長岡 智明 櫻井 清子 国枝 悦夫 渡辺 聡一 本間 寛之 鈴木 保 河川 光正 酒本 勝之 小川 幸次 此川 公紀 久保田 勝巳 金 鳳洙 多氣 昌生 山中 幸雄 渡辺 敏
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
医用電子と生体工学 (ISSN:00213292)
vol.40, no.4, pp.239-246, 2002 (Released:2011-10-14)

We have developed high-resolution voxel models of the whole body from MR images of Japanese adult male and female volunteers. These models can be used for dosimetry simulation of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields over 1GHz. The MR images were taken by making a series of scans over several days; that is, a subject was scanned in several blocks. Scan parameters were optimized for head and body, respectively, in order to get practical contrast and to save data acquisition time. An implement was used to keep the position and form of the subject. All of the MR images were converted to TIFF format. The continuities between different blocks of the data were corrected to form a whole body. Furthermore, the resolution of the images was changed into 2×2mm. Male and female models were segmented into 51 tissues and organs. This segmentation was performed manually using popular image-processing software. The developed models consisted of isotropic voxels with a side of 2mm. Although the masses of the skin and small-sized tissues and organs of the models deviated from the averaged values for Japanese due to the limitation of spatial resolution, the masses of the other tissues and organs and the morphometric measures were nearly equivalent to those of the average Japanese. The models are the first voxel models of the average Japanese that can be used for the dosimetry of electromagnetic fields over 1GHz. Furthermore, the female model is the first of its kind in the world. The models can also be used for various numerical simulations related to Japanese human bodies in other fields of research.
堤 きく江 土屋 千佳子 花輪 和己 鈴木 正彦 花輪 剛久 小口 敏夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.128, no.6, pp.965-970, 2008-06-01 (Released:2008-06-01)
1 1

Beraprost sodium (BPS) is often used for pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine the expiration date of the powdered medicine prepared by grinding tablets. In the present study, the hygroscopicity and stability of the beraprost tablet (DORNER® tablet), ground Dorner tablet and powder formulation (Doener powder) consisting of the ground DORNER® tablet and lactose (EFC® lactose) were investigated after storage at various relative humidities (RHs) and light exposures. While the DORNER® tablets and ground DORNER® tablets were found to adsorb significant amounts of water vapor at an RHs of greater than 51.0%, Dorner powder scarcely adsorbed water. The stability of BPS in the Dorner powder decreased after storage under 3000 lux for 90 days. From these results, the expiration date and storage conditions of Dorner powder were determined to “90 days without exposure to light.” We also investigated the stability of BPS in solutions of various pH values on the assumption that Dorner powder may be given to pediatric patients after dissolving in soft drinks. Because BPS degraded significantly below pH 2, pharmacists should alert patients not to take Dorner powder with acidic soft drinks.
鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.409-427, 2021

Hirobumi Daimatsu was a legendary sports coach in Japan, especially after coaching the Japanese women's national volleyball team ("the Oriental Witches") that won the World Championship in 1962 and the gold medal in the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games.<br> He was famous for his extreme training methods and had a great influence on coaching methodologies for Japanese sports as a whole. Although many studies have examined his way of thinking from various perspectives, the relationship between his war experiences and his approach to coaching has not been analyzed sufficiently. The present study aimed to examine how Daimatsu's first-hand war experiences ("keiken") developed into his coaching beliefs ("taiken"), focusing specifically on a theory created by Yoshida that war veterans' understanding of their experiences had been changing over time from when they re-entered society and grew older. Yoshida made this transformation clear by referring to 5 periods since the end of the Second World War in 1945.<br> Firstly, many demobilized soldiers including Daimatsu had to face civilians who hated the Japanese military just after defeat. They lost their morale, from 1945 to around 1950 could not talk about the military or the War. Secondly, even after former professional officers and wartime politicians had been rehabilitated, the veterans themselves still found it difficult to positively address some topics related to the War in the 1950s.<br> Thirdly, the generation that had experienced the War who shouldered the responsibility of reconstruction from the destruction and devastation gradually gained confidence and became able to talk about their wartime experiences. Some of them discovered a positive meaning in their own experiences on the battlefield from the late 1950s to the late 1960s. Daimatsu was a typical example of the third period because he spoke clearly about the positive meaning of his war experiences.<br> Penultimately, in the 1970s and 1980s, that generation of Japanese became able to accept the responsibility for the War, especially in Asia, and to gradually acknowledge the negative aspects of their experiences. Finally, in the 1990s, a small number of survivors chose to disclose tragic stories that had not come to light previously.<br> Thus, Daimatsu was only one of a generation that had experienced the War and who became recognized as a spokesman for many of that generation who held common feelings.
平井 昂宏 貝沼 関志 林 智子 長谷川 和子 青山 正 水野 祥子 鈴木 章悟 西脇 公俊
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.23, no.6, pp.647-650, 2016-11-01 (Released:2016-11-01)

プロポフォール注入症候群(propofol infusion syndrome, PRIS)は,プロポフォール使用中に横紋筋融解,急性腎傷害(acute kidney injury, AKI),乳酸アシドーシス,脂質異常症などを来す症候群である。早期にPRISを疑いプロポフォール中止によって救命できた一例を経験した。症例は44歳の男性,スタンフォードA型大動脈解離に対して弓部置換術を行った。術後にプロポフォールを用いて鎮静を行っていたところ,血液生化学検査でCKが15,247 IU/lまで上昇し,AKI,乳酸アシドーシスを認めたためにPRISを強く疑った。プロポフォールの投与中止によりCKは速やかに減少し,AKI,乳酸アシドーシスも改善した。後に撮影されたCTで大腿から臀部の筋内に高吸収域を認め,横紋筋融解後の変化があった。プロポフォールの長期投与中はCK,pH,乳酸値などを定期的にモニタリングし,PRISを疑った場合は早期に他の鎮静薬への変更が必要であると考えられた。
鈴木 元彬 POOPIPATTANA Chomphunut 春日 郁朗 古米 弘明
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.74, no.7, pp.III_169-III_179, 2018

鈴木 正文
研究紀要 (ISSN:02868059)
vol.21, pp.65-72, 1990-01

この研究は, 暈繝彩色が, 装飾位の豊かな桃山時代において新たな発展を見せた彫刻や絵画と, どのような係わりをもちながら受け継がれていったのかを, 建築装飾を主軸として調べた。鎌倉時代以前の建築装飾としての彩色は, 暈繝がその比重の多くを占めていたが, 室町時代の絵画的要素の混在した時期を経て桃山時代に至ると, 霊廟や神社の豊かな装飾彫刻は, モティーフの多様化と同時に絵画的要素を立体化させた。その彩色は纂股が示す様に, 金を多用した濃絵風の彩色が主体となり, 暈繝はこれらの彫刻の周囲を飾る額縁的な役割を果たす様になる。しかし, 立体化された様々なモティーフのうち, 雲は暈繝彩色され, 当時の金碧障壁画の金雲のように, 各モティーフを繋ぐ構成上重要な役割を果たしていることがわかる。一方, 西洋との交易により数多く描かれた南蛮屏風や, 漢画の影響を強く受けた障壁画のなかには,中華風の建物の瓦の表現に暈繝彩色を用いることにより異国情緒滋れるものに仕上げているものがある。当時の人々の異国的イメージと, 暈繝彩色の大陸的手法との結び付きに輿味がもたれる。

2 0 0 0 OA 語学捷径

鈴木重胤 著
vol.上, 0000
鈴木 勉
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.121, no.12, pp.909-914, 2001-12-01 (Released:2002-09-27)
10 10

Clinical studies have demonstrated that when opiates are used to control cancer pain, psychological dependence and analgesic tolerance are not a major concern. The present study was, therefore, designed to investigate the modulation of rewarding effects of opiates under inflammatory chronic pain in SD rats. Formalin (2.5%, 50 μl) or carrageenan (1%, 100 μl) was injected into the plantar surface of the rat paw. Formalin and carrageenan reduced the paw pressure threshold. The hyperalgesia lasted for 9 to 13 days. Rewarding effect of morphine was evaluated by conditioned place preference paradigm. Morphine produced a significant place preference. This effect was significantly attenuated in inflamed groups as compared with the respective non-inflamed groups. Furthermore, the morphine-induced place preference in the inflamed group gradually recovered to the respective control level as the inflammation healed. On the other hand, we found that κ-opioid receptor agonists markedly inhibit rewarding effect of μ-opioid receptor agonists. Therefore, to elucidate the mechanism of this attenuation, the effects of pretreatment with κ- and δ-opioid receptor antagonists, nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI) and naltrindole (NTI), on the development of the morphine-induced place preference under inflammation were examined. Nor-BNI, but not NTI, eliminated the suppression of the morphine-induced place preference in inflamed groups. The morphine-induced increase in dopamine turnover in the limbic forebrain was suppressed under inflammation, and the suppression was abolished by the pretreatment with nor-BNI. These results suggest that endogenous κ-opioid systems may be activated by chronic inflammatory nociception, resulting in the suppression of the development of rewarding effects produced by morphine.
松川 瞬 板倉 賢一 早野 明 鈴木 幸司
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.133, no.11, pp.256-263, 2017-11-01 (Released:2017-11-16)

LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) detects a rock mass surface as a point cloud, and threedimensional configurations of the rock mass can be obtained from the point cloud. In previous studies, algorithms to estimate discontinuities from a point cloud have been developed. In those algorithms, it is necessary to determine geological parameters in advance. DiAna(Discontinuity Analysis) is a Matlab tool which was developed for geostructural analysis of rock mass discontinuities. It is a semi-automatic tool. DiAna segments a point cloud into bounding boxes to estimate the surface of a rock mass. However, an expert's skills necessary to determine the appropriate size of the bounding boxes for DiAna. We developed the VBS (Variable-Box Segmentation) algorithm to determine the appropriate box size depending on the location of the point cloud and to estimate the surface of a rock mass. The VBS algorithm consists principally of three processes: large box segmentation, small box segmentation, and merging. The small boxes are merged to obtain an appropriate box size. The surface of the rock mass is estimated using the point cloud in the box. The performance of the VBS algorithms was evaluated using point clouds obtained by a geological survey. For evaluation, we estimated reference rock mass surfaces manually using the point cloud and geological sketches by geologists. Similarities among the respective reference surfaces and the surfaces estimated using the VBS algorithm were measured. Similarities among the respective reference surfaces and the surfaces estimated using the DiAna algorithm were also measured. The similarities among them were compared using standard competition ranking. The results of comparison showed that the VBS algorithm estimated planes more accurately for the reference planes than the DiAna algorithm. Therefore, the VBS algorithm determines appropriate box sizes automatically depending on the location of the point cloud and estimates the surface appropriately.
杉江 夏呼 中谷 扶美子 宮本 育美 平井 浩之 鈴木 裕美
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.66, pp.1027-1032, 2021-06-20 (Released:2021-06-20)

The study describes an architectural survey of The Fujita Museum warehouses. The two buildings were built in 1911 immediately after reinforced concrete construction was introduced in Japan. And after 107 years the buildings were demolished in 2018. The warehouse 1 had a superior in fireproof performance because it was made of double outer wall and with an incline roof that were made from reinforced concrete. It also have a steel roof truss that was a produced domestically by The Imperial Steel Works, Japan.
熊王 康宏 鈴木 翔 神宮 英夫
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.14, no.2-2, pp.114-118, 2010-10-15 (Released:2012-12-28)
1 1

The relation among evaluations in eating quality affects one's “desire to purchase”, “sense of safety”, and “sense of well-being”. The purpose of this study was to clarity the relation among evaluations of the eating quality of raw ham, as well as to determine how the relation influences one's “desire to purchase”, “sense of safety”, and “sense of well-being.” In this study, the samples were four raw hams which were very similar in terms of chemical composition, texture, and price. The result of principle component analysis indicated the importance of the “general evaluation by ‘umami’ and good texture” and “a moist texture as judged by the degree of saltiness” of the ham. The result of discriminant analysis indicated that the “general evaluation by ‘umami’ and good texture” affected one's “desire to purchase” and “sense of safety”, and the “moist texture as judged by the degree of the saltiness” affected the “sense of well-being.” In other words, the relation among evaluations of eating quality was affected by the purchasing evaluations.

2 0 0 0 OA 因果物語

鈴木正三 著