初宿 成彦 安井 通宏 市川 顕彦 桂 孝次郎 河合 正人 中谷 憲一 山崎 一夫 大阪市立自然史博物館「都市の自然」調査グループ甲虫班
自然史研究 = SHIZENSHI-KENKYU, Occasional Papers from the Osaka Museum of Natural History (ISSN:00786683)
vol.4, no.3, pp.41-104, 2020-02-28

大阪市内の甲虫類 867 種を、市民による野外調査、標本検視、文献引用により記録した。そのう ちの 195 種がレッドリスト掲載に相当すると考えられた。これらには 1950 年代および 80 年代に消滅し たものが多い。現在、甲虫の種数は2つの大河川周辺で最も多く、ここに限定して存続しているもの、ま たかつて市街地周辺にも見られたものもある。また外来種のように新しく分布するようになったものもあ る。このような変遷の記録と概観は、稀少種のみならず、普通種を含めた多数の標本が保管されること により可能である。
井口 広靖 平手 博之 長沼 愛友 関谷 憲晃 小笠原 治 上村 友二 星加 麻衣子 藤掛 数馬 太田 晴子 祖父江 和哉

【背景】ストレス心筋症の多くは典型的なたこつぼ型の左室壁運動を呈するが、約2割は非典型的な左室壁運動を呈し、逆たこつぼ型となるのは全体の2%程度である。一方、ギラン・バレー症候群とストレス心筋症の合併はまれである。今回、逆たこつぼ型心筋症を合併したギラン・バレー症候群の症例を経験した。【臨床経過】75歳の男性。発熱、下痢を主訴に他院受診、カンピロバクター腸炎と診断された。抗菌薬治療で速やかに改善したが、発熱から1週間後に両上肢の脱力が出現、翌日には両下肢の脱力により歩行困難となった。さらに翌日には、呼吸状態が悪化、気管挿管人工呼吸器管理となったため当院に転院搬送され、ICU管理となった。前医での気管挿管後より血圧低下あり、当院搬送時には昇圧薬の持続投与が行われていた。ICU入室時の12誘導心電図でV1からV4誘導でST上昇を認め、経胸壁心臓超音波検査で左室基部の壁運動低下と心尖部の過収縮があり、逆たこつぼ型心筋症と診断した。同日施行した神経伝導検査で末梢神経伝導速度の延長があり、ギラン・バレー症候群と診断、転院1日目から二重膜濾過血漿交換を5日間施行した。左室壁運動については、駆出率(modified Simpson法)は1日目から3日目を通して55%前後で著変なかったが、左室基部の壁運動は経時的に改善し、左室流出路の速度時間積分値は1日目に12cmと低下していたものが、2日目は17cm、3日目は19cmと改善を認めた。3日目には昇圧薬の持続投与は中止した。7日目より免疫グロブリン静注療法を5日間施行したが、短期的な筋力回復は認めず、長期の人工呼吸器管理が必要と判断し、8日目に気管切開を行った。9日目よりステロイドパルス療法を3日間施行した後、12日目に人工呼吸器管理のまま一般病棟へ退室した。昇圧薬中止後の循環動態は終始安定していた。【結論】ギラン・バレー症候群患者で循環動態が悪化した場合、まれではあるがストレス心筋症の合併を疑う必要がある。
谷 憲
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.93, no.6, pp.1041-1057,1144-, 1984-06-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

It is well-known that the nomadic tribes through Central and Northern Asia had the custom of injuring one's body---slashing one's face (〓面), cutting one's ear (割耳・截耳), or cutting off one's hair (剪髪)---, which description we can find in Chinese or Islamic sources, the inscription of ancient Turkey, wall paintings, et al. The custom of injuring one's body has hitherto been regarded as a rite conducted at a funeral as a sign of the self-immolation of an attendant on the death of his lord, and it has its origin in a magical invocation for the resurrection of the dead. It is an accepted opinion that by performing more than two acts of that kind at one time, not one by one, the nomadic tribes in the Inland Areas observed their custom to express their condolences or to pledge loyalty to the dead. All the acts of injuring one's body, however, are not described as concerned with funeral rites in the above-mentioned sources. By close examination of other possibilities, it was found out that the same kind of act was performed for the following purposes : first to pledge loyalty to a livng person, not the dead ; second to wish strongly something ; third to part from someone. The closer examination revealed that each case implicated "swearing an oath". At this point it became clear that when the nomadic people implied "swearing an oath", they slashed their faces and cut their ears, but did not cut off their hair. It is presumed, therefore, that the act of "shedding blood" showed some implication of "swearing an oath". This presumption is corroborated by descriptions of Scythian in "History" by Herodotus and those of "T'u-fan ch'uan (吐蕃 = Tibetans 伝)" in "Chiu T'ang-shu (旧唐書)" and "Hsin T'ang-shu (新唐書)". In consequence it has been supposed that among the nomadic tribes in the central and northern parts of Asia, the act of "shedding blood" by slashing one's face or cutting one's ear did not merely meant the formalization of a magical invocation for the resurrection of the dead, but also included some implication of "swearing an oath", and that the act of cutting off one's hair alone originated directly in the self-immolation of an attendant on the death of his lord. Furthermore with this supposition it became clear that the nomadic tribes such as "T'u-chueh (突厥 = Tur(u)k)" and "Hui-ho (回〓 = Uighur)" also used the custom of injuring one's body as a political means in order to flaunt their own tribal power by forcing foreign tribes to perform the same act.
本間 行彦 高岡 和夫 與澤 宏一 片岡 是充 後藤 壮一郎 千丈 雅徳 水島 宣昭 辻 和之 今井 純生 水谷 保幸 角谷 憲史 恩田 芳和 新井田 榮路 新井 慎治 根岸 利幸 越前屋 幸平 藤田 克裕 宮本 光明 小関 利行
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.47, no.2, pp.245-252, 1996-09-20 (Released:2010-03-12)
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かぜ症候群に対する麻黄附子細辛湯 (株) ツムラ, TJ-127) の有用性を検討するため, 封筒法による総合感冒薬との比較試験を行った。対象はTJ-127群83例, 総合感冒薬群88例で, 性, 年齢, 発病から投薬までの期間など, 両群の背景因子に有意差はみられなかった。結果として, 全般改善度では, TJ-127群は中等度改善以上が81.9%であり,一方総合感冒薬群は60.3%であった (P<0.01)。また, 患者に各種症状の経過をかぜ日記として記載してもらい, それらを検討した結果, 発熱, 熱感, 全身倦怠感, せき・たんの各症状において, TJ-127群の方が総合感冒薬群より有意に短期間に消失することが認められた。安全性においてもTJ-127群に問題となるものは認められなかった。以上の成績から, TJ-127はかぜ症候群の治療に有用な薬剤と考えられた。
谷 憲一
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.79, no.4, pp.417-428, 2015-03-31 (Released:2017-04-03)

The aim of this paper is to shed light on a new approach to examining the Islamic revival in modern societies. This approach is often articulated by means of what I identify as the "critiques of secularism," insofar as it encompasses a wide range of criticism for secular societies. The Islamic revival has attracted the attention of many social scientists, since it contradicts the idea that modernization is accompanied by secularization. Some scholars make sense of the Islamic revival by studying the rise and growth of certain elements of modernity in Islamic societies. In the process, they tend to engage in the 'objectification of Islam' and thereupon establish some kind of relationship between the simultaneous historical processes of modernity and Islamic revival. Their approaches open a line of inquiry for comparative research, often pursued as a form of "multiple modernities." In contrast, the "critiques of secularism" approach reveals the problems of the "multiple modernities" theory, and inquires other aspects of Islamic revival through the West/Islam binary. Asad and his followers inquire into the problem of why we tend to see Islamic revival as a strange political development. Asad argued that in trying to define religion and its difference with other realms of religious societies, one is not only engaging in a theoretical question, but also simultaneously grappling with the political agenda of 'secularism,' eventually marking out a conceptual distinction between politics and religion. Secularism as an ideal concept often determines an anthropologist's work, so we must conspicuously describe how Islam is a mix of religion and otherwise related sociopolitical realms. In an interesting way, therefore, they problematize the asymmetry inherent in the binary of the West (as liberal secularism) and Islam, and by juxtaposing the West and Islam, criticize Western assumptions about liberalism and secularism. As a remedy to the incongruent binary, they use two distinct concepts for comparing Islam with the West symmetrically: Islamic discursive traditions and their practices of self-cultivation are contrasted with the beliefs and practices of secularism. Thus, their conceptual apparatus, which is inclusive of diverse beliefs and practices, urges us to rethink our assumptions about modern liberal secularism as well as about Islam. Mahmood and Hirschkind also admit that modern developments of Islamic revival in Cairo can be comprehended only by ethnographically describing specific aspects of pious Muslims' everyday activities. The critiques of secularism proffer a novel approach to exploring the phenomenon of modern Islamic revival movements. That is a major contribution to the disciplines of anthropology and Islamic studies, which we must appreciate appropriately to harness deep insights into modern societies. At the same time, one must not disregard how such ethnographies may be criticized by other intellectual perspectives. In other words, we must recognize what may become invisible in the wake of new insights, while committing coherently to various critiques of secularism and the attendant binary.
奥 恒行 藤田 温彦 細谷 憲政
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.36, no.4, pp.301-303, 1983 (Released:2010-02-22)
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Eight healthy subjects (average age 27. 5 years old) were orally administered 200 ml of the control solution (containing 50 g of glucose) or the test solutions (containing 50 g of glucose and 5 g of glucomannan or cellulose), and compared with the suppressive effect on the enhancement of blood glucose level.Glucomannan delayed the intestinal absorption of glucose and could significantly suppress the maximal level of blood glucose, but cellulose could not. Addition of pullulan of 5 or 10 g to glucose solution also did not show the suppressive effect on blood glucose level.
谷 憲一
くにたち人類学研究 (ISSN:18809375)
vol.10, pp.24-40, 2015

小幡 史明 影治 照喜 田畑 良 長瀬 紗季 生田 奈央 森 敬子 谷 憲治 坂東 弘康
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.38, no.1, pp.18-22, 2015 (Released:2015-03-27)

背景 : 発症4.5時間以内の急性期脳梗塞患者に対するrt-PA静注療法が認可され有効性が報告されているが, 医療過疎地域では専門医不足と地理的条件からその実施は困難なことが多い.目的及び方法 : 2013年2月から2014年2月までの間, 当院に救急搬送された急性期脳梗塞患者は75例あり, このうち4例 (5.3%) に遠隔画像システム (k-support) を用いて画像診断を行いrt-PA静注療法のdrip and ship法を行った. この4例をretrospectiveに再評価し, 発症後の時間経過や治療転帰などについて検討した.結果 : 4例に対してdrip and ship法を施行し, 1例において閉塞血管の再開通が得られ症状の改善が見られた.考察 : 遠隔画像システムを利用することによってrt-PA静注療法のdrip and ship法が医療過疎地域においても安全に実施できると考えられた.
長谷 憲一郎
映像学 (ISSN:02860279)
vol.104, pp.51-72, 2020-07-25 (Released:2020-08-25)

水野谷 憲郎
淑徳短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02886758)
vol.53, pp.153-165, 2014-02-25

奥 恒行 金 順姫 細谷 憲政
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
栄養と食糧 (ISSN:18838863)
vol.34, no.2, pp.145-151, 1981 (Released:2009-11-16)
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The activity and localization of hydrolysis enzyme of maltitol and the effect of maltose on maltitol hydrolysis were studied using the rat intestinal mucosa. The utilization of maltitol was, further, observed in the fasted and in the fed rats. The results obtained were as follows:1. The hydrolysis activity to maltitol was highest in the jejunum and was about one-twentieth of that to maltose.2. The maltitol hydrolysis by jejunal enzyme was strongly inhibited in the presence of maltose.3. It was suggested that maltitol was slowly hydrolyzed by maltase.4. When the animal was simultaneously given with maltitol and diet, the utilization of maltitol was significantly reduced as compared with that of the dose of maltitol alone.5. A portion of maltitol administered was absorbed without hydrolysis from intestine, and the native form, maltitol, was excreted in the urine.
井川 良雄 熊谷 憲
Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
粉体および粉末冶金 (ISSN:05328799)
vol.38, no.4, pp.552-556, 1991

The Osprey Process introduced here is a kind of spray deposition, available for manufacturing bulk preform of high density and high strength by one process straight from molten metals.<BR>The characteristics of this osprey preform are as follows;<BR>(1) Osprey preform density as deposit is higher than 99.4% for high speed steel (Disc preform) and higher than 99.3% for high carbon high speed steel (Tube preform).<BR>(2) The transverse rupture strength of Osprey preform after forged is superior to that of wrought alloy.<BR>(3) The transverse rupture strength of Osprey preform after HIP treatment is 2 times as high as that of conventional cast.<BR>(4) The density and strength of Osprey preform which were adequately deposited, worked and heat treated are expected to be improved further.
水野谷 憲郎 Norio MIZUNOYA
淑徳短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Junior College of Shukutoku (ISSN:02886758)
vol.52, pp.81-94, 2013-02-25
