胃障害のため,投与中止のケースも生じた.CPでは,副作用はよく知られている眠気だけであった.(5)IL-1をマウスに注射すると,種々の組織でヒスタミン合成酵素のHDCが誘導されるが,大腿四頭筋および咬筋においてもHDCが誘導される.IL-1による筋肉でのHDC誘導は,電気刺激や運動の場合よりも速やかに起こり,IL-1は1μg/kgの微量の用量でHDCを誘導する.(6)マクロファージや血管内皮細胞は免疫学的刺激により,IL-1を産生することが知られる.筆者らは筋肉疲労もIL-1の産生をもたらすのではないかと予測し,IL-1の抗体とmicro ELIZA systemを用いて,血清中のIL-1の測定を試みたが,検出出来なかった.そこで,筋肉組織について,組織化学的にIL-1の検出を試みた.その結果,筋肉組織にはIL-1のβ型が存在し,毛細血管にも分布するが大部分は筋肉細胞のミトコンドリアに分布し,非運動時にも存在することを発見した.IL-1βは不活性な前駆体として合成され,酵素のプロセシングにより活性型に交換され細胞外に遊離されると言われる.従って,この発見は上記の仮説を補強する。しかし,非運動時の筋肉ミトコンドリアでの存在は予想外の発見である.(7)従来より疲労物質と考えられてきた乳酸が筋肉のHDC活性を調節する可能性は少ないものと思われる.(8)運動による筋肉でのHDC誘導の程度は,性差や年齢差,トレーニングの有無,マウス系統の違いなどで異なる.高齢マウスでは高いHDCの活性が誘導され,また,トレーニングはHDC活性の誘導を抑制する.以上の結果より筋肉疲労について次のメカニズムが想定されるに至った,IL-1β前駆体(血管内皮細胞および筋肉ミトコンドリアに分布)→運動に伴うミトコンドリア活性化/プロセシング酵素の活性化→活性型IL-1βの遊離→IL-1βによる血管内皮細胞の刺激→血管内皮細胞におけるHDCの誘導→ヒスタミン産生と放出→細胞脈の拡張,血管透過性亢進,筋肉痛(警告反応)→血液・筋肉細胞間の物質交換亢進/休息→疲労回復.また,本研究において,抗ヒスタミン剤は顎関節症の治療に有効な手段となることが示唆され,さらに,筋肉ミトコンドリアでのIL-1βの発見は,IL-1βによる筋肉細胞の調節という新たな研究の展開をもたらした.
渡辺 理 光岡 円 角田 潤 大野敬史 奥山 敏
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.45, no.1, pp.142-154, 2004-01-15

携帯電話(iモード)上での文字プレゼンス情報の交換によるパーソナルネットワーク支援の可能性を探るため,携帯電話の上でインスタントメッセージのように動作するプロトタイプサービスを実装し,短期のユーザ試行評価実験を行った.このサービスは,ユーザが共通のチャネルに参加するのではなく,任意の友人と個別にお互いの情報を見せ合う関係を結んで仲間リスト(バディリスト)に登録し,そこを基点に状態情報(プレゼンス情報)を交換することを特徴としている.ある女子大学の学生の仲良しグループを主な被験者とし,発見的な使い方を観察するために自由に使わせた.グループチャットやメーリングリストなどの強い対話機能を持たないことを懸念していたが,実際には,被験者は楽しみながら積極的に使ってくれた.友人同士でバディリストに一言メモを書いて見せ合うことは,メールやチャットでメッセージを送るよりも情報発信の敷居が低く,見られることを意識した日記を綴る感覚を楽しめる.そして,独り言メモから対話的なメモに移行したり,パーソナルな対話や仲間以外の人への情報発信をしたりする際の起点としても機能していた.このように多義的な用途に使われた特性をまとめ,パーソナルネットワークを支援する携帯文字プレゼンス交換システムの望ましい条件と課題について考察した.We discuss findings from an empirical and ethnographic study of a kind of instant messaging (IM) service on mobile phones. To estimate the possibility of presence interaction service for mobile phone, we developed a prototype system, which provides users for writing text memos and showing them on their friends' ''buddy list''. We call these ''presence memos''. Using this prototype, we conducted a field trial with two groups of young Japanese female university students. They enjoyed habitually using the services and gave us invaluable feedback. Based on the results of this experiment, we describe and discuss some features and possibilities of the mobile text-based presence interaction service for personal network assistance.
竹内 将俊 小島 宏海 渡辺 昌也 Masatoshi TAKEUCHI KOJIMA Hiromi WATANABE Masaya
vol.55, no.2, pp.115-122,


3 0 0 0 武蔵武士

渡辺世祐 八代国治著
渡辺 修
史苑 (ISSN:03869318)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-12, 1976-12
白石 進 磯田 圭哉 渡辺 敦史 河崎 久男
日本林学会誌 (ISSN:0021485X)
vol.78, no.2, pp.175-182, 1996-05-16 (Released:2008-05-16)

渡辺 正雄
東京女子大學論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.11, no.1, pp.33-52, 1960-10-30

The effect of the so-called "Scientific Revolution", especially that of the "New Astronomy", is very much evident in John Milton's later poems, particularly Paradise Lost. Milton not only lived at the time of Boyle, Hooke and Newton, but also shared the intellectual attitude of the Cambridge Platonists and the Protestant scientists, who refused to accept traditional scholastic authority, exalted "Reason" as the godlike principle in man, and highly valued the study of nature as "the Book of God". As the modern scientific consciousness rejected scholasticism, so the Protestant consciousness of Milton dismissed fictions, fables and mythologies. There still remained for him, however, one source from which he could draw images which were not only poetic but also true: the Bible. Shakespeare, seemingly content with the medieval view of nature, was quite indifferent to the new astronomy. Milton, however, was very much aware of it. Frequent references are made in his Paradise Lost to Galileo's telescope and to the new astronomical wonders manifested by it. These are the sun-spots, the satellites of the planet Jupiter, the phases of the planet Venus, the similarity of the surface of the moon to that of the earth, the Milky Way "powdered with stars", and many fixed stars almost infinitely distant from the earth; all of which powerfully evidenced the Copernican theory. There are also mentioned, besides the mobility of the earth and its similarity to the planets, some conspicuously Galilean and Keplerian speculation that there might exist "other Suns with attendant Moons" and other inhabited worlds. Before he lost his sight, Milton must have surveyed the sky through a telescope on some occasion if not necessarily on his youthful visit to "the famous Galileo grown old, a prisoner to the Inquisition". To this actual sense experience of celestial observation, it seems, he mostly owed the sense of a boundless universe which gave Paradise Lost its unique character as "the first modern cosmic poem" wherein a drama is played out against a background of interstellar space. It is also very likely that Milton was acquainted with the scientific writings of Galileo, Kepler and perhaps of Gilbert. The first one third part of the Book VIII of Paradise Lost is devoted to the discussion on astronomical systems. Adam asks the Angel Raphael whether the earth or the sun is the centre of the world. It is manifest in Raphael's answer that Milton was well aware of the absurdity of the Ptolemaic system and of the beautiful simplicity of the Copernican theory. Yet Milton's Raphael does not give any definite conclusion as to the world systems, but urges Adam to be humble and obedient to God above, saying that though the earth may be so small compared with the firmament, it is given the honour of being waited upon by the host of the heavenly bodies only because of its noble inhabitant, man. Elsewhere, Milton also makes use of the geocentric world picture and traditional view of nature as well as the new. Milton's ultimate concern did not consist in matters of science but in the theocentric humanism, although he frequently took similes and metaphors from science. His conviction of man's moral responsibility outweighed everything else. From this point of view, as is suggested in Raphael's answer, unlimited desire for knowledge of secrets of nature and of God might lead man's mind to the dangers of pride and of disobedience to God. Hence, man must be well controlled by "Reason", which was counted, by Milton as well as by he Cambridge Platonists, as the guiding principle bestowed on man. Whether or not man's free will chooses obedience to God according to reason, is the central theme of Milton's Paradise Lost, and this theme is embodied in the choice of Eve and Adam as to whether they should eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. Twenty years after this drama "Of Man's first disobedience" was published, there appeared Newton's Principia. The modern mind then became more occupied by "Newton's apple" than by "Eve's", and scientific rationalism helped to nourish the spirit of satire in the sphere of literature-which spirit, it will be remembered, was also to make attacks on science itself and on the enthusiasms of the Royal Society, as in the case of Jonathan Swift and other satirists.
五十嵐 敏明 今野 彩 塚本 仁 矢野 良一 渡辺 享平 中村 敏明 政田 幹夫 後藤 伸之
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.2, pp.66-71, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-09-12)

Objective: We have developed an automatic vigilance system (AVS) that automatically reports adverse drug reactions (ADR) based on laboratory finding abnormalities and symptom keywords in electronic medical records. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the impact of detecting ADR using AVS on medical treatment. Methods: In AVS, drugs and their ADR signals, which would be detected and reported by AVS to pharmacists, were defined. Pharmacists evaluated the severity of these signals to identify whether these signals should be discussed with the doctor, continued to be followed up, or ignored. We investigated detection of ADR at University of Fukui Hospital between April 2016 and March 2017 along with whether prescriptions were modified because of ADR and the contribution of AVS. Assuming that ADR had worsened without appropriate treatment, medical expenses needed for treating severe ADR were calculated. Results: In total, 325 signals were defined for 146 drugs. There were 9,103 ADR signals confirmed by pharmacists for 8,531 subjects. Of these, 12 and 164 signals were discussed with the doctor and continuously observed, respectively. The pharmacist's suggestions based on AVS led to prescription modifications in 10 cases, corresponding to a reduction of 2.56 million yen in medical expenses in the event that these cases become severe. Conclusion: AVS assisted prescription revisions because of ADR and is thought to contribute to the prevention of worsening of ADR and reduction of medical expenses.
渡辺 満利子
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.28, no.2, pp.50-55, 2001 (Released:2009-04-07)

The fundamental process of Evidence-based Nutrition (EBN) is to examine proof by research on human beings. In order to develop EBN, it is important to develop a reliable method for the evaluation of dietary intake and a structured educational procedure based on information of accurate dietary intake. Data analysis based on scientific evidence can accurately produce an evaluation of nutrition education. The development of EBN will bring about the development of human nutrition and nutritional epidemiology.The present paper describes a practical nutrition education study based on EBN.
渡辺 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.61, pp.25-37, 1997-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper discusses the meanings of monopolization for the role of socializer, ie., child carer and also primary or nurturant socializer in the modern family, especially mothers.In modern societies, 1) the socialization process has become more discontinuous than in that of pre-modern societies. Children have their socialization experience not in the whole societies in which they live, but in their own famillies that are formed as isolated socialization systems. 2) The mother has held the monopoly for the role of parenting. Societies have lost the mechanism of multiple parenting and also the device of social uncle. 3) Anticipatory socialization has become the main process as opposed to participatory socialization. 4) In modern societies, the purpose of socialization is for mobility, ie., upward mobility in social stratification; anticipatory socialization is suitable for mobile societies. In other words, socialization is used not for ascription, but for achievement.As a whole, we can say that modern societies have lost their manifest function of socialization, although they have important latent or implicit effects upon socialization. Now, in contemporary societies changing toward the post-modern era, societies require us to construct a new socialization system to build a new manifest function of socialization, not monopolized by the family or by mothers, but taken by multiple socializers in broader societies as a socialization system.
松田 岳士 渡辺 雄貴
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.41, no.3, pp.199-208, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-02-05)

本稿では,教育工学を媒介として,教学IR(Institutional Research)とラーニング・アナリティクスの関係を整理すると同時に,教育工学の立場からみると教学IR とはどのような研究・実践の分野で,どのような知見をもたらしているのか検討してから,ラーニング・アナリティクスが教育工学とどのように関わっているのかについて考察した.結果的に,教育工学研究は,教育の諸課題を工学的アプローチで解決しようとするがゆえに,教学IR とラーニング・アナリティクスの両者と重複する研究対象・分析手法等を含んでおり,両者と知見を共有する意義がみとめられた.また,教育工学側も研究対象を広げ,新たな学際性の形成領域として両者との連携を積極的に図ることが期待される.