田中 俊一
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.53, no.3, pp.133-134, 2018 (Released:2018-11-27)
永田 雅輝 宮内 信文 田中 俊一郎 比嘉 照夫 萬田 正治 金澤 晋二郎

本研究の目的は,環境,一次産業,二次産業および医療分野でも普及しつつあるEM技術について,農業工学,土壌環境学,畜産学,園芸学および食品化学などの多方面の研究者が縦横に組織を組んで,客観的な調査を行い,今後の学術共同研究の方向性を創出することにある.調査の結果,これまでの事例から以下のように要約される.1)EMを構成する微生物は当初とは異なり,10種類程度でも土壌菌と共生的に効果を出すことが判明した.効果の発現は,環境中のEMの密度が高まって生態的に多勢となった場合に著効が認められ二次産業等における効果はEMが生成する多様な抗酸化物質によるものと判断される。2)水稲に対しては,EMと有機物の施用が適正であれば,数年で有機農業などへ転換可能であって,品質・収量ともに慣行法より向上し,また水田の除草時間も大幅に低減することを認めている.3)EM栽培したミニトマトの呼吸速度は対照区に比べて貯蔵初期で50%も低く,日持ちの良さを示唆している.4)EMの土壌改良材としての効果は顕著であることを認めている.5)畜産分野におけるEMは悪臭防除と病気予防に効果があることを認めている.6)EMの食品化学的有効性は,厳密な意味での確認できる例とデータは存在せず,その解明には多くの困難があり,時間が必要であると判断される.以上,EMの効果は現象的には,一部を除いて良好な事例もあることから,今後は (1)土壌菌と共生的に効果を出すメカニズム, (2)抗酸化物質の特定, (3)土壌改良の機作, (4)生態系改善の仕組み, (5)農産物の品質・貯蔵性向上の機構, (6)微生物群相遷移発達過程の実証, (7)EMの家畜腸内細菌に及ぼす影響, (8)食品化学的に厳密なEM効果の検証, など科学的・技術的な裏付けを行うことによって,環境保全型農業の推進に多大に寄与する研究分野であるといえる.
川内 一憲 奥野 宏樹 田中 幸枝 川崎 隆徳 田中 俊之 小鍛治 優 藤井 豊
福井大学医学部研究雑誌 (ISSN:13488562)
vol.14, no.1, pp.71-74, 2014-01

A black eye variant of black spotted pond frog was found in Tannan region of Fukui Prefecture in 2013. A main character of the variant is abdominal transparency
坂本 文徳 大貫 敏彦 香西 直文 五十嵐 翔祐 山崎 信哉 吉田 善行 田中 俊一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.1111290030, (Released:2011-11-30)
8 10

The environmental behavior of radioactive Cs in the fallout from the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been studied by measuring its spatial distribution on/in trees, plants, and surface soil beneath the plants using autoradiography analysis. The results of autoradiography analysis showed that radioactive Cs was distributed on the branches and leaves of trees that were present during the accident and that only a small fraction of radioactive Cs was transported to new branches and leaves grown after the accident. Radioactive Cs was present on the grass and rice stubble on the soils, but not in the soils beneath the grass and rice stubble, indicating that the radioactive Cs was deposited on the grass and the rice plant. In addition, the ratio of the radioactive Cs that penetrated into the soil layer by weathering was very small two months after the accident. These results indicate that trees and other plants are the reservoir of the fallout Cs and function to retard the fallout Cs migration with rain water.
長縄 弘親 熊沢 紀之 斉藤 浩 柳瀬 信之 三田村 久吉 永野 哲志 鹿嶋 薫 福田 達也 吉田 善行 田中 俊一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.1109220007, (Released:2011-09-27)
5 6

We tried the decontamination of surface soils for three types of agricultural land at Nagadoro district of Iitate-mura (village) in Fukushima Prefecture, which is highly contaminated by deposits of radionuclides from the plume released from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The decontamination method consisted of the peeling of surface soils solidified using a polyion complex, which was formed from a salt solution of polycations and polyanions. Two types of polyion complex solution were applied to an upland field in a plastic greenhouse, a pasture, and a paddy field. The decontamination efficiency of the surface soils reached 90%, and dust release was effectively suppressed during the removal of surface soils.
高木 啓伸 村田 将之 佐藤 大介 田中 俊也 籔内 智浩 粥川 青汰 木村 駿介
vol.63, no.11, pp.d12-d29, 2022-10-15

田中 英道 田中 俊子
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
vol.33, pp.148-170, 1984

L'autore fini di stendere l'opera verso il 1330. Egli era alle dipendenze dei Bardi e rapresentava i loro interessi nell' isola di Cipro e di altri luoghi. Il libro fu da lui scritto con l' intendimento che fosse usato dai mercanti al servizio dei Barbi. Esso e una guida per esercitare la mercatura in Europa ed in Asia. Nella prima parte l' autore da utili indicazioni per poter commerciare con la Cina e l' Asia Centrale, allora possibile grazie alla Pax Mongolica. Nel suo libro egli dimostra quanto desse valore al Commercio della seta. Ed e proprio della stoffa di seta cinese che si puo riconoscere nelle opere di Simone Martini. Nel libro il Pegolotti tratta nei particolari dal valore delle varie monete e dei pesi e misure usati in molti paesi d' Asia ed Europa. Abbiamo provveduto alla traduzione della parte del libro che tratta del commercio con la Cina, cioe abbiamo tradotto i primi otto capitoli allo scopo di sottolineare come il commercio tra Italia e Cina fosse assai sviluppato. In Italia esistono pochi studi recenti su tale tema. Esiste, come e noto, la traduzione inglese di H. Yule e Cordier e lo studio di A.Evans del 1936. Con questa nostra traduzione, vogliamo incoraggiare studi ad alto livello sui rapporti commerciali tra l'Italia e l' Asia nella questa epoca.
坂本 文徳 大貫 敏彦 香西 直文 五十嵐 翔祐 山崎 信哉 吉田 善行 田中 俊一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-7, 2012 (Released:2012-02-15)
8 10

The environmental behavior of radioactive Cs in the fallout from the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been studied by measuring its spatial distribution on/in trees, plants, and surface soil beneath the plants using autoradiography analysis. The results of autoradiography analysis showed that radioactive Cs was distributed on the branches and leaves of trees that were present during the accident and that only a small fraction of radioactive Cs was transported to new branches and leaves grown after the accident. Radioactive Cs was present on the grass and rice stubble on the soils, but not in the soils beneath the grass and rice stubble, indicating that the radioactive Cs was deposited on the grass and the rice plant. In addition, the ratio of the radioactive Cs that penetrated into the soil layer by weathering was very small two months after the accident. These results indicate that trees and other plants are the reservoir of the fallout Cs and function to retard the fallout Cs migration with rain water.
朴 晋熯 田中 俊光
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.10, pp.155-174, 2014-03

本稿では、玉尾家によって作成されて保管された年代記を通して、労働と余暇がまだ分離されなかった江戸時代の農村における庶民の余暇と旅についてその実態と意義を調べようとした。中山道に面する鏡村に住む玉尾家は近隣の神社や寺で開催される祭りや娯楽行事に積極的に参加した。労働と余暇、宗教と世俗を二分法的に分ける現代社会と異なって江戸時代の神社や寺の宗教活動は庶民の余暇活動と密接な係わりを持っていた。江戸幕府は奢侈禁止令などを通して庶民の娯楽や余暇を規制しようとしたので、庶民たちは祭礼の名目を借りてその正当性を獲得しようとした。一般の人々は寺院で開催される秘仏行事や神社の儀礼として行われ始めた歌舞伎や能、相撲などの行事を楽しんでから日常生活に戻ったのである。一方、玉尾家は子供を含む家族旅行の形態で最も人気の高い旅行地である伊勢神宮へ行ってきた。そして当主の地位を相続する男性は30歳を前後にした時期になると故郷を離れて長距離旅行に行ってきた。こうした長距離旅行は彼にとって故郷を離れて新たな人間関係に接しながら、見聞を広める絶好の機会になったと思われる。このように江戸時代の長距離旅行は個人の人生において通るべき一種の通過儀礼として、重要な意義を持っていたといえる。This paper examines the aspects of travelling in a rural community and the meaning of leisure in the Edo period when the labor and the leisure were not yet separated, using a chronicle kept by the Damao family (玉尾家)as a historical text.The Damao family members participated with great interests in various religious festivals hosted by the neighboring shrines and the Buddhist temples. Differing from the modern time divided into two area such as labor and leisure, religious rituals and secular festivals, the Edo religious activities of the shrines and the temples were closely related to the commoners' leisure time activities. This became even true, considering that the sumptuary legislation by the Edo Shogunate forced the commoners to pursue religious outlook to justify their leisurely activities. The exhibition of a Buddhist image of a Bibul (a Buddhist statue not usually shown to the public) and the plays such as, Kabuki, Noh, and Sumo, all offered enjoying and refreshing moments to the commoners before they returned to the daily routine.The Damao family made it their ritual to visit the Ise Shrine, the most popular attraction site, during the childhood accompanying the father or brothers. Especially in the case of a male heir of the family upon reaching the age of thirty, he would leave the hometown going on a long-distance trip. This custom was to offer him a golden opportunity to experience human relationship beyond the locality and to broaden his views on worldly businesses. As shown from the Damaos case, a long-distance trip of the Edo period was considered to be important rite of passage which an individual should go through in his life.
田村 典子 松尾 龍平 田中 俊夫 片岡 友美 広瀬 南斗 冨士本 八央 日置 佳之
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.47, no.2, pp.231-237, 2007 (Released:2008-01-31)

古川 福実 船坂 陽子 師井 洋一 山本 有紀 米井 希 松永 佳世子 秋田 浩孝 上田 説子 薄木 晶子 菊地 克子 幸野 健 田中 俊宏 林 伸和
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.118, no.3, pp.347-356, 2008

Chemical peeling is one of dermatological treatments for certain cutaneous diseases or conditions or aesthetic improvement, which consists of the application of one or more chemical agents to the skin. Chemical peeling has been very popular in medical fields as well as aesthetic fields. Since scientific background and adequate approach is not completely understood or established, medical and social problems have been reported. This prompted us to establish and distribute standard guideline of care for chemical peeling. Previous guidelines such as 2001 version and 2004 version included the minimums for the indications, the chemicals used, their applications, associated precautions, and postpeeling care and findings. The principles were as follows :1) chemical peeling should be performed under the control and the responsibility of the physician. 2) the physician should have knowledge of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and understand the mechanism of wound-healing. 3) the physician should be board-certified in an appropriate specialty such as dermatology. 4) the ultimate judgment regarding the appropriateness of any specific chemical peeling procedure must be made by the physician in light of all standard therapeutic ways, which are presented by each individual patient. Keeping these concepts, this new version of guidelines includes more scientific and detailed approaches from the evidence-based medicine.
古江 増隆 山崎 雙次 神保 孝一 土田 哲也 天谷 雅行 田中 俊宏 松永 佳世子 武藤 正彦 森田 栄伸 秋山 真志 相馬 良直 照井 正 真鍋 求
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.119, no.9, pp.1795-1809, 2009-08-20 (Released:2014-11-28)

田中 俊明 室山 泰之
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.31, no.1, pp.31-37, 2015-06-20 (Released:2015-08-07)

The two experimental studies were conducted on a captive group of Japanese macaques at an enclosure in Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan. In Experiment I, ultrasonic sounds were used stimuli as playback experiment. We used the Yard Gard (Weiteck Inc.) as ultrasonic device, which can emit the sounds of three different frequencies (15kHz, 20kHz, and 26kHz) at the sound pressure level of 114 level of dB at 1m distance (Weitech 1995). Monkeys were exposed to three treatments consisting of 26kHz, 15kHz, and no sound (control) as one session in a day. The order of each treatment in a session was determined randomly, and the interval of each treatment was one hour. Total number of monkeys entering the experimental area and feeding durations did not differ among treatments, whereas feeding delay to the 25kHz sound was longer than that of other treatments. Feeding delay to the sounds of 25kHz and 16kHz was longer on the 1 st and 2nd experiment days than the other days. In Experiment II, turkeys vocalizations, which are emitted when they observe unfamiliar objects or hear big and/or unfamiliar sounds and one synthetic sound were used as playback. Monkeys were exposed to three treatments consisting of turkey vocalization playback, synthetic sound playback, and no sound (control) as one session. Monkeys fled immediately after the playback of turkey vocalization and took more than 50 sec to be back, but thus feeding duration to turkey vocalizations was longer than that of other treatments on the only 1st experiment day. Total number of monkeys entering the experiment area did not differ among treatments. Overall, the results of these experiments showed that unfamiliar acoustic stimuli may cause strong negative responses such as fleeing, but these responses will disappear in a short-term (ex. in a few days).