西原 純
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.50, no.2, pp.105-127, 1998-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
1 1

The restructuring of the Japanese economy in the 1980s caused serious economic depression in single enterprise communities based on industries such as mining, steel and shipbuilding, particularly in those communities located in the peripheral regions of Japan. Takashima is a small island (with an area of 1.2 square kilometers) located in one of Japan's peripheral regions, where a coal mine operated by Mitsubishi interests shut down in 1986 in response to Japan's economic restructuring. In this article, the author examines the collapse and subsequent reorganization of the single enterprise community on Takashima over the ten years since the closure of the mine.Takashima mine was the first coal mine in Japan to make use of European mining techniques and machinery. Full-scale development of the mine commenced in 1868, through a co-operative agreement between the Scottish merchant Thomas Glover and the local feudal landlord. Control over the mine eventually passed to Mitsubishi interests in 1881. Thanks to the success at Takashima, Mitsubishi then developed other mines elsewhere in Japan and extended its activities into other industrial sectors such as shipbuilding.In the 1960s, when the Takashima coal mine enjoyed its most productive period, 80 percent of all the workers on Takashima were employed by Mitsubishi's mining divisions and its affiliates. As a result, Takashima assumed the characteristics of a typical single enterprise community, with a three-tiered social structure based on the distinctions between “managerial staff and technicians”, “miners employed by Mitsubishi” and “miners employed by small subcontractors”.In those days, 75% of total revenues received by the municipality of Takashima were derived from Mitsubishi in the form of property taxes, mining taxes, corporation taxes, etc. Moreover, the mayor of Takashima was a former leader of Mitsubishi's labor union, and of the 24 members of Takashima's municipal assembly, 21 were either managerial staff from Mitsubishi or members of the company's labor union. As in other single enterprise communities, the power of Mitsubishi dominated all aspects of the community on Takashima.With the closure of the mine, the community lost 2, 000 jobs directly, and at a single stroke, in the coal mining sector. As a result, the population decreased from 5, 491 at the point when the mine closed to 2, 568 six months later, to 1, 554 two years after the closure, and eventually to 1, 063 10 years after the closure. Over the same period, the ratio of the population aged 65 or over increased from 9 percent at the time of the closure to 37 percent 10 years later. The severity of Takashima's depopulation, and the rate of aging of the population, were both unprecedented in Japan.After the closure of the mine, the municipality of Takashima failed to revitalize the local economy, despite generous assistance from the national and prefectural governments. Mitsubishi interests made little contribution to the recovery effort either, beyond a couple of joint investments with the municipal government in new small businesses. As a result, over the 10 year period following the closure of the mine, 115 new jobs were created by revitalization projects on the island, however, only 23 jobs are available in 1997. The reasons for this failure are as follows: 1) Takashima's poor locational conditions as an object for investment, 2) the hasty emigration of young and middle aged ex-miners with above average skills and educational backgrounds, 3) the recession associated with the restructuring of the Japanese economy, 4) the low wages paid by these new enterprises and by other businesses which were enticed onto the island, 5) the inability of ex-miners to adjust to the manufacturing sector, and 6) a lack of the entrepreneurship required among managers in other sectors other than coal mining to set up new businesses.
西原 純 齋藤 寛
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.54, no.2, pp.109-130, 2002-04-30 (Released:2009-04-28)

With the restructuring of the Japanese economy during the 1980s, many large enterprises were obliged to downsize or shut down mines and industrial plants. In this paper, we explore the closure of the Takashima coal mine in 1986 by its owner Mitsubishi, one of Japan's largest corporations, as a typical example of industrial decline in one of Japan's peripheral regions. This coal mine had been operating on the small island of Takashima for 118 years. In particular, the authors examine the difficulties experienced by redundant workers in different hierarchically-defined classes in reacting to the closure and the need to reorganize their lives.The results of the research are as follows:(1) During the mining era, there existed a three-tiered social structure, organized by Mitsubishi's mining company, consisting of three differentiated classes of workers: the managerial staff, Mitsubishi's own miners, and miners working for subcontractors. The workers in each class had quite different backgrounds, particularly with regard to educational attainment and occupational skill.(2) When the mine closed, the managerial staff were not retrenched, but instead were relocated from Takashima island to other establishments owned by Mitsubishi. All of the miners, however, whether employed by Mitsubishi or by subcontractors, lost their jobs, and had to seek new jobs and new lives outside of Takashima island.(3) In comparison with workers made redundant by other restructuring industries, such as steel and shipbuilding, Mitsubishi's former miners received a great deal of economic support from both the government and the company. Miners previously employed by subcontractors received little help, however, from their former employers.(4) Former miners, whether previously employed by Mitsubishi or by one of its subcontractors, experienced much greater difficulty in finding new jobs than workers made redundant by other industries. There were also big differences between former Mitsubishi miners and those previously employed by subcontractors in terms of the locations where new jobs were found, the size of their new employers and the salaries they received.(5) During the six months following the closure, out-migration was highly selective: those most likely to leave Takashima island were people of comparatively high social status, such as managerial staff, Mitsubishi's former miners, and younger heads of households. Since then, the municipality of Takashima has failed to revitalize its local economy and has suffered from severe depopulation and a rapid ageing of the community.(6) Miners made redundant by the closure of other Japanese coal mines in the 1980s experienced similar difficulties to those experienced by Takashima's miners in finding new jobs and rebuilding their lives, reflecting the common characteristics of miners everywhere.
西原 純
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.55, no.2, pp.168-175, 2009

西原 純
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨 2009年 人文地理学会大会
pp.42, 2009 (Released:2009-12-16)

行政分野 今次の平成の大合併によって誕生した超広域自治体で、政令指定都市制度を採用した自治体について、浜松市を事例として合併後の行政の実情を明らかにすることを目的とした。 浜松市は、2005年に周辺11市町村を編入合併し、2007年に政令指定都市となったが、合併後の行政の実情・評価を、旧12市町村連合自治会長らへのインタビュー調査、旧浜松市・旧天竜市・旧水窪町の住民へのアンケート調査によって把握した。 自治会長へのインタビュー調査・住民アンケートによって、編入市町村ほど合併に不満が強く、窓口サービスの低下が顕著であった。さらに、新市や区についての帰属意識もまだ醸成されておらず、一つの自治体として機能するためにはかなりの時間が必要である。
日野 正輝 富田 和暁 伊東 理 西原 純 村山 祐司 津川 康雄 山崎 健 伊藤 悟 藤井 正 松田 隆典 根田 克彦 千葉 昭彦 寺谷 亮司 山下 宗利 由井 義通 石丸 哲史 香川 貴志 大塚 俊幸 古賀 慎二 豊田 哲也 橋本 雄一 松井 圭介 山田 浩久 山下 博樹 藤塚 吉浩 山下 潤 芳賀 博文 杜 国慶 須田 昌弥 朴 チョン玄 堤 純 伊藤 健司 宮澤 仁 兼子 純 土屋 純 磯田 弦 山神 達也 稲垣 稜 小原 直人 矢部 直人 久保 倫子 小泉 諒 阿部 隆 阿部 和俊 谷 謙二

1990年代後半が日本の都市化において時代を画する時期と位置づけられる。これを「ポスト成長都市」の到来と捉えて、持続可能な都市空間の形成に向けた都市地理学の課題を検討した。その結果、 大都市圏における人口の都心回帰、通勤圏の縮小、ライフサイクルからライフスタイルに対応した居住地移動へのシフト、空き家の増大と都心周辺部でのジェントリフィケーションの併進、中心市街地における住環境整備の在り方、市町村合併と地域自治の在り方、今後の都市研究の方向性などが取組むべき課題として特定された。
石川 義孝 宮澤 仁 竹ノ下 弘久 中谷 友樹 西原 純 千葉 立也 神谷 浩夫 杜 国慶 山本 健兒 高畑 幸 竹下 修子 片岡 博美 花岡 和聖 是川 夕
